About this Episode:
The truth comes out and The Letter Writing Club is finally able to make long awaited amends, return home to The Lastings, and start the next step in a new journey.
Episode Transcript:
Tatiana Gefter:
Hello, everyone, my name is Tatiana Gefter. I use she/they pronouns and I am playing Alma of the Vale with The Gravedigger playbook.
Michi Zaya:
Hi, my name is Michi Zaya. I use any pronouns and I am playing Fletcher, The Witch.
Jenine Florence Jacinto:
My name is Jenine Florence Jacinto. I use they/them pronouns and I play Hoku Bayani.
Octa Delgado:
Hello, my name is Octa. I go by they/them pronouns. And I will play Neu Threestrings from The Weaver playbook.
Harper Sage Pettit:
Hi, my name is Harper Sage Pettit. I use they or she pronouns and I will be your guide for this season of queeRPG, Of Kith and Pen.
Kenzie Tartaglione:
The content warning for this episode is death, complex and complicated relationship, and break ups.
Jenine (Hoku):
Dear Starseekers, if you're reading this, congratulations! You are about to get the in-depth accounts of the Letter Writing Club of The Lastings and how they found themselves in Towerfell. Our mission from our Servall, Fallon, was to find our gods and bring them home. This mission brought us all around to different places, picking up new friends, and old, along the way. Once we were safely in Towerfell, we went to the first spot we could think of, far away from town center. The green statue of a human. I think you know where this is going Starseeker, the day my friends and I went to see the gods was also the day I became Starkeeper. But that's a story told hundreds of different ways. I wanna talk about my friends on that day. The kith who have been with me forever, and the last stop of our journey saving the gods. There was Neu, the weaver. Who weaved magnificent tapestries before this journey, who has been so brave with such wisdom guiding us through, and who even started weaving the story in a thoughtsmore so those who can't see, can. There's Fletcher, the witch, who’s powers kept growing throughout our journey. Even if it was a little sticky. And him finding someone to hold his paw during missions, even when sneaking through the sewers underground at Towerfell could be a little sticky. And Alma, the gravedigger. Who has been captaining their ship for the entire journey. Even with a lot of bumps and bruises on board, trusting me and Neu to fix the engine- mostly Neu. In the end uses her gifts to talk to the spirits underground in the town center of Towerfell. These are the ones who I stood next to on the day that we tried to save the gods. My friends who have always been there, like family. Of pen and page, of kith and pen. Find the kith like them on your journey to the stars. From the stories of the stars, Hoku Bayani.
Harper (Guide):
And we pick up in Towerfell. Hoku, Neu, Fletcher, Loren, Kalix, and Chandler all circle around the body of Alma. Who is there in the subway tunnels physically, but spiritually Alma is inside the void space, and even further inside the void inside the statue of the human. Alma, you've discovered that Lavender, the last human, their spirit is trapped here in the statue, tormented alongside the frozen forms of all the gods of the land. They've just pointed out that you are, quote-unquote, one of them, bringing the downfall of the kith. Those on the outside, Alma, you were seeing kind of like flinch, and maybe like whimper, and kind of react to various things, but you have no idea what's happening on the inside. Loren says,
Harper (Loren):
It seems like she's really struggling in there. I might have to go after her.
Octa (Neu):
And you can go there? You can go help Alma?
Harper (Loren):
Yes, I teach people how to do what Alma is doing. I could take a couple of you probably, not everyone. But yeah let's start getting ready, I'm gonna light a few more candles and prepare myself. Whoever wants to go with me, sit next to me whenever you're ready.
Harper (Guide):
And so Loren starts to gather some more candles, lighting them, and doing some of the rituals that Alma did for when she got ready to go in. Eventually they sit down on the ground. Who else from the group tries to join him?
Fletcher will go.
Neu kind of looks at Hoku.
Jenine (Hoku):
You should do it. I'm not really a person of- I’m not really this kind of- I’m more of a stars kind of a guy, and this seems more like a magic kind of situation, and you're you're really good at talking to other friends who are in need of help. I think you should do it.
Octa (Neu):
You have such a deep relationship with all of the small gods that we’ve been finding, I think that could really help there.
Michi (Fletcher):
I could teach you a little bit of magic real quick? My mom taught me how to transfer just a little bit of magic. Maybe that could help? Would that make you feel better?
Jenine (Hoku):
Uh, me? Me? Oh, yeah, okay- yeah, okay.
I feel like Hoku is more concerned about like, the protection side of things right now, so Fletcher will spend one token to give Hoku the magic of warding houses against danger. Which just kind of like, is based on the environment. It's usually for like, places but I imagine you could use this magic to help in a bubble as well. Fletcher will turn to Neu and say,
Michi (Fletcher):
Do you want a little bit of magic too?
Octa (Neu):
That would be super. I mean if I'm going to stay out here with Kalix and Chandler,
Are they around?
Harper (Guide):
Yeah, they’re around.
Octa (Neu):
it will be better to be ready for whatever may happen. If I'm going to stay here I still want to stay connected with all of you as you delve in there. Can we try and make a little magic between us, Fletcher, so that I stay connected to you? We have been tied together with this string connecting us as we walk, we could try and maybe do a connection there.
Michi (Fletcher):
Yeah, that might work. I mean we both know a little bit of oracle magic, so maybe we can figure out a way to connect that.
Octa (Neu):
If I hear something or anything is dangerous in here I can try to pull, I can try to listen to what is happening on your end. Maybe you can do the same.
Michi (Fletcher):
Um, do you have any magic thread or string on you right now?
Octa (Neu):
I have my needle and I have- I have some of my pieces of string.
Michi (Fletcher):
Can I see a piece of string, please?
Octa (Neu):
Yes, of course.
And Neu would pull out a short piece of string that kind of changes colors really slowly.
Harper (Guide):
As you do that, you do kind of feel a kind of magical awe kind of fall over the room. But also you hear the footsteps in the northern end of the room, and you see coming down the stairs, Professor Peppers, Force, Riften, and Mist. She gives a slow clap,
Harper (Peppers):
It's quite interesting when you spend so much time learning about someone, overseeing them, you learn so much about them. Things that they probably don't even know their selves. I figured you would be here and,
Harper (Guide):
looking over at Alma,
Harper (Peppers):
seems like you've already gotten started, but I must implore you to not take your actions any further.
Can Fletcher throw a random potion at them?
Harper (Guide):
And as Fletcher, you reach for a potion, Professor Peppers is going to raise her hand.
Harper (Peppers):
There is no need for violence. I'm not here to cause you any harm. Now, Riften,Harper (Guide):
The bear standing close by, the one that does the scary magic, is kind of growling and getting ready to cast a spell.
Harper (Peppers):
Rifton, dear, please calm yourself. I know it's hard for you but there will be a time for this later. I'm simply here to implore you that we need to happen what's about to happen. The human beings rising. We will be experiencing a magical renaissance. Something we’ve never seen before. Fletcher, don't you want to have access to magical spells more potent than you could ever imagine? Yes, you do. Everyone does. If you're satisfied with your spells being mediocre, I can guarantee you’re lying.
Harper (Guide):
Who sat down with Loren?
Harper (Guide):
And only Fletcher?
Hoku was in the middle of sitting down, but when Hoku stands up, Hoku does slightly just take a little potion bottle from Fletcher in pure knowance. And wants to throw so badly.
Also Fletcher has tied the magic string around his friendship bracelet to keep the connection.
Harper (Guide):
Hoku, as you're trying to stand back up, you feel Loren’s hand grab you, pull you down, and just look very concerned.
Harper (Loren):
We have to help Alma.
Michi (Fletcher):
Ok, thank you, here you go.
Before Hoku goes, Hoku just goes,
Jenine (Hoku):
Um if there’s anyone out there that could do a little help that’d be really amazing right now. Hello! Okay, go!
Fletcher has left out a bag of like, assorted potions, not labeled. Just dropped it on the floor before they leave.
Hoku was thinking about a little god that could possibly be on them, but they don't know about the god yet. The small god of locks. If it comes out that would be so cool. They’re for protection.
Harper (Guide):
Go ahead and give me a heart roll.
Harper (Guide):
As Loren takes your hand, other hand holding Fletcher’s, and you kind of all the sudden appear in the purple void of the other side. Right before then, you did see a magical beam of light kind of like go across your line of sight. And Neu, you and Kalix stand there, potions in hand, ready to protect your friends if needed. And then a wall of light separates you from Professor Peppers, Rifton, and the rest of the preservation, and they stand on the other side. On the void side, Alma, just a few moments ago- I'm sure you're still in shock- you were told by a very ragged and abused looking Lavender, and they have told you that you are one of the ones that are bringing on the downfall of the kith.
Tatiana (Alma):
I think maybe some wires have been crossed here. Who told you that?
Harper (Lavendr):I was shown it in a thoughtsmore.
Tatiana (Alma):
What, exactly?
Harper (Lavender):
How you and your friends have been capturing the gods and have imprisoned me.
Tatiana (Alma):
Wait a- hold on, hold on. I am here because we thought you were imprisoning the gods. We, my friends, they saw a thoughtsmore that showed- I mean, I’m going to assume it was you because I don't know many other humans- like kidnapping the gods.
Harper (Lavender):
You are poisoning me.
Tatiana (Alma):
Why would I do that?
Harper (Lavender):
I cannot believe a word you say. I’ve seen what you do.
Tatiana (Alma):
I don't think you have.
Harper (Lavender):
Kel will be here soon. Kel is coming to rescue me.
Tatiana (Alma):
Kel is a spirit-hurting bad guy. While we were on our way here we literally had to save a fire spirit that Kel had impaled with a steel pipe of some sort. I don't know what Kel has told you. I can't speak for Kel. But I can speak for me and my friends, and we've gone on this insane adventure because we thought that you were taking our gods. And if you think we’re taking the gods, then clearly we’re both being manipulated against each other. This has been a lot for all of us. I didn’t even think you were real for most of this adventure, but my friends always did, and they always believed in you, so… this is a lot. And I'm not really equipped for this, but I'm here anyway because my home is falling out of the sky, and this is the only way to fix it. So I need you to work with me a little bit. Give me the benefit of the doubt. What can I do to prove to you that I'm telling the truth?
Harper (Guide):
Go ahead and give me a heart roll.
Okay, that's a ten.
Harper (Guide):
You see Lavender soften a little bit.
Harper (Lavender):
But you, I've been here trapped because of you, or that's what Lavender- I don't know, I don't know.
Tatiana (Alma):
Just from the looks of you, and I say this in the nicest way possible, you kind of look like you've been through some stuff. And I'm sorry that that happened- that this is happening to you. You're not supposed to be stuck places. Spirits: you're not supposed to be trapped, and you're not supposed to suffer after death, that's, like, kind of not supposed to happen. So, I'm very sorry that this has happened to you, and I want to help you. I really do, I just- I am not sure how yet. You must know something.
Harper (Guide):
And as you say that, that's when you hear the shocked gasps of Fletcher, Hoku, and Loren as they all appear behind you.
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh, hey guys.
Michi (Fletcher):
Hey, Alma.
Jenine (Hoku):
Michi (Fletcher):
How's it going in here?
Tatiana (Alma):
Uh, Lavender, these are my friends. Hoku, Fletcher, and Loren.
Harper (Guide):
And before you can like, get past “friends,” you can like tell that they are feeling extremely on edge now with more kith from their visions who have been quote-unquote the ones doing this the whole time. And they slowly stand up, trembling.
Harper (Lavender):
You brought more with you?
Tatiana (Alma):
Well, I, I technically didn’t bring them, they just kinda showed up.
Harper (Guide):
And then all of a sudden you are thrown against the wall, and a massive wind storm is pushing you all against the wall, and Lavender is yelling, saying things like,
Harper (Lavender):
I was starting to trust, but I cannot trust all of you!
Harper (Guide):
And then you see kind of like a, through a shimmering sort of mystical mirror sort of illusion, you see Kel standing behind Lavender.
Harper (Kel):
Well, it seems like we're having a few challenges, aren't we? Lavender, these are the ones who are keeping me from you. Why are they there, and why have I never been to see you? It’s because I'm not allowed. Their magics keep me from you.
Does Neu still have a thoughtsmore in their backpack?
I’m trying to big brain this so hard right now.
I believe in you. I'm gonna keep stalling while you're big braining.
Tatiana (Alma):
Look, uh, hey, hi you. You… Hoku, do you have something?
Jenine (Hoku):
Hi, I'm Hoku Biyani, I'm not really a magic kind of a kith. I kind of- I mean there is some magic that my friend let me borrow for a couple seconds, I don't really know what's happening at the same time, and also, question mark, Starkeeper. What does that mean? Still trying to figure that out. Also, question mark, what does purple mean to you? Also, question mark, uh, did you see the sun?
Hoku will continue this.
While this stalling is happening, Fletcher will start tugging on the magical string that's on the friendship bracelet. Using the beads on- are there words on the beads? Is it like one of those camp-style, like does it have Fletcher's name or like something on it?
I feel like we probably were those kith that like, each took a bead, and then we all put our little name on it.
Fletcher is going to point at the T and the H and just like rattle those two beads to see if Neu is getting those. When Alma was like, from the outside when Alma was making sounds, could we get any words from there?
I mean, if she wanted to speak, Alma probably could speak out into the awake world.
Fletcher is just going to start saying,
Michi (Fletcher):
Give me the bag! Give me the bag! Give me the bag!
Over and over again, in both realms.
With that, Hoku will get louder with each,
Jenine (Hoku):
Um, another question, um, another question- What is your favorite snack? Uh, other question- Don’t pay attention to the kith behind the curtain. Oh, other question!
Harper (Guide):
Neu, what do you do?
I’ll take out my round, very cold backpack and I carefully put it on Fletcher’s lap. I'll grab Fletcher’s sticky hand, open up the top of the bag and kind of like manipulate your hand into the bag so that you're in contact with the thoughtsmore.
Harper (Guide):
Then Fletcher, maybe it's through the magic of friendship, this energy that you're all putting into this situation, but the connection you and Neu have through this magical chord that Neu purposely imbued with magic to be connected with you: you have the bag with the thoughtsmore in your lap now.
Is there is still chaos happening in here?
Harper (Guide):
There’s still chaos happening. Wind pushing you all back up against the wall, you're starting to feel rain pelt against you, thunder and lightning.
Is the wind holding me in place, or is it just like pushing me back so I can like still strafe against the wall?
Harper (Guide):
It's not holding you in place, but as you start to strafe against the wall you notice that the colors around you start to fade.
You know what animal Fletcher is? Fletcher opens his arms to start navigating the wind.
Harper (Guide):
Give me a swift check, Fletcher.
Harper (Guide):
You are successful and able to navigate the wind. However, it kind of starts to throw you about the room, and in kind of like a violent circle. But eventually you are able to like grab on to Lavender’s side as you come in, but you kind of like thud pretty rough. And maybe you like, are turned pressed up against Lavender’s side just like, barely conscious for a moment.
Can I climb towards her hands?
Harper (Guide):
Fletcher goes smacking into Lavender. Alma and Hoku, you see that Fletcher is momentarily dazed, wind knocked out after he kind of like flew around the room really quick a few times, and yeah he's barely hanging on.
So I'm taking this distraction, this opportunity, and I've strafed- I am strafing along the wall. I’m trying to get closer to Kel. And so Fletcher is, you know, doing the little climby bit to get to Lavender’s hand, and I'm gonna like- cause Kels not gonna just let this happen. So I am timing myself. I'm gonna put my feet against the wall, and as soon as I see Fletcher going for the hand, I’m going to launch myself at Kel.
Harper (Guide):
Give me a brute roll.
While this is happening, Hoku was still just recounting the entire journey. Can I help with the distraction?
Harper (Guide):
Yes, we'll see what Alma gets after this, and then if she needs a plus one.
I got a seven. I rolled a seven.
Harper (Guide):
Hoku, how do you help out with this?
Jenine (Hoku):
Question: what do the stars mean to you? Um, uh, question: oh my gosh! Look at the spirit over there! Oh my goodness, theres a! Theres a little thing in it! Oh my god, oh wait wait wait- question. Question, question Kel. Question, Kel. Kel? Kel?
Harper (Guide):
All because you noticed that Alma would most likely miss Kel, but then through your kind of- or be seen by Kel, but through your distraction, you're able to make contact with this kind of like, orange shimmering Kel and start to break the connection between them and this realm. They still have contact here but they're starting to look all static-y and weird, and it's getting harder for them to poison the mind of Lavender. Oh yeah, what does Loren do?
This is my joint, okay? This is my area of expertise. I'm not letting Kel be in here without making it incredibly difficult for them. So I’m using my home turf advantage, lets say.
Harper (Guide):
Fletcher, you see out from the void like purple tendrils kind of like come out and start trying to help you climb up the rest of the way to Lavender’s face. Give me a wild roll for him, Fletcher.
For Loren? I rolled an 8.
Harper (Guide):
Plus 3, an 11. You are quickly brought to the front where Lavender is facing. I mean you can clearly see their face. They are tired, confused, crying. Just experiencing a lot of emotions. And Neu, you sense this grief.
From the other side, Neu doesn’t- is getting just this kind of intuitive grief from Lavender. Neu is going to try and recount and remember the kind of pain and grief that was going on the on the thoughtsmore the first time that Neu touched that thoughtsmore up in Portsmoore. Will try and kind of like communicate to Fletcher how much love and care does Lavender need. And will do that by hugging Fletcher. Will just say,
Octa (Neu):
Fletcher, try to hug him like this.
Fletcher will be hugging Lavender. I don't know what the size ratio here is.
Harper (Guide):
Lavender is pretty big. I would say it's probably like the equivalent of- do you know in Prometheus, like the giant pre-humans?
Compared to the Tylenol p.m., how big is Fletcher if I were Lavender? Bigger or smaller than the Tylenol p.m.
Harper (Guide):
Fletcher is a bit bigger than the Tylenol p.m. Probably 2 Tylenol p.m.'s
Fletcher's going to like a hug Lavender’s like, face so that Fletcher can be close to the ear so that Lavender can hear what Fletcher is saying. And Fletcher will like, give a hug on the face and be really really gentle, and Fletcher is just going to say,
Michi (Fletcher):
Lavender, I know this is really scary, but I have something to show you and I'd actually really like to hear what you remember too.
Harper (Guide):
They seem to be open to it. What do you show them, Fletcher?
Fletcher is going to offer the thoughtsmore bag and say,
Michi (Fletcher):
If you put your hand in here, you can see the thoughtsmore of one of the gods that we were trying to help.
Harper (Guide):
They would slowly reach out, they can only fit a finger inside, but they do make contact with it. They see the scene of two of the gods from Portsmore being called away. By now you know who this is, this is Lavender. A corrupted sort of version of their self. And they come back out of this vision and they say, like everybody in the room can hear it but it's specifically to Fletcher,
Harper (Lavender):
Wait, why? That can't be right. That was me. I was the one who did this?
Michi (Fletcher):
I knew you did this thing, so- but it's not your fault. Sometimes when other people, like Kel, are manipulating us, we do things that we don't realize are wrong or bad. Or we don't know we're doing it at all, and that's okay.
And Fletcher like, hugs a little bit like tighter but still soft, and Fletcher asks,
Michi (Fletcher):
What do you remember?
Harper (Lavender):
I don't remember that… but I feel like I've been asleep for a while, and it's time that I wake up and right these wrongs I've done.
Harper (Guide):
And they wipe the tears from their eyes, they pick you up from their face and gently hold you in their hand, and place you down on the ground. The wind starts to die down, the rain starts to stop, the colors start to reappear.
Harper (Lavender):
Kel, you to lying fiend. You’ve poisoner of minds. You abuser of those who you think you have control over. This is the last day you have power.
Harper (Guide):
And with that a bright beam of light kind of starts to emanate from Lavender’s chest, and all the sudden shoots out. Everyone is blinded for a few moments, and you appear back in the subway with everyone. All your friends and your group there. You would see Professor Peppers and Rifton and Force and Mist all there.
Probably also, Neu and Chandler and Kalix, each of them with like a little potion in each hand just like, in between the light barrier and the rest of the group. Just ready.
Harper (Guide):
All of the sudden a faint version of Lavender kind of emanates, or kind of appears all the sudden as through a mist. They walk over to Professor Peppers. Professor Peppers starts crying, trying to voice something, but they can't.
Harper (Lavender):
And you, Loretta Peppers. I know your heart is hurt; I know you wish your daughter to be back, but you will hurt no one ever again.
Harper (Guide):
And they reach down, touch Professor Peppers, and you see like a little beam of light go from Professor Peppers into Lavender.
Harper (Lavender):
The same thing goes to you, Rifton, Mist, and Force. You will hurt no kith ever again.
Harper (Guide):
Same thing happens. Lavender comes in, reaches down, touches Alma.
Harper (Lavender):
Alma of the Vale. Child of the void and everything beyond. Thank you for your sacrifice. I give you the ability to permanently lay a spirit to rest. When I am done please lay me to rest permanently. Take this as well.
Harper (Guide):
And a necklace appears around your neck. Its of a Brightstone of a color that resonates with you.
Harper (Lavender):
You can use this to communicate with whomever you want with the use of the mirror. Hoku, child of the stars. I give you the ability to manifest any small and forgotten god to help alleviate any wrongs being committed to the world, and a necklace, same as Alma’s. And to Fletcher, our witch of potent concoctions. I give you the ability to extract different and new essences for materials and potions, letting you make new and exciting potions to help with any ailments, and a necklace, just as your friends. Lastly, our weaver, Neu. You gain the ability to infuse your weavings with magical properties that can weave comfort any kith might need, and a necklace, just like the rest of your friends. I think I'm ready to sleep. Thank you all. Alma, I'm ready.
Tatiana (Alma):
Thanks for all this, too. And, you know, saving the world. This is the least I can do.
Alma takes Lavender’s hands and closes her eyes, and a purple light starts to grow from where their hands meet. And Lavender slowly starts to dissipate in like little purple lights that look a lot like fireflies, until there's nothing left and the fireflies just burst out and go up through the grates of the subway. Up, up, up, into the sky to join the stars.
Harper (Guide):
When the group gets out of the the subway, Towerfell is still kind of in disarray. Like a lot of people are still under the control of Horus and Arch, and still like a lot of confusion, a lot of the mayhem going on. So, what kind of broad strokes things might y’all do, especially with your new abilities, to try to bring peace to Towerfell?
Alma has a little spray bottle of water in it that she prepared beforehand.
Fletcher has extracted the essence of water and has a spray bottle of water potion from the essence of water.
Hoku just goes,
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay, okay, so hear me out: what if, okay. Hello little things in the air, if you can maybe come together into a cloud? A nice cloud that doesn't do any premonitions or anything like that. But a cloud filled with water that my friend has made, and then if there's little creatures around that has the same contraption of a spray bottle who would like to go on a mission, that’d be kind of cool. Hello?
Harper (Guide):
So Hoku summons some small and forgotten gods to help out with this and starts cleaning the minds of folks from the influences of Arch and Horus. The kith are becoming more and more clear minded. Neu, what do you do to help permanently make sure that Towerfell doesn’t fall to this again?
Neu has a bit of a bone to pick with Horus.
Harper (Guide):
After the kith turned back, like eventually Horus and Arch would be brought in.
Neu will try to have a talk with Horus. Not necessarily in front of everyone else, but there's gonna be people around and that won’t stop Neu. And they would try to confront Horus with the horribleness of manipulating people for his own purposes and denying them agency.
Harper (Guide):
So Neu, you would go to the prison where Horus is being kept. They look pretty similar to your friend Foster, but a little bit older. A little bit broader shoulders, and in this moment they look at their weakest and lowest. In sort of just like a standard canvas jumpsuit, they see you come in.
Harper (Horus):
What is it that you want?
Octa (Neu):
I want to ask you.
And I'm gonna do something that the Weaver can always do, which is ask someone a question. Neu will kind of like bring their little arms up and go,
Octa (Neu):
What did you treasure about all of this? About everyone doing what you said without thinking by themselves? What did you treasure about having hundreds of fake followers? What was good about it?
Harper (Horus):
Dear, dear, Neu. You will never experience this, but once you have power and control over someone, it's intoxicating.
Octa (Neu):
I know how intoxicated people get over having power over others. I know that full well, and that doesn't ever make anyone really happy. And I can see that you've not been. Were you really happy? And if so, I pity you.
Harper (Horus):
At the end of our lives we may or may not have regrets, and one of the great regrets I would have at the end of my life would've been to never have tried to do what I tried to do. I would do it again, and again, and again. This won't be the last you’ll see of me.
Octa (Neu):
Why are you so obsessed with this?
Harper (Horus):
And they just like, turn and cross their arms, looking out the window, not even looking at you anymore.
Neu will take out a small pair of socks that will have fit him pretty well, that could bring him comfort if he needed that. And will fold them, and will pass them under the bars, and without thinking too much about it will just say,
Octa (Neu):
Well, I've left you a little gift, and I wish that someday you find something or someone that lets you change.
And then Neu will leave.
Harper (Guide):
Over the next couple of weeks you’d be able to help Towerfell get back to some sense of normalcy, and by then you'd be ready to move on to Middledwell. As you arrive in Middledwell, you do see machines, but they have all been kind of smashed to bits and there are lots of crew trying to take bits and pieces over to a giant hole in the ground. Trying to ridge the surface of and remnants of the machines that Tererra Corp had built and used to subjugate the kith of Middledwell. I imagine Fletcher, Alma, and Hoku would probably spend an evening with the Council of Kith, those folks that sort of help lead or direct various aspects of Middledwell. But Neu, you had somewhere else to be.
Neu will be at the ship as we get there, and will be clutching a piece of paper. Very nervous, trying to clasp something missing around their neck, and then just go,
Octa (Neu):
Welp, guys, I hope things go well with the council. I'm going to go see Foster. He sent me a pretty nice letter, and I think I want to see him again.
Tatiana (Alma):
If it's what you want, Neu, then I think you should totally do that. But before you go, I think you might like to have this back.
And Alma is going to reach into her pocket and she’s going to pull out the thimble.
Octa (Neu):
What? When did you grab that?
Tatiana (Alma):
You were really upset, it was honestly pretty easy to sneak it. But I figured you would want it back.
Neu jumps into the air and just like hugs Alma.
Octa (Neu):
Thank you so much! Thank you. Thank you so much.
You can see a couple tears kind of like, streaking down.
Tatiana (Alma):
Hey, hey, hey, none of that, okay? Go make up with your friend.
Octa (Neu):
I don't know if we're going to make up or not, or- I will let you know when you come back. Or by, I mean, I guess I'll be back in the morning, or like for dinner time? I'll see you later!
Tatiana (Alma):
Just let us know!
And Neu just jumps ship, runs towards the little outskirt town that Foster mentioned in his letter.
Harper (Guide):
I think this is the first time I've ever been speechless. Is Neu hoping to like, stay the night?
Lets see what happens!
Harper (Guide):
Oh my God, okay!
I mean, there's a lot to catch each other up on.
Harper (Guide):
Neu, you were told to meet Foster on the outskirts of town where they have a community set up. And you start heading that direction, and you see a hill and overlook on the way to the village that you see off in the distance. You can clearly see that there is a red furred kith sitting on that hill, on a blanket.
Neu was walking pretty quickly up until this point. As soon as they see the bright red spot against the blanket on the grass, they start to slow down and walk slower and slower and slower as they get there. And by the time they get in front of Foster, the last 15, 20, 30 meters have been a really awkward waving, slow walk.
Octa (Neu):
Hi, Foster. I'm here. Well, you see I’m here.
Harper (Guide):
As you get closer, and you're probably like 25, 30 yards away from each other like, you're like waving back and forth, and Foster jumps up and starts running in your direction. And their arms are open. Neu, would you run towards him?
Where would be this run, stop, run, stop, run situation as 1,000 conflicting thoughts crossed their mind. And as they finish kind of like the run, like hug him across probably belly kind of height, they would kind of like look up and just,
Octa (Neu):
I’m sorry. Thanks for your letter. Did you bring food? Smells nice.
Harper (Foster):
Yes, I would come- ever since I sent that letter I would come here and have my dinners here hoping one of these times you would join me.
Octa (Neu):
Foster, don’t say that. Don’t you say that. Well, I'm here, and I'm really happy. Did you-? I’ve seen how Middledwell is. You guys did such a great job taking out all of the machines.
Harper (Foster):
We still have a lot of work to do, but I’m very hopeful for the future.
Octa (Neu):
Yeah, me too. I've been thinking; I want to travel some more, but I also want to weave. Have you been weaving at all? Have you been keeping up with it?
Harper (Foster):
My weavings were what’s helped us bring down the machines, and I've kind of got a little bit of a shop set up. I was hoping that maybe you might want to maybe have some of your work here?
Octa (Neu):
I would like to really look at your shop and maybe yeah, maybe we could stock some of my stuff in there as well. You can show me after dinner, if you want? I really want to see what you have in there. I-
And Neu kind of like, reaches back to a now empty round backpack.
Octa (Neu):
I made this for you.
And there's this beanie hat, and there's a little pattern of like a fox and a fennec fox just like holding hands and all around the beanie hat is this combination of reds and goldens.
Octa (Neu):
It's got holes for your ears, as well. Here.
Harper (Guide):
And he grabs it, puts it on, ears kind of like poke through.
Harper (Foster):
It’s absolutely lovely. And yes, I really want to show you the shop. It's quite magical. Like you.
Harper (Guide):
And he would turn and-
Octa (Neu):
I forgot how flirty you are.
Harper (Foster):
It’s just what I do. Foods getting cold.
Harper (Guide):
And he reached out and grabbed your hand.
Octa (Neu):
Right, right, thank you.
I just sit down, start eating.
Octa (Neu):
Well, so, yes, I think me and the rest will still travel for a bit, but I want to talk to Alma. I want to see if maybe I can stay on the boat for while, traveling around, and maybe come back here every now and again. I really don't want to rush- friendships take time, relationships take time. I don't know where we’re at; I would really like Alma to see you again as well.
Harper (Foster):
I’d absolutely love to see her, and I'm just happy you're back.
Harper (Guide):
And as he hands you a plate of this wonderful lake forest greens salad, and you see there’s like a little thing of soup close by as well that’s kind of still steaming. As he hands over this plate and kind of gives you a little peck on the cheek, and sits back down.
Harper (Foster):
I guess we have a lot to catch up on.
Octa (Neu):
Yeah. Let me tell you.
Harper (Guide):
Neu and Foster spend the night catching up and maybe becoming more than friends. I think next up would probably be Fletcher as you stand at an airboat station with Loren and Kalix. We’re still in Middledwell, but Kalix got his satchel in their hand and says,
Harper (Kalix):
Well, I- I don't want to do this, but I- You both understand why I need to go check and see how Portsmore is doing. And I swear it’s not goodbye, it's goodbye for now. I'll see you in the Lastings or somewhere, right?
Michi (Fletcher):
Yeah, maybe we’ll stop by in Portsmore on the way to the Lastings, but we also have to make sure the Lastings are okay too.
Harper (Loren):
I need to get back to Witch Academy; see how things are there. We will see each other, especially with your necklace, Fletcher.
Michi (Fletcher):
Yeah, and we’ll visit, and we’ll write, and we could go on more adventures together.
Harper (Kalix):
Yes, we can do that.
Harper (Guide):
And Kalix reaches down, grabs your hand.
Harper (Kalix):
Could we have a moment?
Michi (Fletcher):
Harper (Guide):
And he would start walking with you, leading you down like closer to the ship that they're about to get on, and they would say.
Harper (Kalix):
Um, yes, I have had quite a time with you, Fletcher. I would've never thought I would be here now, with you and your other boyfriend, but I really care about you and I'm sad I have to go. But I am going to come see you.
Fletcher gives Kalix a big ole hug, and is just crying, and has boogers, but is mostly crying.
Harper (Guide):
And Kalix would cry too. All of a sudden you feel another set of arms wrapped around you as Loren is hugging as well. And the three of you would share this special moment, and eventually Kalix has to break from the hug. Before they hop on the ship, they grab your hand one last time and give a squeeze, lean down for a kiss despite the little boogers, the tears, and of all that. And when they break away, you feel that they've left something in your hand. So they get on the ship and start to raise higher and higher up in the air.
Fletcher is like waving at this airship until he can't see it anymore and like, he’s crying so the ship looks all blurry in his eyes, but he's keeping the utmost focus on trying to like, focus on the tiny dot that gets smaller and smaller that is Kalix, and is just waving. What did Kalix give Fletcher?
Harper (Guide):
It's a little gold ring,
Harper (Guide):
that has been- I guess it used to be one of their buttons on their jacket. You can see how it’s just kind of like been bent into a new shape, but it's like clearly got the engravings from a button from their jacket.
Fletcher is going to put it in the most important pocket that only has the most important things. Um, and he’s going to hold hands with Loren and walk back to friends.
Harper (Guide):
The group of you would later that day get on The Flying Dutchkith and start making your way back to Witch Academy. That's where all the kith from the Lastings were brought, and that's where you're assuming they would be. And in this moment of reflection as you have a few days before you get back there, each of you, starting with whoever wants to go, what are some of the ways behind the scenes your character was developing? What things have you gotten better at?
At the beginning of this whole story, Fletcher was falling asleep making swamp water potions. But Fletcher has made the galley basically his home, and has been like, consistently providing like, nourishment for everyone else, making soups, making potions. Has done a lot of work on making more fine tuned potions that like, keep someone healthy so that nobody gets airship sickness. Fletchers been like a little nurse to the whole group behind the scenes during these times, and has just been tending to a lot of more nutrition based, health based, just body needs of everyone, and taken care of everybody. We've had a lot of soup. Some of the soups were not good, a lot of the soups have gotten better. He's just been working on like, being a better witch in terms of potions and being a better witch in terms of like, some spells. A lot of spells are still sticky. And then he’ll occasionally make some predictions, but it's something that he's definitely been a bit less reliant on, especially with spending so much more time with Neu and everything that's happened with Foster. Whereas Fletcher used to like constantly be sorting through cards trying to figure out what the next step is, Fletcher has kind of owned his inner intuition a lot more, and is becoming less reliant on objects as oracle, and trusting himself.
Alma has been doing a lot of work when it comes to being a better communicator. In the trip back, I think she's kind of released control a little bit of some things. She’s let Chandler kind of decorate the ship a little bit and gave him creative control over said decorations. Um, you know, the ship is due for a little bit of an aesthetic upgrade, and who better to give it a revamp while they have this you know long flight back than Chandler who has proved himself to be quite the artist. Alma has also been just kind of doing more leisure trips into the spirit realm. Not just for work but also just to like, chat with the spirits a bit more. She used to do that when she was younger, then this sort of became her job so you know, it’s like when you monetize a hobby. But now she's like trying to like kind of find her love for it again, and just talking to the spirits and building those connections up again. Kind of doing like, retroactive work. Like if any of them want to be laid to rest permanently, Alma’s been doing that during her treks into the spirit realm. And Hoku would notice that there are a lot more stars in the sky these days. She’s making an effort to be more open with everyone, and talking to everyone more.
Harper (Guide):
What Chandler does is him realizing that he's an exceptional artist, and should use his art to help tell stories rather than take the stories of other people. Which, that's what he did with stargazing and such. And so he puts together a, like a stack of flags for the Flying Dutch Kith, and each one represents the kith that were on this journey. Maybe he works with Neu to get things weaved out over the trip, but by the time you end you have seven flags representing you all.
Well first of all, Neu will these days for sure be helping Chandler on the flags. But also, will try to like really get that big weaving of the story completed. So that's gonna be pretty much a full-time endeavor there. But as well as doing that, I think they will be- every evening they would probably just like disappear into the room and just have a little mirror call with Foster just to not break contact. But will kind of remind themselves, and probably through conversations with the rest of the crew on the ship, tried to make sure that they don't forget themselves into a new relationship again. And it will be this kind of trying to walk this balance, and mostly succeeding, and kind of finding time for themselves and finishing to get back all of the pride that they had earlier for their craft that they lost, and that Neu is now regaining.
This entire journey Hoku has been following something that he thought was fate for like, inklings of that, for his entire life. And now he is that. He is the Starkeeper. And with that newfound knowledge, something that he really wants to do is give a face to whatever people are following, and to give more stories to the stars that are starting to come up. So, try and find a way to travel if anyone has a nice little ship with the new little flags. Wanting to go around anywhere that needs a little god to join and navigate with the stars, Hoku will try and hop on board, if possible. But that's what Hoku was doing and is also like giving more names to things and also giving homes to little gods that were always forgotten. So Hoku is making a home for those who are forgotten, and that's what he's been doing.
Harper (Guide):
By the time you all start to arrive at Witch Academy. You see it like off in the distance, but you've been in conversation with folks, and it's clear that they at Witch Academy know that you are arriving because you start to get closer to like one of the taller spires at the center, there's a large platform where the ship can pull up and park. It's like covered with kith you know, kith you love, to kith from the Lastings and other parts of the Outlings that are just here to celebrate the six of you, and Kalix from afar, what you've done for the Lastings. So Neu, you’d see Ranya, but you also see standing behind Ronya, your three dads that you've not seen in quite some time. As you disembark and give Ranya a hug, like you can tell like all three of them are crying, and I imagine the four of you would find a place to go catch-up. Fletcher, you see your moms and your little brother waving at you, tears in eyes, grins as wide as their face, bursting with joy over what you've done. And they embrace you, and you all go off and have your catch-up. Hoku, at first it seems like as you like look out over the crowd, that none of your family or friends are here. Then like, off in the distance, you see them on like a platform below: your parents. They are having a picnic, they wave up to you, and they want you to join.
Hoku is running, Hoku will full sprint and just go,
Jenine (Hoku):
I’ll be back! Gimme a second! Lemme just!
Harper (Guide):
And you run down the spiral staircase on the landing, open the door, and your parents are just like there on the other side. Arms open as they embrace you.
Harper (Hoku's Mom):
Oh, it's so good to see you! I can't believe it! An actual Starkeeper.
Jenine (Hoku):
Harper (Hoku's Dad):
Your mother and I are extremely proud of you. We have to admit, we didn't always believe you when you said the Starkeeper was real, but it made us happy that you were interested in something.
Harper (Hoku's Mom):
And now we know that this is something that you were meant to be all along. Our Hoku. Our star child. Our Starkeeper.
Hoku just starts crying.
Harper (Guide):
While Hoku takes this in, and maybe gathers himself, lets jump over to Alma. You let the group kind of receive a lot of like the praise and stuff and you just turned to start like, return to the ship or what not. And eventually like the tears die down and then you hear kind of a voice through the silence.
Harper (Carth):
I figured I would find you here.
Harper (Guide):
And you turn to see Carth.
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah, well, yeah it was never really my scene.
Harper (Carth):
Yeah, well, your dad is tinkering, as always these days. And your mom said that she was unable to quote-unquote "get up because of " quote-unquote "the weight of everything,” but I’m here, and your sibling is down there.
Tatiana (Alma):
Good. Good, yeah that sounds about right. Uh, is the house still being foreclosed on?
Harper (Carth):
I would like to inform you that your dad and I have a business and it's kind of really good right now. We used some contraptions to keep the Lastings from at least sinking any more, and yeah, that really got people interested and so we’ve just been making things here. But yeah, the house will be fine, and you don't have to worry about the ship anymore either.
Tatiana (Alma):
That’s a relief. Thank you for looking after them for me. I appreciate it a lot.
Harper (Guide):
How is Alma feeling about this? Like your parents have not come to see you, and it now seems that Carth, maybe well-intentioned, but is kind of bragging and not really checking in and making sure you're okay.
Alma is used to this. It’s kind of like, almost relieving to see that some things are always going to be as they were. Not everything has this drastic change. Sometimes things stay the same, and it’s okay. Alma is just going to smile, and nod, and when there's a lull in the conversation she's going to reach into her pocket and pull out the coin. And she is going to walk over Carth and take his hand, and she's going to put the coin in his hand and close it around the coin.
Tatiana (Alma):
Listen, I think we both know that with the way things are, and the way things are going to continue to be, whatever we could have had… I don't think it would've made either of us happy. I can't stay here. I'm not meant to stay here. And you’re always going to have the forge, creating is what you do, it's what you enjoy and I would never ask you to leave that to travel with me. I can't ask you to do that. And I think it’d be unfair of you to ask me to stay. And we tried the whole long distance thing. I don't wanna hold you back from a potentially fulfilling relationship because you feel like you owe me something. You don't. And I don't owe you anything, either.
Harper (Carth):
You've made up your mind about this?
Tatiana (Alma):
It's a big world out there, and I lost myself for a while, and I think it's about time that I get to see it with fresh eyes.
Harper (Carth):
It is a big world out there, and I just hope it's big enough for you.
Tatiana (Alma):
I think I'll be okay. I'm not going to be alone this time.
Harper (Carth):
I'm proud of you, Alma.
Tatiana (Alma):
Good luck with the business. I’ll still write when I can.
Harper (Carth):
Good luck with your travels.
Harper (Guide):
And with that, they would turn and start to walk off the ship, and then you hear like a scrambling, and jumps up over the railing, your kid sibling.
Harper (Alma's Sibling):
Tatiana (Alma):
Miss me?
Harper (Alma's Sibling):
Eh, you know how it goes. It's kind of necessary, but also painful and awkward and a little uncomfortable.
Harper (Guide):
And they kind of like walk over to you and kind of like plop into you.
Harper (Alma's Sibling):
I'm glad you didn't die.
Tatiana (Alma):
I'm glad you didn't die either.
Harper (Alma's Sibling):
I know we’ve talked about this a little bit, and I wanted to let you know that I think I decided what I want to be when I grow up.
Tatiana (Alma):
Harper (Alma's Sibling):
Well I've been seeing ghosts ever since things have been fixed, and as soon as mom and dad say I'm old enough I would love to travel with you and learn from the best.
Tatiana (Alma):
Well, I suppose I could always use an assistant.
Harper (Alma's Sibling):
But one day, the assistant will become the master.
Harper (Guide):
And kind of like gives you like a playful shove.
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah, yeah, we'll see about that. Just let me know and I'll swing by and pick you up. You're going to have a lot of people to learn things from.
Harper (Alma's Sibling):
That I am.
Harper (Guide):
And so this evening would go on. Fletcher finding out from his moms that they're wanting him to help start a new traveling Witch Academy with him at the center. Neu, you kind of catch up with your dads a little bit but ultimately have to say goodbye, and Ronya joins you on your travels for a little bit helping you gather new materials for weavings, helping you with weavings, and eventually landing back in Middledwell with Foster, helping him out there with the shop. Hoku, Neu, and Alma would do some traveling around yourselves, right?
There's a lot to see.
Harper (Guide):
So I imagine before y'all head back out again on the things you need to do, you meet for one last time at the top of Witch Academy. Maybe on the roof this time as the Starkeeper Hoku Bayani points out the new constellations. Neu is there, forming some thread into a new yarn. Alma, maybe bones in hand, communicating with the dead even in these quiet moments. And Fletcher, maybe a couple potions in your hands, keeping them warm with your body heat because this is a new one you’ve come up with. You see the sun set, knowing that this is just the end of one chapter of your lives, and you've been on a night like this, where you spend one last night before heading out on your journeys once again.
Wow, we have once again come to the end of a season. I want to thank our incredible cast, Jenine, Michi, Tati, and Octa, and our GM Harper who took these kith on a magical journey of self-discovery and growth.
While we must close out this chapter of queeRPG, we urge you all to go play a session of Wanderhome yourself! Or check out the Press Pause Let’s Chat episode I did with Jay Dragon, the creator of the game.
Keep an eye out on our podcast feeds from some more interviews, for our S2 wrap up episode! We’ve got more Monsterhearts, coming you way, we’ve got some Kids on Bikes, we’ve got a few cool collabs, and we’ve got a S3 in development. A lot to do, a lot of stories to tell, and we think you’re going to love them all.
In the meantime, you can catch up on any episodes or seasons you may have missed. You can go check out an our merch store! We’ve got stickers, we’ve got pins, we’ve got mugs, we’ve got notebooks. You can rate and review the podcast so that other people can find us. You can join our Patreon at patreon.com/queeRPG and get access to a backlog of After Shows and bloopers, and playlists, and more!
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And, as I always says, until next time!

Meet your hosts:

Harper Sage Pettit
S2 Guide