S1 E2: Glass Friendship

Episode 2

About this Podcast:

The three house kids prepare for the start of the year party and make some questionable decisions.
This episode was produced by Kenzie Tartaglione and Ashley Westover. Editing by Kenzie Tartaglione. Theme music by Lorna Ryan.


Episode Transcript:

Kenzie Tartaglione (Master of Ceremonies):

We begin with a flashback once again to the first day of school. The last bell of the day has rung, students dismissed and it is a free for all. Ivy you have been called, not for a full cheer practice, but for a start of the year meeting. Sawyer you are posted up outside by the bike rack, waiting for her. Not only did you receive a cryptic text about the party being cancelled, but you also received the itinerary from you mother and along with your and Anabelle’s names, Ivy’s is now listed on your itinerary for the evening.

Caleb as you are heading out of the front doors with Sam, trying to make it to the car before Adam does to avoid his ire, you see Mr. Evans, the Chief of Police, standing on the sidewalk, hands on his hips. The golden star pinned to his chest glinting in the sun.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

Caleb Moore, just the student I was looking to find.

Mads McDonnough (Caleb Moore):

Um, I um, um –


I look to Sam.

Mads (Caleb):

Did you say something? Did you do – what would even say?

Kenzie (Sam Marshall):

What would I have done?

Mads (Caleb):

I don’t know what you would have done, I’m freaking out.

Kenzie (Sam):

Are you like not allowed to wear a hat backwards, I, what, is that a rule now?

Mads (Caleb):

No, I don’t know (clears throat).

Kenzie (MC):

He strides over.

Mads (Caleb):

Hello, sir.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

You look a little nervous. Bad day at school?

Mads (Caleb):

No, no, I – (clears throat) I had a very, very good day at school. Thank you for asking me. Is there something I can hel- help you with?

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

As a matter of fact, I was wondering if you knew where I could find your parents?

Mads (Caleb):

My parents?

Kenzie (Chief Evans):


Mads (Caleb):

I mean… can you not find them?

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

Well I just have a few questions, some police inquiries that I think they could lend a hand with and I went to your house earlier this afternoon and no one was home.

Mads (Caleb):

Well, they’re usually not home, I mean, my dad is usually out doing things and my mom is usually out doing other things. Uh. They’re not home a lot. Um. Do you have their contact information? I mean I guess I could give you their phone numbers.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

No, no, I uh, tried calling your dad earlier today but didn’t get a response so I was just wondering. I can stop by later this evening to see if they’ve come back.

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah, um, they’ll be back. Tonight. If you want to see them. Um, I can let them know that you were looking for them?

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

That’d be most appreciated.

Mads (Caleb):

Heh, yeah, uh, sure.

Kenzie (MC):

He reaches out and weirdly pats you on the shoulder.

Mads (Caleb):

My arm feels like stiff marble and its very cold because all the blood has drained out of me right now.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

Alright, well, appreciate your time. And I hope you have a good rest of your day. I’ll be in touch with your parents, let ‘em know that I’m looking for them.

Mads (Caleb):

(voice peaks) Okay. (clears throat) Okay. Thank you.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):


Kenzie (MC):

Puts his hands back on his hips and walks down the sidewalk to where the cruiser sits.


I hold my head in my hands. I crunch my shoulders further in on themselves and I just groan to Sam, next to me.

Mads (Caleb):

What am I doing? That was so stupid.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, I think it was like a little bit of an overreaction but I don’t think a cop has ever come up to me directly so I might have done the same thing.

Mads (Caleb):

I feel like I’m going to vomit.

Kenzie (Sam):

This would not be a good place to do that at.

Mads (Caleb):

No! I don’t – no I’m not gonna vomit. I’m not gonna actually do that.

Kenzie (Sam):

Oh, okay, okay.

Mads (Caleb):

I just feel freaked out. I need –

Kenzie (Sam):

Do you want some water?

Kenzie (MC):

And they hold out a water bottle.


I take it and I take a little sip of it.

Mads (Caleb):

Is this like infused with strawberries or something? Is this -

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah well I had to figure out a way to get the metal taste out because the water bottle makes the water taste like metal.

Mads (Caleb):

So you put strawberries in to dull it down. It tastes like metals and strawberries now.

Kenzie (Sam):

Honestly, Caleb, I think that’s better than just metal.

Mads (Caleb):

Why are you drinking - just wash your dishes!


I’m gonna take a little sip and put the cap back on, close my eyes and go

Mads (Caleb):

Thank you for your weird water. I appreciate you so much.


I am going to hand it back to them.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, any time, any time. Tomorrow I’ll put something differently. Like do you want… I don’t really like cucumber water but I could try it.

Mads (Caleb):

I would love just water actually. With no other tastes or surprises. I think regular water, clean, not metal, would be something we could all benefit from.

Kenzie (Sam):

I don’t know why it tastes like metal. The water bottle is metal, it makes the water taste like metal. I don’t – I can’t do anything about that!

Mads (Caleb):

Consider this, okay, just hear me out, okay? New water bottle.

Kenzie (Sam):

You know when somebody gives you a gift and you have to use it because your parents said it was nice that they gave you a gift and that you should use it.


I’m going to flick his nose.

Kenzie (Sam):


Mads (Caleb):

You’re making problems for yourself.

Kenzie (Sam):

I would feel bad if I threw it out.


I‘m going to nod firmly and go

Mads (Caleb):

I can’t help you with that. I’ll see you tomorrow.


And then I start – I just turn around, start to walk towards the car and then I stop, take like two steps back and I turn back to him and go

Mads (Caleb):

So, we’re raiding tonight still. That’s – that’s still – we’re gonna –

Kenzie (Sam):


Mads (Caleb):

Because I just boosted up to eighty on my, yeah, okay, just wanna, okay – oh – okay bye.

Kenzie (MC):

And with that we find ourselves back a week later on the night or the afternoon of the quarry party. School has been let out. Sawyer you hop on your longboard and head toward The Tunnel. On the way you see one of Ivy’s friends, not the one who sort of saved your ass from your mom, but the other one, headed down toward Main Street. You pass Joe’s – a diner that you frequented at all hours of the day. Sometimes the bacon cheese fries are the only thing that connect you to Earth. You see a couple guys from the hockey team that you know mostly through Adam pushing and shoving each other through the front door. The little silver bell inside ringing again and again and again and again. You continue on the very familiar roads until you have to jump off and carry your board.

The Tunnel is the old sewer entrance on the cusp of woods outside of town. It is one of the many hang out spots that you have been introduced to when you started hanging around with Master Kush and his entourage. There are the woods and there is the forest. They’re two different places, two different vibes. These are the woods and the trees are spaced enough to let the sun stream down, coloring the discarded twigs and weeds in bright light. The old rusted iron gate lays off to the side, almost invisible through the tangle of leaves and vines that have overtaken it through the years.

The interior is filled with the detritus of stoners: empty bottles, cans, and snack wrappings. Folding chairs that are so broken they are barely usable. One old couch found in the garbage that would have been better off staying in the garbage. The floor hasn’t been wet for years. Grass and weeds have begun to grow where they would have once been drowned. And as you approach, White Widow is standing outside, leaning against the brick of the no longer in use bridge under which the tunnel sits. She nods at you as you approach.

Kenzie (White Widow):

Told him you were comin’.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Cool. Yeah. Thanks dubs. Imma just make myself useful in the meantime.


And Sawyer will go into this old crate that they have that is just filled with both empty and completely new spray paint cans of a variety of different colors but definitely a lot of reds. And will snatch one, shake it, toss it to the side, it’s empty. Snatch another one. It’s a full red one. And will just start spray painting a part of the inside of the tunnel. Just a haphazard butterfly. Its like probably the first or second time in an attempt to do a butterfly so the wings are the really only, really the only solid part of it.

Kenzie (MC):

As you’re in the process of (spray paint can noises) you hear a squeak and you kind of turn and notice whom you didn’t notice upon entering, is that Oreoz is sitting there. Doesn’t have anything in his hands, arms flat against the arms of this chair that is pretty much just sitting on the ground. It doesn’t really have leg supports anymore. He’s got very long legs and his knees are almost up to his face as he sits there quite uncomfortable, watching you, and his chair squeaks.

Brennan (Sawyer):

What’s up? Uh…


And I’ll walk over and attempt to do like some sort of high five but probably miss and probably just end up grabbing the hand or Oreoz hand with both of my hands and just shake him.

Brennan (Sawyer):

What’s up dude?

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Dude, dude, dude. Come on.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Sorry. Sorry I’m clammy.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Get better at that.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I’m clammy.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Yeah. That’s what school does to ya.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Did you go to school today?

Kenzie (Oreoz):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, makes sense. You just hangin’?

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Yeah. I mean I just got here like a couple hours ago. Today was weird man…

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh yeah? What, uh, what was weird about it?

Kenzie (Oreoz):

I think I got too high. Yeah I was walking along the road outside of town. I think I was up by the Moore property. That’s the one with like all the houses.

Brennan (Sawyer):


Kenzie (Oreoz):

Yeah? That’s that? Yeah. And I just like… there was like this… I think I saw like a giant cat with six legs but –

Brennan (Sawyer):


Kenzie (Oreoz):

That’s what I said. (laughs) I think I got too high, man.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, you were… I mean everything that you told me up until that was like oh no that’s like your pretty standard every day for you. Like you tell me that – I think I’ve heard that story like seventeen times in the past four days but that’s friggin sweet, I guess.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Yeah like it looked like a regular cat. It was like gray but it was like the size of a car and –

Brennan (Sawyer):


Kenzie (Oreoz):

And had six legs.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh. Yeah. No, you were high.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Okay, okay. ‘Cause what if I wasn’t and I saw a fucking six-legged cat, man.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Are you high right now?

Kenzie (Oreoz):

No I came down after that shit. I don’t want to see another one of those things.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I mean I kinda want to see one of those things, but…

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Well, man, then start on it. You got time, right?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, well, I’m kinda waiting around here to… ha, you know, do some serious biz. Taking it really chill though, really not doing the serious biz with serious but doing it with the utmost chillocity, you know.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

You talking about taking the stuff to the party tonight?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh yeah that, I’ve gotta definitely, yeah I’ve gotta do that.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

I mean the backpacks back in the back if you want to grab it.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh cool! Has it already been like okayed by –

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Yeah, Kush made it like days ago.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, cool, yeah, alright. Thanks I’ll go grab it.

Kenzie (MC):

There’s usually a stash in the tunnel where if there is a job, a deal going down, whoever is in charge of that deal, puts the stuff. So, there currently is a crate and inside of the crate is a backpack and it is actually quite heavy picking it up.


Put it on both of my shoulders. Walk back over to Oreoz.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Well, that’s really what I really wanted to do today. Here. Nothing else.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Yeah, did he give you the prices ‘cause I think, I think there’s some stuff in there we don’t usually sell.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, really?

Kenzie (Oreoz):


Brennan (Sawyer):

No, I didn’t – I don’t know any of that I was just gonna kind of get the normal pay.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Yeah, Adam was looking for some, some weed and some stuff that wasn’t weed.

Brennan (Sawyer):

What’s –

Kenzie (Oreoz):

I don’t know the whole thing. Kush didn’t really talk to me about it but I just heard that there might be stuff –

Brennan (Sawyer):

Like dangerous stuff? Like nothing with like needles, right? Like I’m not gonna get poked in the back, right?

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Uh, no, I mean who would wanna – who would wanna take heroin at a party?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Or like anytime, yeah, right?

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Man, I don’t smoke anything but weed, I don’t even know what you’re talkin’ about.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah. (laughs)

Kenzie (Oreoz):

deep sigh) No, no, it’s nothing like that. I think it’s mostly weed, pills, and I think there might be some powders in there.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, well, I mean, Adam’s usually like pretty responsible like he’ll be, he’ll make good decisions and everything. Take it in small bumps.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Dude I don’t think it’s just for Adam.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah I – yeah I know but Adam wants to please the people, right? So like –

Kenzie (Oreoz):


Brennan (Sawyer):

So if that’s what the people want, then –

Kenzie (Oreoz):

That’s what the people get.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I guess, yeah. Not that – you know I was actually thinking about going straight edge for a little while, testing out those –

Kenzie (Oreoz):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah I think that’s like kinda hipster. So I thought maybe I’d try that and see where that led me if it was down better paths.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Yeah, man, do what you gotta do.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, cool! Yeah, I honestly though you’d be like, “We’d for life. Like don’t do that.”

Kenzie (Oreoz):

I think that’s more Sour Diesel’s thing.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Cool, yeah, alright. It feels good to –

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Yeah I mean, I am not going to be the one to break it to Kush that he’s losing you. That’s all on you.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, well… I’m gonna push that off as far as I can.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

I think, uh, you’ve already kind of start with your (mediocre punching noises) punching in the face type of thing.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah. Well that’s all weed under the tunnel… eh… you get what I’m saying, right?

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Yeah I don’t think that your forte though is making up idioms.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Weed under the tunnel. That made sense.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Weed in the tunnel.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Weed in the tunnel?

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Under the tunnel is like –

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah but if its in the tunnel I’m afraid that still means like that feels like a sexual thing.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Oh, like it’s still happening.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh… oh.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

We’re on different pages, man.

Brennan (Sawyer):

We’re on totally different pages. We’re on totally different pages. I just thought that we’re over it, right? I’m over it. Master Kush is over it.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

I mean the last I was told, he’s still kinda waiting on an apology from you.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, man, those are just rumors right?

Kenzie (Oreoz):

I don’t know if it could be called a rumor when it comes from the horse’s mouth, you know?

Brennan (Sawyer):

(sighs) Okay. Oreoz, should I like… I’m starting to freak out a little bit here. Uh, anyways, should I like talk to him now or should I wait until the quarry party when there’s more people around?

Kenzie (MC):

Oreoz slowly stand up out of the chair. And he’s taller than you, but he’s lanky and boney. Kinda just leans down weirdly to try to be on eye level with you.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Dude, chill out. Because this is just like a power play situation, okay? You’ve got Kush, who’s in charge of this whole operation. Who gives us free weed whenever we want it as long as we do the jobs he asks us to do. Perfect set up. I’m a little grunt worker, okay? But Runtz, you are, you’re kinda thorn in the whole thing, bud. Because he needs you.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Do you think I can use this whole quarry deal with Adam to just like soften the blow?

Kenzie (Oreoz):

I think you have the upperhand here so yeah I think the blow can be softened.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Wait is that another idiom? Is he gonna punch me but it’s just gonna be softened this time?

Kenzie (Oreoz):

I can’t anticipate that.


Sawyer wipes sweat.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Here’s my advice to you, young one. Apologize. I don’t know, fix his bruised ego. Do the job tonight, sell the shit at the party. And then like, give it a couple weeks and just slowly, slowly stop coming to The Tunnel, stop coming to The Windmill, you know? Avoid the places he’s at and no bridges would’ve been burned and you would’ve been out without really having to have any type of conversation about it.

Brennan (Sawyer):

That sound pretty good. I can just avoid pretty much everything and all responsibilities if I just do that.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Avoiding, ah, responsibilities is kinda like my favorite thing to do. So I’ve got that down pat. No confrontation and you’re good and in the clear.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Just apologize and then ghost. Just get out of there.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

You might want to text him though about the prices ‘cause don’t sell ‘em for cheap, he’ll be mad about that.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Okay. I’m selling tonight?

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Yes and no. Kush should really be here talking to you about this. You’re just getting secondhand information.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, yeah, I just would so much rather not talk to him… (clears throat) I would so much rather not talk to him.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

It feels like the vibe is Adam wants the party stocked with the goods but don’t anybody but like, Kush is kinda doing this on a trial basis because Adam can’t really afford this shit.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh shit.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Yeah, so he’s got some of it and he needs it for the party to be a success so Kush is kinda being nice so its more of a sell as much as you can type of situation.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, yeah, what if I pass off like half to Adam? And then like, you know, I’ll just take some and that’ll be like the apology. I won’t even talk to Kush about it I’ll just – that’ll be like my apology.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

You’ll just like pay for it all?

Brennan (Sawyer):

No (laughs) I can’t afford that. No. No, I’ll just distribute. Like I’ll get individuals to pay for it.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Oh, you’ll – understood, okay.

Brennan (Sawyer):

And then Kush will be so happy with that. We sold the whole thing and he made back the money he’s supposed to have and then I won’t even have to have that confrontation of apologizing. This is brilliant! That’s exactly what I’m going to do.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

I think you’ve talked yourself into a hole here and I’m just going to have to let you live in it.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I’m telling you this is the better way. I won’t have to experience any confrontation. I just have to sell a bag of drugs.

Kenzie (Oreoz):

Then I would say you might want to get the fuck out of here before he comes back.


Sawyer is fucking gone.

Kenzie (MC):

And we move, from the woods, and The Tunnel, and Sawyer and his back of drugs, back to First Street, where Ivy has walked with Natalie with school to Blackthorn Manor. You open the front door to go into this enormous foyer and you hear immediately,

Kenzie (Gabriel):


April (Ivy):

Hi, Papa.

Kenzie (MC):

You look up to the top of the curving staircase in the foyer and see Gabriel. He has on a pink, flowered, black silk robe. It is unfortunately uncinched because the only other thing he is wearing is underwear. But at least they are black and at least they are briefs. And he holds, in his hand, and honest to gods crystal goblet with gold filigree. And you don’t need to see inside to know, you can smell the blood from the doorway. And he starts down the stairs in a grand impression of a black and white movie starlet.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

Natalie, I haven’t see you in what? A week?

Kenzie (MC):

And he glances at you, Ivy, and you all too well that look of disapproval at your particular habits.


Ivy immediately screams upon seeing Gabriel at the top of the steps.

April (Ivy):

Papa, what the fuck! Oh my god. Oh my god! Truly, I don’t think you could be more embarrassing if you tried. I really… I don’t think that you could. Um… sorry, Natalie that you have to see this.

Kenzie (MC):

He has started to make his way down the stairs and her eyes have glazed over looking possibly anywhere else she could.


The scent of the blood in his goblet hits me. There’s like a physical change. My muscle tighten up and I try to hold my breath as best I can.

April (Ivy):

Papa, we’re um, we’re just going to go hang out in my room, okay?

Kenzie (Gabriel):

I trust that you know what to do when you’re done?

April (Ivy):

Uh, mm-hmm, yeah, you don’t – it’s fine. It’s really fine, Papa. Um, if you could just like find any sort of bottoms, that would be great for me. Thank you. Like pants, a skirt, anything.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

But this is so free!

Kenzie (MC):

And he starts dancing around the foyer.


Ivy is literally gripping Natalie’s arm and she squeezes a bit too tight.

Kenzie (Natalie):

Ah, ow.

April (Ivy):

Sorry. Um, okay, yeah, just like clothing. I don’t know if you heard of it. They invented it like fifty million years ago or something.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

You are quite uptight today, bambolina. I don’t think I like this look on you.

April (Ivy):

I know, but, we’re going to a party later so, you’ll get to see a different side of me.

Kenzie (Gabriel):


April (Ivy):

Yeah, uh, Adam’s party.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

Well, this is quite the drastic change.

April (Ivy):

No, it’s not a change, trust me. I’m going to avoiding him as much as I possibly can. So, we’re going to go get ready if that’s okay with you. Is dad here?

Kenzie (Gabriel):

He is but he’s um, otherwise busy.

April (Ivy):

Got it. Cool. Amazing. Um, okay, we’re definitely gonna go and if you guys could just like shut every door between here and there. Then that would be – oh my god, okay. Natalie, let’s go?


And I grab her hand and take her down the hallway.

Kenzie (MC):

She has a bit of confusion on her face.

Kenzie (Natalie):

I was here a week ago? I don’t remember being here a week ago.

April (Ivy):

You know, my dads, they have no sense of time. He’s probably referring to a few weeks ago. Just whenever the last time you were her, ya know. He doesn’t really remember.

Kenzie (Natalie):

Okay (nervous laughter) yeah.

April (Ivy):

Um, do you want me to do your eyeliner?

Kenzie (Natalie):

Yeah, yeah, that’s fine. Whatever you want to do.

April (Ivy):



Ivy is very flushed, and her shoulders are tight, her breathing is pretty fast. She starts rooting through her make-up bag, finds a green eyeliner. Her hands are shaking. She takes a deep, steadying breath.

April (Ivy):

Okay, um, yeah, so you can just sit on the bed or something.

Kenzie (Natalie):

Um, yeah, that’s fine. I also just want to make sure like I don’t have a change of clothes for the party…

April (Ivy):

Oh, that’s fine. You can wear something of mine.

Kenzie (Natalie):

Okay, that’s what I thought. I just wanted to, I just wanted to check.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, if that’s okay…

Kenzie (Natalie):

Yeah, yeah, you usually have cool stuff so.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, um, okay. Sit – you can sit down.

Kenzie (MC):

Her feet are kind of crossed at the ankles and her hands are in her lap. And its not the first time Natalie has been to your house at all, but she seems uncharacteristically nervous. And she’s kind of just like looking around at the things in your room which there are sparse few.

April (Ivy):

Here, can I?


And Ivy grabs Natalie’s chin gently, and moves her face so that she’s face forward.

April (Ivy):

So, how dramatic do you want to go?

Kenzie (Natalie):

Well, I don’t – I don’t think I could pull off anything as dramatic as like Naia does, but like –

April (Ivy):


Kenzie (Natalie):

Maybe just like – yeah. Uh, maybe just like a little wing I guess.

April (Ivy):

Sure. I can do that.


Ivy gets very close to her face and starts trying to draw a little cat eye but her hands are shaking and she kind of like fucks it up.

April (Ivy):

Sorry. Shit. Here.


She licks her thumb and tries to fix it but it just makes it worse.

April (Ivy):

Sorry. Uh, okay. I’m usually way better at this.

Kenzie (Natalie):

Yeah this is kind of… okay…


And she draws one and then draws the other one.

April (Ivy):

Natalie, I – I don’t know anything about Naia. Like you don’t have to be jealous of her.

Kenzie (Natalie):

(softly laughs)

April (Ivy):

I mean she’s just hot, ya know. She’s just another hot girl. Like… we aren’t even friends. I don’t want you to be thinking about her as any sort of like, I don’t know…

Kenzie (Natalie):

You just seemed, um, pretty into her at lunch and stuff.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, but you know me and Alina, we talk like that. Ya know? We talk about people and like their bodies and honestly its probably shitty of us.

Kenzie (Natalie):

Yeah and you’re allowed to like be into whoever –

April (Ivy):


Kenzie (Natalie):

I didn’t mean that in like, I wasn’t –

April (Ivy):

Well, how do you feel? Who are you into? Saw you briefly with Sawyer today.

Kenzie (Natalie):

Yeah, he asked for help.

April (Ivy):

What kind of help?

Kenzie (Natalie):

His mom was there and he just wanted to run away from her.

April (Ivy):

He ran away a lot today.

Kenzie (Natalie):

He didn’t even like know my name.

April (Ivy):

Ouch. You were kinda into him at some point, right? Are you over that?

Kenzie (Natalie):

Well like you don’t Naia, I don’t really know Sawyer.

April (Ivy):

Right. I know you. You know me pretty well.


Ivy moves her hand to her face.

Kenzie (MC):

She gulps. Catches eye contact with you and doesn’t break it. But I think this is a good point to have you roll a dice.


A roll. Yeah, I’ll roll to turn her on.

Kenzie (MC):

Yeah! So roll 2d6 and add your hot to the number.


So eight.

Kenzie (MC):

With your hand under her chin and her looking at you. She leans forward and kisses you.


I kiss her back. I push her back onto the bed. My hand goes from her face to her throat. And I start kissing her neck instead.

April (Ivy):

Is this okay?

Kenzie (Natalie):

Yeah. (laughs nervously) Yeah. More than okay.


I start nipping at her neck a bit. And then I bite her and start to feed.

Kenzie (MC):

You’ve pushed yourself this time a little too far. This is a massive relief, and you almost feel yourself returning to your body because you were not who you wanted to be today.

Her neck tilts back even farther, which is something it does every time you do this. The smell is familiar, the taste is familiar, the way her body reacts is familiar and she is probably one of the most willing people that you’ve ever done this with. You feed a little more than you usually do and there’s a point when you feel a little bit of resistance in the way that she is clutching your shirt.


Ivy’s whole color changes. She’s glowing. She has the other hand on Natalie’s body, that isn’t holding her jaw in place.

April (Ivy):

Hey, hey, it’s fine. You’re doing great.

Kenzie (MC):

Her eyelashes flutter a little bit as if she was almost leaving consciousness.

April (Ivy):

Woah, hey, hey, where are you going? It’s okay. You’re doing great. This is so good. Don’t worry.

Kenzie (Natalie):


April (Ivy):

Woah, okay.


I notice that her eyes are fluttering now and turn her face back to me and finally fully retract.

April (Ivy):

Are you okay?

Kenzie (Natalie):

I was just – yeah.

April (Ivy):

I’m sorry.

Kenzie (Natalie):

I was just –

April (Ivy):

No, I’m really – I’m really, fuck. I’m really sorry.

Kenzie (Natalie):

No, it’s okay. It’s okay.


The hand that’s on her body grips her too hard because Ivy’s strength has fully come back.

Kenzie (Natalie):


April (Ivy):

Fuck, okay I’m sorry.

Kenzie (Natalie):

No, it’s okay.

April (Ivy):


Kenzie (MC):

And she tries to reach up to grab your face.

Kenzie (Natalie):

Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay.


Ivy jerks back away from her touch.

April (Ivy):

I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t be here right now. Maybe, um, actually I think you should go.

Kenzie (MC):

She sits up.

Kenzie (Natalie):

Oh, okay, if that’s what you want.

April (Ivy):

I don’t know what I want but I think it’s just best if you do.

Kenzie (Natalie):

Okay, uh, yeah.

April (Ivy):

Okay, but before – um…


Ivy completely backs off of her and is standing but Natalie’s still sitting on the bed. She, as gently as she can, wipes the remaining blood off of Natalie’s neck, kind of mirroring her earlier motion with the eyeliner, she licks her thumb and wipes it off.

April (Ivy):

Hey, Natalie?

Kenzie (Natalie):



Ivy makes really strong eye contact with her and hypnotizes her to forget that this happened.

Kenzie (MC):

Because of the feeding, you can add to a dice roll, to your next dice roll.


So it’s a six.

Kenzie (MC):

You are frazzled by taking too much and hurting your friend. You can’t get enough focus to successfully hypnotize her into forgetting the feeding, forgetting the fact that you’ve kicked her out now immediately afterwards. And she’s looking at you, still holding that eye contact and she’s like.

Kenzie (Natalie):

I guess I’ll just see you later.


I don’t realize that I was not successful because that’s usual how she would respond anyway.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, that’s fine. Oh, wait, do you want to borrow a dress or something.

Kenzie (Natalie):

I’m going home now so I can just get something.

April (Ivy):

Okay, uh yeah, I’ll see you soon. I’ll text you before I go, okay?

Kenzie (Natalie):


April (Ivy):

Thanks for, um, thanks.

Kenzie (MC):

And she lets herself out of your room.


Ivy throws herself on her bed and just screams into the pillow. And then she looks up, goes over to her closet, picks out her tiniest outfit, puts some hyper pop on her speaker and starts to get ready. She sends a text to Sawyer.

April (Ivy):

Hey, bro, what are you bringing tonight?


Sawyer will respond with

Brennan (Sawyer):

Everything but needles.

April (Ivy):

Disappointed but not surprised. I want a hundred of everything. Also are you busy rn?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Things might be a bit pricier than normal… do you have money… sorry. Also I gotta run home and grab something that’s gonna help me… but I can make time before the party. Where do you want to meet?


Reply to the first text

April (Ivy):

Do you even know me?


Reply to the second text

April (Ivy):

Fine, you’re lame


Reply to the third text

April (Ivy):

Okay, let’s meet in the woods outside the quarry. 10pm. See you there.


You get a thumbs up, a heart, and a heart.

Kenzie (MC):

We find ourselves back, just a couple of hours, outside of school. Weirdly reminiscent of the first day with Sam and Caleb, outside of Wildmoore High. And Sam is… somebody had chalked a hopscotch onto the sidewalk and they are standing, just with two feet in two of the boxes, kind of bouncing back and forth and then they start doing the hopscotch.

Kenzie (Sam):

Um, is Adam giving us a ride to your house?

Mads (Caleb):

Uh, I mean I thought he would but I don’t know. Shit. I didn’t think this through very well.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, ‘cause, I don’t have a bike.

Mads (Caleb):

(sighs) Neither do I, Sam. I can’t exactly walk there. We can’t walk there. It’s way too far away to walk there.

Kenzie (Sam):

To your house?

Mads (Caleb):


Kenzie (Sam):

I guess like we could. We have time. But then, I guess, the question is how are we getting from your house to the quarry?

Mads (Caleb):

Saaaaam, uh, this sucks. This sucks. This sucks. I hate this. This is awful. This is the worst day. This is the worst everything. This is the worst week. This place sucks. This school sucks. I suck.

Kenzie (Sam):


Mads (Caleb):

I’m gonna fix this. Okay? I’m gonna see if he’s left or not because if he’s left then, well, I need to figure out something else. But if he hasn’t, maybe I can convince him.


I’m gonna tug Sam off of their little hopscotch.

Kenzie (MC):

You look out amongst the cars, and you look to the specific spot that is Adam’s and it is empty.


I squat down on the pavement, and I curl my knees up to my chest and hold my hands over my head, bow down into my knees and I just go,

Mads (Caleb):


Kenzie (MC):

Sam mirrors your position, doesn’t scream, and put their hands on their knees and looks at you.

Kenzie (Sam):

This is actually quite a comfortable position for having a crisis.

Mads (Caleb):

I guess there could be worse times to have a crisis. Like, I don’t know, being upright.


I’m going to pull out my phone, find Adam, the last message that was sent between the two of us was a picture of my cat that I sent to him like a week and a half ago, that I drew a tiny little monocle around his eye, and I said, “Distinguished gentleman” on it. There’s absolutely no reply. It’s just on read.

I’m going to start typing, erase it, start typing again,

Mads (Caleb):

Look, I know you’ve got the big party tonight but you could have told me you weren’t giving me a ride home.

Kenzie (MC):

There is not a response.

Mads (Caleb):


Kenzie (MC):

Still no response.

Mads (Caleb):

It’s going to take me forty-five minutes to walk. You realize that? What you’ve done? Leaving me here?


Before I wait to see if there’s a response or not.

Mads (Caleb):

Of course you wouldn’t. You don’t realize anything. You don’t think of anything about anyone outside of that big stupid, shiny head of yours. You’re just a dumb forehead of a human being


I pause. See if he replies

Kenzie (MC):

There is finally a response.

Kenzie (Adam):

The party wasn’t going to set itself up.

Mads (Caleb):

Ha, you’re right. It wasn’t. So glad you could be there for the party.


I’m going to tab over. I’m going to open up a text message thread to my mom

Mads (Caleb):

Mom, I’m freaking out. Adam left me at school

Kenzie (MC):

Too long of a wait it takes for anything to come back. Then your phone starts ringing. It’s a call from your mom.

Mads (Caleb):


Kenzie (Sharon Moore):

What happened?

Mads (Caleb):

I’m at school right now and all the buses are gone already and most of the cars are gone and I think there’s only maybe faculty inside and maybe a ocuple of the kids around. But like I – Adam left.

Kenzie (Sharon):

He was supposed to drive you home?

Mads (Caleb):


Kenzie (Sharon):

Mm-hmm, that’s what I thought. I’ll have a chat with him about that later but right now, we need to get your home. I unfortunately am not in Wildmoore right now. Let me make a call. Give me ten minutes, okay?

Mads (Caleb):


Kenzie (Sharon):

Is there anybody there with you?

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah, Sam. Sam’s here.

Kenzie (Sharon):

Do they need a ride too?

Mads (Caleb):

Yes, if that’s okay.

Kenzie (Sharon):

Yeah, give me ten minutes. I’ll call you back.

Mads (Caleb):


Kenzie (Sharon):

Don’t panic. You know what could happen so take a deep breath.

Mads (Caleb):

That’s not gonna happen. That’s not gonna –

Kenzie (Sharon):

You never know. Try to stay as calm as you can. I’ll call you in ten minutes.

Mads (Caleb):

I’m calm. I’m so clam. I’m like so calm right now.

Kenzie (Sharon):

I believe you.

Mads (Caleb):

I love you bye.


I take the phone and smack it against my forehead a couple times. Hold it over my face.

Kenzie (Sam):

How’s it goin’? Do we have a pick up plan?

Mads (Caleb):

Sam, it is going. Adam definitely left – definitely gone.

Kenzie (Sam):


Mads (Caleb):

Super gone. Not coming back. My mom’s going to try and call someone to come pick us up.

Kenzie (Sam):

I’m just going to – you know what? Do you have chalk?

Mads (Caleb):

Uh… maybe... wait…


I rustle around in my back and pull out this little cloth pencil case. It’s just a picture of a frog on the front of it that is just staring with its eyes glazed over and slid apart from each other like there’s absolutely nothing going on in that little frog head of his.

I open it up and start pulling out a mechanical pencil, a sharpie, there’s a really really long eraser in there and a little, spongey, waded piece of that rubbery eraser. I start pulling all these different things out. I found a gel pen in there somewhere. At the very, very bottom there is a cracked piece of chalk. It used to be part of one of those little holders that teacher’s use to write on the board so they don’t get chalk on their hands. But I broke that so it’s just the chalk now.

Kenzie (Sam):

Cool, cool! So what if – I don’t know if you ever did this as a kid, but make the wildest hopscotch that’s like impossible to do.

Mads (Caleb):

You want me, after my brother left me to fend for ourselves at this school, after hours, to draw absurdist hopscotch!?

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, I mean like number one, I’m sure –


I start drawing the absurdist hopscotch.

Kenzie (MC):

At some points they kind of direct you,

Kenzie (Sam):

Okay, but you could put like a circle one over there connected to the triangle one.

Mads (Caleb):

But if the circle one goes next to the triangle one its going to look like a different shape.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, it’ll look like a clown with a hat on.

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah, it looks like a clown with a hat on.


I draw the circle in a way that it morphs into a weird squishy head and instead of putting a number inside it, it’s just a big zero and two little dots so it looks like a big clown nose.

Kenzie (Sam):

And okay if we put the nine by the fourteen instead of by the eight, you can’t get there. And then you’ll just be stuck in the eight.

Mads (Caleb):

Sam, back up, how is seven going to be able to eat anything if nine’s on the other side.

Kenzie (Sam):

That joke is so old. Seven’s so full now.

Mads (Caleb):

It’s hilarious. Don’t interrupt me.


I take nine and put it next to fourteen like Sam wanted.

Kenzie (MC):

You hear tires squealing on pavement. You see a very interesting car because you live in Wildmoore, a town of old miners and farmers. But there is an Alpha Romero, pulling up to the curb.


I jump a little bit to the side whenever it comes up so quickly and sit on the nine that I was working on and get chalk all up the side of my pants.

Kenzie (MC):

The window starts to roll down and you see the person inside, in the driver’s seat, lean over and whip off some sunglasses.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

Bongiorno! Come in!

Kenzie (MC):

And you see Gabriel Duncan.

Mads (Caleb):

Hello, Mr. Duncan. It’s nice to see you.

Kenzie (MC):

You see a man in a black robe with a bare chest.


He’s always like this. He’s always like this. I am very aggressively making direct eye contact with him. I look over to Sam and I go,

Mads (Caleb):

Um, this is my friend Sam. We’re just both going to get dropped off at my house. Thank you for coming on such short notice.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

Of course. Andiamo! Andiamo!

Mads (Caleb):

I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming.


I get in the back seat of the car.

Kenzie (MC):

Sam also climbs into the backseat.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

Oh, you make me feel like a chauffeur.

Mads (Caleb):

Of course, Mr. Duncan, I didn’t mean to, um, I’m just gonna –


I start to crawl over the middle console into the passenger seat.

Mads (Caleb):

I, uh, excuse me. I’m sorry Excuse me, I’m just – I almost got, wait my foot’s stuck. Sam, can you move my shoe? The lace its stuck. I – okay - I got it, thank you. I’m sorry – I –

Kenzie (MC):

You are climbing over the seat and you’re kind of like kicking Sam.

Kenzie (Sam):

Caleb! Come on, Caleb, stop!

Mads (Caleb):

I’m sorry – I –

Kenzie (MC):

But in the process does help push you into the front seat. Gabriel is just watching this whole thing happen. A sly smile on his face.

Mads (Caleb):

I’m so sorry Mr. –


I got to turn to the side but I forget momentarily, in my extreme blind panic of fumbling up to the front seat, that he is wearing next to nothing. Divert my gaze back to the road.

Kenzie (MC):

Starts the car driving forward and says,

Kenzie (Gabriel):

Oh, it is okay, people see my form in art across the world.

Mads (Caleb):

(nervous laughter) They do? (clears throat) They do?

Kenzie (Gabriel):

I, uh, I thought you would have been aware.

Mads (Caleb):

My parents tell me some thing but they don’t tell me like everything and they – that’s very nice (clears throat) Very nice.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

Oh, well, uh, you know the portrait?

Mads (Caleb):


Kenzie (Gabriel):

The one that is in your aunt’s house? That is me.

Mads (Caleb):


Kenzie (Gabriel):

Si, it was a gift for – oh – em – well, I seem to have forgotten, but for someone. It all runs together.

Mads (Caleb):

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, all runs together.

Kenzie (MC):

Kind of rests his hand on the back of the passenger seat. Turns to look at Sam in the back.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

I am Gabriel and you are?

Kenzie (MC):

Sam is wide-eyed.

Kenzie (Sam):

I am Sam Marshall and you’re like, really pretty.

Mads (Caleb):

Sam! I’m so sorry, Mr. -


I turn straight again.

Mads (Caleb):

Mr. Duncan.

Kenzie (Sam):

I’m also sorry. It just must like run in your family.

Mads (Caleb):

Are you having a good afternoon, Mr. Duncan? Any fun plans for the weekend?

Kenzie (Gabriel):

I had a lot of fun this afternoon. I plan to a lot of fun this evening. Em, as far as the rest of the weekend goes, I will be doing, well hopefully, if she joins me, will be doing yoga tomorrow morning with Ivy at the galleria.

Mads (Caleb):

You’re doing yoga with – ? That sounds very nice.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

And then I’ll probably have more fun in the afternoon.

Mads (Caleb):

I know you will. Um, how is Ivy? I saw her today and she was a little upset. Is she – I don’t know if you saw, noticed – or, how is she?

Kenzie (MC):

He sends you a look. Looks back to the street.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

I believe, my bambolina, is doing just fine now.

Mads (Caleb):

Oh well that’s good. That’s really nice. Good.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

And how are you, Caleb?

Mads (Caleb):

How am I? I mean I’m fine.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

Oh, no need to be defensive. I was wondering because it is a new school and you are now back in Wildmoore.

Mads (Caleb):

It’s been like an adjustment period, kind of. I’m acclimating. Yeah, I’m good. I’m – I’m fine. It’s great. Go Wildmoore.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

Oh, Caleb, perfecto!

Kenzie (MC):

He turns around once more.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

Oh Sam, what is your preferred taste in music? We must not have a boring drive.

Kenzie (MC):

Sam is just wide-eyed in the back going,

Kenzie (Sam):

Oh anything will do. I don’t really have a preference (nervous laughter).

Mads (Caleb):

Um, Mr. Duncan, maybe… when I was over one time you were playing some of that baroque music. You said that it inspired you in a way that… maybe something like that?

Kenzie (MC):

He perks up and becomes just so happy.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

Caleb Moore.

Mads (Caleb):

Did I pronounce it wrong?

Kenzie (Gabriel):

You surprise me. Ivy could never get into it. I’ve never been able to listen to it with her. You don’t have to ask me again. Of course I will play it.

Kenzie (MC):

And the car is filled with – what you remember – the exact song actually that you remember. Gabriel rolls down all the window and turns it up quite loudly. Louder than really comfortable but its almost peaceful as if fills the car and wind starts rushing through the windows as Gabriel drives out of town toward your house, and your property, and your land. Eventually pulls up to the house that you have called home your whole life and let you out.


I open tup the door then lean my head back inside, grab my backpack.

Mads (Caleb):

Thank you again, Mr. Duncan. You really didn’t need to do this. I really, really appreciate this. Thank you.

Kenzie (MC):

And Sam gets out and goes,

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, yeah, it was great, thanks.


I like move my hand out, under where he can’t see if very well, smack Sam’s side a little bit.

Kenzie (Sam):

Oh! Okay bye!

Mads (Caleb):

Have a good night! Drive safe.


Close the door just enough so it doesn’t slam.

Kenzie (MC):

It shuts. The tires start whirring and (fast car sound) you hear the music slowly fade as the car goes down the street. Your phones goes off with a text notification.

Kenzie (Adam):

Can’t believe you fucking told mom, you’re such a baby


I send an audio clip of a really, distorted sounding baby crying. I wait to see if he replies back.

Kenzie (Adam):

I’m kinda in the middle of something. I can’t listen to audio.


I send the same audio again.

Kenzie (MC):

There’s no response that time.

Sam is standing in almost in like the superhero bu their fists are up a little bit higher. It makes them look even more like a little kid than they already look. They are looking out at the massive plot of land that you live on. At the houses in the distance and the house next door and vast quantity of land that your family own.

Kenzie (Sam):

Whooooiiiieeeee! Did you get to play in all of this when you were a kid because this would be the ultimate game of tag.

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah actually. There’s a creek around the corner. When I was younger we would go and try to catch little tadpoles there. Some newts and like some salamanders underneath some of the rocks. Sawyer loved those things, I mean like really really loved them. He would try and grab them and jump them between both of his hands. I couldn’t realy catch them. They were a little too fast for me. But, its nice.

Kenzie (Sam):

Are they slimy? I’ve never held a salamander.

Mads (Caleb):

Oh, I don’t know, I’ve never touched it. He would try and hand it to me and then I would not be able to hold onto it well enough and so I was just too scared to pick it up at all. But then sometimes Ivy would try and pick it up… I don’t know, I never asked. Whatever. It’s – It’s nice.


Throw my arms out in a grand gesture in front of my house. As I do this, one of the nails in the shutter of one of the top windows, loosens just enough and the shutter (loud hinge groaning noise).

Kenzie (Sam):

That’s rough.

Mads (Caleb):


Kenzie (Sam):

I mean I just have a one story so you already have two floors, that’s bigger than my house.

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah its got character.

Kenzie (Sam):

And is the character Jasper because where is he?


I’m going to grab onto Sam’s shoulders and move them physically so that I can grab onto their head and move it upward so you can see a direct line into where my bedroom window is. There’s Jasper. Little gray paws smooshed up against the side of the window.

Kenzie (Sam):

He’s chubbier than I thought he would be!

Mads (Caleb):

He’s like really round.

Kenzie (Sam):

Can I go inside now?

Kenzie (MC):

Heads toward the front door.


I follow them inside.


I want Sawyer to have sprinted away from The Tunnel and he’s going to longboard straight home. He’s going to the take the backpack, longboard straight home as fast as he can. Get in, kick up the longboard, put it in against the garage. And as stealthily as possible, peering in every door, listening on the outside of every door as well, making his way to his room. Avoiding all family members. Shuts the door, slides in underneath his bed and pulls out this old shoebox. He opens it up and throws out little bits of empty Tupperware - probably used to conceal something. Grabs a few items. A little flashlight, nothing too crazy but enough to where he can kind of hold it in his mouth and if he needs to, look through the good. A little card scanner, like restaurants would have. A green ski mask with an upside down cross on the forehead. He hesitates but does grab the switchblade. Stores everything in the backpack or in his pockets and then texts Ivy.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Ready whenever.


Ivy texts back.

April (Ivy):

Ditto. Let’s go.


You get “swag” and then just a period after “swag.”


Ivy just texts back

April (Ivy):


Kenzie (MC):

Ivy, you get a text from Alina.

Kenzie (Alina):

Hey! I’ve got about another half an hour here before we close up. Am I still meeting at your house? What’s the plan?


Ivy sighs. She kind of forgot about Alina. She texts, backspaces.

April (Ivy):

I’ll just meet you at the party, kay? Sorry, things with Natalie are weird.

Kenzie (MC):

You get a frowny face emoji.

Kenzie (Alina):

Okay! Probably for the best. I gotta change anyway. See you soon.

April (Ivy):

See you soon. Dress slutty!!

Kenzie (MC):

She hearts that.

As you are leaving your room, walking through you hosue to the downstairs where you can exit.

Kenzie (Bast):

Ivy, a moment?

April (Ivy):

Okay, Dad. Sure.


She turns around and gives him a very teenage stare.

April (Ivy):

What’s up?

Kenzie (Bast):

You look better. I’m glad.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, well, I’m not.

Kenzie (Bast):

I ran into Natalie leaving earlier.

April (Ivy):

She’s fine. Trust me. She does this.

Kenzie (Bast):

Are you sure you took care of things?

April (Ivy):

Yeah, I did. I always do. You literally don’t have to worry about me. I would never want… I would never want her to remember that that happened anyway so… don’t worry. I took care of it.

Kenzie (Bast):

You can’t keep doing this to yourself this way. We said we could help you.

April (Ivy):

I don’t want to live the way you guys live. I know it works for you, I get the vision, I’m just not… can I just figure this out on my own?

Kenzie (Bast):

I don’t mean to sound unsupportive, but we’ve let you do that for a while, and it doesn’t seem to be working.

April (Ivy):

What would you rather me do? Have no real friends? Use people all the time? I’m trying my best. I don’t – I don’t know what you want from me.

Kenzie (Bast):

I want you to be happy and healthy and well-adjusted and able to lie the life you want. But, if what you think, what you are doing with Natalie is not using her, then you need to rethink what you are doing.

April (Ivy):
Ivy looks down at her shoes, looks back up at Bast defiantly. Look at me. I look pretty healthy. I’m about to go to a party, make new friends, live life the way you guys are always trying to make me do. I get it, okay? Natalie is done. I won’t feed on her anymore. Happy?

Kenzie (Bast):

Not until you have a backup plan.

April (Ivy):

I will figure something out.

Kenzie (Bast):

Because you’ve only gone six days and it has not been well for you.

April (Ivy):

Look at me now, I’m literally glowing.

Kenzie (Bast):

Yes, because you finally gave in.

April (Ivy):

I can’t feed every day.

Kenzie (Bast):

You could.

April (Ivy):

That’s… I’m sorry… that’s insane for me. I’m gonna figure it out, okay? I already have a backup plan. I’m meeting with Sawyer right now so… Can I go?

Kenzie (MC):

He seems not pleased with you exchanging Natalie to use a house member as a blood bag but he doesn’t say anything.

Kenzie (Bast):

I want you to know that we are always here and all we want is the best for you and to help you, but you have been very closed off lately and I know that you are going through things, but we are just trying to help.


Ivy looks like she wants to say something else but thinks better of it.

April (Ivy):

Okay, sure, yeah, thanks, Dad. I get it.

Kenzie (Bast):

I’m sorry that I dampened your night. Forget about me. Have fun. I will see you when you come home.

April (Ivy):

If I come home.

Kenzie (Bast):

I don’t expect you early.

April (Ivy):

Don’t worry. I’ll be home a reasonable hour?

Kenzie (Bast):

We’ll be awake.

April (Ivy):

Of course you will. Okay, um, Sawyer’s waiting on me. Seriously, I will think about what you said.

Kenzie (MC):

Puts a hand on the back of your head and kisses your forehead and lets you leave.


I exit through the back door into our garage. I look at the multiple cars in the garage, look back at the door. He can’t be much angrier at me than he is now so… I notice that the garage door has already been left open. And I grab the quietest car I can. I glance in and I see that the keys are already left in there.

Kenzie (MC):

The keys are actually left in every single one of these cars.


I notice that the car also doesn’t have another car behind it. Open the door, shut it as quietly as I can. It barely makes a sound. However, I know that Bast can probably still here it. And I wait ten seconds, idling, to see if he is going to come out.

Kenzie (MC):

Almost a whisper over the noise of the car, you hear

Kenzie (Bast):

Don’t wreck it or kill anyone.


I roll down the window and say, shout actually

April (Ivy):

I haven’t yet.


Roll the window back up, put on the most obnoxious pop music ever and back out. As I am pulling around the corner, I call Sawyer from the car Bluetooth.


Sawyer is staring, two inches next to this magnificent motorcycle that is his dad’s, just sweating. Looking back at his bike, looking back at the motorcycle and then picks up his phone.

Brennan (Sawyer):


April (Ivy):

Hey, how are you getting there?

Brennan (Sawyer):

I was just about to text you.

April (Ivy):

Sweet. I’ll be at you place in like –

Brennan (Sawyer):

I had an idea.

April (Ivy):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Never mind!

April (Ivy):

What’s your idea?

Brennan (Sawyer):

I don’t want to do my idea, do you have a ride?

April (Ivy):

I mean, I can come get you.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, let’s do that.


And then you just hear a small whisper of

Brennan (Sawyer):

Another night.

April (Ivy):

Okay, weirdo. I will be at your place in ten minutes.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Cool, yea swa – you didn’t like when I said “swag”? That was weird?

April (Ivy):

Yeah, that was really weird actually.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh okay.

April (Ivy):

Because it’s 2008. 2010.

Brennan (Sawyer):


April (Ivy):

Are you the Black Eyed Peas? What is going on?

Brennan (Sawyer):

I don’t know, I thought about bringing it back.

April (Ivy):

You should either go farther back than that…

Brennan (Sawyer):

Farther back?

April (Ivy):

Or just like stay –

Brennan (Sawyer):

Like “groovy?”

April (Ivy):

We’ll talk about this later, okay?

Brennan (Sawyer):


April (Ivy):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah! Okay.

April (Ivy):

Great. Wait, do you have the shit?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh yeah.

April (Ivy):

Yup, that’s the worst one. Okay, bye.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Okay, yeah, okay, bye.


And then I hang up.

Brennan (Sawyer):


Kenzie (MC):

Not a minute later - you live so close to each other – you see the slick, black car pull into your winding path of a driveway. The headlights catch you in their beams as they come up to the garage where you’re standing, kinda caught like a robber with your dad’s bike. And you look and you see Ivy in the front seat.


I am sprinting to the shot gun thing and tapping (tapping on window noises) on the window.

April (Ivy):

Jesus Christ.


I unlock the door.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Turn off the lights, turn off the headlights!

April (Ivy):

Oh my god.


And I slip in.

April (Ivy):

I forgot what it’s like for you to have like actual parents.

Brennan (Sawyer):

No, I think they would be… I don’t know… I think they’d actually encourage me to go but that would be the worst thing.

April (Ivy):

That’s true. Your parents always did like me.

Brennan (Sawyer):

They like you. A lot. (chuckles) Not in a weird way. I know that kind of sounded like that came off – let’s start backing up.

April (Ivy):

Cool let’s go.


Ivy looks over her shoulder and starts pulling out.


Sawyer’s unzipping the backpack and gets out the ski mask. Puts it halfway on his head.


She turns back around to start driving straight and sees him with the mask on his head.

April (Ivy):

What the fuck, dude? What’s going on here?

Brennan (Sawyer):

I’ve got a lot to do tonight.

April (Ivy):

Look, I am not aiding and abetting whatever this is.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh yeah you are. You’re buying some of this. (laughs)

April (Ivy):

Oh, why are you wearing a mask like you’re about to rob a bank?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, no, I’m just going to distribute drugs.

April (Ivy):


Brennan (Sawyer):


April (Ivy):

It’s not a big deal, dude.

Brennan (Sawyer):

It wouldn’t be a big except for everything that’s on the line tonight.

April (Ivy):

Oh, yeah?

Brennan (Sawyer):


April (Ivy):

Are you in some deep shit? What’s going on with, Master Kush?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Uh (chuckles nervously) you know, I gotta just win his favor over so I don’t get beat up again and uh, oh hey! I rehearsed this. I am sorry for today and I’m sorry for running away. Let’s just… I’m sorry, so, let’s just move on from that one.


Ivy glances at him like he’s fucking insane. And goes back to looking at the road.

April (Ivy):

Whatever you’re doing with this, like, let me know if you need help, okay? You seem really genuinely freaked out.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, I’m just… I’m kina scrambling. I, uh, getting punched in the face was a fucking new experience.

April (Ivy):

Wait, who punched you? Kush?

Brennan (Sawyer):

No, nobody –

April (Ivy):

Kush punched you in the face?

Brennan (Sawyer):


April (Ivy):

You’re fucking kidding me.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Dude, chill.

April (Ivy):

Is he going to be at this party?

Brennan (Sawyer):

No. He is away on work. He’s over, out, beyond the city limits. He won’t be there.

April (Ivy):

Mmm. That’s good for him.


Ivy grips the steering wheel really hard.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Listen dude, I’m hesitant, because I don’t even want to really say the name. But, we know who’s party we’re going to and I kinda have to see him and interact with him tonight. I would do it unless it was saving my own ass and that’s why I did what I did today. And I - that’s all I gotta do.

April (Ivy):

Sawyer, didn’t I have like one stipulation for this party? I’m driving you to this party. You’re supposed to be on my side. What – why – what business do you even have with Adam?

Brennan (Sawyer):

I am on your side. I promise. I just need some room tonight. Tonight and then all my problems are gone and we can chill, we can hang out, dude, we can do tattoos, we’ve been wanting to do that. I just need you to give me tonight. I promise I’m on your side.

Kenzie (MC):

Sawyer, you get a notification that’s a different sound from a text and you look at your phone and there’s an Instagram DM, from a username @samminattilight.


I’ll open it up.

Kenzie (MC):

The profile picture is a picture of Natalie and there are three or four messages. And the first one says

Kenzie (Natalie):

Sorry to DM you, I didn’t have you number.

Kenzie (MC):

The second one

Kenzie (Natalie):

You might not even see this, that’s okay.

Kenzie (MC):

The third one is

Kenzie (Natalie):

I know we don’t know each other very well…

Kenzie (MC):

And the fourth one is

Kenzie (Natalie):

Are you with Ivy?

Brennan (Sawyer):


Kenzie (MC):

The little dots pop up for a second.

Kenzie (Natalie):

Is she okay?


I look over at Ivy gripping the steering wheel.


Ivy turns back up the music really loud and starts screaming the lyric to the song.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Could be better.


Over the sound of the music, Ivy say,

April (Ivy):

Fine. It’s fine. But it’s not tattoo night then.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Are you like mad at me?

April (Ivy):

Why would I be mad at you, Sawyer!?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah! Yeah…

April (Ivy):

Who are you texting?


I just read the profile name.

April (Ivy):

What? Why is Natalie DMing you?

Brennan (Sawyer):

I don’t know. Something really awkwards going on. I think she’s just trying to get my number or something.

April (Ivy):


Brennan (Sawyer):

She saved me from my mom today. It was kinda cool.

April (Ivy):

Right, she mentioned that.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, you chatted with her.


She turns the music down a little bit.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Woah, serious, okay.

April (Ivy):

(chuckles nervously) Um, yeah, we talked today. I actually, um, you know what? You guys should hang out. You should hang out with her tonight, you know? (laughs nervously)

Ivy starts to sweat a little bit but she still looks so, so beautiful. She’s like so healthy but kind of in a manic way.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, um, you know? Actually you guys would get along. And honestly, she probably likes you so… you should talk to her. Tonight.

Brennan (Sawyer):

God, that just added so much stress to tonight. Somebody likes me? Dude. I have to sell a fucking bag of drugs.

April (Ivy):

Sell it to me.

Brennan (Sawyer):

All of it?

April (Ivy):

Yeah, how much is it?

Brennan (Sawyer):

A lot.

April (Ivy):

How much would it cost? The whole bag.

Brennan (Sawyer):

It’s probably like five grand.

April (Ivy):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Wait, but half the bag is already paid for.


Ivy tosses her phone into his lap.

April (Ivy):

Venmo yourself. Whatever it is.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I can’t. I gotta Venmo it to CashKush. That’s the Venmo.

April (Ivy):

Okay, whatever. Just let me purchase drugs from you. Please.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Okay, alright. CashKush. Twenty-five hundred. It’s only half though, I can’t give you the whole bag.

April (Ivy):

Why? Who has the other half?

Brennan (Sawyer):

(grumbles) Somebody who has pre-purchased…

April (Ivy):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Adam! Adam has the bag! He has half the bag. That’s why I just need tonight. I just need tonight. I need to get it over with. There are so many forces at work against me here.

April (Ivy):

You’re not letting me purchase these drugs because they belong to Adam.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Well here’s the thing though Ivy, I totally would and honestly it’s probably a better deal that you do because I think, you know, shit’s just not good on the other end. But, something’s been set up and I wasn’t the one that set it up. I don’t know the deal that was made. If I’m just fucking this over, I could get fucked over. I don’t want to get fucked over again. I just need tonight to run smoothly. And now this girl - who I just learned her named today - likes me and I don’t know what and I don’t know what to do at the party I just need to put on this ski mask. I just feel like you’re so mad at me still and I’m trying to not have that be what it is.


Ivy takes a rally deep breath. Over the course of this conversation, she’s been increasing the speed of the car unconsciously.

Kenzie (MC):

Ivy’s phone dings two times and there are texts in quick succession from a number you probably should have blocked. And it says,

Kenzie (Adam):

Hey, just want to make sure you were coming.

Kenzie (MC):

And then immediately after that.

Kenzie (Adam):

Sorry, wrong person.


I recognize that I got a text but Sawyer is still holding my phone.

April (Ivy):

Who texted me?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Uh, what’s your passcode?

April (Ivy):

It’s sixty-nine, sixty-nine.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Uh, dammit, you’re making fun of me for swag?

April (Ivy):

Shut up! Who texted me?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Uh, oh, no, it was just a spam thing for Joe’s Deli. Yeah they send that like monthly thing.


And Sawyer swipes and deletes the messages.

April (Ivy):

I swear I text them “stop” in all caps like once a month and they still don’t listen.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah… I can tell ‘em. I can tell ‘em to knock your number off or whatever of the text list.

April (Ivy):

Yeah (laughing) you got an in at Joe’s deli?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, dude, I got pull.

April (Ivy):


Brennan (Sawyer):

See, look at that. Laughin’. We’re on the right track here. I just – I know it’s shit. It’s just gotta be – we just gotta shit one night. One long shit. One overnighter.

April (Ivy):

I really think you should get better metaphors because I – that’s not what I want this party to feel like. One night long shit? I’m hoping its going to be a little better than that.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Well, yeah, that’s probably a good point. It depends on what you eat and then… anyways.

Kenzie (MC):

You both start to unconsciously recognize familiar landmarks from your childhood. Places that you played at with Caleb and with Adam. And you find yourself on the outskirts of the Moore property. Ivy, with everything that has gone on today but especially with the altercation that you had with Caleb earlier, during which, he honestly did not believe that you cared about him at all. Which is something you can’t wrap your mind around at all, especially now with all the memories from the time you spent together when you were young. That’s really hard to believe for you. That he could think that. And Sawyer the fact that Caleb still refuses to answer any message that you send him. That’s just as confusing for you.


I roll the windows up. Look over at Sawyer.

April (Ivy):

That smell is so particular. It’s like honeysuckle.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah… you know I’ve been texting Caleb?

April (Ivy):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah with no response. But like almost in like a – I’m starting to feel pathetic.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, he, uh, yeah. We haven’t really talked since the whole Adam thing.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I mean, yeah, makes sense. I don’t know, like, we’re in the same homeroom too.

April (Ivy):

It’s weird, right? I don’t know. I tried to say something… nevermind. It’s not like he’s going to be there.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Listen. Here’s all I’m saying. You do what you gotta do tonight and I gotta do what I gotta do tonight and let’s just reconvene at the end of it. We’ll watch out for each other like… in the shadows. You know?

April (Ivy):

Yeah, I got you.


Ivy grabs his hand, holds it.


Sawyer clenches it.

Kenzie (MC):

And as these cars pass by the outskirts of the Moore property, we still have two individuals in a house. Sam is laying on your bed in the same clothes from the day, staring at the ceiling with the cat on their neck.

Kenzie (Sam):

Do you think what I’m wearing is okay?


I am inside of my closet right now - I’ve been for the past twenty, thirty minutes honestly - dragging out almost everything that’s inside of there and either tossing it onto the bed, onto Sam, or onto the floor, because everything makes my skin want to crawl right now.

Mads (Caleb):

Uh, I don’t know. Wait, actually…


And I flip, flip, flip, and I find a T-shirt of mine, then turn it around and hold it at a distance so I can sort of see Sam in it.

Mads (Caleb):

I mean, this might go with your hair a little better but I don’t know if it would be too baggy on you.

Kenzie (Sam):

I could try it on. Wait, what – Caleb, what if we did a fun thing where we swapped clothes and then you wore what I was wearing and I wore your clothes and then that’s how we go to the party

Mads (Caleb):

You think that if we swap clothes and go to the party, the party of which, everyone at our school – at least in our homeroom – is going to be there, people that we know and we see every day. You’re going to look like you just crawled out of swamp with how baggy the clothes are going to be. I’m going to be wearing a crop top! That’s not supposed to be a crop top!

Kenzie (Sam):

Well people wear crop tops to parties.

Mads (Caleb):

It’s going to cut me in the all of the wrong ways!

Kenzie (Sam):

Okay so bad idea. I was just throwing it out there.

Mads (Caleb):

Terrible idea.

Kenzie (MC):

They take the cat off their neck and sit up cradling it.

Kenzie (Sam):

But, since we can’t switch clothes, can we bring Jasper to the party?

Mads (Caleb):

Honestly, I think if Jasper came to the party, he would probably hack something up onto my brother which would be hilarious and super deserved but I don’t want to risk him getting in trouble.

Kenzie (Sam):


Mads (Caleb):

My cat, that is.

Kenzie (Sam):

You want Adam to get in trouble?

Mads (Caleb):

Of course I want Adam to get in trouble are you kidding me?

Kenzie (Sam):

I guess you already got him in trouble once today you could do it again. What – okay, okay, new plan. We go to the party for the hour we said we were going to go to the party for. And then we come back and you call the cops on the party.

Mads (Caleb):

Sam, I could call the cops – no, I don’t – oh I don’t want to call the fucking cops though.

Kenzie (Sam):

Well, there’s not really like another force of people who would be the people to shut down the party. So, that’s the only option.

Mads (Caleb):

Okay, it would get Adam in so much trouble, yes, great, loving that.

Kenzie (Sam):

I know we say “Fuck the, police” but isn’t it kind of fuck Adam more.

Mads (Caleb):


Kenzie (Sam):


Mads (Caleb):


Kenzie (Sam):


Mads (Caleb):

ACAB proceeds brother being a dick.

Kenzie (Sam):

Okay! Priorities straightened.

Mads (Caleb):

Also if we call the cops and anyone finds out that we did it, we’ll be exiled for the rest of our time at high school.

Kenzie (Sam):

What happens when you’re exiled?


Caleb looks into the middle distance of his room for a moment. Really, really, really think hard.

Mads (Caleb):

You know I actually don’t think that much would change.

Kenzie (Sam):

That’s what I’m thinking. You’re pretty much my only friend. Today I’ve told a really really popular girl that she was pretty and subsequently told her father that he was pretty. So, I don’t really think I’ve got much going for me.

Mads (Caleb):

I wish I could blame you, but I think I’ve been holding a torch for that man since I was five.

Kenzie (Sam):

It’s really understandable because of like the chest and –

Mads (Caleb):

You get used to it. He’s extremely distracting and stupidly attractive, I know, but you get used to it. You kinda build up a barrier enough. Just don’t look at him.

Kenzie (Sam):

It’s hard to do when he’s kind of just on display.

Mads (Caleb):

It’s a talent. It’s a skill that I’ve had to cultivate all of these years and you know what


I walk over to the bed now and I put my hand over top of his face.

Mads (Caleb):

And now you must as well.

Kenzie (Sam):

Please, give me your powers. Of not looking at the hot man.


I put my other hand on top of his face. And then I look up to the ceiling.

Mads (Caleb):

Great powers that be, allow my poor, poor, stupid slut of a friend to get past this.


And then I smack him a little bit on the head whenever I pull my hands back away and I go,

Mads (Caleb):


Kenzie (Sam):

I’m ready. I feel loose. I feel like I just stretched for half an hour. I feel like my limbs are wibbly-wobbly. And I’m ready to go! (deep breath) I’m getting really nervous again.

Mads (Caleb):

I feel like I’m going to shit my pants.

Kenzie (Sam):

Cool, we’re on the same page.

Mads (Caleb):

Right now, right now.

Kenzie (Sam):

So, maybe shit in the bathroom and then we’ll go.

Mads (Caleb):

Should we do a bathroom trip first.

Kenzie (Sam):

Because I doubt that there’s Porta Potties at the quarry. I’ve never been, have you been?

Mads (Caleb):

No, it’s just kinda like a woods situation. I mean there’s a couple of picnic tables that people have brought around and like some weird chairs that look like they shouldn’t be there.

Kenzie (Sam):

We’re going to shit under the picnic table?

Mads (Caleb):

No! Don’t shit under the picnic tables. I’m just saying there are picnic – please don’t shit under the picnic tables.

Kenzie (Sam):

Caleb, I asked if there were Porta Potties and you told me there were picnic tables.

Mads (Caleb):

I thought we were just talking about what was there in general! I’m freaking the fuck out! I’m going to go take my bathroom break first and then you’re going to take your bathroom break and we will have absolutely nothing in our sad, stupid little bodies and we’ll show up –

Kenzie (Sam):

I didn’t eat dinner, did you eat dinner? No, so nothing in the body.

Mads (Caleb):

If we don’t eat dinner then we can’t shit.

Kenzie (Sam):


Mads (Caleb):

This has been an enlightening conversation with you, Sam. I am going to go to the bathroom now and pretend like it didn’t happen.

Kenzie (Sam):

It’s hard to have these conversations with you when I see you, because it’s a lot easier when its just in the text box.

Mads (Caleb):

It’s so much easier whenever I can type “oh my god I’m laughing so hard” and then you can’t see me when I’m not laughing so hard.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, that’s been a learning curve for me that you don’t think my jokes are as funny as I thought you did.

Mads (Caleb):

I think you’re so fucking funny.


And I just look dead eyes.

Mads (Caleb):

I think you are so hilarious. You’re the funniest person. You make me laugh so much.

Kenzie (Sam):

Caleb, I know I picked up on your sarcasm earlier today but I’m not getting it now. So I think that you’re just trying to make me feel better.


I smack them on the side of the head.

Kenzie (Sam):

Ah! Okay, you’ve hit me a lot today.

Mads (Caleb):

It’s how I show affection.

Kenzie (Sam):

I gathered but like go take your shit.


I nod and then I turn back to them and I am going to lean in and place a soft, little kiss on their temple.

Mads (Caleb):

I’m going to find something for your hair. It just has this stale lunchbox smell about it. We’re going to go to party, we can’t have that.

Kenzie (Sam):

Should I shower?

Mads (Caleb):

No, no, that would take way too long.

Kenzie (Sam):

How long do you take to show?

Mads (Caleb):

How long do you shower?

Kenzie (Sam):

Like in and out, man.

Mads (Caleb):

This explains so much.


I go to the bathroom. Pretend to shit. I actually can’t shit. I’m too nervous to shit.

Kenzie (MC):

You get a text while you’re on the toilet.



Kenzie (MC):

From one of your situational friends. Damian.


Oh dear.

Kenzie (Damian Evans):

Yo, I guess I’m going to go to this party. Probably good for intel on my end. Anyway my new friend wants to know if they can bring their rat.

Mads (Caleb):

Oh, the kid that was in the art room

Kenzie (Damian):

Yeah, Farrow, they want to know if they can bring their rat to the party

Mads (Caleb):

Oh, dude, if you bring a rat to a party, what if it gets loose?

Kenzie (Damian):

It’s a pocket rat.

Mads (Caleb):

It stays in the pocket?

Kenzie (Damian):

That’s what they tell me

Mads (Caleb):

I mean,


There’s a dot dot dot for a while. He’s really thinking.

Mads (Caleb):

I’ve always wanted to see a rat

Kenzie (Damian):

So, yeah? Adam’s cool with the rat at the quarry?


I think for a minute and then I smile just a little bit.

Mads (Caleb):

Adam’s great with a rat at the party

Kenzie (Damian):

Awesome, thanks, see ya!


I am going to fuss around in the bathroom for a little bit. I find some hairspray and a little bit of mousse that I go back out into my room and I start to fuff around with Sam’s hair.

Kenzie (Sam):

Okay, so, thank you for this. I am primed and ready to go now. Also, I’m kinda excited to walk through the woods.

Mads (Caleb):

You want to walk through the woods? It’s going to take so long to get – I have bikes.

Kenzie (Sam):

Okay! We can bike through the woods! I just kinda like want to go through the woods.

Mads (Caleb):

It’s the fastest way to get there. I mean if we take the main roads, it’s just going to be annoying. I’m used to going through the woods anyways.

Kenzie (Sam):

I wasn’t allowed out after like sunset for a while when I was a kid and then I didn’t really have anybody to go out with when I was allowed to and so I’ve always had this dream – that’s a weird thing – a fantasy – that’s the worst word, um, like a wish to like – I just have romanticized this idea of being in the woods at night.

Mads (Caleb):

I think that’s the gayes thing you’ve ever said to me. And three nights ago, when we were post-raid, you opened up a private DM so you could send me a picture of that guy, Crisis? Or something? The one from the anime that you were talking about.

Kenzie (Sam):

He’s a platinum blonde, Caleb. I don’t know what you want from me.

Mads (Caleb):

Look, I know! But that’s – this?

Kenzie (Sam):


Mads (Caleb):

This? It’s kind of cute, actually.

Kenzie (Sam):

Okay, well, I’ll be cute in the woods then. Let’s go!

Kenzie (MC):

You show Sam where the bikes are, grab a bike for both of you. How this is laid out is that, if you go through your property… so, your property is like, oddly it’s almost an exact square. It was a cut piece of land almost. But if you go all the way to the east part of the property, that is the direction where the quarry is. So the quarry isn’t on your property but it is very near the farthest part of your property from town.

Kenzie (Sam):

And so you and Sam, ride through the woods, at night, wind rustling your hairs. They stand up on the bike as they go, pedaling standing up, and just whooping into the air. This joyous freedom, taking in every bit of that romanticized version of this that they had thought of in their heads. There’s an innocence to Sam that verges on naivete but its more of just somebody who is taking life as it comes.


I glance at Sam out of the corner of my eye and as I’m leading them through these woods, these are paths that I have been through my entire life. These are paths that I went through with my brother and with his friends whenever I was younger. These are paths that I went through with my father whenever I could manage to get his time enough that he wanted to take me out somewhere and these are paths that I came to when I was by myself and I needed some time to think. And I see Sam and how free they are and unrestrained and unapologetic about everything they do and I think for a minute that we make good counters to each other. And I throw my head back and I start whooping as well.

Kenzie (MC):

As you both, Ivy, Sawyer in the car, and Sam and Caleb on bikes, start nearing, you can already hear the pumping music from the entrance.

Meet your hosts:

Kenzie Tartaglione


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