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Episode Transcript:
Tatiana Gefter:
Hello, everyone, my name is Tatiana Gefter. I use she/they pronouns and I am playing Alma of the Vale with The Gravedigger playbook.
Michi Zaya:
Hi, my name is Michi Zaya. I use any pronouns and I am playing Fletcher, The Witch.
Jenine Florence Jacinto:
My name is Jenine Florence Jacinto. I use they/them pronouns and I play Hoku Bayani.
Octa Delgado:
Hello, my name is Octa. I go by they/them pronouns. And I will play Neu Threestrings from The Weaver playbook.
Harper Sage Pettit:
Hi, my name is Harper Sage Pettit. I use they or she pronouns and I will be your guide for this season of queeRPG, Of Kith and Pen.
Kenzie Tartaglione:
The content warning for this episode includes mind control, a brief physical altercation, and complex and complicated relationships.
Tatiana (Alma):
Hi Dad, I know it hasn't been that long since I've been away, but I thought that I should update you on some things that have been going on in my time away. And Oh my God, things that can happen in just a few days! I don't know if mom has shared anything with you from my last letter, but so much has happened even since then. We're currently in Middledwell, which is a very interesting place, but most importantly we've come across this quote-un-quote secret organization called The Preservation, who are supposedly here to protect us and you know maintain the kiths’ existence. But I don't know, I don't trust them very much; actually, no one in the group really trusts them, which is fine. We have started to actually talk to our serval, Fallon. Neu sent zem a letter this morning you know, we've been kind of bad at maintaining communication, but it's okay.
Regardless, we figured out a few things while we were at Middledwell’s memorial; we got to see the like birth of a god, which was kind of crazy. Or at least, they got to see the birth of a god, I can't really see like the memory stuff- that's not really my area, but they said that it was pretty interesting. And we also keep learning about these he-mans, and the last he-man specifically: there is this heman named Lavender who was apparently the last human, and they said to forget the memories of humans and if we do they will never come back. So that's been a problem because clearly we do kind of remember them and talk about them, and apparently it's a heman that's come back and started taking the gods. I know, a little complicated, but we have a bigger problem right now. And the bigger problem right now is that there are capitalists in Middledwell, and we hate them, and they kidnapped Neu’s friend from like way back, so right now we're actually sitting outside the compound. Neu and Hoku and Chandler went inside to go get Foster, who is Neu’s friend that was kidnapped, and we're essentially trying to help Foster get their memories back about Neu so that they'll come with us and, you know, save the day. I'm sure that's all going fine. Anyway, I just wanted to
Sirens start going off, the letter is unfinished.
Harper (Guide):
Hoku, Neu, and Chandler are inside scrambling trying to get out. What are Fletcher, Alma, and Kalix in this moment before the sirens go off? So Alma, you're writing a letter. Fletcher, what are you up to?
So, Fletcher is thinking about this potion that he's made, and he's hoping that it worked. And all he’s hoping for is to see Neu and Foster coming out like, being friends and like, being like “oh I'd did such a good thing!” He's really like, he's having a moment of being proud of himself, because he made like a really good potion, and you know he hasn't made a potion in- since they left the Lastings, and so he just feels really good to be in his element again right now.
Harper (Guide):
I feel like Kalix would come over and ask
Harper (Kalix):
Is it OK if I sit next to you?
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh, yeah, that okay, I don't think this spots wet. I checked my spot first because sometimes I sit in mud and it gets stuck on my cloak and it's really embarrassing.
Harper (Guide):
I mean he just kind of like plops down and looks at you and says
Harper (Kalix):
I think the messiness is one of the most wonderful things about you. You are unabashedly yourself, and I think that's really, really cool.
Michi (Fletcher):
Thank you! I don’t get called really cool all the time, so I appreciate it.
Harper (Kalix):
Yes, maybe cool wasn't the best word, but yes I think you're really great and I- yes, I've been enjoying being around you. I'm so glad I've been able to be on this trip.
Michi (Fletcher):
I’m really glad you’re on the trip, too. It’d be really hard without you.
Harper (Kalix):
I do like throwing you, which is nice, but maybe we could do something else sometime? Just the two of us, that doesn't involve throwing? Unless of course you wanted to be thrown, I could do that.Michi (Fletcher):
You seem to like throwing, but that might be nice. I mean I know it’s hard with the mission and everything, and I know that you're not from The Lastings and this isn't necessarily your mission, but that would be nice.
Harper (Kalix):
Yes, I’ve- I know I'm not from The Lastings, but whatever is going on here is definitely affecting Portsmore as well, and now seeming to trickle over into Middledwell in some ways. So it's something that we're all needing to be a part of. But, yes, maybe –
Harper (Guide):
And whenever he says “maybe,” that's when the siren goes. And he's like flustered, looks back and forth
Harper (Kalix):
We’ll revisit that. What do we do? That does not sound good.
Michi (Fletcher):
Alma, is everything okay?
Tatiana (Alma):
Um, ah, I dont- ah, sirens aren’t usually a great sign. Hold on.
Alma is gonna try to get up, and she’s gonna try to get like a, you know, from where she's standing she's gonna move to try and get a better vantage point to see if maybe she can see, like, where exactly like the chaos and the commotion is coming from in the compound.
Harper (Guide):
Go ahead and give me a heart roll.
That’s a nine total.
Harper (Guide):
The commotion seems to be coming from the main building at the center. Like, you see that like there's a lot of folks that were like, lingering about in different like outlook or guard positions, and they're all moving towards like that central point.
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh, fuck. Not good. Not good at all, actually. Um, we need to do something, we need to cause a distraction somehow so that our friends have an opportunity to escape.
Michi (Fletcher):
You said a bad word.
Tatiana (Alma):
Fletcher, don’t make me say it again.
Michi (Fletcher):
Tatiana (Alma):
I’m gonna say it again. Fletcher, we need to cause a distraction or else I'm going to say a lot more bad words. So many, so many bad words. I'll come up with new ones.
Michi (Fletcher):
That’s not really nice at all.
Tatiana (Alma):
It makes me feel better.
Harper (Kalix):
Before more bad words are said, how do we feel about a good throwing session? Could that be a distraction?
Michi (Fletcher):
I can be thrown anytime.
Tatiana (Alma):
Maybe if Fletcher is dropping something from above?
Michi (Fletcher):
What do I drop?
Harper (Kalix):
Do you not wanna be thrown, Fletcher? We don’t have to do any throwing.
Michi (Fletcher):
No, I can be thrown.
Harper (Kalix):
We can do something else, we can do something else.
Michi (Fletcher):
You can throw me, just throw me at the guys. It will be fine.
Tatiana (Alma):
Okay we'll come up with something else.
Harper (Kalix):
Yes, we're gonna come up with something else, because we need a very enthusiastic yes. That's what I like to hear. There's hesitation, so let's do something else. I can throw throw something else, and also our plan doesn't have to include any throwing- no throwing at all.
Michi (Fletcher):
Throwing would be good.
Tatiana (Alma):
What if we just go up to the front door?
Michi (Fletcher):
Tatiana (Alma):
We can act! We can, cause they don't know that we're with those guys. So we could just be like, “hey we're here to join up! And like, what's the- you know, you guys have been like, you know in town a lot and you’ve been talking about all this stuff. We're really interested in that. Do you guys have any pamphlets or brochures or anything?”
Michi (Fletcher):
Are you saying we go and buy their machines?
Tatiana (Alma):
No, we didn't have to actually buy them, we just have to be distracting and like disruptive.
Harper (Kalix):
I do like that idea but I'm honestly not sure of in the middle of whatever this is they're going to be too interested in chatting.
Tatiana (Alma):
Trust me, these types, they want to keep up appearances as best as possible they're going to want to deescalate the situation quickly so that they can maintain our potential clientele.
Michi (Fletcher):
You’re really good at sales, Alma. We can go ask them about their machines.
Tatiana (Alma):
Ding dong! Like hey, guys, we're here looking maybe to buy. We should get rid of our disguises because I feel like that would give us away.
Michi (Fletcher):
Tatiana (Alma):
Let’s just look normal for a minute, because hopefully the only people who can recognize us are otherwise occupied.
Harper (Guide):
You take off the disguises and start to head down to the front. Let's jump back into the compound. Hoku, Neu, and Chandler: you've got in here easily enough, but you didn’t have a siren blaring down you, didn't have probably a whole ass army coming after you. How the hell are you getting out of this situation? You closed the door, what's the plan? Where you going?
I have Neu on my back because they got some little legs and I got some long ones, so that makes things a little easier. And I don't know if they are comfortable with running in the state that they are in now after what we just witnessed, so we're going back in the piggyback ride. Is my little lightning, uh, shadows friend still with us? The little shadow forgotten god?
Harper (Guide):
Oh absolutely.
First I turn to Neu and just give them like a little forehead kiss, just like everything's OK kind of situation, and then turn to the forgotten god and go
Jenine (Hoku):
You wouldn't happen to have any recommendations on how to get out of here? Sorry for all the blaring noises that are coming out now and all the lights, are you okay?
Harper (Guide):
The shadow kind of like shimmers. Do you have any tokens left?
I do, I have two.
Harper (Guide):
If you wanna use a token to kind of shape the story I think I have a pretty cool idea.
I would love to use a token to shape the story.
Harper (Guide):
So I was thinking that maybe the god could maybe do something with its powers to make it so that you can, like, travel between shadows or something like that?
I would love that immensely.
Harper (Guide):
You hear like banging on the door from the other side where, yeah, Foster Filigree, and you hear hear like his muffled yelling from the other side of the door as he is banging on the door. And you hear footsteps coming from down the hall, and this shadow just like, kind of like reaches out to you, Hoku, pulls you in, and you are down the hall behind where the footsteps were coming. And grabs Chandler, and then Chandler's there like
Harper (Chandler):
Oh wow, oh my gosh, they’re down there now and we're down here, oh my god this is so cool!
Jenine (Hoku):
Go go with the flow let's go!
Octa (Neu):
There’s nothing cool about this.
I do a little head pat.
They’ll let's their head get pat, but very much trying to hold in tears.
We’re sprinting, we're going.
Harper (Guide):
You kind of like shadow jump the rest of the way out. It ends up putting you on the side of the building and as you're on the side of the building about to shadow jump to the wall and beyond, you hear a door swing open and you see a group of folks that gives you a little moment to pause and think. But you see Professor Peppers, Riften, and Force followed out by Horus, and they see you.
Octa (Neu):
Hoku, is that- is that Peppers with Horus?
We’re shadow jumping.
Harper (Guide):
You're grabbed and brought out to the outside of the gate, and you you see a group of folks up in the front gate. It looks like your friends but they're not dressed in disguises anymore, but they are in the middle of a conversation. Let's jump back to how that went. Fletcher, Alma and Kalix ran down this like little hill and started banging on this gate, and we'll say that a, yeah a tiger, comes and opens up a little like window and they say,
Harper (Tiger Guard):
Who is it? What is your business here?
Tatiana (Alma):
Hi! We’re interested in purchasing one of the machines that you guys make in this compound we heard that this is the place to go from the people in town.
Harper (Tiger Guard):
You have to schedule an appointment with our business office.
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh but you see, we're not from town, and we're leaving very quickly. I'm afraid you won't be able to book an appointment before we must depart, and we would hate to leave without at least getting to see someone.
Harper (Tiger Guard):
You want us to just make an exception for you? If we make an exception for you then we have to make an exception for everyone.
Tatiana (Alma):
Well what everyone doesn't know won't hurt them, right? And you know what they say, you know, customer service is king.
Harper (Tiger Guard):
We do things differently around here.
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh, please! Come on.
Harper (Tiger Guard):
Plus, we’re also in the middle of a crisis. Can you not hear the sirens?
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh, I thought that was just something that you do. I, you know, I'm not super knowledgeable about machines, I thought maybe that was just a way to bring people in and get them excited.
Harper (Tiger Guard):
I need to be going.
Michi (Fletcher):
This is very urgent! I thought that the future was machines. I thought that this was the future of Middledwell. And as somebody who believes in Middledwell, I think this is unacceptable! I mean, how are you supposed to be the future of Middledwell if you're not even willing to show up for these guests from a far, far away travel? I mean, do you even get guests that often? I think you are absolutely losing an opportunity to be your best self in representing Middledwell with your machines. They're all the way from The Lastings! That's crazy! I don't even know what The Lastings are! So if you don't show us your machines right now, I know that you are completely lying about your representation of what machines are supposed to be here!
Harper (Guide):
I think since it is such a big ask I'm gonna need a heart roll. I can take it from one of you and the other one can assist if they want because I feel like you both did a good job of it.
Oh okay, well I got a twelve, so.
I have a dirty nine.
Harper (Tiger Guard):
Oh, um, no one's ever spoken to me like that. Oh, yes, I can- I'll see what I can do, and I'll be I'll be right back, alright? Right back, I promise.
Tatiana (Alma):
You better be!
Harper (Guide):
And he takes off, disappears out of sight, I mean all you could see is like his face anyway. That's what you hear like a whoosh behind you.
Jenine (Hoku):
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh, shit!
Jenine (Hoku):
We should go, we should probably like run. Do you think we should have we paid the earth yet? Have we paid the ground that we're walking on; have we paid for our dues for the ship yet? We should leave, probably leave.
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh, you wanna leave town?
Jenine (Hoku):
I can explain on the way also, uh,
You just hear hiccuping and he says
Octa (Neu):
Why was Pepper with that- why was Peppers with that guy? I don’t, I don’t understand!
Tatiana (Alma):
Jenine (Hoku):
We saw, yeah we saw, we saw that, we should, we should, we should just
And then like Hoku is like walking backwards like a tour guide at this point explaining what is happening.Jenine (Hoku):
We might have, as we were running out, well more like shadow jumping out? We might have seen the Peppers and Pepper’s crew with Horus, and they saw us so I think it's kind of a –
Tatiana (Alma):
We leave! We go! We leave town!
Jenine (Hoku):
Have we paid the earth yet? We should do that but we should we should be paying the ground we should be paying our dues I don't want to mess with that.
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah we could definitely pay the ground. Fletcher, do you have anything to pay the ground with?
Fletcher pulls out the two royal sugar cookies from like way back, like when they first got on the Dutch Kith, and like digs like a really quick tiny hole, buries the cookies, and then like shoves all the dirt back over the hole.
Neu rubs their neck and pulls out the necklace with a thimble on it and just throws it right in there
.Jenine (Hoku):
Octa (Neu):
What? What do you want?
Jenine (Hoku):
Is this something we should keep?
Octa (Neu):
Foster gave it to me at school, he hates me, everyone's lying I don't want to know anything about this. I hate everything.
Harper (Guide):
All of a sudden you hear a like a “Ahhhhh!” and a (thunk noise) and you look over and Chandler has a rock and he's like banging it on the gate.
Harper (Chandler):
I will kick their ass! Aaahh!
I scruff Chandler.
Harper (Chandler):
No, let me go! I need to
Tatiana (Alma):
No, no.
Harper (Chandler):
They hurt my friend!
Tatiana (Alma):
I know. We'll deal with that. But we can't deal with it if we are captured, which is what is going to happen if we stay here because now we can't trust anybody. We gotta go.
Harper (Chandler):
Meh, quit scruffing me.
Tatiana (Alma):
Alma puts Chandler down and starts ushering away.
Tatiana (Alma):
It’s okay.
Harper (Guide):
And he like, attempts to get another rock from the ground and like second guesses it just like starts walking on.
Tatiana (Alma):
Go. Fletcher, that was really, really good, I wish we got to explore more of your acting because that was magnificent. Go!
Alma is going to discreetly grab the thimble uh necklace before they go.
Harper (Guide):
Gimme a swift roll.
That is a nine.
Harper (Guide):
You are able to like stealthily grab it, maybe make it look like you're tying your shoe or readjusting something on on your boot, and then you’re able to move along. As you move back towards the city you start to realize that the closer and closer you get to the landing pad, as well as the like council chambers, that the city despite being like nine PM, is still on fire. Like this like kind of life vibrancy is coursing through the streets and the closer you get you do realize that there is this mob that seems to keep growing that probably started earlier in the day, and it's just grown and grown. And so you see the town hall or the council chambers off to like, on your left hand side off in the distance, just like surrounded by all of these kith. The Mirage sort of like undulates above it, and then off in the distance you see the Flying Dutch Kith parked at, on the landing pad.
Alma’s like running ahead of the group so that she can get the ship's engine going, ready to fly.
Cause Fletcher is so little and like, running to catch up, Fletcher like hooks onto Kalix’s arm so that Kalix can help support Fletcher’s speed. Our arms are linked because Fletcher’s a little slower.
Harper (Guide):
The arms are linked and he’s kind of like tugging you along, then just straight up like grabs your hand and says “I hope this is OK” and just like starts to like pull as you're both running with this whole group, kind of like running down the street. Dodging all the kith that are kind of like chanting “The future is machines! The future is Middledwell! Thefuture is machines! The future is Middledwell!” Eventually you make it to the ship and it seems fine.
Seems fine?
Harper (Guide):
Yeah, it seems fine. What do y’all do as like a standard like ship check? Especially maybe a standard quick ship check and ship prep?
Okay, well first you have to make sure that you're not still tied down to the dock, or else you're going to get stuck when you're actually try to fly. So you have to unhook the ropes and stuff, and then you climb aboard and then you make sure that the ramp isn't still hanging down or else, you know, you could damage your ramp. So you pull the ramp up, you know. Alma goes to the helm and does the systems checks there to make sure that the engines and stuff are running properly and you know, the balloon is also you know, functioning just fine, you know you have to make sure that there are no holes. But she's doing this very quickly and she’s more focused on getting them off the ground than anything else.
Hoku is checking the surroundings as best as possible, and using their keen eye of surveillance because they always look at the sky, so now they’re just doing a zip around. Neu is still on their back because they don't want to lose the little guy yet, and this is the best way they can give physical touch in this moment. And is doing like a quick like run and making sure that they're surveying the surroundings, also like the ship and making sure that like everything is also in tip top shape.
Octa (Neu):
If Peppers and the rest of them were in there with Horus, maybe we can go and grab their stuff?
Who did we see exactly in that group in that split second?
Harper (Guide):
It was Riften, Force and Peppers. Also Horus the like the leader of the Terrera group. You didn't see Mist or Loren.
And was Mist the scary one with the magic?
Harper (Guide):
Jenine (Hoku):
That does sound like a very good idea, and very tempting, but the two we didn't see with Peppers was the two that are kind of the scariest and heavy hitters. But we can bring this idea up with the rest of the team as we're moving out because they do have important documents that we need to get rid of so we can stop this whole thing with humans and- wait we're not supposed to say the names, never mind, let's ignore that. Wow, look at the moon!
Octa (Neu):
Let’s get flying first and then we can talk with the rest.
Jenine (Hoku):
Are you OK? Do you want me to put you down? Do you wanna switch to the front so I'm hugging you?
Octa (Neu):
Can I stay?
Jenine (Hoku):
Yeah, that that's okay!
Octa (Neu):
Thank you. It's always really comfy up here.
Harper (Guide):
So, Alma, you do your kind of typical checking of the ship down in like the engine room, and you hear like a crashing sound.
Who’s in my ship?
Harper (Guide):
You see the scary bear messing with one of your engines. And he looks up at you and starts to form like this spell, and doesn't even say anything, and starts to like shoot it at you and then a shadow behind them kind of (thunk noise) there on the ground in a pile. And like the shadow kind of like lifts up their cloak, and its Loren.Harper (Loren):
I’m sorry, I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen we need to get out of here.
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh, no kidding!
Harper (Loren):
Things are getting bad, really bad.
Tatiana (Alma):
We saw, we saw the professor and two of your friends hanging out with the people of the compound!
Harper (Loren):
They’re not- I'm done with them. I would never dream that we would work with Tererra. But whenever they started meeting with them and they sent me and my friend here,
Harper (Guide):
-he points down to the bear -
Harper (Loren):
- over here I knew that what we were doing was not really right. And I know it's gonna take awhile for you all to trust me again, but hopefully this is the start. If you need to like, tie me up along with him I understand.
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh we're not bringing him. He is getting thrown out of the ship.
Harper (Loren):
Oh, that makes sense.
Tatiana (Alma):
We’re not bringing him. You, on the other hand, we will definitely tie up, and- this means there's no one at your base, right?
Harper (Loren):
Is may engine too fucked?
Harper (Guide):
Give me an instinct roll.
That’s a seven.
Harper (Guide):
Thankfully it’s not too damaged. You can get out of town. You will need to stop, but it will work enough to get you out and get you the safety.
So what you're saying right now is that it's enough for one trip, it's not enough for me to take us to their hideout?
Harper (Guide):I think you have to make the decision. Maybe bring it up to the group? You have enough to get off the air or off the ground. If you land you probably won't go get back off the ground again.
In the bottom portion of the ship, which is where the engines are, there is a hatch that goes out of the ship which is probably what they used to get in. That is where we are shoving the body of this bear out. So step one done. Step two: I kind of grab Loren’s collar and I drag him up to the top deck.
Harper (Guide):
Let's jump back to the top deck. Like where is everybody as Alma ran down to the engine room?
I imagine that Kalix would do like a sweep out of habit given like his work, and I think Fletcher will just have not let go of his hand this whole time out of just the stress reaction. And I have the mischievous little idea that like, they did their little sweep, and then finally settled down, and now they're like sitting down together trying to catch a breath.
Harper (Guide):
What's Hoku, Neu, and Chandler doing?
I think Hoku was walking with Chandler, saw the two of them sitting down, and took us to a different space to give them space. Hoku might not know a lot of things, but saw two kith next to each other holding paws in close proximity: the math is mathing, Hoku don't do math a lot, but this is the math that he got and understands, and guided and went,
Jenine (Hoku):
Oh! Oh! Look at that constellation, let's go check it out!
And just drags Chandler out- grabs Chandler’s paw and takes us out.
So you know how Hoku and Fletcher are roommates? They're both sitting on Fletcher's bed right now.
Jenine (Hoku):
I have no room. Cool cool cool cool.
Octa (Neu):
We can go to my room.
Harper (Guide):
Y'all had over to Neu’s room.
My room, I think it's one of the smaller ones on the, pretty close to the kitchen because the kitchen and living room is where I've set up all of my loom studio situation. So it has a smaller bed and a bit of a desk and a single little window.
Harper (Guide):
And so Chandler like hops up on the desk and starts looking out the window
Harper (Chandler):
Hoku, where was that constellation you said that you saw through the wood? I wanna see it.
Jenine (Hoku):
Oh, um, it was- uh, ya know, it was a -
Hoku’s trying to find a pattern in the stars, and points at a random star.
Harper (Chandler):
I always liked the way you describe them.
Harper (Guide):
And just like, looks up at them, looks back at you ,and looks back up and them. What does the room that Fletcher and Hoku have together look like?
I think there's a distinctive line between the two of us. it's still messy but it's like one side is just covered in papers and the other one is just potion materials
Yeah, I think it's like, it's very like childhood sibling bedroom where like there's just like the twin beds on the opposite sides of this very like parallel. That's what I was imagining, and like, we've both added like personal flares onto it.
There’s a star constellation on one side, and on the opposite side it's just positions chart.
Harper (Guide):
Yeah so you probably had to like brush aside some like notes on your potions maybe some ingredients and the two of you plopped down.
Harper (Kalix):
We’re still holding hands, is that OK?
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh, yeah, it's OK I like holding your hand. Thank you for making sure I didn’t get left behind.
Harper (Kalix):
Yes, I wanted to make sure everyone, including you, got back safe. but what I was saying before um, maybe
Harper (Guide):
(knocking sound) And then you hear like a
Harper (Unknown Kith):
Is anyone here? Anyone?
Harper (Guide):
And you just hear a kind of familiar voice kind of like bouncing around like the ship
Harper (Unknown Kith):
Anyone! Anyone at all!
Do I hear this?
Harper (Guide):
It would sound distant from you, but yeah you can hear like in the distance.
It’s a familiar voice?
Harper (Guide):
Yeah but you can't place it.
Is there a role I could do to see if Fletcher recognizes the voice?
Harper (Guide):
Give me an instinct roll.
Dirty twelve.
Harper (Guide):
That is the voice of Wind, the council kith.
Fletcher will go open the door.
Harper (Guide):
He’s down the hallway banging on like the bathroom door and he hears the door open.
Harper (Wind):
Oh, yes! You! the city is in shambles, can you help at all?
Michi (Fletcher):
We were about to leave, what's happening to the city?
Harper (Wind):
The kith- they’re rioting, they’re pushing us to make a deal with Tererra Corp. Horus is in the council chambers currently. They’re fixing to sign a treaty.
Michi (Fletcher):
We should ask the rest of the group cause we just had a really bad time with Tererra.
Harper (Guide):
Rest of the group, would you come out after you hear the banging?
Yeah, I've got a friend with me.
Harper (Guide):
Loren just kind of like
Harper (Loren):
Hi. Sorry. You can tie me up if you want but I'm not going back to the preservation.
Tatiana (Alma):
Don’t worry, I will.
Jenine (Hoku):
Hoku growls at Loren.
Tatiana (Alma):
So, updates: the scary bear was down in the engine room and was fucking with the engine, Loren knocked the scary bear out, we dumped the scary bear outside the ship unconscious. So there's that, there's a body outside the ship now. I have Loren, I'm going to tie Loren up. If Loren and the bear were here, and those other guys were over there, according to what you said, Hoku, to me that indicates that their base is empty.
Jenine (Hoku):
Yeah we were just discussing maybe stealing something from them but then we have: what's happening here?
Octa (Neu):
We should take everything from them.
Harper (Wind):
Yes, the council is about to sign an agreement with Tererra Corp to bring in more machines.
Octa (Neu):
Can’t you say no to them? They’re clearly evil.
Harper (Wind):
I've tried, but if you want the council for it a couple are unsure but are ultimately going to sign to quiet the kith.
Octa (Neu):
We know that Tererra are not only evil, but they're also working with even more evil people. We can find proof!
Alma’s been tying up Loren’s hands during this interaction.
Harper (Loren):
Do you not have any manacles or anything?
Tatiana (Alma):
Do I look like I have manacles on me?
Harper (Loren):
I mean…
Octa (Neu):
Why are you so into that?
Harper (Loren):
I’m not into that. I mean, if I was, if I- if I was, I would- if- there’s nothing wrong with it if that's what you're into -
Tatiana (Alma):
Shut up! No! I don't want to hear about this!
Harper (Loren):
I mean-
Tatiana (Alma):
No, no, no, no, enough!
Harper (Loren):
I mean I have but like –
Tatiana (Alma):
I don’t, I don't need to hear about anything- okay,
I’m gonna like, put my hand around his beak.
Tatiana (Alma):
Okay, here’s what I'm thinking: Neu and Fletcher and Kalix, you guys take Loren and go to the hideout and get the stuff. Hoku, Chandler, and I will go to the council and we'll try to keep them from signing the deal. Yes, Hoku?
Jenine (Hoku):
Should we also see, do we have enough potion water to hit all the townskith?
Tatiana (Alma):
There’s a fountain.
Jenine (Hoku):
So if we took a bucket and poured it on the kith in front of town hall on our way to the council, would that be bad or good idea?
Tatiana (Alma):
It could possibly make things worse.
Harper (Wind):
I’m also concerned that if the source of magic isn't stopped then those who are unmagic’d will become magic’d again.
Octa (Neu):
I think Horus is the source of that magic.
Tatiana (Alma):
I agree.
Octa (Neu):
I don’t wanna go back there.
Tatiana (Alma):
That’s why you're going to the hideout to get the stuff. Don't worry, I’m allocating with your mental health in mind!
I have now shifted Neu into like, bridal style, and I have put Neu in Kalix’s hand.
Octa (Neu):
Thank you. I think I can think about walking for a little bit now.
Meanwhile Alma is going to give the rope that is attached to Loren to Fletcher.
Fletcher kind of like, without making eye contact, does like a really like lazy tie around Loren.
Tatiana (Alma):
You have that.
They're just awkwardly standing next to each other without really- well, Fletcher’s not looking at Loren. And just holding the rope.
Harper (Guide):
It’s almost as if like Kalix is like breaking through like the hard surface of like ice or something, and just like word vomits at Fletcher, and says,
Harper (Kalix):
I’m really sorry, I don't wanna do this here, but I've been meaning to ask you: can we have tea sometime? As a date like, you and me, like together? And I hate to do this in front of him, I know this kind of weird, but I have- I cannot keep on almost asking you. And I know there's lots of things going on, but I like you Fletcher.
Michi (Fletcher):
Kalix, I know, and we'll have tea later, but we really gotta go get those things from their hideout right now.
Harper (Kalix):
I didn’t mean now, but you’re right. Yes. Let's go, here here!
Michi (Fletcher):
We don’t need to rush things. Except for this.
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah… yeah you guys could deal with this -
And Alma just kinda vaguely gestures at the three of them,
Tatiana (Alma):
- later.
Hoku just whispers at Alma:
Jenine (Hoku):
Did I miss this? How long has this been happening? I've been with them this entire time.
Galaxy brain is happening, which normally does happen in Hoku’s brain anyways, it's just now making sense.
Tatiana (Alma):
Y’all can walk to the hideout, right? Because if we take the ship off it's only going to go up once, and I think we're both within running distance of our locations.
Octa (Neu):
Yes, I think we just need to take the shortcut through the sewers.
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh, that's why I gave you guys this guy.
Points at Loren, who knows the shortcut through the sewers.
Harper (Loren):
Yeah, I can do that. I'm interested in the tea thing as well but I guess we'll circle back to that another time.
Michi (Fletcher):
Just take us to the hideout.
Tatiana (Alma):
Alright, go team! Break!
Neu looks at Alma, just, and that's just a look of “this is what you're doing to me?”
Listen, I know, if I know my friend Neu, I know that there’s, that you know, nothing better than a good distraction.
This is a great distraction for Neu.
Octa (Neu):
Alright, lets go, we don't we don't have time to waste. We don't want them to return to the highlight before we’re back.
Harper (Guide):
Alright so, Neu, Fletcher, and Kalix are going to the hideout, and then Hoku, Alma, and Chandler are heading to the council chambers. So Alma group, you're led over to the Middledwell council chambers by Wind. You're led inside, and again it's still like the kind of messy lounge office room, and in like the circle of chairs surrounding a desk with a sheet of paper on it is: Camden the coyote, Tim the goat, Bark the bear, Roan the horse, the four other council members, as well as Horace the leader of Tererra, an ox that you all knocked out earlier with the smoke bomb or what not, and Professor Peppers with Force and Riften. Professor Peppers sees you all and says,
Harper (Peppers):
What a wonderful surprise. You all have joined the conversation.
Tatiana (Alma):
I imagine you weren't expecting to see us again.
Harper (Peppers):
Why do you say that?
Tatiana (Alma):
Nothing important. I hear there are discussions taking place right now, and we would like to participate.
Harper (Peppers):
The discussions are nearly complete we just need your signature.
Harper (Guide):
And she points to Wind, and Camden the coyote speaks up.
Harper (Camden):
Yes, I'm sorry brother, the rules as it states with the four of our signatures we technically don't need yours, but the fifth will fully seal the deal.
Is it just like on a piece of paper?
Harper (Guide):
Mh hm.
Alma is going to uncork her water and she's just gonna go,
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh, oops!
Dumps water on the contract to make the ink run so that the signatures are illegible. I have a token I can spend on making this work.
Harper (Guide):
The water spills out over the desk and professor Peppers. You see a crack in her facade, this nice very put together very caring woman, and she just like breaks and stares at you with an intensity and says
Harper (Peppers):
You bitch!
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh, was that me? So sorry, I really didn't mean to. I suppose everyone will have to sign again, isn't that right? Or on an entirely new contract since that one is now illegible and soaked.
Harper (Guide):
Horus kind of puffs his chest out and says.
Harper (Horus):
This is just another simple delay. We have another contract right here.
Harper (Guide):
Slaps it down on the table.
Harper (Horus):
We figured something like this might happen. We just need signatures again, and I see you're all out of water.
Tatiana (Alma):
Well now what I need isn’t water. Isn't that right, Hoku?
Jenine (Hoku):
Uh, could I read the contract?
Harper (Guide):
You reach down for it and Horus like instantly shakes his head.
Harper (Horus):
No, absolutely not.
Harper (Guide):
And then Wind is like,
Harper (Wind):
If you were able to have council here, I can as well! These are my council, and they are helping me. Hoku, go ahead and read.
Harper (Guide):
Camden is like,
Harper (Camden):
Yes, you can read.
I would like to skim this contract; what is on this contract?
Harper (Guide):
Essentially it is an agreement for all of the farms that do any business in Middledwell. If they want to continue doing business in Middledwell, they can no longer use the giant caterpillars as their livestock, they have to use machines.
And then Hoku fixes their glasses real quick.
Jenine (Hoku):
Reading this contract, it does seem that you will be putting a huge livestock out of commission here, which seems like something that you all- is very important to you.
And I hand to contract to Alma.
Jenine (Hoku):
So I don't think that's a very good idea.
And Hoku is now just like standing there saying the most random things to try and like distract from whatever Alma will do, because Hoku doesn't have the balls to rip it up in front of people.
Harper (Guide):
Professor Peppers is going to say,
Harper (Peppers):
Not so fast!
Harper (Guide):
Is going to reach out and grab it before Alma could grab it from from Hoku. But Alma you could give me a swift role if you want to try to.
That could have been a worse role in the sense that it could have been two ones instead of a two and a one.
Harper (Guide):
Professor Peppers is older but she is still spry. She grabs that so quick, folds it up and puts it in her breast pocket.
Harper (Peppers):
I don’t think there needs to be any more looking this over, and honestly, I think Horus, the discussion should end here. Don't you think?
Harper (Horus):
Yes, if we want to do business with you all this needs to be signed right away. Otherwise we are going to pack up and head out somewhere else. We don't need Middledwell.
Tatiana (Alma):
Well, unfortunately, unfortunately, this is not a business venture but a legal venture as you are attempting to interact with the government body of this lovely nation that is Middledwell. So business rules do not apply here, you actually need to abide by the governing rules, and that means if you'd like to institute something like this- which is a government contract that affects the people- you need to have a tribunal with the people's involvement. I think you definitely have the time to arrange that, don't you? You know, going through the official channels and all that?
Harper (Guide):
Go ahead and give me a heart roll.
Alright, that is a nine!
Harper (Guide):
You could tell that Tim and bark were were on the fence, and with this brought up Tim says
Harper (Tim):
Well, you are correct we should probably convene at a later time. Maybe when the kith aren't so up in arms?
Tatiana (Alma):
Precisely! If anything, I feel- you know, this is just me here, this is just me spitballing a little bit- because you are a business venture and not a government venture as well, you are the ones trying to get the government to do something for you. It's not the other way around. The government does not need you, clearly they've been perfectly fine without you thus far. You have to prove your use to them. So unless you're afraid that people won’t actually want to buy what you're selling, then you should have no problem convincing these people without any help.
Jenine (Hoku):
Along with that, Middledwell, one of the biggest things that is here is the ground that they walk on. And I don't think you’ve actually made an offering with the ground that they walked on, or discussed with the ground they walked on, either. And I think that is a very important thing to have in discussion.
Harper (Peppers):
I will say this once again, you bitch.
Tatiana (Alma):
You know professor, I really wish I could say I learned from the best, but clearly I'm self taught.
Harper (Horus):
But yes, we obviously have the support of the kith of Middledwell. Can you not hear their chanting outside?
Tatiana (Alma):
Hey Hoku, do you smells that? Smells like bullshit.
Harper (Guide):
The ox speaks up,
Harper (Ox Kith):
That is actually derogatory.
Tatiana (Alma):
My apologies, my friend. Actually, I think what I'm smelling is rain. That wouldn't be a problem for you, would it? If it all of a sudden just started raining on the uncovered townsfolk?
Jenine (Hoku):
The stars do give a forecast of rain coming soon. Is it tomorrow? Is it tonight? I’m trying to figured out, I'm still trying to get the bearings of the stars in this area.
Tatiana (Alma):
The stars are variable, aren’t they.
Harper (Guide):
The group inside that consists of the Tererra Corp. people and The Preservation, they essentially like gather up the rest of their stuff and they're basically just like
Harper (Horus):
We will deal with this later. Camden, please keep us in the loop about when we need to prove our work or whatnot.
Harper (Guide):
And they kind of twirl their cloaks and walk out.
Hoku growls.
I’m gonna wait for them to leave and then I'm gonna be like
Tatiana (Alma):
Holy shit, I can’t believe that worked. Oh my god, I can't believe you guys signed that!
Harper (Ox Kith):
They’re very convincing. And also, with the people of Middledwell rioting, we thought that this would be the best move.
Tatiana (Alma):
The people of Middledwell don't know what they're rioting for, they're under some sort of magical influence.
Jenine (Hoku):
As someone who was under that influence, it kind of sucks.
Harper (Ox Kith):
Wait, what? Magic is being used on –
Tatiana (Alma):
Something is being used on them that’s leading them to feel this way about the machines and the compound and Terrarra or whatever. We found a temporary solution in like dumping water on them. That's only temporary, we don't know if they can get remagic’d after the fact like Wind brought up earlier.
Jenine (Hoku):
I mean, we can test that theory if you wanted to cause we know how to get me out of it.
Tatiana (Alma):
I’m not letting you get re-magic’d.
Jenine (Hoku):
That’s fair.
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah, you get really into it. Like upsettingly into it. Like, you get so into it, man.
Jenine (Hoku):
That’s fair.
Tatiana (Alma):
I did fully lie about the rain though, so they're not just gonna get all better right now. But we could like, do you have a hose or something? A fountain we could attach the hose to kinda to do a rain upon them?
Harper (Tim):
Um, we could probably figure something like that out?
Tatiana (Alma):
I think that's great idea. In the meantime, don’t read anything, don't sign anything. They are bad, they don’t care about you. They clearly need you guys for something.
Harper (Guide):
So with that, let's jump over to the sewers. Fletcher you're dragging Loren behind you, Kalix is in front. Actually, actually it would probably be like Loren up front, Kalix in the back. Neu, where are you walking again?
Neu is walking again and he's gonna be walking right next to Kalix.
Harper (Guide):
Kalix would actually like reach down as yall are walking along,
Harper (Kalix):
I know you’ve been having a hard time, would it be okay if I rest my hand on your shoulder or hold your hand? Just a little company to pass the time.
Octa (Neu):
I wouldn’t be against a hand on my shoulder. I don’t really wanna talk about it right now though.
Harper (Kalix):
It’s okay, we don't have to talk about it. We don't talk about anything.
Neu like looks up.
Octa (Neu):
There’s something that I would like to talk about. That was brave. That was brave, you did well.
Harper (Kalix):
I wish I would have done it differently but I’m- I just felt like I had to get it out, you know? I almost said it a few times and it just wasn't working. Then I just had to say it.
Octa (Neu):
People shouldn't go back to their exes and the people that were weird to them.
Harper (Kalix):
I guess I’m not necessarily nervous about that. I know Fletcher will follow their heart and do what they think is right, and honestly even if it's not with me, I do hope that we can still be friends at least.
Octa (Neu):
Of course, Fletcher is really chill.
Harper (Kalix):
That they are.
Octa (Neu):
And I like you for them.
Harper (Kalix):
Thank you. Guess it's up to them, though. So I guess we'll just see.
Octa (Neu):
Yeah we will. Also I don't think there's anyone else with Preservation, but I'm feeling a little bit on edge here. Let’s make sure we keep our eyes peeled.
Harper (Kalix):
Yes, we need to be extra careful. We don't know what traps or measures that they've put in place, but also hopefully our -
Harper (Guide):
He looks up in and kind of shrugs,
Harper (Kalix):
Really? Friend? Hopefully Loren will be able to point those out for us.
Octa (Neu):
I still don’t understand whatever happened with Loren, but I trust Fletcher. He’ll figure it out.
Harper (Kalix):
Yes he will.
Harper (Guide):
Fletcher, are you and Loren chatting at all?
I don’t think Fletcher would make an effort to start any conversations. I think it's up to Loren of whether or not Loren would say anything.
Harper (Guide):
Loren is gonna, for once, kind of realize it might be best for him just to keep his mouth shut at this moment and just lead. And so he's just gonna lead you all along through the sewer system until you get to the opening where it opens up, and then the ship is there. Loren says,
Harper (Loren):
There are a couple of traps and things. I can go on board and disengage them, but you would have to untie me.
Michi (Fletcher):
Are you able to tell me how to disable the traps?
Harper (Loren):
I could, and I know you're brilliant and can be really capable of doing it, but you've never used these traps before and I just don't want you to get caught by accident.
Michi (Fletcher):
How am I supposed to trust you right now?
Harper (Loren):
Honestly, I don't think you can. But if you do, hopefully I can start- I can use this as a way to start building that trust back up. I know it's going to take a while, though.
Can I roll to see how believable this is right now?
Harper (Guide):
Heart roll please.
That’s a five.
Harper (Guide):
You’re not sure at all. Like, if there was one thing that you really wanted to be sure about right now it would definitely be if Loren was telling the truth or not. But also he's done so much over the past few days that have really, really broken your trust, and you're not sure if anything that he could say would make you feel that trust.
Michi (Fletcher):
I don't think I can untie you. But the documents that we need, are they in an area that's trapped?
Harper (Loren):
Yes. And I get that, I understand. I can do my best to show you how to disengage them. Follow me
Michi (Fletcher):
Harper (Guide):
And he starts to lead the group to the underside of the ship. Similar to the Flying Dutch Kith there is like a trapdoor near the engines where the engines were like, brought up into the ship through it.
Harper (Loren):
This will be the easiest way, but the first trap is a wire that if you open the engine room door too fast and too far it will put a cage around the entryway on both sides.
Michi (Fletcher):
Okay, I need you to count out the base for me and tell me when to stop.
Harper (Loren):
Actually, you don't have to do that. You can just walk over to that door, but the wire is on the other side, so the door you can open up just a little bit and then you’ll just have to use your fingers to figure out the clasp before it breaks the wire.
Did Kalix and Neu come on with us?
Harper (Guide):
I would imagine yeah.
Fletcher hands the rope to Neu as Fletcher goes to dismantle this wire.
Harper (Guide):
Neu has the rope and Fletcher you start to make your way over there. Crack the door open and he tries to get you some instructions like “it's over in the corner,” “you have to like use something small,” or "loop your fingers around,” but how would you disengage this trap?
Most of the Preservation are quite like larger than Fletcher?
Harper (Guide):
Yeah, cause Fletchers kind of small boy.
Yeah. Like, I think Force would be the only one who's about Fletcher sized.
Harper (Guide):
Yeah, probably.
Fletcher would like, open the door and look up, cause he knows people are bigger than him and he won’t admit it. And sort of since he does have these helpfully small paws and nimble fingers, would just work like very slowly and carefully. Kind of like how he used his like ultra focus during like, his most like expert potion making classes. And so he's getting those like with a lot of like attention for it like almost holding his breath with focus.
Harper (Guide):
Go ahead give me a swift roll.
That would be a five. I would like to use a token.
Harper (Guide):
That, if you want to use a token we can shape the narrative, but like with the five you were definitely like struggling with it. And you weren't going to be able to get that little clasp undone without breaking the thread or the cable. So I guess what would you use that token for to kind of like reshape this?
Yeah I think I'll spend the token to provide a solution.
Harper (Guide):
Maybe you find close by as you're like, holding on to the thread, like underneath the door there is like a little like rod or a tool that you're able to like use to like loop over and undo the clasp before the wire breaks. And then the door can be freely opened, and you're able to explore the ship. What are you looking for?
We are looking for the documents they've been stealing from each place, and anything else that would have information about what’s been going on.
Harper (Guide):
You’re able to make your way up to one room. Loren has a key he hands it to you. You're able to unlock the door, go inside. There's a lot in this room, and there's like shelves of different artifacts and things; just even just like gold and other gems. And there is a like a lockable safe that you actually recognize as the safe that used to be in the potion shop that you worked in.
Harper (Loren):
Its all the stuff we've been taking for, this is in there. I know the code, but it might just be easier to take the safe, it's up to you.
Michi (Fletcher):
Would we be able to take the safe?
Harper (Loren):
I helped take it the first time. I'm sure you kind of guessed that, though. Me, Riften, and Force were able to carry it so I'm sure the four of us could figure it out.
All the documents are inside the safe? Like they're not scattered about?
Harper (Guide):
Yeah, that's what he's saying that like, everything they’ve stolen for this mission that they're on is in that safe.
Michi (Fletcher):
We can carry the safe as long as we're fast, but that really wasn't cool.
Harper (Loren):
I know.
Michi (Fletcher):
We can talk about this later. But you saying bye to me so suddenly on the dock, you were just going over to go steal from Zell, and you knew I wasn't there? What if you hadn’t run into me? Would you have just thrown smoke bombs at me too?
Harper (Loren):
I knew you were going to be there because I knew about your ticket. And I'm sorry I lied, but I felt like I had no choice. And I know that again I’ve broken your trust, and I’m not expecting to win that trust or gain that trust back, and if I do it's not gonna be anytime soon. But I'm gonna spend my time from here on out trying to show you and your friends that I've changed. I'm not the same.
Michi (Fletcher):
We need to get the safe back to the ship.
Since Loren is tied up I think Fletcher, Kalix, and Neu do some like carrying nonsense while, I guess one of us would have to have the rope like wrapped around our arm or something.
Harper (Guide):
So the four of you kind of work together to get this safe out of that room, down to the bottom floor, out the trap door, resetting the trap, etcetera etcetera, and getting back to the Flying Dutch Kith. As Loren kind of again takes a little bit more of a lead where you're all around this this safe, Kalix kind of leans over and says,
Harper (Kalix):
I’m sorry if I embarrassed you, but I do really want to get tea with you sometime. You don't have to answer, but just just know that I didn't mean to embarrass you and I'm sorry.
Michi (Fletcher):
You didn’t embarrass me. If anything it's more embarrassing to have an ex who was with these weirdos.
Harper (Kalix):
Yeah that does not seem like the best decision, but at least he's coming around, I guess. He doesn't seem all too terrible, but I didn't date him so I don't know.
Michi (Fletcher):
It’s complicated. Neu, how are you doing?
Octa (Neu):
I’m OK. Nothing, nothing's happening. We're just stealing from these guys, we’re gonna take it back to Alma and Hoku, and then go and we leave everything behind. I’m well, I am doing well, thanks for asking. How are you doing? This is a lot as well.
Michi (Fletcher):
I don't know, I think I need to go to bed when we’re on the ship.
Harper (Guide):
The four of you make your way through the sewers and back to the Dutch Kith, and you get the safe on the flying Dutch Kith around the same time that the other group is getting back, and now you're ready to head off to Towerfell.
And now, it’s time, for queer call. Queer call is the point in the show where we give a special little shout out to those who have helped us a little extra this month or in months past by joining our Patreon. And this time around, we have a special one for some of our season 2 cast members, Michi Zaya, Jenine Florence Jacinto, and Octa Delgado.
Hey everyone! Thanks for listening. You can follow queeRPG on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok @queeRPGpod. queeRPG is made possible by all of you who listen and share the show! If you like what you hear please rate and review. It helps other people find the pod. You can also support the show by signing up for our Patreon at patreon.com/queeRPG. If you’re interested in seeing transcripts for the episode, all of those from previous episodes and episodes to come can be found on our website queerpg.com! Until next time!

Meet your hosts:

Harper Sage Pettit
S2 Guide