About this Podcast:
A trailer for the second season of queeRPG, Of Kith and Pen: a Wanderhome journey! Premieres on June 21st, 2023!
This episode was produced by Kenzie Tartaglione and Ashley Westover. Editing by Kenzie Tartaglione. Theme music by Lorna Ryan.
Episode Transcript:
Harper Sage Pettit:
A few miles out to sea, hundreds of feet above the ocean, floats a cluster of islands, seemingly tied together by countless floating bridges and roads.
Harper (Falon):
This is my friend, Fletcher. They're the most wonderful witch. They're going to be great.
Michi Zaya (Fletcher Agaar):
It's hard to be awake, especially when the sun is right up.
Harper (Falon):
This is Alma. She is a gravedigger. She's very familiar with the magics of the other side.
Tatiana Gefter (Alma of The Vale):
Our gods are gone.
Harper (Falon):
And Hoku, our starchild, knows of all things up in the sky.
Jenine Florence Jacinto (Hoku Bayani):
I still haven't found The Starkeeper.
Harper (Falon):
And Neu our weaver. Neu can weave the most fantastical fabrics and upt the most wonderful meaing in them.
Octa Delgado (Neu Threestrings):
I know we shouldn't trust oracles, but if its Falon's. Maybe is the only one we can trust.
Jenine (Hoku):
My friends and I have been tasked by Falon to leave The Lastings.
Harper (Guide):
She seems just a little confused. No one really leaves The Lastings.

Meet your hosts:

Kenzie Tartaglione