About this Episode:
We arrive in The Lastings and meet our kith as they are sent on a very important journey.
This episode was produced by Kenzie Tartaglione and Ashley Westover. Editing by Kenzie Tartaglione. Theme music by Lorna Ryan.
Episode Transcript:
Tatiana Gefter:
Hello, everyone, my name is Tatiana Gefter. I use she/they pronouns and I am playing Alma of the Vale with The Gravedigger playbook.
Michi Zaya:
Hi, my name is Michi Zaya. I use any pronouns and I am playing Fletcher, The Witch.
Jenine Florence Jacinto:
My name is Jenine Florence Jacinto. I use they/them pronouns and I play Hoku Bayana.
Octa Delgado:
Hello, my name is Octa. I go by they/them pronouns. And I will play Neu Threestrings from The Weaver playbook.
Harper Sage Pettit:
Hi, my name is Harper Sage Pettit. I use they or she pronouns and I will be your guide for this season of queeRPG, Of Kith and Pen.
Kenzie Tartaglione:
The content warning for this episode includes complex and complicated relationships.
Harper (Guide):
We open up with our point of view. Following along a rugged shoreline. Massive jagged rocks jut out from the torrential waves that crash against them. We break from the shoreline and head towards the horizon. A few miles out the sea, hundreds of feet above the ocean, floats a cluster of islands seemingly tied together by countless floating bridges and roads. As we approach, barely floating above the waves this cluster of island known as The Lastings, The Land of 1000 Bridges. We circle the islands for a few moments noting the distinct features of each island. There's almost as if they're their own country, but they're all connected, the twelve main islands representing the deities of this country. Slowly we approach the massive island at the center. A majority of the massive bridges that span across the country all meet here at Lothaire's Junction. We focus on the main bridge that runs south to Yari's Thimble, the island, or Lasting, dedicated to the arts and creativity. We see a small fennec fox with messy fur wearing a patchwork dress seemingly made of bits and pieces of other clothes. Their hands nervously fidget with a scroll as their frog friend who walks next to them rambles about something.
This is Neu, who is obviously not hearing anything that Rania is saying. It's almost as if Neu is underwater. Just hearing the distorted ramblings of their friend.
Octa (Neu Threestrings):
Neu is walking. Their eyes are darting everywhere across the street and there's only one thought buckling, just repeating itself again and again. I may get to see my friends again. I may get to see what's up with them. I can't wait to catch up with them. And also, while that is quite a warm thought on the other side of it, almost battling against that warmer thought is a big ball of anxiety just reminding Neu that there was this letter, this summons. He's supposed to go see Fallon, the regent of The Lastings and they are not very sure exactly why they could even be far from useful to them.
Harper (Guide):
A few weeks back you got a letter from Fallon, the serval, or servant of all, the sort of spiritual, political, artistic leader of this country. Didn't say much, but it basically was just summoning you to Yari's Thimble to meet with them and quickly that prompted you to write a letter to your friend. Which friend did you write a letter to?
Octa (Neu):
So my first port of call was Fletcher. It was a pretty short letter after a few months of barely any meaningful things being written to Fletcher.
Harper (Guide):
So yeah, let's jump back. A few weeks ago you've just read this letter and now you're writing a letter to Fletcher. Go ahead and read that letter off.
Octa (Neu):
Hi, Fletcher, it's been a while. Right. Sorry for the empty words lately. Got into a bit of a rap. I can share more now though, especially since I've got to get ready to see you again. We may cross paths after I get back to Yari’s Thimble from what I see. As you know, Loom Academy was kind of a bust, and I left it - that you already know. However, I was supposed to leave with Foster, an amazingly fun red fox, just like Paz, and, well, because of a mistaken Oracle, I ended up parting ways with him, and I got lost. Well, kind of lost. I guess the right word will be searching? I went through a bunch of loom workshops and the best tactile artisans. I even wrote to Libby back home, but I've not seen him again. And while that was quite a while ago, right after I dropped out, I think that's pretty much when I sent you my last real letter. As I searched for Foster, I was actually found by this amazing doe, Kore. I started weaving under them for a few seasons. It was so much better than anything I did at Loom Academy. We traveled, we met some people, and I even found new kinds of threads and colors. It was truly amazing. I can't wait to tell you more about it in person, but I'm not very sure on where to start.
Well, a few months ago, I went to Lothaire’s Junction, and things got a bit rough away from Kore, but, well, Rania found me. Do you remember Rania? The super responsible frog I wrote about so much when I was at the Academy? We ended up as neighbors by pure chance. Can you believe it? I'm now living with this really cute jackal. His name is Alphonse, Al. A bit of a lazy ass that keeps working dead end jobs, but he is super fun to be around, you'll see. On the last month, I went back to work for Libby, doing mostly mending jobs, but between her and Rania, they've been pushing me to try new designs again. Anyhow, you know how oracles can get kind of scary for me. I'm not sure yet about going back there on my own without Kore or away from you. I really miss you. And I'm now fully packed, ready to go towards Yari’s Thimble.
I've noticed it takes a while to pack all my stuff. It's crazy how much I accumulate when I get comfy somewhere, and this is going to write insane, but Falon zirself asked me to go visit zem there. As soon as I get a bit more info on why, 'm going to try and send you a letter, but I don't know, maybe I see you there. With many, many hugs, Neu.
Harper (Guide):
We kind of jump back to the present. Neu's friend, frog friend, Rania, kind of like, springs up into the air directly in front of their face and claps and says,
Harper (Rania):
Are you even listening to me? I've been talking about my sewing classes and how freaking hard they are, and you're just droning on, not even saying anything. What's going on?
Octa (Neu):
Well, I'm sorry. You know, sometimes I get distracted, and it's been forever that whenever you try to sew with those fingers you have, things get difficult, you start complaining and I know what you're complaining about, so yeah, sorry. That wasn't very kind.
Harper (Rania):
Wait a second. Do you not think my struggles are worth your time?
Octa (Neu):
100%, Rania. But they are always kind of similar with the sewing and all.
Harper (Rania):
You do have a point. But, Dang, I really wish you would listen to me more sometimes. Especially since I've not seen you in so long. I guess you do have a lot going on, so I understand your head is a little in the clouds, but we have a plan. We are going shopping! We need to focus. Okay?
Octa (Neu):
Okay. First point of order, I need to get myself something nice enough to face Falon. Second point of order, we need to get you better needles for when you sew.
Harper (Rania):
That would probably help you. See, you did take him something. Very proud of you.
Harper (Guide):
And she sort of like turns and with a spring intercept kind of jumps a few feet in front of you.
Harper (Rania):
Come on! If we don't make it, we're going to miss all the good deals.
Octa (Neu):
Yeah, Libby was telling me that there's this really cool designer. They come from Taisetal’s Confusion and everything is super weird. So, I'm actually quite looking forward to seeing that.
Harper (Guide):
So, the two of them kind of continue on this bridge and eventually make it into Yari's Thimble. The bustling streets of this very creative Lasting. You see lots of different things, but mainly it's just kind of like stacks upon stacks of various shops, boutiques. Pretty much if you're looking for anything artistic or creative, you are going to find it. Here what might be some of the things that stick out to Neu as you kind of get to this first market area.
I think the first thing that Neu would really catch and consider really heavily - Neu usually has big, big trouble finding good hats. Too much ear to head ratio. I can imagine Neu just seeing a hat that will fit so perfectly with a couple alterations that they may get completely sidetracked.
Harper (Guide):
Neu finds this hat and what else to go with it for this outfit that they're putting together to meet Falon, the serval. Because they typically wear this patchwork outfit, these different patchwork outfits, kind of hodgepodge of different scraps and things from other outfits they've had. But they want to look very nice for this meeting.
They want to look nice, but they want to look dependable and unresponsible. So out of that kind of insecurity, they're going to try to go with earthy beige tones with some golden highlights just to accent the natural hues of their fur.
Harper (Guide):
After you get this and you get changed, get all dressed up for this meeting, you notice Rania has their nice new sewing needles and you head out. And you see the giant factory, or workshop, where Falon is stationed off in the distance. And you sort of hear a whistle, a very high pitched whistle as you start to walk down the street towards that and you look up on one of the rooftops and you see the silhouette of a very familiar jackal, and they sort of grab onto a rope and come flying down and almost somersault and land right in front of you.
As they stand up they give you a quick peck on the cheek and say,
Harper (Alphonse):
Well, hello there.
Harper (Guide):
You recognize this as Alphonse.
Octa (Neu):
Hey, so you’ve actually come to see me today? I wasn’t really expecting it.
Harper (Alphonse):
Oh, I did not know you were going to be here.
Octa (Neu):
I sent you a letter.
Harper (Alphonse):
Oh! Oh, yes. Ha, yes. I’ve been distracted. Um, but yes, good to see you. I feel like it was by chance that I came across you today but apparently this was supposed to happen. I am going to a party below the city, let’s go!
Octa (Neu):
Um, like, right now?
Harper (Alphonse):
Yes, yes, right now. There is a very interesting band from the Marigold of Anino and they are playing down there. Are you familiar with the drone sounds of The Welps?
Octa (Neu):
No but I would like to be and if you’re going – but like for sure I will be able to be up and to go to see Falon after three or four, right? Like for sure?
Harper (Alphonse):
Oooh… wait, you’re still doing that?
Octa (Neu):
Yes, I told you it was important.
Harper (Alphonse):
Ugh…but, zey are just a bureaucrat, you can visit zem later, right?
Octa (Neu):
I mean, it’s not like they’re going anywhere –
Harper (Alphonse):
The Welps – The Welsp are here! They’re never here. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!
Harper (Guide):
Rania sort of jumps up,
Harper (Rania):
Leave them alone! They’ve got business to do.
Harper (Guide):
And they kind of jump in between the two of you and they kind of tug on your new outfit, like the tail end of it and say,
Harper (Rania):
Come on! Let’s get out of here!
Harper (Guide):
So, I think Neu, you might have to do a roll here. Feel like Neu’s pretty conflicted. This is very important but also Alphonse sort of has this spell over you. You know Alphonse is bad for you but they’re just so intoxicating.
They somersaulted in front of me! What am I supposed to do!?
Harper (Guide):
He’s just so cool. He’s kind of dressed like an artistic pirate. He’s got like paint splatters on his very poofy pants. This very poofy blouse that he’s got on and these boots that come up almost to his knees. Very hot. So, I think I’m going to need a heart roll from you.
That’s a seven, plus one, that’s an eight.
Harper (Guide):
You feel this like resolve as the intoxicating aura of Alphonse is drawing you towards the lower levels of the city and Rania is there to pull you back.
Octa (Neu):
Wait, wait, wait a second. Stop. Stop. I don’t think I can do this right now. I think that you’ll have to tell me all about it later. Or, at the very least, bring me something! Like a little T-shirt or if one of the musician throws something, bring it back to me. That’s your mission. I know you have a lot of fun being by yourself as well. You don’t need me do you, right? You don’t.
Harper (Alphonse):
(sighs) Yet again, you disappoint me but I understand. You have more important things.
Harper (Guide):
And they sort of just like turn and start to walk away pretty quickly and they look back and they say,
Harper (Alphonse):
I’ll see if I can find you something.
Octa (Neu):
It’s not more important! It’s just different!
Harper (Alphonse):
I understand.
Harper (Guide):
And they sort of dash down the alleyway and disappear.
Neu will squeeze Rania’s hand knowing that this was no entirely okay.
Harper (Rania):
It’s okay. You have a lot going on and I think you did the right thing. If that means anything.
Octa (Neu):
Yeah, thank you for pulling on my skirt. As always.
Harper (Rania):
I tried not to pull too hard since it’s brand new but let’s get out of here! We gotta get you to Falon, alright?
Octa (Neu):
Yes, let’s do that.
So, you’re trying to catch your parents before they head back out and do what they need to do. They have no idea that you’re here and you’re running a little bit late so, you’re just, again, bumping into folks. Your star charts are flying out of your pockets. You’re kind of leaving a wake of destruction which is kind of suprising for such a small and unassuming otter. But you see the library off in the distance, the spiral tower that goes up. Kind of signifying it amongst the rest of the city skyline. As you round the corner that leads to the road that leads right up to the library, you come – boom! – to a sudden stop. A thud. Things fly up into the air. Star charts, measuring tools. And you look to see a familiar face looking at you as you’re both on the ground. The beady eyes of Chandler Melvin, an old rival from school. Kind of squints at you and you have this rush of bad memories of this person who kind of stole the presidency of the Star Club from you back in high school. But then you’re quickly reminded of some good things as we flash back to a few weeks ago when you got a letter from Falon, and you quickly started to right your letter to one of your friends. Which friend did you write a letter to?
I wrote one to Alma.
Jenine (Hoku Bayani):
Dear Alma, okay, first off, the stars are telling me there are some new finding that are some new paths to take on your wonderful travels. Next thing, I hope you’re doing well. Finding any stories of knights and fire-breathing fish? I found this necklace in one of the thrift stores next to the library I was studying at and it kind of reminds me of the little trinkets you would use in your studies. Oh, right! What I’ve been up to. Let’s see. I’ve been visiting a lot of my relatives at the other Lastings. They’ve been kind enough to house me during the daytime before heading to the local libraries to find anything about The Starkeeper. Not much luck on where they are but the stories he leaves behind, beautiful. Maybe you’d want to read one. I’ll copy one down and send it to you. Anyways, you never know how difficult traveling is until you’re doing it between each Lasting. How’s the traveling going for you?
And that is scratched out.
Jenine (Hoku):
Right, I already wrote that. What have you seen? Other than the stars. Wildest article writing I stumbled upon was this one of a queen bee who rides into battle with her family by her side to take back her kingdom. Pretty wild, right? I think y favorite part is how she doesn’t just rely on her own family with her, but the kith who helped her along the way. Ooh! Finally, one of my favorite discoveries. My mark of The Starkeeper. Remember? Hidden on the side of my left torso? I’m still having a little trouble finding all the information about it, but I think I finally figured out the constellation. I gotta check a little more when I get home in a few days. From the stars that wave to you, Hoku.
Harper (Guide):
That little bit of pleasantness is again broken as soon as Chandler snarls out something and you’re kind of brought back to the present. You didn’t really hear it because you were a little dazed, a little confused. Then, he says it again.
Harper (Chandler):
Oh, it’s you. What was your name again? Haki? I’m sorry, I have so many different things going on, I can’t remember. But I remember you from high school, right?
Jenine (Hoku):
It’s Hoku.
Harper (Chandler):
Oh Hoku!
Jenine (Hoku):
I remember you as well. Hello.
Harper (Chandler):
Yes, what have you been up to? I recently got a prestigious fellowship at The Alabaster Conservatory.
Harper (Guide):
Sort of crosses his arms across his body.
Jenine (Hoku):
Well, I’ve been doing some really nice research about The Starkeeper and all of that fun jazz between the different libraries here.
Harper (Chandler):
You’re still on that? Oh, the fairytales children believe.
Jenine (Hoku):
Oh, do, do, do, do, do – well, you know I have somewhere to be. Look at that!
Like points at a random direction and runs the opposite way.
Harper (Guide):
As you run off you hear Chandler sort of say something,
Harper (Chandler):
Well, if you ever want to hear anything – or learn anything about real starkeeping, come see me at the conservatory!
Harper (Guide):
And sort of just trails off.
I like let a leaflet of – an equivalent of my card – just fly out on the wind and hopefully it will land towards Chandler.
Harper (Guide):
You leave Chandler Melvin, the annoying armadillo, and potential continued rival. You have other things to worry about. Before you know it, you are standing at the foot of the marble stairs that lead up into this grand library of Lothaire’s Junction. You basically were born here right?
Harper (Guide):
So, you know this place, kind of the inns and outs. All the different quirks of the building, the different hiding nooks where you could spend hours reading about The Starkeeper. Is there a place you need to stop by inside of the library before you go see your parents in the sort of lounge area?
I make sure that I stop by the closest bathroom to make sure I look put together. Like I didn’t rush over and I have everything. And like have everything stuffed in the correct pockets and fixes the little apron, and then fixes the glasses, and then switches the earrings to the other ear just to change it up a little bit. And just gives a quick pep talk of,
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay, okay, okay, okay. This is good. It’s great. We got this. Phew. Okay.
Puffs the chest and then walks.
Harper (Guide):
You walk out of the washroom and into the library. There’s just massive shelves just kind of to the ceiling, filled with books. A lot of magic is used so you see a lot of books flying from place to place as they’re being put up and acquired. And the very back is that spiral staircase with the tower that has the lookout where your parents often lounge and have lunch. So, you head up those stairs and there’s not any doors, you just arrive on the landing and you see your parents there, kind of off in the corner, sitting at a table. They have their tea set up and their lunch out. Your father’s back is to you but your mother, as soon as she sees you, let’s out a shriek that echoes throughout the library. And then she kind of instinctively goes,
Harper (Hoku’s Mother):
Harper (Guide):
And your father turns and sees you and smiles and they both wave. Your mother gets up and she’s typically more reserved, a little more controlled and your dads typically more the flamboyant, the outward presenting one. But your mother’s bouncing with excitement as she runs over to you.
Harper (Hoku’s Mother):
Hoku! I can’t believe it. Why are you here? What a are you – what? You didn’t tell us.
Jenine (Hoku):
Surprise! So, um, I was kind of invited to come here so I came back earlier and I wanted to come say hi before I went on this kind of a mission thing. I don’t know if I’m allowed to say anything about it, but I’m here. Hi!
Harper (Guide):
Your dad comes over, hugs you.
Harper (Hoku’s Father):
You’re on a mission?
Jenine (Hoku):
Harper (Hoku’s Father):
And it’s secret?
Jenine (Hoku):
Harper (Hoku’s Mother):
Well, you know, we don’t talk to anybody except ourselves, you can tell us.
Jenine (Hoku):
Maybe I should double check before telling you. I don’t want to get in trouble. I love both of you so much.
I give them a peck on the cheek each.
Harper (Guide):
And you can tell that your mom, in particular, is visibly upset. And your dad probably is too but he seems to be holding it in and says,
Harper (Hoku’s Father):
It’s okay. I understand. We understand, don’t we dear?
Harper (Hoku’s Mother):
Harper (Guide):
And your mom kind of straightens up and says,
Harper (Hoku’s Mother):
We understand. You’re doing things -
Harper (Guide):
And you can see a little tear forming.
Harper (Hoku’s Mother):
You’re doing things and we are so very, very, very proud of you.
Jenine (Hoku):
I will say it is something different from The Starkeeper, if that changes our mood. It’s a little bit higher up in what’s happening here.
Harper (Hoku’s Father):
Very, very intrigued now. I thought it was definitely something to do with The Starkeeper.
Jenine (Hoku):
Yes, that’s pretty much all you do.
Harper (Hoku’s Father):
Yes, we’re still very proud of you. Probably even more so now. Not that if you only were working on The Starkeepr stuff we wouldn’t be proud of you but knowing that its something a little more higher up is definitely intriguing to us.
Harper (Hoku’s Mother):
Yes, yes, very intriguing. Um, we do have a little bit of tea and lunch left over. Do you have time to join us?
Jenine (Hoku):
And then I look out to see where the sun is to try and tell what time it is. How much time do I have left before I have to go to this meeting.
Harper (Guide):
You were in a rush, not only because you knew your parents lunch probably wouldn’t be too much longer, but you also needed to catch a balloon over to Yari’s Thimble.
When is that balloon supposed to take off? How much time do I have to sit and chill?
Harper (Guide):
You have time enough to probably scarf down a little bit of a sandwich, sip some tea as it scorches your tongue, tell them… I guess they’re kind of interested in your dating life so I don’t know if you have time to talk to them about that.
Oh, Hoku would ignore if immensely if they ask the question.
Jenine (Hoku):
Oh, yeah, no, you know, it’s there. Well, it’s not there but it’s – oh wow, look at the sun!
Harper (Hoku’s Father):
Oh do you need to be leaving?
Jenine (Hoku):
Oh, yeah, I mean I have to catch this. Bye mom and dad.
Smooches on the kiss and runs.
Harper (Hoku’s Mother):
That’s very convenient that every time we ask him about if he’s seeing anyone. Always has somewhere to go but… love you!
Jenine (Hoku):
Love you!
But I whisper that as I’m running through the library.
Harper (Guide):
So, Hoku, you take off through the library, back down the street, head over to the hot air balloon station to make it over to Yari’s Thimble real quick.
And then next, arriving at the hot air balloon station is a morose looking ocelot. She steps off the boarding ramp of the hot air balloon she just arrived on, wearing a pair of thick and proper gloves, a wide-brimmed hat that casts a dark shadow over her face and a billowing dirt stained overcoat. She makes her way through the busy streets of Lothaire’s Junction, instead of joining the throng of patrons going down the streets, she sort of just disappears into a shadow. And starts heading down an access ladder that leads to the maintenance level beneath the streets. Where’s Alma going? What’s on her mind?
It’s been a long time since Alma has been to The Lastings. Back when she used to live here, one of the only places that she really felt at home was the local cemetery where she would sometimes go after school or where she would go when she just need to kind of be away from everything and surrounded instead by the spirits of those who are already gone.
Harper (Guide):
Ever since she was young, she kind of always found more comfort in those who passed than those who are living. I guess right now she needs a little bit of normalcy as she’s come back.
Yeah! She needs just a little bit of grounding I would say. You know, it s a lot to return after not seeing everyone for a pretty long time. She’s kept herself pretty distance.
Harper (Guide):
She’s reconciling a lot of these feelings. These walls that she’s built up. As she’s walking in the lower levels of Lothaire’s Junction, she getting closer to Lothaire’s Lost, this sort of like cave where the remains of the dead or laid to rest. And just as she is about to open up this sort of crypt and go inside, she feels something that she’s not felt in a while. A vibration in her pocket and she thinks of the coin that her friends? Complicated kind of feelings for person? Carth. Carth Lockheart, the tinkerer, kind of went on a journey, maybe broke her heart along the way. But before he left, gave her this magic coin that he can send messages on and its not vibrated in quite some time. What kind of thoughts are going through her head as she starts to pull this coin out?
Why now? As if things aren’t already complicated enough having to come back here, why now are you reaching out to me after so long? Pulls out the coin.
Harper (Guide):
Just a few words have a appeared on this coin and you kind of read them in his voice.
Harper (Carth Lockheart):
I need to see you. Something is wrong.
Harper (Guide):
And we flash back to a few weeks ago when you got this letter from Falon and you wrote a letter to one of your friends.
I sure did!
Harper (Guide):
Go ahead and read that letter.
Tatiana (Alma of The Vale):
Dear Hoku, I hope you have been well my friend. In my time away I have thought of you and the others often and I have taken your letters and your memories with me from place to place. It’s nice but I hope one day to travel with you all in person and show you the wonderful things I have seen from above the clouds. I know you will especially like it. From above, from up in the balloon, we have a clear view of the night sky and the stars that hang there. I’m not good with them like you are so I don’t know what they mean but the further away from home I get, the more different their shapes appear. I’ve drawn some of them down for you. Maybe you can interpret their meaning and tell me what you think when I see you. I know I’ve been a poor pen pal and haven’t been able to write to you as much as I would like. The outside world is fast and I have much to keep me occupied. Death never stops. I’m happy to be able to help so many people dealing with the losses they encounter on day to day to make the process as easy as I can. I’ve learned so much. Different practices and funeral rites that give each death such meaning. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to ramble. I truly can’t wait to see you again, assuming you’re still where I think you are. That actually brings me to why I’m writing to you. Falon has called me home. With my family now on Dreich’s Inkwell, I would have thought that I would not be needed but it seems that they do need something from me. We should get together when I’m in town. I should arrive in about four weeks from when I’m writing this letter. I hope Neu and Fletcher are doing well. See you soon, my friend. Best, Alma.
Harper (Guide):
So, Alma you rush back to the present from that memory from a few weeks ago where all these emotions started from and just keep going and going. It's one of those things where when you're asked how things are going you just say, “They are.” And now with Carth poking his head back into your life it just getting more and more complicated. So you definitely need a moments of respite amongst those you're most comfortable with. You've been here in Lothaire’s Lost before. Do you have a particular spirit you like to commune with?
There's a spirit of a young doe that often likes to frolic through here. They passed when they were very young so they retain a lot of their childish ways about them. They like to cause little mischiefs to people who visit when Alma's not around they enjoy her company. She's able to understand them better than most who visit the cemetery and it brings alma peace to see such childishness and joy on the other side.
Harper (Guide):
Alma is looking for Fiz the doe. And I guess, Alma, you would know that one of their favorite things were candies and so I would imagine you find a place where their remains have been memorialized and you set out a few pieces of candy and just sit and almost meditate for a little bit until you hear a little giggle and the crinkling of paper.
Alma had her eyes closed for a moment and as soon as she hears the crinkling of the paper she kinda peeks open one eye, you know? Kind of testing the waters a little bit looking down at where she put the candy.
Harper (Guide):
And you see behind the memorial stone Fizz kind of peeking up and as soon as they see you they kind of giggle and go back behind the stone and you can hear more giggling back there.
Tatiana (Alma):
Don't tell me you're hiding after I’ve been away for so long.
Harper (Fizz):
I'm not hiding. I don't know what to talk about.
Tatiana (Alma):
Oooh, then why are you behind your stone?
Harper (Fizz):
This is just a stone a magic stone talking.
Tatiana (Alma):
Ooooh, well, I missed this magic stone so much in my travels. I thought about it all the time and couldn't wait to come back to tell it all about my adventures.
Harper (Fizz):
Hmmm, the stone may or may not have missed you but to be honest the stone really missed the candy.
Harper (Guide):
And they giggle.
Tatiana (Alma):
Well I may or may not have prepared for such an occasion and have more candy, but this candy is reserved for my special friend not for a stone.
Harper (Guide):
Kind of from the side their head pokes out,
Harper (Fizz):
Really, you’re not going to give me the candy?
Tatiana (Alma):
I'm not giving a stone candy that would be rude to my friend.
Harper (Guide):
And they kind of pop back,
Harper (Fizz):
Oh I can see if they can come out.
Tatiana (Alma):
Could you - could you please? I have so much candy from far away that they never would be able to get otherwise.
Harper (Fizz):
I'll see if I can put in a good word, okay?
Tatiana (Alma):
Thank you.
Harper (Guide):
You hear kind of like whispering and giggling.
Harper (Fizz):
I think - I think they're gonna come out, okay?
Tatiana (Alma):
Harper (Fizz):
Are you ready? I'm gonna count them down, okay? One, two, three!
Harper (Guide):
And they sort of like jump out somersault and,
Harper (Fizz):
Tatiana (Alma):
Harper (Fizz):
It's me Fizz! The whole time! There wasn't a stone talking, it was me!
Tatiana (Alma):
You tricked me! You got me good!
Harper (Fizz):
I'm getting good at it. I tricked so many people while you’re gone.
Tatiana (Alma):
I'm sure you've gotten lots of practice while I've been away.
Harper (Fizz):
Tatiana (Alma):
Well as promised here is your candy.
Harper (Guide):
Like on the floor they like kind of scoot up to you and put out their hand,
Harper (Fizz):
Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme.
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh, yeah. yeah, yeah. Don't eat those all at once you'll give yourself a stomachache.
Harper (Fizz):
The good thing about being a ghost is that my tummy doesn’t hurt anymore.
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah but it's the principle of the thing.
Harper (Fizz):
I guess so. But tell me about where you go, I missed you.
Tatiana (Alma):
Well I had to go up in the air balloon and work, I guess, you know, my really boring adult stuff work. But I got to see a lot of people, so many people. And kids like you! So many kids.
Harper (Fizz):
Wow! Were there any kids as fun and as cool as me?
Tatiana (Alma):
No one's as fun and cool as you. That's why I came back! I came back to visit you of course.
Harper (Fizz):
Why are you here?
Tatiana (Alma):
Isn't it enough for me to just miss my best bud?
Harper (Fizz):
Yeah but you've been gone for a while.
Tatiana (Alma):
Harper (Fizz):
Figured you were gone for something and come back for something.
Tatiana (Alma):
More boring adult stuff I worry about. I'm not sure why someone called me home.
Harper (Fizz):
Tatiana (Alma):
Harper (Fizz):
Adult stuff is so…
Harper (Guide):
And they're about to say boring and they kind of like put their hands on their hips. They don't finish their sentence, just freeze. Just frozen there.
Alma's going to kind of reach out to them like she's gonna pat them on the head.
Harper (Guide):
And as you do, you touch their ethereal body and it kind of tingles as usual. But as you do, it's almost like you're kind of putting your hand through a cloud of smoke. And their body - their forms just like dissipates into nothing. Oh have you seen anything like this before? Go ahead and give me a wild roll.
(laughs) So that's a four.
Harper (Guide):
In all your time with the dead you've never seen anything like this before and you feel like something is gravely wrong. It almost feels like your heart is kind of breaking like literally breaking right now. Because you are so lost and so confused and you have no idea what to do. One of your dearest friends has just vanished and this has never happened before.
The coin feels very heavy and Alma’s pocket.
Harper (Guide):
Maybe Cath might have an idea. Caybe Carth’s cryptic message somehow connected to this. You do have a place to be though. You know Falon - the meeting with Falon is scheduled for just a short while from now and you have to be in Yari’s Thimble. But maybe even catch up with Carth later.
Yeah, she's definitely not going to go see a Carth first, because Carth is on the same Lasting as her parents. She's going to leave some of the candies that she brought on Fizz’s memorial and she's going to get up and leave, making sure to close up shop behind her and head over to Yari’s Thimble.
Harper (Guide):
As Alma heads back to the surface and over to Yari’s Thimble, we take a turn and we go to the Marigold of Anino, the god of light, and we see a very bright and beautiful Lasting. However in the far west corner is a teeny tiny island that sort of just is floating near the Marigold of Anino, seemingly just held there by an ethereal thread. On this island is a simple hut, a single hut, seemingly made-up of bits and pieces of old buildings held together by magical runes carved into those pieces hundreds maybe even thousands of years ago. This is the Marigold Apothecary, the longest standing apothecary in The Lasting. Our point of view sort of like spirals around the outside of this hodgepodge of a building until it slowly drifts inside an oddly shaped window. Inside we see sealing high shelves overflowing with various ingredients.
In the back corner we see a sleeping looking flying squirrel and a big comfy cloak. Barely able to keep their eyes open as they hover over a cauldron of a foul smelling concoction. It seems like Fletcher is a bit distracted.
Mich:Fletcher is making a potion that he's instructed to make. This is s a potion that is meant to help with bad breath because it's actually a very big one on the market. Instead of using well water there's a bit of swamp water and Fletcher is so so tired because he's nocturnal and it is daytime.
Harper (Guide):
He’s also had a lot on his mind. Like a few weeks ago, like all his other friends, received a letter from Falon, the serval, that went to the same school as them but was a few years older. And just kind of strange that he would get a letter from The Serval. That kind of throws him in a loop and as soon as he got the letter, he started writing a letter to Neu. Go ahead and read that letter.
Michi (Fletcher Agaar):
Dear Neu. Yesterday I made a potion that smelled like you. I'm not sure what it does yet but my potion making classes have been going well. Last week I made a potion for feeling warm and ended up taking a nap for an entire day. I had a dream about a group of friends. Maybe it was us but we were traveling and far from home. I think we'll see each other sooner than we think. I'll send you a package of the warmth potion soon. Still perfecting the final touches. It tasted like very sour blueberries. In other news, I think Lauren is my boyfriend again. He keeps spending time in my dorm room. We drink tea and read the leaves and he brings me shiny rocks. And him being a raven, that surely means something. I’ll ask him soon but in the meantime we’ve been holding hands whenever we walk together. It's been about two months but I think we might be okay. He woke me during the final and quickly cast a completely against the rules illusion to help me finish my exam while hiding from our professor. He works in the grief rituals department and actually got me to sign up for an extracurricular a few weeks ago. I would have done it eventually! I need it to graduate. I know he might be disappointed in me with how things ended last time but I'm glad we're talking again. This brings the sad slash happy part of the saga. I'm leaving in four weeks and someone to Yari’s Thimble by none other than The Serval zerself, Falon. Rekindling such a good and happy relationship only to come back to The Thousand Bridges. But luckily, my wtich training is completed next week so it won't affect the Academy experience. I'm just starting to feel happy again. It's nice but scary. Let me know what you've been leaving. I've attached some color changing thread in the parcel. X, Fletch.
Harper (Guide):
We kind of come back to the present to an even more foul smell and the sound of a boiling over pot. Zelle Estelle, the hedgehog, who runs the shop. They also inherited the shop from their Baba who inherited shot from there Baba and so on and so on. They are this, again, very old hedgehog who you don't even know how they're still alive. You don't know how old they are. They're just old. They they kind of sternly look over you, cross their arms in the say,
Harper (Zelle Estelle):
Another failed potion. I don't know why I took you on as my apprentice.
Michi (Fletcher):
Um… what…?
He's just waking up from a nap while standing up.
Harper (Zelle):
You keep on sleeping even though I give you potions to make you stay awake!
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh it's the middle of the day, I promise around evening fix this one again. (sighs) It’s hard to be awake, especially when the sun is right up.
Harper (Zelle):
I know you mentioned maybe we should stay open later so you could actually be of use. And I know you're about to be leave so I guess there's no sense in changing the hours now. But maybe when you come back, we can see about you working a night shift instead, how does that sound?
Michi (Fletcher):
That would be wonderful! I know I can do a good job. I mean you saw my grades from Witch Academy. It's hard for me to be awake in the day.
Harper (Zelle):
Yes I did see your grades and that's why I've been so shocked at your performance lately. But you did come with great letters of recommendation so that's the only way I'll consider giving you another chance.
Michi (Fletcher):
Thank you, Zelle.
Harper (Zelle):
Well you asked me to come over and tell you when it was time. Wasn't quite sure what that meant but I'm here, it's time now.
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh, oh it is? Oh, I have to run like right now. I have an important meeting on Yari’s Thimble. I'm sorry about this potion. Can I come back tonight to fix it? I have the keys.
Harper (Zelle):
Yes, make sure it's not too late. This swamp water mixture will definitely cake onto the sides.
Michi (Fletcher):
Yeah, yeah, I'll make sure to store everything really well and I'll even make sure to prepare tomorrow's potion starters as well.
Harper (Zelle):
Very well.
Harper (Guide):
They sort of turn with a creak and crack. In a very rickety manner walk away towards the front of the room where their office is, kind of cricking and cracking the whole way there. And I would imagine you grab your things and take off right? You got a hot air balloon to catch.
Yeah Fletcher will grab all those things. Store some swamp water. We'll see how well he's done that (laughs). And then will be heading over to Yari’s Thimble. and since he is a flying squirrel he’ll try and to do some gliding on the way to the hot air balloon thank you
Harper (Guide):
Maybe you like run up a ramp and kind of a jump off of a building. Go ahead and give me a swift roll see how well you do.
I don't have a modifier in swift so that’s a nine.
Harper (Guide):
A nine, okay, yeah, so you do this all the time. This is very easy for you. This is one of the ways you get around town. It's how you make up time. You don't make up as much time as Loren since he can actually fly and you more sort of glide. As you're flying maybe think well maybe we should be called gliding squirrels not flying squirrels. But nonetheless you glide very majestically down to the platform where all the hot air balloons are there. They’re in various sizes. Some are for gift baskets but then some are very long baskets that carry twenty, thirty, forty, sometimes even 100 kith. And as you land the crowd is kind of like bustling as people were coming and going getting ready to go to Lothaire’s Junction or where you're heading, Yari’s Thimble. And as the crowd kind of clears as one of the balloons takes off, you see a very familiar figure standing there. Your maybe-ish boyfriend Loren Greyfeathers is there and they smile at you and you can tell that they have a lot of mixed feelings right now.
He'll like wave from across the balloon a little awkwardly.
Harper (Guide):
And he waves back, walks over to you. Kind of feels like eternity as you can't tell if he’s happy, sad, like what's going on with him. He's a very emotional person, very open with his emotions always wearing his emotions on his sleeve ,comes over, hugs you and says,
Harper (Loren Greyfeathers):
It's very good to see you. I wanted to wish you well or just wish you luck on this meeting. I wish you'd tell me what's going on.
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh yeah thank you. Yeah thank you. I will let you know when it's out - I actually don't know what's going on. Yeah how long are you in The Lastings before you go back to Witch Academy?
Harper (Loren):
That's the thing I didn't think I would be seeing you again for a while and I guess the – the thing is I'm –
Harper (Guide):
And you feel his like voice kind of break a little bit and kind of starts to hold back tears and says,
Harper (Loren):
I'm going away and it's gonna be a long time before I'm back.
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh okay, um…
Harper (Loren):
And I don't know if I'm going to be able to contact you.
Michi (Fletcher):
Why not? Do they not have letters where you're going?
Harper (Loren):
I wish I could explain but they said I can't talk with anyone.
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh who is they? Does this have to do with the class you're teaching?
Harper (Loren):
Again I guess you have your secrets in and I have mine.
Harper (Guide):
You kind of feel like he becomes a little stony with that.
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh yeah I guess so. When are you going?
Harper (Loren):
Now. I've gotta catch this balloon.
Harper (Guide):
And points off at a balloon that has people loading up on a balloon.
Michi (Fletcher):
Do you have to? I mean would you would you be able to meet me tonight maybe and leave tomorrow instead? I mean this is so sudden.
Harper (Guide):
And you hear a – (horn blowing).
Harper (Loren):
I really - I have to - I gotta go. This is not goodbye forever but just goodbye for now. Trust me I miss you and I know I've not told you this but… I love you. I love you deeply. I will be back, I promise.
Harper (Guide):
And he hands you a little parcel as he kind of runs off.
Does he give me time to say anything back or is he just left?
Harper (Guide):
He's running like the ropes are being pulled off from the landing there. The person who's running the – or operating the air balloon is calling for like the last borders.
I want to call out Loren’s name,
Michi (Fletcher):
But not quite have enough time maybe to say it back. I think Fletcher doesn't like to rush things so this is very difficult for him, for all that to happen so suddenly.
Harper (Guide):
Y'all have been kind of doing the long distance thing since you started your apprenticeship but this like no contact thing, this ambiguousness of the situation has I guess left Fletcher understandably reeling. And this is seriously not like Loren. Loren’s very put together, very like - that's it's just always been top of the class. Been handpicked to even like co-teach classes at Witch Academy which is like for the best of the best and now he's just gone. You see the balloon kind of floating up in the air. He comes to the edge like definitely see tears coming from his eyes now and just like kind of mouthing,
Harper (Loren):
“I love you please trust me.”
I think Fletcher is also crying and just holding this parcel to his heart and like just making eye contact with Loren from this balloon.
Harper (Guide):
What feels like eternity, the balloon slowly drifts away and eventually it's just a speck off in the distance. You hear the call for your hot air balloon to start boarding. You sort of probably just drone very like not really in your body maybe, just like there as you board the hot air balloon and head over to Lothaire’s Junction where you disembark and just sort of shuffle your way towards Yari’s Thimble.
As alluded to in your introductions, you all were summoned back to Yari’s Thimble by Fallon, The Serval, of The Lastings. And again their letter did not say much except that you were being summoned back for
Harper (Falon):
A mission of utmost importance.
Harper (Guide):
And so yeah you all sort of find your way to this like factory that Falon kind of is stationed at. It’s at the center of Yari’s Thimble. Purple smoke billows up from the factory into the sky and forms these massive clouds that grow until they like bulge and explode into masses of corporeal glitter that are harvested through magic and re0used in the production of dreams, nightmares, and forgotten memories. So the four of you just like by chance end up at the front of this factory and you kind of notice the four of you just coming together. What do you all do?
I screech and grab everyone into a group hug.
Tatiana (Alma):
Oh, god.
Octa (Neu):
Hello Fletcher!
Michi (Fletcher):
Octa (Neu):
Hi, Hoku. Hi, Alma.
Jenine (Hoku):
Hello hello.
Tatiana (Alma):
Hi, everyone
And then I let go of the group hug.
Tatiana (Alma):
I know I mentioned maybe meeting up in my letter Hoku, but I didn't expect it to be so immediate.
Jenine (Hoku):
The stars tell all. No, I - I was summoned here. Same? Same?
Tatiana (Alma):
Jenine (Hoku):
Michi (Fletcher):
Octa (Neu):
Guys, did you just get to the city?
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah more or less.
Jenine (Hoku):
Michi (Fletcher):
I’ve been here a couple of weeks.
Tatiana (Alma):
I just flew in.
Michi (Fletcher):
Alma, do you still like ghosts?
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah I visited the cemetery before coming.
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh, that’ll do it. My mom always smelled like ghosts.
Tatiana (Alma):
Michi (Fletcher):
It’s not a bad smell.
Tatiana (Alma):
That's that's that's good I was worried it might smell like the, you know, bodies.
Jenine (Hoku):/h5>
So we got a thing - great thing – a great –
And then just starts walking.
Tatiana (Alma):
Do you know why Falon called us?
Jenine (Hoku):
The utmost importance.
Tatiana (Alma):
Octa (Neu):
I assumed it was going to be more people than us. Just us four? Like really?
Tatiana (Alma):
I guess unless we're oddly punctual and everyone else is late. I don't know if we're late or early at this point.
Michi (Fletcher):
I'm really glad that it's not just me because if it was just gonna be me I don't - I don't know why it would be just me that would have been really scary so I'm really glad to see you guys here.
Harper (Guide):
So as y'all work together, try to piece this puzzle together with little bits and pieces of information you have, also catching up, you find yourselves at the top of the stairs leading inside this giant factory. The giant wooden doors are closed and a guard stands there. A rat in the sort of regalia of a guard. Looks out at you and says,
Harper (Rat Guard):
Who goes there? Why are you here?
Alma holds up her letter.
Tatiana (Alma):
We were summoned by Falon.
Harper (Rat Guard):
Let me see that.
Harper (Guide):
Hold their hand out and grab it and pull out from their pocket a pair of spectacles on a stick and they kind of like hold them back and forth as they try to focus in on this letter. They sort of mumble under breath (mumbling.) Are you Alma?
Tatiana (Alma):
Yes I am.
Harper (Rat Guard):
(mumbling) Mission of utmost importance. (mumbling) Well that seems to be in order. Do the three of you have letters as well?
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh yeah.
He pulls out like an extremely crumbled, very old letter with like multiple stains on it but it is the letter summoning Fletcher.
Harper (Rat Guard):
Could have been in a better state but yes this will do.
You see Hoku look through all the pockets and pulls it out and there is a star chart written on it
Jenine (Hoku):
Sor – sor - yes sorry, sorry.
Harper (Rat Guard):
Hmm seems like you added a little extra to yours. But yes everything's in order here. What about you fox?
Octa (Neu):
I also have one, but I've not done anything to it, it's just as is.
Harper (Guide):
And they grab the crumpled, fiddled with letter and kind of unfurl it and glance over it,
Harper (Rat Guard):
Yes, it does seem all four of you have been summoned by Falon. Yes. I guess right this way.
Harper (Guide):
And they take their staff and tap it on the door. It creaks open and you had on inside. Inside you see a grand production floor where countless Dreamweavers take this purple glitter from giant receptacles and use their various magics to form different ethereal products that are neatly packaged and then shipped out across the country. You kind of make your way, kind of being led by this guard through the production floor to a large spiral staircase at the center of the production floor.
Harper (Rat Guard):
We’ll want to go up here. I'm sure Fallon is expecting you. If you are on time that is.
Octa (Neu):
I'm pretty sure we are but if we do have a few minutes, what are these people doing?
Harper (Rat Guard):
Ah, making dreams, nightmares, and forgotten memories. Have you not seen Dreamweavers work before?
Octa (Neu):
Well I've seen normal weavers and weavers that sometimes weave a dream but not actual Dreamweavers.
Harper (Rat Guard):
Yes this is where all your dreams come from. These folks here.
Michi (Fletcher):
You ever send dreams outside of The Lastings?
Harper (Rat Guard):
Oh I do I do none of that. I am not a magical person at all. I am just a guard.
Harper (Guide):
And they sort of like stand at attention.
Michi (Fletcher):
I mean do the Dreamweavers send them outside of The Lastings?
Harper (Rat Guard):
(grunts) No just The Lastings. I'm sure there are Dreamweavers elsewhere doing elsewhere dreamweaving.
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh okay because I had a dream I was traveling with exactly these three friends like four weeks ago.
Harper (Rat Guard):
Probably came from one of these Dreamweavers then.
Michi (Fletcher):
But I was all the way at Witch Academy.
Harper (Rat Guard):
Interesting. Usually the veil doesn't allow for such magic to work.
Harper (Guide):
And they mentioned the veil which you know is like that sort of ethereal mass that has kind of separated The Lastings from the rest of the world.
Harper (Rat Guard):
Very interesting indeed I guess I will let somebody know that.
Michi (Fletcher):
Octa (Neu):
Who would that somebody be?
Harper (Rat Guard):
I’ll probably let one of the head weavers know.
Octa (Neu):
Fletcher, maybe you could go talk to that person.
Harper (Rat Guard):
Maybe but you have to go see Falon, right? And I've gotta a door to guard!
Harper (Guide):
And they grab their staff and say,
Harper (Rat Guard):
I must make it back to my post. Good luck with everything.
Harper (Guide):
And they sort of march off back towards the front of the building.
Harper (Guide):
So the four of you stand at the bottom of the spiral staircase. You look up and leads to a disc, a large like disc shaped platform above the production floor. I guess who heads up first?
Alma looks at Neu.
Neu is currently almost kind of like walking backwards, still looking at the Dreamweavers to see what kind of weaving they're doing.
Hoku probably walks forward first.
Harper (Guide):
So Hoku takes lead as Neu’s like kind of walking backwards. Neu, you see they're like gathering this glitter and it forms like a little cloud. These little magical tendrils go from their fingers through the cloud and tighten it up into a more like consistent shape and then it's like placed back down into a box.
I try to get a little bit closer to Fletcher.
Octa (Neu):
Fletcher do you think they know who they send the dreams to?
Michi (Fletcher):
I don't know. I mean usually my Oracle dreams are stronger when I'm out here but that one happened at Witch Academy so I don't know. Maybe it's something I drank.
Octa (Neu):
Your dreams tend to be quite good though.
Michi (Fletcher):
I mean, I guess.
Octa (Neu):
We're here.
Michi (Fletcher):
Yeah… huh…
Octa (Neu):
I was thinking if we get to know if they can send the dreams to someone and I can find whoever is sending the dreams to Foster. Always try and find my friend.
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh yeah that would be a good idea!
Octa (Neu):
Well let's focus now.
Harper (Guide):
Hoku, you're up several steps and you see - maybe alma following pretty closely behind - but then you both notice that Fletcher and Neu have been lingering.
Jenine (Hoku):
Psssst. Psssst!
Alma’s ears like flick.
Jenine (Hoku):
Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.
I just wave.
Octa (Neu):
We're coming, we're coming, we're coming, sorry.
Harper (Guide):
Fletcher and Neu catch up and the four of you make your way up the rest of the spiral staircase. You arrive at a landing and you see this large kind of workbench area with several different workstations with several things like piled on there, books, trinkets, unfinished projects at all these different workstations. As you work your way along the piles of things, you begin to hear melodious coming from the the end back behind a pile of books.
Harper (Falon):
Tatiana (Alma):
Harper (Falon):
Yes who - who's there?
Tatiana (Alma):
This is Alma of The Vale with Hoku, Neu and Fletcher.
Harper (Guide):
And you hear like,
Harper (Falon):
Aaaaaaaa! My friends yes!
Harper (Guide):
And you see kind of like darting out from back behind that pile of books, a bright orange salamander kind of wearing unassuming plain clothes marked with the stains and holes of a craft person. They have an apron on the on their body and the front pouch has like different pencils and notes kind of poking out. On their face hang some spectacles kind of held together with string tape and probably some magic. And zey look at you and again you've known Falon and Falon know you. They were bit older than you, written school but you definitely still had some interactions.
Harper (Falon):
Oh my goodness it's so very good to see you all! So very good to see you all. Is it - is it time?
Harper (Guide):
And as soon as they said that you hear like a (bell ding).
Harper (Falon):
Yes, yes it's time you arrived just in time. How were your travels?
Tatiana (Alma):
Harper (Falon):
It wasn't too much of a hassle to bring you back here?
Octa (Neu):
That was already pretty close, but also thank you for inviting us.
Harper (Falon):
Yes wait why did I invite you?
Harper (Guide):
And they pull out a notebook from zeir pocket and start to flip through it.
Harper (Falon):
No that's not it.
Harper (Guide):
They flip through another page.
Harper (Falon):
No, that's for somebody else.
Harper (Guide):
Flip through one more.
Harper (Falon):
Oh yes there's a meeting today you have to attend. Will you join me?
Michi (Fletcher):
Is it not this meeting that we're having now?
Harper (Falon):
Oh no this is not where we have meetings. This is where I do my crafting I guess.
Michi (Fletcher):
Oh, where's the meeting?
Harper (Falon):
Right this way.
Harper (Guide):
And zey sort of like flutter over you know almost like on air just like very quickly to like the other side of the disk platform. They turn around and say,
Harper (Falon):
Follow me.
Harper (Guide):
And jumps up in the air and grab onto a zip line (zip line noise) across the factory.
Fletcher would like to glide that distance. Zip lines are not a friend.
Harper (Guide):
Go ahead and give me another swift roll.
I rolled three.
Harper (Guide):
Fletcher you hop up on the little rail that goes around the disk and jump off there's something weird about the air here like. The glitter like flying around and you just can't catch anything. You eventually just like kind of barely make your way over to the zip line and you have your cloak there to protect your hands as you very sloppily slide down the zip line and crash into a large meeting room that's on another platform on the other end of the factory. Falon just sort of giggles as you crash but the twelve or so other figures sitting around this table oh glance at you sternly.
Michi (Fletcher):
Hey guys, sorry about that.
Harper (Guide):
An old crow that sits at the end of the table looks at Falon and says,
Harper (Glen Bellows):
This is one of your heroes you summoned to help us? Not very promising.
Michi (Fletcher):
That's what my boss said.
Harper (Falon):
Oh this is my friend Fletcher. They're the most wonderful witch. They're going to be great just trust me.
Harper (Glen):
We shall see.
Harper (Guide):
The rest of you, do you take a creative way down or how are you coming?
Alma takes the zip line.
Hoku also takes the zip line.
Neu we'll also take the zip line.
Harper (Guide):
The three of you land as you should because you were expecting to take the zip line and you actually have that the correct apparatus not just that a cloak to protect you and your land and Falon says,
Harper (Falon):
And these are the rest of my friends. This is Alma. She is a grave digger. She's very familiar with the magics of the other side of the coin if you know what I'm saying. And Hoku, our star child know of all things up in the sky and knows what they mean. And Neu our weaver. Neu can weave the most fantastical fabrics and put the most wonderful meaning in them. These are my friends, the people I've summoned to help us.
Harper (Guide):
And Falon sort of turns to the four of you and motions to the table.
Harper (Falon):
Friends would you like to take a seat? My advisors have some things to say to you.
Octa (Neu):
Fletcher are you okay?
Michi (Fletcher):
I’m okay.
And then he sits next to the crow.
Harper (Guide):
Falon kind of goes down to the other end of the tabl,e ignores the seat that's probably prepared for zem and they just get on the table and kind of sit cross legged on the table and start fidgeting with something that was pulled from zeir pocket.
Alma ops to stand I think.
Hoku will sit down.
Harper (Guide):
So Hoku you sit between a very old looking wolf with a scar over their eye who kind of grunts a little bit as you sit. And the owl can next to you leans over and says,
Harper (Owl Councilmember):
Don't worry he doesn't bite anymore.
I just give the biggest uncomfortable smile that I can because I've been told to respect my elders.
Harper (Guide):
What about you Neu? You notice Alma is kind of like standing close to the table but not taking a seat. Fletchers sat near the crow at the head of the table it is kind of side eyeing Fletcher.
Neu will try and see if there's a place, like a string of a couple chairs empty.
Harper (Guide):
Yeah, there are a couple chairs empty still. There's one close to a bat who seems to be the youngest of the group. And I guess probably like a hippopotamus that seems just as old as the crow.
Neu will go right and sit right next to the bat and probably scooch the chair a little closer to the bat.
Harper (Guide):
The bat squeaks and whispers,
Harper (Bat Councilmember):
Please be quiet my ears are sensitive.
Octa (Neu):
Harper (Bat Councilmember):
It's okay, welcome.
Harper (Guide):
You see they're like squinting through like partially closed eyes. And the crow at the head of the table clears their throat,
Harper (Glen):
Welcome friends, my name is Glen Bellows. Head advisor to the serval. And it seems the four of you were summoned here to help with an issue.
Harper (Guide):
Somebody else at the table speaks up and says,
Harper (Councilmember #1):
It seems that a month ago or oracles were having some difficulties communicating with the gods.
Harper (Guide):
Somebody else speaks up,
Harper (Councilmember #2):
Upon investigation to our surprise, the gods who we're below the city were nowhere to be found, completely missing. So you see we've been very concerned about this we've been trying to figure out where the gods have gone but not quite sure.
Harper (Guide):
And Falon speaks up,
Harper (Falon):
And so this is why we brought you back here. A ragtag group of individuals with very distinct skills. We thought we would send you to the mainland to try to explore and maybe track down the gods. We're not really sure what this means.
Harper (Glen):
We also had sent some scouts out. They were patrolling The Outlings which are close to the mainland and they noticed that the veil has been thinning and can actually see the mainland again.
Harper (Falon):
So yes it's clear that something is wrong and we think that the four of you might be able to get to the bottom of it.
Harper (Guide):
Glen clears his throat again and says,
Harper (Glen):
Do you have any questions?
Michi (Fletcher):
Yeah I have a question. If the gods aren't in The Lastings, will The Lastings be okay?
Harper (Falon):
That's what we're concerned about you see this has not happened before. This is all brand new. How exciting but also scary. Kind of scared about it.
Harper (Guide):
And you hear kind of like mumbling around the table,
Harper (Councilmembers):
(mumbling) Yes, very scared. Very scared.
Octa (Neu):
It is kinda scary.
And Neu nervously takes two balls off cotton and a small strip of leather and begins to sew stuff just to relax.
Octa (Neu):
It is very scary and I have a follow up question. These three are pretty cool but like no honestly why us?
Harper (Falon):
Well I guess for me I started having dreams about you and I spoke with our Dreamweavers, our head Dreamweavers in particular, and they said that if these dreams were coming to me that there has to be a reason for it. You have to agree with me Fletcher, don’t you?
Michi (Fletcher):
Yeah I mean I had a dream about all of this happening but I was in The Outlings when that happened at Witch Academy.
Harper (Glen):
There must be some with the veil then. Interesting.
Octa (Neu):
Well sometimes oracles get it really wrong.
Harper (Guide):
And you hear a gasp from Falon,
Harper (Falon):
The oracles are everything that I base my life on. They can't be wrong. They just can’t.
Octa (Neu):
No! Not yours not yours necessarily of course, Falon.
Harper (Falon):
So yes we have a predicament on our hands and a great deal of mystery. Will the four of you be willing to help us?
Harper (Glen):
They probably can't. They’re probably not skilled enough.
Harper (Guide):
And you hear some murmurings like kind of bouncing around the room.
Michi (Fletcher):
Why us? Why are we here right now if you don't think we can do it?
Harper (Glen):
We trust Falon for sure.
Fletcher turns to Falon to sort of direct the same question at zem.
Harper (Falon):
Again like I told Neu, I was having dreams about you and my oracles said that I should trust that. I don't know, I've kind of kept up with the professors from our school and they all had very positive things to say about you so I figured why not. I don't have any other ideas.
Tatiana (Alma):
They're all gone?
Harper (Glen):
Yes all of them are gone. Not a single one is left. Their monuments completely vacant. And even as we sit here I can feel their powers slipping away.
Alma looks very troubled. Very troubled indeed.
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah, yeah okay sure I'll help you. I was already on the mainland so I can yeah, yeah that's fine.
Octa (Neu):
So, we get to be outside? Okay, that's pretty cool.
Harper (Falon):
Yes you'll be able to explore the mainland and I guess our thoughts were that you could visit the old countries to maybe connect with them and see if any of their people know of this happening. So we know that Portsmore is to the north. Dry lands to the southeast. Marshland even further south and further east .Towerfell to the northeast and Middlewell in the center. The five countries that make up the old lands, except for Goldland, you know, which turned into The Lastings. But yes, if we could connect with those countries, see if they've experienced similar things maybe we can get to the bottom of this mystery.
Michi (Fletcher):
Do you know for sure if it's only affecting oracles?
Harper (Guide):
Falon shrugs.
Harper (Falon):
Not entirely sure this has not happened before.
Michi (Fletcher):
I work at Marigold Apothecary and this morning every single waking potion that was used on me - I took three I usually only take one - none of them worked and I fell asleep at the cauldron.
Harper (Glen):
Very interesting indeed. Yes so magics seem to not be working in the same way, even potions which is a little bit closer to science and we've been able to rely on it a bit more. Very interesting indeed.
Tatiana (Alma):
Ghosts too.
Harper (Falon):
What happened with the ghosts?
Tatiana (Alma):
Hard to say. It's just wrong. Something's wrong.
Harper (Glen):
Please, give us your information. Let us know what you know.
Tatiana (Alma):
It's hard to explain I've never seen it happen before.
Harper (Glen):
But one of us might know what’s going on. Please elaborate. Tell us!
Octa (Neu):
Hey! Could you be a little bit kinder on how you ask for things?
Harper (Glen):
Sorry I'm just very concerned, sorry.
Alma shoots Neu kind of a grateful look.
Tatiana (Alma):
I was communing with a ghost in Lothaire’s Lost, the cemetery. In the midst of conversation their spirit seemed to freeze and when I tried to reach out it dissipated entirely.
Harper (Guide):
And you hear a few gasps around the room.
Harper (Falon):
I've never heard of that happen before this is becoming the most strangest mystery. Does anyone have any other information? Any other weird things have that have happened lately?
Michi (Fletcher):
Are we the only group you've been meeting with and sending anywhere?
Harper (Glen):
We may or may not have others that we've sent out and are trying to send out, but you are the first official group we're sending out.
Tatiana (Alma):
Not much success on that front I'm guessing.
Harper (Glen):
None yet but again we hope with everyone working together we can find out what is going on. And I must apologize for the harshness of this room currently and for not knowing everything this has just never happened before and we are all very concerned. A lot is on the line.
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah, yeah, I’m happy to go.
Harper (Falon):
Do you have any other questions for us? I can tell this is a lot for you. We've had a few days to process this and you've only had a few minutes. Hoku, I've noticed your contemplation, is there is there anything on your mind?
Hoku takes a breath.
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay, okay, okay, yes of all the people that I've known for my life, these are the smartest that I've known and I think the best qualified for what is happening of the unknown. On top of that I do have a question, if we do find something, what is our best way to communicate with you in correspondence or are we just kind of just going off?
Harper (Glen):
We do have some trinkets some equipment to take a little make communicating a lot easier, so that will be taken care of.
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.
Harper (Falon):
You might need to think for a little bit and process. I have some rooms here with if you would like to stay. But you must be leaving within the next day or so. So you can take some time, think, and then let us know whatever you need for your journeys.
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah yeah cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool.
Jenine (Hoku):
Cool cool cool cool cool cool great.
Octa (Neu):
So we're leaving tomorrow, how are we getting all the way out?
Harper (Falon):
Again we can work out all the details in a bit I think it's important that the four of you have some time to rest and think. We don't want to make any rash decisions, you know?
Octa (Neu):
I have a bunch of luggage I need to go pick it up for sure.
Harper (Falon):
Okay, so yes let's all adjourn for now. We'll all be back here in a bit, okay?
Jenine (Hoku):
Sounds good, sounds good, sounds good.
Neu will very slowly and carefully pull out the chair, not make noise, and will hand over to that bat kitch some kind of like earmuffs with like cotton balls on the ears just to help them cope with the noise.
Harper (Bat Councilmember):
Thank you I really appreciate it. You are the kindest.
Octa (Neu):
Hope it works!
Harper (Bat Councilmember):
I have a good feeling about these four. I like them!
A Fletcher gets out of his seat, he knocks over the seat.
Harper (Glen):
Definitely not without their flaws but I see the promise that you see in them, Falon.
Hey everyone! Thanks for listening. You can follow queeRPG on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok @queeRPGpod. queeRPG is made possible by all of you who listen and share the show! If you like what you hear please rate and review. It helps other people find the pod. You can also support the show by signing up for our Patreon at patreon.com/queeRPG. If you’re interested in seeing transcripts for the episode, all of those from previous episodes and episodes to come can be found on our website queerpg.com! Until next time!
Meet your hosts:

Harper Sage Pettit
S2 Guide