About this Episode:
Our kith disguise the Flying Dutch-kith to get into Towerfell and witness a harrowing presentation by The Preservation.
Episode Transcript:
Tatiana Gefter:
Hello, everyone, my name is Tatiana Gefter. I use she/they pronouns and I am playing Alma of the Vale with The Gravedigger playbook.
Michi Zaya:
Hi, my name is Michi Zaya. I use any pronouns and I am playing Fletcher, The Witch.
Jenine Florence Jacinto:
My name is Jenine Florence Jacinto. I use they/them pronouns and I play Hoku Bayani.
Octa Delgado:
Hello, my name is Octa. I go by they/them pronouns. And I will play Neu Threestrings from The Weaver playbook.
Harper Sage Pettit:
Hi, my name is Harper Sage Pettit. I use they or she pronouns and I will be your guide for this season of queeRPG, Of Kith and Pen.
Kenzie Tartaglione:
The content warning for this episodes includes bribery, kissing, romance, and complex and complicated relationships.
For context this is the letter that Alma wrote while the soup thing was happening. Bear that in mind. The letter starts with the same name being written and scratched out like a few times, as if Alma isn’t sure that she's going to one: send this letter, or two: even go to this person. There's also the beginnings of the word “Dear” that's like completely scratched out, and it just starts with:
Tatiana (Alma):
Carth, I'm writing to you now to let you know that I received your messages. I am glad to hear that you're safe on the mainland. I hope my family is with you, given how much time you've been spending with my father I would assume that that's the case. And it's what I'm going to hold onto. I know I didn't get to see you before I left, but I'm doing something really important. A lot has happened, there is a lot I can't tell you, but just know that we're working on it. We are mostly safe. The ship went down in a forest, we’re working on fixing it.
There's a lot of just like, scratchy bits and not finished sentences before moving onto the next paragraph.
Tatiana (Alma):
I am sorry this is very hard for me to write. I feel like we used to talk so much, and we never do anymore, and maybe that's my fault, maybe it's yours, I don't know. All I know is that we're going somewhere really dangerous where there's bad people, bad kith who want to do bad things. I'm gonna need to do something very, very scary. I am going to need to commune with the spirit of a human in Towerfell. I need to find their body and connect with their spirit to figure out what's going on with the gods, and that's really scary, and I'm really scared, and I don't know why I’m telling you this because you can't help me. Nobody can help me. It's fine. Just look after my family. I'll be home when I can. I'm probably- nevermind, bye. A.
Harper (Guide):
So you all spend the next several hours getting the ship back up and running. Loren told you to to not go to the Towerfell, but now its seeming that if you are going, he has some information that’ll probably help you get in. But I guess what's even the plan as the four of you sit around a table and figure out what you actually have to do?
Tatiana (Alma):
First order of business is that we need to finish fixing the engine. You guys did some pretty good work so that shouldn’t take us too much longer. I think if we really focus we could probably get back up in the air today, it a few hours. I'm going to fly now, that’s fine. I can do that, it’ll get me in the space, in the headspace for communing with the dead since that’s what I’m gonna need to do. So, engine is my number one priority. What about you guys?
Octa (Neu):
I think that you should for sure get a little bit of sleep at some point.
Tatiana (Alma):
I’ll put the ship on you know autopilot and it’ll be fine.
Octa (Neu):
Okay. And then also maybe we talk with Chandler so that he gets the specific route on where to go into from Loren, unless someone wants to go into the room. I don't, I'm not feeling like it.
Tatiana (Alma):
I didn’t know those two were so close.
Octa (Neu):
Yeah, it was a bit of a surprise, but seems like he's only going to be talking to Chandler.
And Neu looks at Fletcher a little bit.
Fletcher’s like, doodling on the table. Just kind of like zoning out in another world, just kind of seeming like a little bit like (sighs) not really paying attention to the conversation.
Alma leans in to like Hoku and is like,
Tatiana (Alma):
I thought you guys said I was like, off?
Jenine (Hoku):
Somethings wrong with Fletcher? Fletcher looks fine. Fletcher!
Michi (Fletcher):
Hm? What do you need me to do?
Jenine (Hoku):
Whatcha doin? Whatcha doodlin’ over there?
Michi (Fletcher):
It’s just- it’s nothing.
Tatiana (Alma):
Uh huh. That’s interesting.
Jenine (Hoku):
So, what's next on the plan? So we have- I think we should take a nice rest for the night.
One question: what time is it?
Harper (Guide):
I think this would still be the evening of the soup. This would have been like after Fletcher comes down from delivering some soup to Kalix, them sharing a moment, and Fletcher being gone for maybe a bit longer than you thought. And then he comes down, and doodling.
Jenine (Hoku):
So maybe what we can do is sleep through the night, fly through the day, and hopefully we get to Towerfell by nights so can get in sneakily better?
Tatiana (Alma):
I think that’s a great idea.
Jenine (Hoku):
Take a nice rest and enjoy the environment.
Tatiana (Alma):
Take in the beauty, one might say.
Jenine (Hoku):
Take in the beauty of this little area that we are in.
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah, I mean all of this, it is a very lovely forest. You know, despite circumstances being what they are.
Octa (Neu):
It is, and we just had the most beautiful tasted beautiful soup, that nurtured our spirits.
Can we please get a token?
Harper (Guide):
Yes, absolutely.
Octa (Neu):
Since some of us will go and finish the engine, but then at least one of us needs to go speak with Chandler to get together coordinates from Loren. Unless someone wants to go straight to Loren.
Michi (Fletcher):
I mean you seem to be pretty good friends with Chandler now. And you two are good at talking to each other. I don't think Loren will want to talk to me.
Are Kalix and Loren still sharing a room? Given the circumstances.
Harper (Guide):
I think so. Maybe it's a time to have a conversation for that to like change.
Michi (Fletcher):
Kalix is in that room, so maybe Loren will talk to Kalix and Kalix can tell us?
Octa (Neu):
Are you going to ask Kalix to bring it up, then?
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh. Yeah, I can do that.
Alma is looking at you so suspiciously. She like puts her hands on the table, and like leans in real close to your face, Fletcher, and just like.
Tatiana (Alma):
(gasps) You!
Michi (Fletcher):
What? Why are you so close to me?
Tatiana (Alma):
You're a little blush-y.
Michi (Fletcher):
Thank you?
Tatiana (Alma):
Every time Kalix’s name has been said in the past like five minutes, your cheeks have gotten just a little bit redder than usual.
Neu will appear from just like, behind, kind of double teaming.
Octa (Neu):
Are you doodling a hare?
Michi (Fletcher):
What? No. Why are you so close to me.
Hoku from the other side of the table raises at a paw.
Jenine (Hoku):
Hoku is over here and is very confused on what's happening.
Alma leans back in her seat with just a knowing smile on her face.
Tatiana (Alma):
Nothing. It's fine. I am sure Fletcher will have a great time asking Kalix to do this for us.
Harper (Guide):
That's when you hear footsteps coming up from the engine room, and Kalix comes into the kitchen.
Fletcher will like, wiggle in his seat a little bit as Kalix comes in.
Harper (Kalix):
I just double checked everything. I think were about 75% there. I can continue to work on it with help of Chandler, and maybe a couple others?
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh ah, Fletcher had something to ask you I think.
Harper (Kalix):
Oh, really?
Michi (Fletcher):
Yeah, I can help with the engine.
Harper (Kalix):
Fletcher, that's not a question, exactly.
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh, um, do you want to- Oh! Oh, oh, oh, we think after you fix the engine and stuff, that um we might go to Towerfell but um Loren said he knows a way to get in that's sneaky. But since your roommates maybe you could ask him. But he's being really weird and only really wants to talk to Chandler, but he if he does talk to you, do you think you could ask him about it and tell us, just cause he's kind of mad at us about all this stuff, and yeah.
Harper (Kalix):
I would. but Chandler actually asked me to change rooms with him.
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh, ok, then scratch all of that you don't have to talk to Loren because he’s being mean and he’s mad at all of us.
Harper (Kalix):
I will talk to Chandler, we get along decently well if you would like.
Michi (Fletcher):
Okay, that would be good, that would be good thank you, thank you for doing that, that's really nice of you.
Harper (Kalix):
Absolutely. All right, I am going to go wash up and think I’m going to turn in for the evening.
Michi (Fletcher):
Okay, have a good night. Ok yeah you should wash up and turn in.
Harper (Guide):
He kind of just stands there awkwardly for a little bit, and then like looks around to everyone real quick.
Harper (Kalix):
Yes, good night. I'll see you all in the morning.
Michi (Fletcher):
See you in the morning!
Fletcher like waves.
Harper (Guide):
And he's going to do like a little wave as well and hop skip his way down the hallway.
As soon as Kalix is out of earshot Alma is going to turn back and look at Fletcher, and I'm going to give Fletcher the opportunity to express some emotions that Fletcher is keeping very poorly hidden. She's going to like rest her chin on her paw, she’s gonna look at Fletcher and go,
Tatiana (Alma):
Fletcher, has something happened between you and Kalix?
Michi (Fletcher):
I have a question for you guys.
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh, yeah. Shoot, go for it.
Michi (Fletcher):
Do you all think that Kalix might like me?
Tatiana (Alma):
Are you asking because you don't know?
Michi (Fletcher):
I mean like, I think Kalix is a really cool guy and I think I think I'd really like to maybe make Kalix my boyfriend, and so now it's like I want to figure out if he likes me or not because he did kiss me when I gave him soup earlier and-
Octa (Neu):
He kissed you?
Tatiana (Alma):
Wait a minute!
Octa (Neu):
Were you gonna keep it a secret?
Number one, I get a token. Number two,
Tatiana (Alma):
Fletcher! You buried the lead a little bit there, buddy!
Michi (Fletcher):
I didn’t bury anything I was on the ship the whole time.
Octa (Neu):
Hoku, you look very confused. Are you raising your paw?
Hoku has paw up and then paw down and then you see in his eyes him doing the math, because whenever we split the party it was always Fletcher, Kalix, and Hoku, and Hoku never connect the dots until this moment. So like Hoku’s brain is just like trying to math and is now mathing and is very confused. In that moment so the paw just goes up, and then it goes down, and it goes back up, and it goes down.
Jenine (Hoku):
Oh… oh! I understand. I thought you guys were just good friends. I didn't connect any of the dots. That's kind of cute! That's kind of cute, look at you two kiths! Wow!
Michi (Fletcher):
So, do you think he will want to be my boyfriend after kissing?
Tatiana (Alma):
Jenine (Hoku):
Octa (Neu):
Yes but I'm not entirely sure now, I mean maybe now it's not the best moment to be that. I don't know, do you want to go into a dangerous place with a boyfriend or without a boyfriend?
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh, that's a good thought. With a boyfriend it would be OK, but I am scared of my boyfriend getting hurt, but without a boyfriend it's a little sad and I don't want to make Kalix sad and if Kalix likes me I think we could be boyfriends, I don't really know.
Tatiana (Alma):
Do you want to be boyfriends?
Michi (Fletcher):
I think I would like that. I mean we kissed and we hold hands and Kalix is really strong tall and um, you know.
Octa (Neu):
And not part of a cult. That’s great!
Michi (Fletcher):
Kalix doesn't like the traveling and danger, that’s what he told me before we kissed. Do you think because I travel a lot and I’m dangerous he won't want to be my boyfriend?
Tatiana (Alma):
I mean he said that before he kissed you, so I don't think that was a big stopping point at the time.
Michi (Fletcher):
Octa (Neu):
Alma’s got a point.
Michi (Fletcher):
I guess I'll talk to him about it tomorrow.
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah, yeah, you’ve got some time is all I'm saying. Half a day once we fix the engine and I got us up in the air.
Michi (Fletcher):
Okay, I’ll just try to travel less and do less dangerous things in the half a day to make sure that he’ll like me.
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah this is really good soup. I think I'm going to head out of the engine room. Thanks for the soup. Yeah, I can't wait to hear all about how tomorrow goes.
Michi (Fletcher):
Octa (Neu):
Do you need any help fixing down there?
Tatiana (Alma):
If you want to climb in the engine again?
Octa (Neu):
Let’s see if we can get this going.
Harper (Guide):
Then you would hear a door open you look to see Chandler walking down the hallway and into the kitchen area.
Harper (Chandler):
Loren wanted me to tell you something.
Tatiana (Alma):
Harper (Chandler):
If you use like, either the northern or southern gates, and decorate your ship as a garbage barge we’ll make it. That's what he said.
Tatiana (Alma):
North or South?
Harper (Chandler):
North or south, the Flying Dutchkith has to become a garbage barge.
Tatiana (Alma):
The entrance thing, easy enough. Garbage barge thing, bit more difficult because we don't exactly have the make and model of your standard garbage barge. Okay, yeah.
Octa (Neu):
I don't want to be mean but like, look at the state of it right now.
Tatiana (Alma):
Hey! She's been through a lot all right?
Octa (Neu):
We could use that to our advantage? We’ve got a bunch of broken planks and a bunch of pretty scarred bits.
Harper (Chandler):
You just have to make it look like a garbage barge. It doesn't actually have to be a garbage barge.
Michi (Fletcher):
I can usually do illusions and some smaller things. Do garbage barges have like a identifying like garbage barge name tag?
Harper (Chandler):
I'm sure we could lie our way in or figure something out.
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh yeah, I'm a great liar. As we’ve established in the past, I'm a fantastic liar. Yeah, easy enough. Neu’s right, we have like all the broken planks and stuff, you know things that we picked up over the course of this short, and yet somehow also simultaneously feeling like a very long, trip. So I guess if Neu and I are going to be down fixing the engine, do you guys want to decorate the ship?
Jenine (Hoku):
Yeah, I can do some arts and crafts.
Michi (Fletcher):
Yeah, I can do some illusion magic on some parts of the ship so it looks more like a garbage barge.
Tatiana (Alma):
Excellent, yeah. I think that sounds great.
Jenine (Hoku):
Chandler, do you want to help us decorate the ship? Because you know how to paint.
Harper (Chandler):
Are you saying that my art looks like garbage?
Jenine (Hoku):
No! But you know how to mix paint better and make it look realistic. That's what I was saying.
Harper (Chandler):
I know, I'm just kidding.
Jenine (Hoku):
Tatiana (Alma):
Sounds like we have a plan.
Harper (Chandler):
It's late though, can I sleep?
Tatiana (Alma):
I just wanna get us up in the air so that, you know, we can sleep through the flight so to speak.
Jenine (Hoku):
Sleep when it's dark outside?
Tatiana (Alma):
The soup was really good. I am really awake right now. If you guys wanna sleep that's fine, I'm just- I'm nocturnal so I'm Gucci, is what I'm saying.
Harper (Guide):
I think everyone is nocturnal. Your circadian rhythms have all been flipped though.
Tatiana (Alma):
Listen, I dissociated for a while, I am awake. I'm good now. I rested.
Harper (Chandler):
Suit yourself, I'm gonna go turn in.
Michi (Fletcher):
Good night.
Tatiana (Alma):
Good night.
Octa (Neu):
Good night. Alright, lets go fix the ship.
Harper (Guide):
Neu and Alma are heading down to the engine room. What’s Hoku and Fletcher doing?
Fletcher will start working on some illusion magic on the ship just to like, because it would probably be difficult to do the entire ship at once. So Fletcher will just go to like thing by thing, slowly like modifying parts of the ship.
Hoku is grabbing wood and just goes,
Jenine (Hoku):
Can we make this into something? Could we make this into something? Does this one work?
Harper (Guide):
So eventually the deck is looking pretty messy. A lot closer to a garbage barge. It'll probably need some more work the following day, maybe Chandler can help out. But y’all got good start on it. Alma and Neu, do you press on through the night, or do you work for a little bit and then get some rest?
I think you know the answer to that question.
We want to get at least enough that it can lift ASAP.
Harper (Guide):
Give me an instinct roll.
So that is an eight.
Harper (Guide):
The two of you make progress through the night, and eventually you see, I guess Fletcher would you still want to help Kalix with the engine room?
That was kind of like a flustered offer to like, spend time together. I don't know how helpful Fletcher would be in the engine room but he'll like drop in and see what's going on.
Harper (Guide):
The engine repairs go on for a few more hours and y'all are able to get up in the air by noon.
Tatiana (Alma):
Sweet. I set the heading towards Towerfell and promptly go to sleep for at least a few hours of a nap.
Harper (Guide):
Our team works together to get the Flying Dutchkith back up in the air by noonday. Alma gets the ship set heading off in the direction of Towerfell, and goes down into their captain’s quarters and passes out. I would imagine that maybe she would tell Kalix to kind of like keep an eye out on things just in case. And so Fletcher, you see Kalix go up to the helm, and the ship gets kind of sleepy there for a little bit. Neu, you're probably sleeping as well, right? Neu when you get back to your room, Kalix’s stuff is where Chandler’s stuff was. Hoku what are you doing?
I am in the crows nest like I normally am when it comes to us traveling.
Harper (Guide):
So Fletcher, would Hoku see Fletcher coming up on the deck to have a talk with Kalix?
Yeah, yeah.
Harper (Guide):
Hoku, do you see that?
No. Hoku is looking at the sky, no stars in sight, paying attention to all surroundings, because nothing is going to happen on the deck. I would see if something is happening on the deck, so I'm gonna pay attention to our surroundings. Nothing is happening below me that I don't know.
Harper (Guide):
So Kalix is up at the helm, steering every now and then, but finally just like staring off being close to the helm to make sure it doesn't start turning in going in a really off direction. And he doesn't notice you, but you notice him, and you notice how handsome he looks with like the wind kind of like blowing the tufts of hair around his ears. The little coattails of his coat, just a very handsome fella.
Is this the first time they'll be seeing each other since last night?
Harper (Guide):
Y'all did work together on the engine.
Fletcher is gonna stand there and just watch Kalix being a dream boat for a little bit, and then after a moment, Fletcher would just be like,
Michi (Fletcher):
Um, hey there.
Harper (Kalix):
Harper (Guide):
And looks,
Harper (Kalix):
Oh, hi.
Michi (Fletcher):
How’s the watching the ship going?
Harper (Kalix):
It's good, it's good. I feel like we've fixed the engine, but also maybe got a couple kinks out or something.
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh, that's fantastic. I'm really glad you were here to help us with all of that, I don't know how we would've gotten off the ground without you.
Harper (Kalix):
Thank you. I know you all would've figured it out, though. But I do like this sort of thing.
Michi (Fletcher):
I wanted to check in with you actually. How are you feeling about us going to Towerfell?
Harper (Kalix):
Loren’s saying what he's been saying about this Kel kith has me a little nervous. But I mean, we've made it through so much already, we should easily be able to make this, right?
Michi (Fletcher):
Yeah are you worried about Portsmore? Have you heard from them?
Harper (Kalix):
No, I haven't. I'm getting nervous especially considering what happened to The Lastings. But I feel like we're getting close to fixing all of this.
Michi (Fletcher):
I’m really worried about The Lastings. I think my moms are okay, and my little brother is really lucky so, even in the worst times he always makes it out okay. But I'm just- I'm scared that after all of this things won't be the same, and I really miss home. Anyway, I just was thinking about what you said last night. I guess I'm a little bit tired of all the travel and danger too. I mean, before all this I was just supposed to be making potions for Zelle. That was it.
Harper (Kalix):
Well, you did want to maybe see where you and I go. How would you like if I came to see you in The Lastings every now and then.
Michi (Fletcher):
That would be nice. I think you’d like it there, it's a really nice place.
Harper (Kalix):
The way you've talked about it makes it seem quite wonderful. And hopefully with everything fixed, travel will be maybe a little easier.
Michi (Fletcher):
Hey, Kalix?
Harper (Kalix):
Michi (Fletcher):
Can I give you a hug?
Harper (Kalix):
Oh, yes, absolutely.
Fletcher gives Kalix like a sweet little, like a tight hug that's just full of support and relief, and the kind of hug you need after you've been through something rough. After like hugging for like a good moment, Fletcher pulls away, looks up at Kalix who’s so much taller than Fletcher, and Fletcher says,
Michi (Fletcher):
I really liked kissing you yesterday, and I wanted to ask: how would you feel about being boyfriends?
Harper (Kalix):
Uh, I really liked kissing you, too. But I'm not sure I can be your boyfriend. No, no! Not because of that. I've been thinking about something. While I was in the military, I was forced to be something that I wasn’t. Having to always be so strong and so manly, it has never even felt right and I don't know, being around you and your friends and seeing you all use different pronouns for each other in various ways... I just don't think I am a guy, you know?
Michi (Fletcher):
I understand that. My friends and I have gone through all of that. What would you like to be referred to as? You don't have to be a boyfriend, but I do want to be closer to you than friends.
Harper (Kalix):
So, you're okay with me not being a boyfriend, but maybe a partner?
Michi (Fletcher):
Partner sounds good. It sounds really grown up, but I'm still happy to spend time with you.
Harper (Kalix):
I am happy to spend time with you, too.
Harper (Guide):
And he leans down for another kiss.
They kiss.
Harper (Guide):
And Hoku, who did not see it at all.
Jenine (Hoku):
Oh my god look at that star! Wait, it’s the sun…
Harper (Guide):
It's just not meant to be for Hoku. The Flying Dutchkith flies on. Fletcher, would you spend time with Kalix up on the captain’s area near the helm?
Yes, uh, Fletcher will probably get very sleepy spending so much time in the sun. So Fletcher will like curl up into a like comfy little ball and fall asleep next to Kalix.
Harper (Guide):
He would curl, he would like take his little coat off and curl it up under you so you have a pillow. The day presses on, and eventually Hoku, you see off in the distance not only like a large city with skyscrapers, but you do you see the ocean off in the distance. And what seems like a green shadowy sort of like human statue.
Hoku now finally looks down, not knowing what’s happening, and goes,
Jenine (Hoku):
I see water! I see this tall little- Oh, hello. I couldn't- are you - am I interrupting? I could, I could just,
And then Hoku just dips back down into the crow’s nest, ignores like whatever is happening there.
He’ll like do the like, mumble and turn thing because Hoku and Fletcher have been sharing a room for so long, I'm sure they both like made a lot of sound. They don't share a bed because they would kick each other. Fletcher is pretty used to Hoku’s presence.
At this point Alma would probably be awake, stretching and making her way up to the helm.
Jenine (Hoku):
There's a thing up here: so I see water, and then I see this statue that I saw in a dream, and I think we're supposed to go inside of the statue, but the statue is a human so do you think- oh right, I did have a dream about a big green statue. Did I tell you guys about this? I had a dream about a big green statue.
Tatiana (Alma):
I think you might've mentioned vaguely, maybe? I dunno. Hold on, let me take a- let me take a look here.
Alma goes to the helm and she's gonna pull out a telescope.
Harper (Guide):
As you've gotten closer since the first time Hoku saw it, you can definitely see that yes, Towerfell is approaching. You see that the buildings, a lot of them, unlike Portsmore are kind of like leaning over in strange ways. And some of them are like leaned up against each other, some of them are completely flat now, but lots of like skyscraper buildings kind of in these weird angles and stuff. You do see the giant flying dragonflies zipping throughout the sky. You do you see the green lady off in the bay. But you also see kind of at the center of it all, a towering canvas? The wind kind of like picks it up, the canvas covering something massive in the town center.
Tatiana (Alma):
Okay we are getting pretty close. Kalix if you could get Fletcher up. Hoku?
Jenine (Hoku):
Tatiana (Alma):
Can you grab Neu and Chandler?
And then you see Hoku just scurry on down. As he starts running out he stops, turns around, and goes,
Jenine (Hoku):
I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to what was happening on deck, but I think something happened between Fletcher and Kalix, but I don't know what it is because I’m not really good at paying attention to some of that stuff, so I don't know, bye!
And then Hoku runs.
Tatiana (Alma):
I’m going to leave that in my pocket to bring up later. I’m sure that'll be a fun conversation to have later. We are the crew of a garbage freighter, so I'm gonna you know, do the talking, because they're probably going to want us to have a reason to be there. So I'll, you know, make sure things go smoothly. Let's go through the south entrance, yeah. Let's go, I'm gonna position us so we're going to go to the south entrance. This is going to go great.
When Hoku went to get Neu, you will have found him in his room, and you would have found him continuing the work on the piece he's been weaving lately.
Jenine (Hoku):
How is that- ooh!
Octa (Neu):
Don’t look too much!
Jenine (Hoku):
Oh, okay.
And then Hoku maybe like, turns around and then puts his paws on his eyes.
Jenine (Hoku):
I saw nothing.
You hear kind of like a swishing sound, like I put a curtain covering up what has been done.
Octa (Neu):
Are we being called? Is it time now?
Jenine (Hoku):
Yes, we are now barge workers.
And back is still turned towards you, paws on eyes.
Octa (Neu):
You can look now, it’s fine.
Hoku turns around slowly, paws still on eyes.
Jenine (Hoku):
Captain Alma has sent me to retrieve you and Chandler to go up.
Octa (Neu):
Okay, let's get Chandler.
Hoku goes and grabs Chandler now.
Harper (Guide):
Chandler is in the room with Loren. Loren doesn't seem to be goo-ified anymore because he is up, looking out the porthole. And as you come in you see like Chandler on the bed, him reading, and Loren’s back to you.
Harper (Chandler):
How's it going?
Jenine (Hoku):
We're good. We are- Alma sent me to grab you because we're about to pull in to the city, and we are going to pretend to be barge workers. I've been told to remind us that we're not supposed to talk, its Alma that does the talking. I'm not really good at talking to other kith, so I understand that. Up we go. Hi, Loren.
Harper (Loren):
Do I go or do I just stay here?
Jenine (Hoku):
I don't know the procedure. I can go and ask Alma and then I can come back really quick. I'm pretty fast at going back up. I don't wanna keep you excluded, but also like, if you know someone and if they rat you out with that be bad. I don't want to exclude you, sorry, hello how are you? I'm Hoku.
Harper (Loren):
I'll just make it easier, I'll just stay here.
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay, do you want more soup? I can get you soup.
Harper (Loren):
I'm good. I hope I am allowed to go get soup if I need it.
Jenine (Hoku):
Do you need a hug?
Harper (Loren):
Honestly I'm just not in the hugging mood.
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay, I can go- I'll go check with Alma if you need to come up in any way, if need to disguise you. I don't want- Okay, bye!
And then Hoku runs.
Harper (Guide):
The rest of your meet up on deck, Hoku do you ask about Loren or do you just leave it?
Jenine (Hoku):
Hey so Alma, what do we want to do with Loren downstairs?
Tatiana (Alma):
We should probably keep him down there. If this is you know the home base of the Preservation, and more than likely they have spies everywhere, and if anybody recognizes him they're going to know right away that we are not who we say we are.
Jenine (Hoku):
If they come and examine the ship, should we hide him now?
Tatiana (Alma):
We can put him in like a trunk, or a closet, or there's, like, I really have hidden rooms.
Jenine (Hoku):
There's like no hidden entrances or exits or passageways on the ship that we can hide Loren?
Tatiana (Alma):
There are slides, but like, the problem with the slides is that they’re at an angle.
Jenine (Hoku):
There’s slides?
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah, how do you think I beat you to the engine room?
Jenine (Hoku):
I mean you're the one that's closest in height to me, so I thought you were just faster.
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah no, check this out.
Alma is going to like kick something, and like a hatch is going to open.
Tatiana (Alma):
Jenine (Hoku):
What if we had- ooh! What if we had Fletcher do the sticky thing and we just stick Loren in one of the shoots? Wait actually that might be mean.
Tatiana (Alma):
I mean it kind of sounds like all of the places to hide in are like a little mean. Just because they're small, closed, and cramped places. But like the slide is probably the worst one because it's at an angle so he would just be at an angle the whole time.
Octa (Neu):
I have another idea.
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah, what’s your idea?
Octa (Neu):
So, we could, in case we are caught, he could just say that he commandeered this vehicle in the name of Preservation.
Tatiana (Alma):
Okay, so if we get caught we get Loren to lie. I think that's definitely going to work.
Octa (Neu):
Because we're going to be lying anyway, so.
Tatiana (Alma):
That's true. Two wrongs are- two negatives make a positive, so I think that works out. Yeah, Hoku?
Jenine (Hoku):
Hoku is not good at lying.
Tatiana (Alma):
That's why you're not talking, sweetheart.
Jenine (Hoku):
What if they ask me a question?
Tatiana (Alma):
You know sign. I'm going to assume they don't know sign.
Jenine (Hoku):
I will make star signs and give them to you.
Tatiana (Alma):
Jenine (Hoku):
So, grab Loren now, or wait till we get caught and then grab Loren?
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah, wait till we get caught and then grab Loren. I think that- what do you think, Fletcher?
Fletcher is sleepily listening. Fletcher has been like nodding along to like every idea, a little confused about some of the ideas. Had like a surprise like, “oh slides are fun” when slides came up.
Michi (Fletcher):
I think it might be a good idea, but I'm also worried because of what happened at Middledwell. What if Loren's also in danger if the Preservation sees him?
Tatiana (Alma):
I mean, technically we captured him. I don't know if they would know that he, you know, is a traitor necessarily. If anything they might try to save him.
Michi (Fletcher):
What if they actually save him and then Loren actually betrays us? And Loren is so mad at him that we made him sticky and didn’t trust him that the Preservation gets Loren, and then we are in trouble again?
Tatiana (Alma):
Let's just hope we don't get caught, I think is what it's boiling down to.
Octa (Neu):
I mean, if you think that's dangerous, you could try going down and talking to Loren and getting him to feel safe here with us?
Michi (Fletcher):
Is he still only speaking to Chandler?
Tatiana (Alma):
No, right? Because he talked to you, Hoku.
Jenine (Hoku):
Yeah he talked to me. Well, he kind of brushed me off a little bit, but he did say some stuff.
Michi (Fletcher):
Okay I'll try talking to him.
Tatiana (Alma):
Great! I would hurry though, because we're almost there.
Fletcher runs off. Sleepily he had put Kalix’s jacket on over his shoulders, so now it's like this oversize jacket dress on Fletcher. So Fletchers running off.
Harper (Guide):
Alma go ahead and give me an instinct roll.
That is a nine.
Harper (Guide):
Off in the distance you do you see a few queues forming of like the garbage barges coming in. They do seem like they're going pretty quickly, but they are clearly showing paperwork at the gate.
Tatiana (Alma):
How do I explain why I don't have any paperwork? It got blown off the ship? We encountered a storm? That always works… it caught fire?
Octa (Neu):
I think fire could be a good idea.
Tatiana (Alma):
Listen, people lose paperwork all the time. I'm gonna be like, here's what I'm thinking, right? In my lying brain. Like “hey man, so like I know I'm supposed to have the proper paperwork, blah blah blah, but it kind of, you know I was reading late at night, and I had a candle out. Unfortunately, an accident happened, we got a little jostled by the wind, the candle tipped over, paperwork caught fire, it was a safety hazard. I had to put it out but by the time I put it out it was already too late, and I really don't want this to disrupt my route. I have a job to do, I got to get back home to the family, you know how it is.” Bada bing, bada boom, we’re in. What do you think?
Octa (Neu):
You’re a natural at this, Alma.
Tatiana (Alma):
We’ll unpack that at some point, I'm sure. But not today!
Harper (Guide):
You ran downstairs, you're at the door, do knock or do you just go in?
Fletcher’s gonna knock.
Harper (Loren):
Yes, who is it?
Michi (Alma):Um, it’s me, Fletcher.
Harper (Loren):
I'll get the handcuffs. Don't worry, I am on the bed, you can come in.
Michi (Fletcher):
You don't have to wear handcuffs.
Fletcher comes in. What is the state of Loren now?
Harper (Guide):
He is on the bed. He looks like he has been, maybe he didn’t sleep well, maybe he was crying, but he’s at the edge of the bed sitting, hands on his lap with the handcuffs from Kalix.
So he just put the handcuffs on himself?
Harper (Guide):
Michi (Fletcher):
You don't need to have the handcuffs on. How are you doing? Are you okay?
Harper (Loren):
Yeah, I am great.
Michi (Fletcher):
I think you’re lying to me. That’s your lying face.
Harper (Loren):
No. I'm not doing good! I know like, I was in a weird group, but I thought I have helped out a lot. And every time I help out it just ends up with me in a closet, me getting gooped up, me with my knee broken. It's just- I dunno, I guess I did break your trust that much. Still, I thought it would be somewhat closer to me not being a prisoner.
Michi (Fletcher):
I don't want you to be a prisoner.
Fletcher makes a big gesture of actually like going and like undoing the handcuffs, and removing them very gently, and putting them away.
Harper (Loren):
Thank you.
Michi (Fletcher):
Listen, I don't know if anyone has told you already, but we're pretty much at Towerfell now. I don't want to put you in any more danger. So what do you think will happen if we get caught? And do you think you’re in okay standing at the Preservation? I mean, I know it would seem bad to ask you to help us now after everything that's happened, but… Loren I do care about you, this is just been a really weird time.
Harper (Loren):
It has been weird. Yeah, I'm not sure if I'll be able to get us out of anything if the Preservation is involved. Especially if Professor Peppers and the rest of them are already here. But if we go to the north or the south gate and this ship is disguised as a barge, we should be fine.
Michi (Fletcher):
Loren, how well do you know Towerfell?
Harper (Loren):
I don't know it much, just a little here and there. Do you know those times when I had scholars’ trips from Witch Academy?
Michi (Fletcher):
Harper (Loren):
I would come here for some of those times and spend time in training with the Preservation. So I do know a little bit, but I mainly know it by maps.
Michi (Fletcher):
Do you know where we can find a map?
Harper (Guide):
He walks over to his bag and pulls out a little scroll.
Harper (Loren):
Here, and I've got a few marks on the map for good places to hide a ship or whatnot. Depending on where you’re going it might be better to park in one place or the other.
Michi (Fletcher):
Every time I ask my friends about what we should do, they tell me it's up to me. But I really do think I want to trust you. So, I think you should help lead our group while we’re going through Towerfell.
Harper (Loren):
Okay. I probably shouldn't go out like this, though.
Michi (Fletcher):
Yeah, I can disguise you? Like we used to in Witch Academy.
Harper (Loren):
I guess lets get to it.
Harper (Guide):
Alma, you're getting closer to the gate. There's like two more ships in front of you. You talked with the group about your plans to lie. Neu and Hoku, are you helping out in any way?
I guess generally just being around trying to do small tasks.
Harper (Guide):
Like you’re a crew, crew members on a barge.
Yeah. I'm gonna go back to the crow’s nest, then no one's going to ask Hoku questions.
Neu is going to take out a flip chart and will be like, look very busy making sure that all of the garbage is accounted for.
Harper (Guide):
And before you know it, Alma, you are pulling up next to the platform. A walrus looks over at you from this platform.
Harper (Walrus Guard):
What is your paperwork say?
Tatiana (Alma):
Well the thing about that, unfortunately, is that there was an accident on the ship and the paperwork has been lost. Ha ha. I was doing some, you know, nightly checking of the paperwork- as you do because you like to be prepared- and the ship encountered a bit of turbulence, candle fell right on top of the paperwork, by the time that I put it out it was too far gone to save.Harper (Guide):
Give me a heart roll.
Tatiana (Alma):
Hey that's at eight!
Harper (Guide):
He looks at you and holds his hand out with a little bit of a wink and says,
Harper (Walrus Guard):
Sorry, no paperwork, no getting into Towerfell.
Tatiana (Alma):
Listen man, what's your name?
Harper (Walrus Guard):
Tatiana (Alma):
It's a pleasure to meet you, Huck. Huck you know how it is. I really don't want this to disrupt my route. I've got a lot to get done, and I would love to go home to the family tonight. We've been spending a lot of time in the air recently, it's been rough on the crew, morale is a little low if I'm being honest. So if you could just do me this solid, and if you let me through now I promise that I will come back with new paperwork detailing everything from this past job so that you don't get in trouble. You know, for posterity.
Harper (Huck):
:I'm afraid I could only let this slide under certain circumstances.
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh, well what circumstances could those be, my friend? /p>
Harper (Guide):
Still hand extended, winks again, kind of opens and closes it a couple times.
Harper (Huck):
:Paperwork. I need to see some form of paperwork.
Tatiana (Alma):
I see. Some form of paperwork, eh? Give me one second, gimme one second.
So there's two wolves inside of me right now. One wolf is saying that he wants some schmoney. The other will like grab a piece of parchment and write “I pinky promise” on the back of it. Cause that’s technically paperwork.
Harper (Guide):
Does Alma believe that route will suffice?
Alma knows this game. This is not an uncommon issue when it comes to docking anywhere. So I feel like she has a little money set aside specifically for dock hands and/or bribery. So she's gonna kind of you know stealthily reach into a little compartment on the helm and pull out some schmoney and is going to walk back over to Huck and place it in his hand.
Tatiana (Alma):
Here's your paperwork, for ya.
Harper (Guide):
And he just doesn't even look at it, just puts it in his pocket, pulls out a clipboard, checks a few things off and says,
Harper (Huck):
:You’re free to proceed.
Tatiana (Alma):
Have a lovely rest of your day. All right folks let's get a move on.
Alma’s gonna take the help and guide the ship into Towerfell.
Harper (Guide):
All of the places that Loren marked off for good landing spots are like further in town closer to town center, but not quite there, so it wouldn't be too obvious if a junk freighter comes in. But closer to where you can actually start to get a better look at whatever this massive construction is going on at the center of town, I would say it's probably around again the height of a three-story building, maybe four-story building. Just like this canvas like draped over something and like large like scaffolding off to the right and to the left of it, and a massive sort of stage at the center, and it seems like a crowd has started to gather in this like downtown square area around this piece of construction.
What kind of vibe is the crowd giving?
Harper (Guide):
People seem excited.
Octa (Neu):
Maybe like a bit actor there, you think?
Tatiana (Alma):
Something’s happening.
Michi (Fletcher):
Do you think it's the Starkeeper again?
Jenine (Hoku):
Do you think it is? I mean if it is, do you think we can maybe do a pit stop- wait we’re on a mission we don't have to go see the Starkeeper but if we did see the Starkeeper do you think it's a good idea if we stop by the Starkeeper? *(sharp inhale) Hi!
Tatiana (Alma):
I don't think it's the Starkeeper. I think we're going to land now.
Jenine (Hoku):
But what if the Starkeeper could help us in the situation? Because I mean they know a lot of different things about the different histories and maybe they can actually pinpoint where the human is buried because they have lots of myths and histories?
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh no yeah totally, I just I- I just don't think it's the Starkeeper. I think the Starkeeper is probably very busy and not here right now.
Michi (Fletcher):
The Starkeeper also had a stage.
Harper (Guide):
Who saw the vision of Kel on the dragonfly? Was it Hoku? So Hoku and Neu, as the ship starts to come in to land, a decent way away from the town center but not too far away to where you can't see what's going on, you actually hear first like the crowd get louder. And then you notice that there is a giant dragonfly coming and landing on the platform. The crowd begins to cheer and it looks like a small a figure gets off of that large dragonfly. You do you recognize this dragonfly as the one Kel was riding. It was massive, a lot bigger than the ones that you have been seeing like circling about above.
Neu elbows Hoku.
Octa (Neu):
Right? I think- I think that's them.
Jenine (Hoku):
Oh, okay. We should let Alma know.
Octa (Neu):
Hey, Captain?
Tatiana (Alma):
What's up?
Octa (Neu):
I think the ones going to the stage are the dangerous guy, Kel.
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh, that’s definitely not the Starkeeper.
Octa (Neu):
Why do these guys keep getting involved with stages? They’re nothing to look at.
Tatiana (Alma):
Well they probably like the attention. Alright, let's land and then we’ll deal. It's gonna be fine, guys.
Octa (Neu):
We just need to be very careful, make sure no one notices us. We don't want to be perceived and we should search the city? Ask around? Do we have any clue, somewhere to begin?
Harper (Guide):
You see Kel standing on the platform looking out over a massive crowd.
Harper (Kel):
Ladies and gentlemen. Fellow amphibians, and esteemed guests. Today I stand before you as Kel, a horn toad frog and proud member and current leader of the Preservation. Our kith have been working tirelessly over the past several months to bring about a change, and today marks another important day as we move towards a world where humans serve alongside us kith.
Harper (Guide):
And they pause as the crowd cheers.
Harper (Kel):
As part of this project, we have constructed this glorious sight we are about to unveil. But I also want to introduce you to two esteemed guests.
Harper (Guide):
And the crowd kind of hushes. Coming from the shadows behind the stage are two cloaked figures with orange plumy tails flicking the air behind them as they walk out. They uncloaked themselves or un-hood themselves.
Harper (Kel):
These are magical and spiritual advisors. Horus and Arch.
Harper (Guide):
And you recognize Horus as the Preservation leader that was in Middledwell, and Arch next to him looks very similar but older. And they both raise their hands and shimmering lights shoot out over the crowd, and the crowd cheers.
Harper (Kel):
Without further ado, our future is here for us to take it. Towerfell will be the place humans will rise again!
Harper (Guide):
And he raises his hands, and the sort of canvas starts to fall to the ground and reveals the massive statue of a human. There is some sort of magic in viewing it as this massive human. broad shoulders, hands outstretched, and a kind of menacing grasp of power. Bald head, featureless face.
Harper (Kel):
Kith, meet our new god, our Divinity.
Everyone thanks for listening. You can follow queeRPG on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok @queeRPGpod. And we are now on Blueseky, you can find us there @queerpg.bsky.social. queeRPG is made possible by all of you who listen and share the show! So, if you like what you hear, please rate and review. It helps other people find the podcast. You can also support the show by signing up for our patron at patreon.com/queeRPG. If you're interested in seeing transcripts for the episodes, all of those from previous episodes and episodes to come can be found on our website queeRPG.com until next time.</p

Meet your hosts:

Harper Sage Pettit
S2 Guide