About this Episode:
As Alma receives less than heartening news, the rest of The Letter Writing Club has to step up to get the job done.
Episode Transcript:
Tatiana Gefter:
Hello, everyone, my name is Tatiana Gefter. I use she/they pronouns and I am playing Alma of the Vale with The Gravedigger playbook.
Michi Zaya:
Hi, my name is Michi Zaya. I use any pronouns and I am playing Fletcher, The Witch.
Jenine Florence Jacinto:
My name is Jenine Florence Jacinto. I use they/them pronouns and I play Hoku Bayani.
Octa Delgado:
Hello, my name is Octa. I go by they/them pronouns. And I will play Neu Threestrings from The Weaver playbook.
Harper Sage Pettit:
Hi, my name is Harper Sage Pettit. I use they or she pronouns and I will be your guide for this season of queeRPG, Of Kith and Pen.
Kenzie Tartaglione:
The content warning for this episode includes severe emotional distress, panic attacks, and physical violence.
Jenine (Hoku):
Dear Isleen, I don't really know the protocol for writing letters to gods, but here goes nothing. Hopefully you get this letter. I guess before I get to the forgotten dream you should probably get some context. My friends and I have been sent on a mission to help, well, you and the rest of the gods who have gone missing. We made a quick escape from Middledwelll after a little altercation that might have been stealing a few documents, and maybe a spill on some other documents. With our run out of Middledwell we might've snagged a new traveler along the way. Loren joined our little crew on our way to Towerfell. Fletcher was really kind to bring along. During our journey, Neu started working on a new tapestry that shows what's in the thoughtsmore. While I was on watch there was smoke in the sky; Alma changed our trajectory towards it. When we found the source of smoke we met a fire spirit in distress with this giant metal thing sticking out of it. Fletcher and Lauren dove off the ship to pull out the metal together, paw in wing. It was wild! They were able to get it out, but not without Alma’s ship going down. So we split up: some of us stayed behind to fix the ship and some went to check on the spirit. That's the update on our adventures trying to save you. So I guess this is the part where I talk about my dream last night. It was me at the bottom of this giant green metal statue, but not any green statue, but one that was shaped like a human? The strange part was not being afraid of it. I actually want to go inside of the statue. So I'm writing to you, god of forgotten dreams: why do I want to go inside of this monstrosity? And more importantly, how do I find it to make the dream come true? From the stars that wave to you, Hoku.
Harper (Guide):
We pick up on the Flying Dutch-kith. Alma, you have brought the ship down safely in this sort of like, green pasture with the mountain off in the distance. You see Hoku, Neu, and Chandler kind of finding a trail and heading up the side of the hillside going up towards the mountain. Alma you’ve got the ship to repair, Fletcher you've got a date to get ready for. Neu, Chandler kind of tugged on your coat to ask you to hold up, and Hoku you are leading the group. I guess lets go with Alma. Alma, how are you doing in this moment? You have been having ship problems. Basically most of Alma’s drama this whole kind of like story arch has been ship this, ship that, the ship is no longer mine, the ship is mine, I’ve stolen it, the ship is broken now, again.
Alma’s having a time of it. you know it's hard because I feel like Alma has put a lot of herself in the ship. The ship is less of a vessel now and more so almost an extension of herself. Which is why she is so, like, impacted when things happen to the ship. When something goes wrong with the ship it deeply affects her. So, once again, the ship has been messed with by someone else, which has led to it being damaged. And you know she kind of sacrificed herself and the ship by helping the spirit. So Alma is dealing with the internal conflict of that right now as she's trying to kind of prepare it as best she can with the tools that are available to her.
Harper (Guide):
For the past couple of days, every couple of hours or so, you should feel a little *buzzes lips* you feel a little vibrate in your pocket. But Almas has been ignoring that. But it keeps going off, going off, going off as you're down in the hold.
I feel like she's probably been working on this engine for a little while. You know her hands are getting achy and tired, so she sits down on the ground. Kind of back propped against the wall of the ship, and she's going to just kinda reach in her pocket and take out the coin and just kind of hold it in her hands… What's on the coin?
Harper (Guide):
What's typically on the coin? Like what does this coin typically look like?
The coin, because it's an avenue of communication, the center of it is pretty flat and plain but the outside of it is ornate a little bit and has these kind of ivy-esque vines etched into the siding of the coin kind of just you know following the edge of it.
Harper (Guide):
And so this is three hours into the repair. Grease is all over you, your smock is just covered with this liquid and that liquid. Again and your eyes are just like stretched open, dry. Your heart drops as you try to blink a couple times and your eyes feel very resistant. The coin says three simple words: we are sinking.
Alma looks at the coin, and she just stares at it. And she just chucks it against the wall and just lets out this yell of frustration. She knew, she knew that something was happening to the Lastings. She knew, she heard them talk about the vision, she knew something was happening, but to have like kind of confirmation of that in her hands and for there to be nothing that she can do about it in the moment. She can't go back and get them. Her ship is broken! She can't save them. So she is, she's thrown the coin in this fit of frustration and she's just back against the wall, holding her head in her hands. Just at a complete loss about what to do.
Harper (Guide):
In this moment you don't know how long it goes. We’re gonna jump over to Fletcher.
Fletcher, our sweet boy, is washing his hands. Because he has feelings that there will be some hand holding. So he’s just making sure to get all like the stickiness off his hands. He'll do the little thing like hands under the water and then sort of like, messing with the hair, trying to like just make his face a bit more presentable.
Harper (Guide):
Is he going to change his outfit because his outfit tends to get sticky too, or is he just going for the hands?
Going for hands and hair and then, I think like, he feels it's very important that he wears the cloak at all times because like everything is in the pockets. And so like, you know, while changing it and wearing a clean pair would feel great, he’d be really anxious about his pockets because like what if calyx suddenly needs an important potion? What is he going to do? So he keeps his clothes on.
Harper (Guide):
Does he have any other changes of clothes? Like, the way you just described it makes me think he has like one other cloak that's like exactly the same but never wears it.
He has the cloack that he used to wear before the birthday cloak was gifted. And then otherwise, on laundry day, on wash day, he would put his cloak in like a fast acting potion that he makes, sit there for five minutes just like you know no cloak, making sure the doors locked, and then get the cloak out, magic it dry, and put it back on. So, yeah. Fletcher doesn’t have other clothes.
Harper (Guide):
He's sitting there pondering if he should go to his room to get changed into another cloak or not. That's when you hear the scream, or the yell, from below deck. Well, the floor below, towards the engine room. Then you hear footsteps running to the bathroom.
Fletcher opens the door.
Harper (Guide):
It's Kalix.
Harper (Kalix):
Did you hear that?
Michi (Fletcher):
Um, yeah. It was screaming. Is somebody on the ship?
Harper (Kalix):
It sounded like it came from down below. Almas down there, right?
Michi (Fletcher):
I think she is, she was fixing the ship. We gotta go right now! Where is where is Loren?
Harper (Kalix):
Loren said he needed some time to, quote-unquote, think.
Michi (Fletcher):
Okay. If it’s something dangerous then we should probably get him too. I’ll go look for Alma, and maybe you should look for Loren?
Harper (Kalix):
Oh he's just in the room, we can get him on the way I guess.
Michi (Fletcher):
Okay, lets go!
Harper (Guide):
And y’all run over to the shared room between Kalix and Loren. Loren is on his bed, back towards the door, laying on his side. Just like staring at the wall.
Michi (Fletcher):
Harper (Guide):
He doesn't say anything.
Michi (Fletcher):
Loren, did you hear the screaming? I think there's trouble and we have to go, go below deck.
Harper (Guide):
Give me a heart roll.
Harper (Guide):
He sort of huffs and says,
Harper (Loren):
I was thinking about things, but I guess I can go. All right.
Harper (Guide):
Kind of like, rolls over, flops up out of bed, and just kind of like shuffles over.
Michi (Fletcher):
Loren now is not the time to be moody and witchy! Come on.
Harper (Loren):
Moody and witchy should basically be my middle names. You know this.
Fletcher kind of like, a little way too familiar, grabs Loren like by the shoulder like in a way that seems, a posture that these two have definitely assumed before. They're definitely been times where at witch Academy, Fletcher has a drug Loren out of like the dorms to get to class. and we are now marching down to where Alma is. Fletcher's arm fully around Lauren. Kalix is with us.
Harper (Guide):
And Kalix leads the way, and as you get to the stairs he reaches back and reaches out for your hand.
Like the other hand?
Harper (Guide):
Yeah your other hand.
Harper (Kalix):
I know you've got some extra weight,
Harper (Guide):
and like looks over at Loren, and Loren just like doesn't say anything as he's a kind of like leaning on you a little bit.
Harper (Kalix):
I don't want you to slip and fall. Whatever's down here I need everyone to be a part of.
Michi (Fletcher):
Yeah, thank you. I also just washed my hands so I won't be slippery because of my hands.
Harper (Guide):
He grabs your hand,
Harper (Kalix):
Yeah, yes they are quite pristine actually.
Michi (Fletcher):
Thank you! I also washed my face.
Harper (Kalix):
And looks like you have your hair nicely pristine. I like it, you should fix it like that more often.
Harper (Loren):
Will you two shut up and come on? We get it. He's cute. Blah blah blah, let's go.
Fletcher’s just walking in silence.
Harper (Guide):
As y'all are led downstairs, and Alma what would they come to see?
The three of them walk into the room, and they're looking around expecting to see ya know something scary going on in there. Eventually someone's eyes are probably going to go downwards to where Alma is sitting crouched against the wall. She's kind of just got her hands over her head and she's just rocking back-and-forth muttering to herself. You can see she’s kind of like flexing her hands against her fur just muttering. They’re probably too far away to hear exactly what she's saying.
Harper (Guide):
You hear Kalix clear his throat.
Harper (Kalix):
Alma, if it's an oil problem we can, Chandler can synthesize more.
Tatiana (Alma):
We’re sinking… we’re sinking...
Harper (Kalix):
No, we’ve sunk. The ship is-
Tatiana (Alma):
No, there’s nothing we can do. Nothing I can do, I'm stuck here. I’m stuck here I can’t help them they’re stuck. What do I do? There’s nothing, there’s no solution. What am I supposed to do? I can't, I can't, I can't breathe. I can't breathe, I can't- I can't.
And she's like, panting hard now.
Harper (Guide):
I think Kalix would go over to you and kind of like put his hands on your shoulders and just kind of like slowly like,
Harper (Kalix):
Hey, you're here.
Harper (Guide):
and like try to like pull you down so you like sit down on the ground and like motion over to Fletcher to like come over to you. And he would whisper to Loren,
Harper (Kalix):
Nows not the time. Shape up. Get some water.
Harper (Guide):
And he would just grunt and start going up the stairs.
Fletcher has little stress tears in his eyes, rubbing Alma’s shoulder in like a soothing as possible way.
Harper (Guide):
While Fletcher and Kalix are trying to calm Alma down, Loren goes upstairs. Let's jump over to Hoku, Neu, and Chandler. Hoku, you are a very optimistic boy, how long do you think it would take before you realized the group was lagging behind a little bit.
I think I'm probably a good like 20 trees away.
Harper (Guide):
They’ve had five minutes of talking before you realize it, and I guess as you're leading, what is Hoku’s leadership style? Especially in this situation. Is he like directing conversation, pointing out different things, or is he determined on a mission.
Hoku does not interact with a lot of other kith, and will just keep going. And is just a driven like, every so often will probably go “how we doing? We good? great!” and just keep on waddling over, even if no one answers, just keeps going.
Harper (Guide):
Yeah, maybe those first few times you said “how we doing” you would hear like a grunt or something from one of them, and eventually like that like twenty tree distance you didn't hear anything and you turned around and Chandler and Neu are a good distance behind you. And they were just continue walking at the same pace, but maybe hurried up just a little bit mail. Neu, what’s going on with you? Chandler said that, he's told you to hold up a little bit he has something to talk to you about.
Octa (Neu):
Oh, of course, what do you need, Chandler?
Harper (Chandler):
How- you're way better at this stuff than me. How do I get Hoku to not hate me anymore?
Octa (Neu):
It's been only a few days since you joined us again, and look at how far you've come!
Harper (Chandler):
He still growls at me.
Octa (Neu):
But I think there's a bit of a twinkle in their eyes when they growl now. It's not, it's not such an aggressive growl. I'm pretty sure he enjoyed the painting that you did! I think maybe try not to get too close too quickly.
Harper (Chandler):
You think there could be a twinkle? I don't know, I don't think I’ve seen it before. And I know twinkles, I know stars.
Octa (Neu):
You know the twinkles in the sky and, well a twinkle is not always something maybe like what you have in your heart. Friends can also twinkle with each other. You have things that you share, and you've gone through, I think, you've gone through some sadness that Hoku still hasn't experienced. If I understood well what happened in the fair. And I think someday he may need you for that.
Harper (Chandler):
I'm just afraid that, I mean I've always been afraid, afraid he was too good. Afraid that he wouldn't notice me. Afraid of, I don't know, and I when I heard you all were leaving and Hoku was leaving, I kind of had a meltdown.
And at this point Neu will get a bit closer, squeeze the hand little bit,
Octa (Neu):
Is that why you came with us?
Harper (Chandler):
Yeah. I did get kicked out of my conservatory position. But then I begged and begged and begged Fallon. I’ve had the biggest crush on Hoku ever since I first met him, but it never seemed like he liked me. So it felt like I could never have that, you know?
Octa (Neu):
Hoku is very straightforward. When they care about something, Hoku says it. When they like or dislike something they will act accordingly, and Hoku will expect everyone to be like that. And if instead of showing that you like him you show something else, if you request attention thru competition or you request attention from trying to show you’re better, that's gonna rub the wrong way.
Harper (Chandler):
I just thought that since he was so good with stars, that if I was as good or better than him that he would like… I'm not good at this flirting stuff.
Octa (Neu):
You don’t need to flirt.
Harper (Chandler):
Do you think I messed up totally? Or can I come back?
Octa (Neu):
Not totally. Did you see how- have you ever seen someone try to be something that you weren't meant to be, and that didn't feel right?
Harper (Chandler):
Yeah. I was putting on a show.
Octa (Neu):
It's the same with relationships; you have to find what kind of relationship Hoku and you feel good together. And that may not be exactly what you want, but it could be something great anyway.
Harper (Chandler):
So you're saying I should talk to him?
Octa (Neu):
For sure. I think you should talk to him, but this time try talking about the things that you enjoy, about the things that get you excited, about the things that you find interesting. Share your passions, that's one of the coolest things that people have. The things they care about.
Harper (Chandler):
I'm so not good at this though! Can you do it for me? Can you tell him?
Octa (Neu):
I can try and get him to maybe want to listen to you, but I think you need to have that conversation.
Harper (Chandler):
Tell him that I'm really cool.
Octa (Neu):
I'm discovering another side of you, and I think you are kind of cool. Maybe you could talk about the pigments, maybe you could talk about the different brushes, maybe you can talk about how you paint and why you paint. I think he would enjoy if you talk about that.
Harper (Chandler):
I don’t really tell people about the paintings. You were the first kith that actually, besides my parents, that saw my painting.
Octa (Neu):
Well, thank you for that.
Harper (Chandler):
Neu, you're a good friend.
Octa (Neu):
Thank you, thank you I feel like everyone is doing their very best, and thank you for saying that.
Harper (Chandler):
Can I have a hug?
Octa (Neu):
Yes, of course! Of course.
Harper (Guide):
Chandler and Neu pause to hug, and that's what Hoku turns around.
Jenine (Hoku):
Hey! Hey! Hello! Are we- is everything okay?
Octa (Neu):
We're having a forest hug, do you wanna join?
Jenine (Hoku):
Sure, okay?
And then Hoku does like a slight jog back cause they’re 20 trees away.
We sustain the hug and it's getting awkward by the second.
It's fine, Hoku’s got long, long legs. And then joins the hug.
Harper (Guide):
As the hug goes on for a few moments you hear bugs crickets making different sounds off in the distance, the wind rustling. You're about halfway to the mountain and you actually begin to wonder if the wind rushing through the trees actually feels more like a breath, and that is coming directly from the cave mouth. And you break the hug, Chandler says,
Harper (Chandler):
Hoku, I really like your apron. It's really nice. Now let’s go.
And there is a slight smile that crosses Hoku’s face, and he follows.
Harper (Guide):
With the important conversation out of the way, you’re led, I guess all three of you, by this like collective curiosity of what this spirit was. And the closer you get to the cave mouth the wind that you thought was wind is clearly a breath. A very raspy, sort of wavering weak breath.
Harper (Chandler):
That doesn’t sound good.
Octa (Neu):
No, not at all.
Jenine (Hoku):
We should we should check on that right?
Is this a cave?
Harper (Guide):
Yeah, it's a fairly large cave. This creature, again, was like 30 feet tall. Maybe more like 20 feet tall. It is pretty big. It doesn't seem dark in there, but it is also not very bright either. It's like a slight flicker. Like a torch that is soon to be going out.
Octa (Neu):
It looked pretty weak by the time we left it to go land. Maybe we can grab some dry stuff around, as a bit of an offering?
Jenine (Hoku):
Yeah OK, let’s do that.
Harper (Chandler):
Brush, branches, leaves.
We’re gonna try to swiftly get a lot of branches and dry stuff.
I'm strong, I can hold branches and things.
I can do very quick forays into the forest and just like pile them on to Hoku.
Harper (Guide):
Chandler's got a small pile in his arms as well. He kind of cheerfully like runs, well not cheerfully, but excitedly runs back towards the cave mouth. The three of you meet back there and make your way into the cave. Yes, this is a very large cave, and it slopes down some as you go further and further into a cave mouth. And off in the distance you see the fire spirit kind of crumpled on the ground in the corner. It was like a vibrant red and orange but now it is all a light dullish like grayish red, and the fire that like encapsulated it's body is just very faintly kind of like flickering.
Jenine (Hoku):
Hi! We’ve brought an offering of brush and more fire starters if that will help you. Hi, I’m Hoku!
Harper (Guide):
It doesn't acknowledge you, but you hear off to your right hand side something that makes your hair stand on its end. It's like a little creepy sounding growl. You look over and there are three miniature fire spirits kind of cowering off in the corner close to you behind a rock. And they, too, are not as gray and dull, but they are fading as well.
Hoku like gets on their level, but like stays like a distance, and just goes,
Jenine (Hoku):
Hi, I’m Hoku, nice to meet you. Uh, is there anything we can do to assist you in any way?
Harper (Guide):
The three smaller spirits, you can tell that they don't have as many features as the large one. They don't look as developed as the large one. As you try to talk to them, give me a heart roll.
Harper (Guide):
The three smaller spirits are a little more, I guess for the lack of better word, warmed up to you. But still not fully accepting of you. What do you do?
Hoku just takes a stick and rolls it over to the three little spirits.
Harper (Guide):
And as soon as it gets within a good foot away from them, they kind of like quickly scurry over to it and eat it up. And it is like gone, and you see some of the light kind of come back into their fire.
Jenine (Hoku):
We have more. We come with more!
Harper (Guide):
They make what's almost like a purring sound, and kind of scurry over a little bit closer, kind of like writhing about in this like noodly car dealership like, air, whatever those things are called. Yeah the, from Nope, that's kind of how they move as they come over to you. And they're just like flickering back-and-forth.
Neu in the background will pick up the big mound of sticks that Hoku brought to the timber, and will start to make like three little piles, and then a bigger pile to the side, and just take a step back.
Octa (Neu):
Hi, and I am Neu. Really really happy to see you all. Thanks for inviting us into your home.
Harper (Guide):
As you are introducing yourselves and trying to chat with them, clearly they don't have a language that you can understand. They’re kind of communicating in this like clicks and whistles and they don't seem to comprehend what exactly are you saying. B ut they do understand that you are a friendly entity. And Chandler says,
Harper (Chandler):
The big one, it's too far. We’ll have to bring it to them.
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay what is the best way for us to do this?
Harper (Chandler):
I'll stay here and distract the little ones,
Harper (Guide):
As he holds out a big stick,
Harper (Chandler):
you two go handle the big one.
Octa (Neu):
You seem to know how to handle the gods. Maybe you can try and talk to it? And I can bring it some more some more leaves and wood to entice it.
Harper (Chandler):
Yeah, here, the little ones need, you distract the little ones and I'll go with Hoku. I'll go with Hoky to help the big one. That's what I’ll do, right? Right Hoku?
Jenine (Hoku):
Yeah, Okay. Okay, yeah, sure.
Harper (Chandler):
That's a cool star chart.
Harper (Guide):
And he like points to one poking out of your-
Jenine (Hoku):
Oh! Yeah, it's one that I saw last night. I really don't know the constellation yet, but I saw it on the way here and it's kind of cool. It kind of looks like the little flame guys over there.
Harper (Chandler):
Yeah, I wonder… flame guys over here, new constellation over here, constellation looks like flame guys, probably part of the flame guys.
Harper (Guide):
He reaches down and grabs a couple of the sticks and starts walking over.
Harper (Chandler):
You’re really smart. We should study stars together sometime.
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay yeah sure, I was going to try and pick your brain about another- ah wait constellation, stars, mission first! Side tracking about stars, bad idea!
He goes and picks up a bundle of sticks and just goes.
Harper (Guide):
As you get closer to the fire spirit, it sees that you do have some sticks. It like reaches out like a trembling hand, open to you. And the hand is probably as big as you, Hoku. It’s a big hand.
Jenine (Hoku):
And as Hoku is putting it in the hands, just like,
Jenine (Hoku):
Hi, I’m Hoku, nice to meet you. This is Chandler and Neu is over there. We were helping you earlier when we saw the big metal thing, we just wanted to do a check up, see how you're doing, if there's anything we can do to assist you, if you know anything about the other spirits in the area. What? Hm? Ah?
Harper (Guide):
You see in his eyes recognition. Like it seems to be comprehending what you're saying. And in response with like a few deep clicks, like very similar to the little ones but just a lot deeper, a lot slower, and motions towards the sticks.
Plop right into it’s hand the size of Hoku.
Harper (Guide):
And it like sizzles and crackles as it burns up into smoke. A little vibrancy comes back into its eyes, it's body, as it starts to fire up. It doesn't seem like it's enough for it to fully recover, but you are getting it on that path.
Jenine (Hoku):
We can get more. We got this!
and then Hoku grabs Chandler’s paw and goes,
Jenine (Hoku):
We gotta go get more!
And runs out.
Harper (Guide):
Chandler, Neu you see him, like jaws dropped as he like walks by as you’re like holding the stick out to the little ones as they go and get more. Chandler says
Harper (Guide):
I don't know if we're going to be able to hold enough. We need to come up with something to help so we can get more wood in there faster. So I'm afraid if we keep just bringing in a few sticks at a time the fire is just never going to be enough for it, ya know?
Jenine (Hoku):
I hear what you're saying. What can we do, what can we do? There are sticks, its daytime.
Can I spend a token to provide a solution for an aspect of a material or immediate problem?
Harper (Guide):
Yeah so you can use it to solve the problem. How would Hoku solve this problem? Or what in the world would help Hoku with this problem? Could be an extra item that he finds it helps out, could be a plan he comes up with.
Oh Hoku just go stand outside and go,
Jenine (Hoku):
If there are any wind spirits in the area that are very strong and want to help another spirit in the area have some more energy by bringing some left over sticks or debris or any leaves, that would be most appreciated! This is Hoku.
Harper (Guide):
A few moments go by, nothing happens, and then you feel Chandler like squeeze your hand a little bit harder.
Harper (Chandler):
Oh, sorry, was that-
Harper (Guide):
And he like drops the hand as the wind rushes through, and you see this mass of kind of like trail of sticks and twigs leaves kind of fly into the cave mouth. And Chandler would grab your hand back and start running.
Harper (Chandler):
Come on, let's go!
Harper (Guide):
Runs into the cave.
Cool. Hoku doesn't let go, Hoku will just keep going.
Harper (Guide):
By the time you get inside the little ones have gotten some more sustenance, so they are bright and vibrant. The big one has like a tornado of like leaves and twigs and stuff swirling about it as it is glowing and bursts into a magnificent flame that like shoots up to the ceiling. And you all feel this wave of heat as it stands there, vibrant, full of life. And it sends out a few guttural clicks and reaches into its stomach area. Pulls something out, teeny teeny tiny. And extends this giant hand back down to Hoku, unfurls it and it is a perfectly spherical black stone.
Jenine (Hoku):
This is cool, I like it! Thank you!
Jeniine:And then you see Hoku move star charts and put it in another pocket and put it in that pocket so there's no star charts and it's just the black sphere in that pocket.
Jenine (Hoku):
Harper (Guide):
So now that the fires spirit is back feeling well, would the three if you head back to the Flying Dutch Kith?
Neu will go stand up like, take a few of the branches and bits of foliage that like flew up to the cave and just like completely surprised by them.
Octa (Neu):
So, spirit fire, could you let us know what happened to you? How did you get stuck in that in that horrible thing? Was it an accident, or?
Harper (Guide):
Give me a heart roll, Neu.
It’s double six, plus one, thirteen!
Harper (Guide):
It reaches up to its head, puts its hand into its temple, and pulls out a purple sphere and extends it down to you.
I pick up a paw to try and touch it.
Harper (Guide):
Chandler touches it, Hoku do you touch it?
I give it a little poke.
Harper (Guide):
You see off in the distance a once magnificent city with, I guess it is still magnificent, but the skyscrapers that you saw in Portsmore, the buildings here look like that but most of them are like turn over like on their side for like propped up like two up against each other. And it’s just kind of like all these like skyscrapers kind of like stacked up together in different weird odd ways. In the sky are these giant like dragonfly bugs, and they are flying around this fire spirit. On the back of these giant bugs are kith, and these kith are throwing magic at this spirit. That can't be right; kith are doing what you've heard that the people of those who came before the great calamity would do. Attacking a creature, attacking a spirit, and these kith all of them are wearing clothing similar to that of what Professor Peppers, that Loren, Force, the Preservation. And the fiercest one among them, a horn toad with a scar over their eye and a giant dragonfly, grabs a giant piece of metal and casts it down upon this fire spirit and just starts cackling as they fly off. The spirit stumbles off into the forest.
Hoku growls.
Harper (Guide):
Chandler's growling.
Neu tries to pat off a couple tears.
Octa (Neu):
That's- that's horrible and really scary. I'm so sorry you went through that.
Harper (Guide):
A very low rumbling moan of shared heartache echoes throughout the cave.
Octa (Neu):
Something really wrong is going on in Towerfell. I think even worse than in Middledwell.
Harper (Chandler):
We have to be careful. If more of them are there and this is what they do, we have to be careful.
Harper (Guide):
And Hoku, you feel your hand squeezed a little bit tighter.
Hoku squeezes back, in like a comforting way.
Jenine (Hoku):
OK, so, we should probably head back, right? I really don't know what to do in this situation because most of the time things are just like kinda laid out there, and then we have the smart people on the other side, and normally Fletcher and I do something weird in this situation, and now its just the two of us and we did save a spirit. We did. Thanks- thanks for the help and letting us know what's happening. Anyone else freaking out? Because I'm freaking out just like the smallest bit in what's happening in the mission that we have.
Octa (Neu):
You know I’m just worried because at the end of the day this fire, they’re kind of a god, right? A small god?
Jenine (Hoku):
Does this look small to you?
Octa (Neu):
No. A medium god?
And then looks,
Jenine (Hoku):
How would you or like us to uh,
And then like does like the movements of hands,
Jenine (Hoku):
Do you want us to refer to you as a smaller god, a medium god, or like a grander god? Unless you don't want to be referred to as a god, unless you want to be referred to in a different way, we like to respect your presentation in the life that you're currently in.
Harper (Guide):
I guess what you're getting from them is that this is probably a small and forgotten god that’s just really, really old, and recently reproduced finally. Small doesn't necessarily mean size, it's also power, magnitude.
It's not the size of the being its what they represent.
Harper (Guide):
Yeah definitely a god, but definitely not over like a larger domain as if like another god would be.
Octa (Neu):
Do you know what I'm getting worried about? Do you think the human is trying to prevent the rest of the gods from the rest of the preservation people? Are- are we? Who are the good guys?
Jenine (Hoku):
In the moral sense of things I think we are being the good guys right now.
Octa (Neu):
We did a good thing.
Jenine (Hokue):We did a good thing.
Harper (Guide):
This conversation would continue as the three of you continue back to the ship. You get back to the ship, you're looking around, can't find anyone, you go down to the cabins, you can't find anyone, and eventually you make your way down to the engine room. Where Loren is just like holding a cup of water, Fletcher and Kalix have Alma on the ground like holding their hand, trying to calm Alma down as they seem to be having a meltdown or something. Normally Alma is like really put together. Alma is typically the one that you can rely on, and they seem to be broken right now.
Jenine (Hoku):
So we just saved a- um, hi, hey?
Michi (Fletcher):
Alma was screaming and now I'm trying to calm Alma down and my hands aren’t slippery right now, and Loren is kind of being annoying. Loren, bring the water, please.
Harper (Loren):
I've been here for a few minutes. Here.
Hoku growls so loud at Loren.
Harper (Loren):
Fletcher is offering water to Alma now.
Harper (Guide):
Is that what Alma looks like right now? Like hands on their head like “no idea”.
It’s just like, hands on head, dissociating, just like staring at the ground. The muttering and the heavy panting has stopped, but now it’s just staring at the coin that’s across the room. Just like with this look of utter like- like it’s so obvious that Alma is just in her head is just trying to come up with a solution to the problem.
Harper (Guide):
And Kalix would look to Chandler,
Harper (Kalix):
I think- I think Alma ran out of oil, or oil spoiled- does oil spoil? Could you synthesize some more for them, I think that might be the problem. That's the problem, right, Fletcher? The oil, no?
Michi (Fletcher):
I don’t think its oil cause Alma keeps shaking their head when you ask about oil. Alma, you’re making your really difficult quiz face. Can you drink the water and maybe say at least one word about whats going on?
She just points at the coin that's on the ground.
While someone goes to fetch that, Neu will try and get next to Alma and kneel on the floor and will look at Alma’s wrist. Is Alma wearing the beads bracelet?
So Neu will try to bring their paws to yours and try to cross your hand onto your bracelet so that your fingers kind of like surround each of the beads, and I'm gonna use a token to ease someone's pain if only for a moment, and just be like,
Octa (Neu):
Alma, do you want to count the beads with me? You can do it silently if you need to, but you can see how each of them has a bit of a different texture. The four of us are together here today, and we all have the bracelets. Keep counting, breathing.
Alma like looks up, and because there's more than four people in the room, she’s become very confused.
Octa (Neu):
Maybe, maybe we could make more beads later.
Tatiana (Alma):
We can make more beads.
Octa (Neu):
We can make more beads.
Tatiana (Alma):
Okay. We’re gonna need so many beads.
Octa (Neu):
We’re gonna get the beads, we can make them.
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh, we’re gonna need so many beads. Oh no, there's so much going on.
Octa (Neu):
There is a lot going on.
Tatiana (Alma):
No, you don't understand.
Fletcher went to go get the coin.
Harper (Guide):
What do you do with the coin after you get it? Do you look at it right away, or is there hesitation?
I think Fletcher’s first instinct is that that coin has caused the pain somehow, like physically. Like maybe the coin is like burning or poison. And so Fletcher's going to start by getting really close the coin, he’s gonna like sniff at it, is just going to check for all signs of like toxicity with the coin. And then he's going to take a like a little like fabric scrap from his pocket, which is just randomly there, and pick up the coin with the fabric scrap and like put it together. And then while Neu and Alma are like counting and sort of centering, Fletcher sort of like is going to peek inside the fabric and then like look around and see if anyone else has any idea what to do. Because he's not sure if he should bring it to Alma right now, because like that was causing the pain maybe?
Hoku will walk over and purposely put himself between the coin and Alma, and be in front of you.
Fletcher is going to like peak around, like,
Michi (Fletcher):
Alma, did the coin hurt you? Do I have to destroy the coin?
Tatiana (Alma):
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no don’t, no, we need, I need the coin, I need, we can’t, I need,
Michi (Fletcher):
I won’t destroy it, is it dangerous? Is it poisonous?
Tatiana (Alma):
No, no, just look at the- look at it, just look at it! Look at it! Read!
Michi (Fletcher):
Is it safe to touch the coin?
Tatiana (Alma):
Yes! Yes, it is. Just read the coin.
Hoku puts paws out to have it as like, an examination table. So like has paws as flat as possible.
Fletcher put the coin Hoku’s hands and is like really nervous to touch it. We’ve got shakin paws over here. With trembling paws, Fletcher is examining the coin.
Harper (Guide):
And Fletcher and Hoku, you would both read: we are sinking.
Michi (Fletcher):
Alma, who is the coin from? Who wrote this coin?
Tatiana (Alma):
Jenine (Hoku):
Michi (Fletcher):
Where is Carth?
Tatiana (Alma):
On The Lastings. Carth’s on The Lastings with my parents. He’s been hanging out with my parents, he’s been hanging out with my parents a lot. He’s been hanging out with my dad, they’ve been making trains.
Michi (Fletcher):
Like did they go on a boat?
Tatiana (Alma):
Michi (Fletcher):
Is there a-
Tatiana (Alma):
I have the boat, they can’t take a boat, I have the boat. I have a boat!
Jenine (Hoku):
Hoku has a question: is this just something was a goodbye gift and you just saw that the thing now, or is this kind of, how does magic work in a way written messages? Or is it- this isn’t- this isn’t.
Michi (Fletcher):
Where are they sinking at?
Tatiana (Alma):
It’s, I- he gave me the coin so that he could talk to me while I was traveling, and its like instant messaging, and it vibrates whenever he sends me a message and I’ve been kind of ignoring it because I was mad at him.
Michi (Fletcher):
Could they be sinking at the lake, Marion’s Abyss?
Tatiana (Alma):
I don’t think so.
Michi (Fletcher):
What's sinking?!
Tatiana (Alma):
I think The Lastings are sinking and there’s nothing I can do because the ship is broken! I can't go back for them.
Harper (Chandler):
Do we know how fast?
Tatiana (Alma):
I got three words, that's all I got. Three words. That’s all I got. That’s it.
Michi (Fletcher):
The Lastings are sinking?
Octa (Neu):
Sinking is better than falling!
Jenine (Hoku):
Yeah, cause that’s a slow descent! A slow situation that could be stopped! And everyone can just go poof!
Michi (Fletcher):
The Lastings are floating they wouldn’t have to be falling in order to be sinking you guys.
Tatiana (Alma):
You guys saw the Lastings break apart. You saw it, and now its happening, and theres nothing I can do. I can't solve this problem, there's nothing I can do.
Jenine (Hoku):
How about we just have,
And then Hoku sits down down on the floor,
Jenine (Hoku):
Let’s just have a nice little sit down on the floor and everyone be on the same level, to be a little grounded in the situation. Breathing, paw in paw maybe? Asking questions, no,
Hoku was still on the floor with the coin in their paw.
Octa (Neu):
Yes okay I'm going to be on the floor with you.
Tatiana (Alma):
When did I get on the floor? How long have I been on the floor? Whoa I'm light headed, whoa.
Jenine (Hoku):
Do you want water?
Harper (Loren):
I've got it.
Harper (Guide):
Loren picks up the cup and kind of shuffles back upstairs.
Immediately once Loren is gone,
Jenine (Hoku):
Also, not to raise any more stress, we might have um… So we saved, we for sure saved the fire spirit. Second: showed us a thoughtsmore of the kith that hurt them, and they were all dressed in the preservation stuff.
Octa (Neu):
So, just to elaborate on that, somethings up in Towerfell but I don't think that was the best moment to talk about it. Let's try to finish adjusting this first.
Michi (Fletcher):
Wait, I don't. Okay, I’m worried about the Lastings, but now I’m also really worried that we just let a former member of the preservation walk off by themselves without them being tied up.
Octa (Neu):
Chandler, can you get him?
Harper (Chandler):
On it, boss.
Harper (Guide):
He picks up a wrench close by.
Jenine (Hoku):
Wait wait, not harming, more long lines of maybe just kind of like, locking in the closet, in the closet with no windows. Accidentally trip him in there, and then stand in front of the door?
Harper (Chandler):
You got it boss.
Harper (Guide):
And he walks away with the wrench.
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay we have that one problem solved.
Octa (Neu):
Can you bring some water?
Michi (Fletcher):
Does anyone have any other way to contact the Lastings? I would like some water, too, Kalix. Thank you.
Harper (Kalix):
How about we relocate to somewhere a little more calming?
Tatiana (Alma):
I’m covered in grease. When did I get on the floor?
Jenine (Hoku):
Alma, did you want to piggyback ride?
Octa (Neu):
They are very soothing.
Tatiana (Alma):
Hoku does another little backpack mode.
Harper (Guide):
So the five of you make your way upstairs. You hear some rustling, like struggling. Chandler is like,
Harper (Chandler):
Just lay down! Stop it. I need to tie you up!
Harper (Loren):
I don't want to be tied up though. I'm not gonna do anything! I don't like-
Harper (Chandler):
You’re with the Preservation! Here, let me hit you with this wrench.
Jenine (Hoku):
No whoa whoa whoa! No violence! Not on the ship!
Harper (Guide):
You see Loren kind of like, hand against like Chandler's forehead kind of thing, pushing like Chandler back.
Harper (Chandler):
Ugh, come on!
Harper (Loren):
What's he doing? He told me that you said for him to come appear and smack me with the wrench?
Michi (Fletcher):
We didn't say that! But,
Fletcher is going to spend a token. Before Fletcher even said another word, Fletcher is going to use some very quick magic to like put Loren in essentially like a binding spell. Listen, I don't have time to deal with my ex, I’m spending a token to put Loren in like a binding spell that like makes him stop moving and like silences him. He can still move his beak but there's just no noise coming out. This spell is typically used for creating a silent environment reading, and like peace, and it's not usually supposed to be directed at like a single person. But somehow Fletcher has done this.
Harper (Guide):
Does Fletcher’s magic take physical form when it happens, especially this spell, or does it just happen?
Fletcher's been really slimy lately, like the last major like bit of like physical magic he’s done was also been really slimy. We can say that Loren is a little gooey now for some reason.
Harper (Guide):
He’s mouthing off saying like,
Harper (Loren):
Why would, why would you tell him to like, smack me with-
Harper (Guide):
And then he like pauses, and he's like frozen there with a thin layer of like this yellow goo around him.
Harper (Chandler):
Oh, finally.
Harper (Guide):
He kind of like rears back and goes for a big ol’ whack, and he's like,
I try to jump and grab the top of the wrench.
Harper (Guide):
Give me a brute roll.
This is a three.
Harper (Guide):
You are not stopping Chandler. He’s not that much bigger than you, but he’s filled with rage right now. Loren had the audacity to not let him whack him with the wrench. Smacks Loren like in the lag, and teeters over and falls back with another thud.
Harper (Chandler):
Ugh. I've been needing to do that. Where is my paint supplies?
Octa (Neu):
We wanted to go somewhere a bit more calm. Let's get out of this hallway now. How about we go to the captain’s quarters?
Harper (Guide):
Yeah what's Alma’s most comforting place on the ship? As Kalix walks over, picks up Loren, throws them over their shoulder.
Harper (Kalix):
I think he'll be OK. I'll put him in his bed. How long does this spell last, Fletcher?
Michi (Fletcher):
It only really seems to be used for about an hour, but I’ve never really seen it be used on another kith before.
Harper (Kalix):
I guess I'll just tie him up and check on him periodically.
Michi (Fletcher):
Okay, that sounds good.
Harper (Kalix):
I'll probably stay down here and do whatever you need to do for,
Harper (Guide):
He kind of like looks at Alma.
On Hoku’s back, Alma has just kind of like lost it. Alma’s gone. Like brain? Gone. She’s just kind of swaying from side to side, which is probably not helpful for Hoku walking. She’s kind of just floppy right now. She got so stressed that it fried her brain.
Harper (Guide):
One word comes out, or maybe two words, the place where she wants to go right now for comfort. And where is that?
What time of day is it?
Harper (Guide):
Probably like early afternoon, like two or three in the afternoon.
Tatiana (Alma):
Kitchen… hungy…
Michi (Fletcher):
There’s some soup leftover.
Tatiana (Alma):
Octa (Neu):
I think some warm soup will be quite nice actually.
Michi (Fletcher):
I think we should make sure that Loren’s leg isn't broken. Although, if Lorens evil, I guess the leg can stay broken, but I'm not really sure, so I may prepare a little bone broth potion. Lets go have soup.
Neu looks at Hoku.
Octa (Neu):
So, I mean, we were coming back here to get some reassurance and some answers, and I think we need to be the ones doing the reassuring and the answering.
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay, Okay.
and then like, Hoku readjusts Alma on their back. Puffs up their chest and starts walking over to the kitchen.
Octa (Neu):
We have food, we have each other, we have water. I'm sure Lorens is fine. The Lastings are not falling, because otherwise there's no way someone can write stuff on a coin. It must be something slower. We may still have time.
Was there any indication in the lower decks that the ship was or was not fixed?
We need one more day of fixing.
Jenine (Hoku):
Game plan: there are one, two,
Points to Neu,
Jenine (Hoku):
to Fletcher, does not point to Alma all,
Jenine (Hoku):
Four, five of us that can do something to get us up in the air right now, and also help those who need help. So, Kalix, how are you with shipbuilding?
Harper (Kalix):
Uh, I’ve done a little maintenance, I can certainly start getting down there to see where Alma got to. But you all would need to go,
Harper (Guide):
He points to the door where Loren is,
Harper (Kalix):
watch him. And someone will have to
Harper (Guide):
Like points over to the giggling, sort of mess over, wobbling around.
Jenine (Hoku):
She knows how to fly the ship. We will start there. Neu, I know they are two different things, but you're very good at like putting things together in different materials as a weaver. Do you think there is possibly a way that you can look at the ship and possibly fix it?
Octa (Neu):
I can definitely have a bit of a go and a bit of a try. I feel like you're smarter than me when it comes to actually understanding mechanisms and things.
Harper (Chandler):
I can help.
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay so, okay cool let's do Kalix, me, and Chandler downstairs trying to figure out how to fix the ship,
and then slowly puts Alma down and like tries to move the paws out of the face.
Octa (Neu):
I can keep an eye on Loren, and then Fletcher you stay with Alma.
Michi (Fletcher):
So Alma’s been making like weird dissociative like hand gestures, and Fletchers just slowly been mirroring them.
Harper (Guide):
Neu, whenever Chandler said he could help, you notice he looks over at you and does like a big wink.
Trying to not like, be noticed, Neu will be like,
Octa (Neu):
Not the moment.
Harper (Guide):
He winks again.
Harper (Chandler):
Alright, let’s do this!
Harper (Guide):
And grabs the wrench again.
Jenine (Hoku):
Let's meet back up and check it in like two? Three? Sunset. Sunset, check back in at sunset. I have been told that that doesn't work.
Puts like a little paw in the center.
Octa (Neu):
Team! Lets go!
Hoku tries to look for plans on the ship. The floor plan of the ship.
Harper (Guide):
You find the plans of the ship, however like they're not where you think they would be. Where would Hoku think they would be?
Captain’s quarters.
Harper (Guide):
They’re not there. Alma, where are they?
I think we’ve established that Alma keeps important paperwork in like, cookie containers. You know how like your grandma keeps like sewing supplies in the cookie container? We established early on that Alma keeps the letter writing material in the cookie container, so it would stand to reason that the same could be said for important paperwork.
Hoku would probably not find this.
Harper (Guide):
There is a cookie tin in the captain's quarters. And Hoku seeing it, hungry, thinking “me need a cookie”, “oh no this isn't a cookie”, “this is what I’ve been looking for the whole time.”
Been distracted by a cute little snack. Yeah OK, Hoku is going to read those plans and go downstairs with it, trying to figure out. Charts are the same, maps are the same, that’s how it works right?
Harper (Guide):
You get downstairs and Kalix and Chandler are cranking things, Chandler is like actually inside the engine, and Kalix looks up,
Harper (Kalix):
We found out that Chandler fits, and he’s got small hands, which helps with what we need to fix. Oh,
Harper (Guide):
and he like grabs the map and flips it the other way around,
Harper (Kalix):
You’re looking at it wrong.
Jenine (Hoku):
Cool. Yeah, OK. Let me know what I can do to assist.
Harper (Guide):
So I think this would go on for a few hours, with maybe Hoku like reading the chart and pointing out like the different things that look wrong. Kalix going back-and-forth between the shelves of parts to the engine and handing Chandler things and different pieces while also reaching in and helping. You don't finish the project, but the engine is looking in a lot better shape by the time the three of you are you done with it. Neu, you're watching Loren. A couple hours go by, Loren would eventually wake up with a moan.
Harper (Loren):
Oh, my shin. Why does my whole body hurt? What’s happening? Am I dead?
Octa (Neu):
No, no there's no need to get so worried by that. You’re not dead. Tell me, can you can you move your knee?
Harper (Guide):
He begins to like shift his leg up.
Harper (Loren):
Yeah I can. It hurts a lot.
Octa (Neu):
What if I told you that Fletcher made a bone-setting broth for you?
Harper (Loren):
That would be wonderful. My bone, a lot of my bones hurt.
Octa (Neu):
You see, we just discovered something that really spooked all of us. Do you have any clue why members of your group would attack a small god? That seems cruel, and scary, and really dangerous.
Harper (Loren):
What are you talking about?
Octa (Neu):
We saw a thoughtsmore. This small god of forest fires that was showing us how members of preservation were riding dragonflies, slinging magic at the god. Eventually, a very big horned toad with a scar threw the gigantic metal beam at the god. And I want to know if you know that toad, and I want to know to the best of your knowledge, why would preservation do that?
Harper (Guide):
When you say the horned toad, he trembles a little bit.
Harper (Loren):
That's Tell. He was supposed to be locked away. He's the most vicious, terrible kith I've ever met. We don't need to go to Towerfell.
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Meet your hosts:

Harper Sage Pettit
S2 Guide