S1 E5: Family Matters

Episode 5

About this Podcast:

Someone’s spying on the kids of Wildmoore and the three Houses gather to discuss upcoming business.

This episode was produced by Kenzie Tartaglione and Ashley Westover. Editing by Kenzie Tartaglione. Theme music by Lorna Ryan.

Episode Transcript:

Kenzie Tartaglione:

Hello everybody! It’s Kenzie here. Thank you all so much for listening to our show! We are very excited to announce a little update… our first pieces of merch! If you head over to our website, queerpg.com, you can check out all our new stuff! We have queerpg logo stickers and pins, AND something fun for season one. We have Wildmoore High Wyverns notebooks. They come in three different designs so head on over there to check it out! If you’re a patron listening to this episode early, these notebooks will go on sale on Monday. Everybody else listening, they’re on sale now! We are selling these through Society6 so if you go to our website, under the shop tab, you’ll see the notebook. Clicking on it will redirect you so that you can purchase! Again, thank you guys so much for your support and enjoy the episode!

Kenzie (Master of Ceremonies):

Caleb and Ivy had taken Sam to the emergency room because they had stage-dived on Sawyer’s urging and had smashed their nose in. Ivy had then returned to the party and upon returning, Alina had run from somewhere else within the quarry, and had been screaming about something happening, looking dishevled. And as she let’s out the words of, “I think he’s dead,” there’s an elongated moment of pause, hesitation, silence. Sweaty bodies breathing in unison. The swirl of clouds accumulating above lose their tension and start to dissipate. There’s a crack of lighting. Alina is frozen in a state of shock and confusion and indecision. The black streaks on her cheeks lit from underneath creating a visage like something from a horror movie. She breaks the silence, throwing her shirt clenched fist out to the side.

Kenzie (Alina Kim):

Don’t just stand there Damian, call your dad!

Kenzie (MC):

Her voice breaks the tension into a panic. People start scattering leaving empty cups and bottles literring the quarry. Tripping over one another in their rush to either get as far away from this supposed dead body as they can or to make sure they’re as far away from the vicinity as possible before any type of authority arrives.

You see and hear Damian as he quickly closes the distance to Alina, pulling out his phone.

Kenzie (Damian Evans):

Alright, alright, but show me first so I can tell him where exactly to go.

Kenzie (Alina):

I’m not going back there.

Kenzie (Damian):

Then what the hell am I supposed to do then, Alina?

Kenzie (Alina):

The fence, okay? The fence is cut.

Kenzie (MC):

She says pointing up to the opposite side of where everyone has entered the quarry.

Kenzie (Alina):

Just go through it. It’s back in the woods.

Kenzie (Damian):

Okay, yeah. That’s really helpful. Thank you.

Kenzie (MC):

He responds curtly but starts up, the new kids Farrow following close behind, hands shoved deep into their pockets.Ivy in this moment of confusion and chaos, your phone goes off and it’s a text from Mama Hook and it says,

Kenzie (Ely Hook):

Ivy, just wanted to check in. Is Sawyer okay?

April Consalo:

Initially when Alina came out, she had an urge to go to her. Help her. Comfort her friend. But as people started to scatter, she found that she couldn’t approach. Her dads had always taught her that protecting their secret was the most important thing. She couldn’t risk being implicated in something like this. So, even as Alina continued to cry, she turns away. She looks around to see if Sawyer’s in the scattering people.

Brennan Hershock:

Sawyer is like leaning over the bar, holding on with his palms, just trying to like get his bearings and steady himself. Probably looks rough but maybe a little more conscious than when you last left him.

Kenzie (MC):

A hand slaps you on your back and it’s number thirty-six. He goes,

Kenzie (#36):

Dude, don’t just stand there like an idiot. Go! Get out while you can!

Kenzie (MC):

And then he takes off, abandoning the bar. And Ivy as you look to Sawyer, you see that there is a large dick drawn across his forehead.


Sawyer runs forward and loses his footing and instantly falls, scratching up his elbows and is starting to pull himself back up.


Ivy chooses to go to one friend instead of another and runs to Sawyer and picks him up.

Brennan (Sawyer Hook):

Go! We gotta get out of here!

April (Ivy Duncan):

Okay, yes, look, your mom is freaking out. You need to text her or something okay? I told her we were at my house. I feel like she knows that something weird is going on but we need to get out of here first, okay?

Brennan (Sawyer):

What? Did you call my mom?

April (Ivy):

No, she called me. But look let’s just get out of here first, alright?

Brennan (Sawyer):

What the hell’s going on Ivy?

April (Ivy):

I don’t know. Something really scary. But we can’t be here right now.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Where’s Caleb?

April (Ivy):

Caleb’s at the hospital still, hopefully. Look, it’s been a long fucking night Sawyer nad I just need you to do this for me right now, okay? Can you stand?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, uh, yeah. I can stand.


Ivy like puts her arm under his shoulders to help support him.

April (Ivy):

Come on let’s go.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Ivy, Ivy.

April (Ivy):



And Sawyer will look off in the direction that was pointed where the cut fence is and look back to you.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I can’t find Adam anywhere.


Ivy like looks up to the sky.

April (Ivy):

When was the last time you saw him?

Brennan (Sawyer):

When I first arrived. I mean, you wouldn’t – you don’t think…

April (Ivy):

Sawyer, I’m sure Adam is taking care of himself. It’s the only person he takes care of. We have to go.

Brennan (Sawyer):



And I’ll scuttle along with you, probably losing footing every now and then and leaning onto you.

Kenzie (MC):

You and Sawyer quickly – as quickly as you can – shuffle yourselves out amongst the scattering kids who are leaving an absolute mess behind them but the rules of the party have gone by the wayside at this point. You find yourself out at the entrance where you originally came in, the gates swung open. You can hear tires squealing as they peel down the road. You see people on bikes just pedaling as fast as possible to get away from here. You see people hightailing it on foot. And you guys are left standing there realizing you don’t have a ride.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Dang, good thing you have a car.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, about that. Some fucker stole my car. I don’t know. I don’t know where it is. I don’t know – (sighs) – get on my back.

Brennan (Sawyer):

On your –

April (Ivy):

Get -get – Sawyer.

Brennan (Sawyer):


April (Ivy):

This is not – this isn’t an argument –

Brennan (Sawyer):

Okay, okay.

April (Ivy):

-I’m having with you right now.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Okay, I’m getting on.

April (Ivy):

Actually, I need you to do this like right –

Brennan (Sawyer):

I’m on your back. Okay I’m getting on your back.

April (Ivy):

Right this fucking second. Get on my back. Thank you.

Brennan (Sawyer):



Ivy like holds onto his legs with her arms and just books it.


Sawyer is holding onto your neck at times like onto your face, ripping your eyelids back. Like

Brennan (Sawyer):


Kenzie (MC):

As you not so elegantly sprint with Sawyer back towards town, the night descending on you. This night that truly hasn’t been anything that you set out for it to be. We flash forward.

It didn’t take twenty-four hours to go viral. But it wasn’t from anyone’s public Instagram or even the fintas though Ivy, you have been able to scroll through a seemingly endless amount of debauchery of the night before it’s bloody turn. People counting on the expiring nature of stories to save them from any repercussions. But it wasn’t any of that.

Overnight, a brand new TikTok account cropped up titled “Wildmoore Secrets.” The first post on this TikTok should have stopped anybody from going any further, stopped anybody from following it. Actually should have been taken down immediately, it violated about every single community guideline that TikTok has but they have yet to scrub it from their interface. But everybody has seen it at this point.

A grisly, gory sight. It’s a video of the camera pointing at the ground as somebody’s running through the dark woods behind the quarry. Grass becoming clearer to see with points of moonlight drifting through the trees. Green matted with sticky, wet, blood. Everywhere. The mulch on the ground. The bark of the nearby trees. And then a body, covered in it as well. The clothes are a mess, wrinkled and ripped. The camera gets closer, zooming in and you see the top of a skull that is crushed, distorting the features of a face. The sinew and bone of the neck is visible. Two puncture marks that look as if something had attached itself to the body and just ripped it open. There is glass sprinkled on the ground around the body.

This is not an easy video to look at but as always about the macabre, there’s something that draws everybody’s eyes to it. Even through the harsh damage that this body has incurred, from the clothing that is left intact, from the jawline that you can see, you see the very much dead body of Ryan Bishop.

Maybe not worse than that, but something that Ivy might have liked even less was that this TikTok continued to post videos of that night. And Ivy found herself on one. It’s a video that you had watched about a thousand times. Almost ignoring the video and close-up of the dead body that had not yet been removed from TikTok. And backed by the song “Boyfriend” by Cameron Dove, was a video that started zoomed out of the dance floor with a quick shift and a zoom in, a close-up of Naia and Ivy making out. And what made it even worse was the caption that read, “Adam Moore could never.”

The comment are an array of people complaining about how this was an invasion of privacy, that went ignored. A bunch of comments mentioning how Adam must feel about this. And Alina, apparently coming out of her trauma response long enough to like it and comment, “HOT” in all caps.

You’ve also seen the video, Ivy, that is the reason that Caleb is currently sat down at the dining room table in his house. A rare occurrence of the Moore squad being in the same room at the same time. Your mother standing, hands on her hips, lips pursed, staring you down.

Kenzie (Sharon Moore):

I clearly remember you stating on the phone to me that I needn’t be worried because that wasn’t going to happen. And then not hours later there you are, being filmed, almost losing control.

Kenzie (MC):

Adam is slouched in the chair next to you, looking rather worse for wear. Your fathers’ eyes glance back and forth between his two sons. You’ve seen the video, Caleb, the way it captured the shift in your body from boy to animal. The way your shoulders hunched, and it looked like your muscles bulged larger than they had any right to be. The way your eyes narrowed into slits and how your lips pulled back into a snarl before you dove forward, tackling Jack Horowitz to the ground. The video didn’t pick up the length of your nails as you tore at his face but it did pick up the nausea inducing sound of cracking bone as your fist connected with his throat.

He was in the hospital with a crushed windpipe and the Horowitz’ haven’t completely dropped their threats of pressing charge though your mother is working on avoiding that situation at any cost. You’ve also seen the unfortunate video that captured Sam’s incident. They looked bad, standing or more like swaying up on the DJ booth. The video clearly shows Jordan trying to stop them before they took the leap into empty space and cracked their face against the ground. The caption is brutal: Guess you don’t stage dive when you only have one friend. Where was Caleb Moore anyway?

And you hear your dad,

Kenzie (Daniel Moore):

Adam received…

Kenzie (MC):

There’s a hesitation as if he doesn’t know whether to speak this blatantly around everyone or not.

Kenzie (Daniel):

Well, we might as well break the ice. Yes. The assumption that Adam would be the inheritor of the wolf has set you behind but since you’ve returned to Wildmkoore full-time, you’ve shown no drive to take over from Aunt Sarah. We have a little over three months to prepare you for the Handing Ceremony and while the responsibility of taking physical care of the artifact is passing on from you, you still need to be prepared to provide all the checks and balances that being a member of the Houses comes with. And if we still now, have to be worried about your inability to control your anger and your transformation, then we are farther behind than we are comfortable with being.

Mads McDonough:

I cross my arms, lean back into the chair a little bit, look to the side at Adam. I want to fight my father’s accusations that I am not in control. I want to tell my mother that she’s wrong and that I was the one that was present all the time. There wasn’t some other part of me. It was just me. Not to mention that they didn’t prepare me for this. At least he said that. But he’s not really acknowledging that they didn’t prepare me for this. I was the spare. This isn’t my fault. I didn’t want this. This is stupid. This is bullshit. I hate this fucking family. I hate everything about this place. Now I’m stuck here forever. My out was being worthless to them. and it’s gone.

But instead, my eyes drift away from my perfect, fallen, older brother back to my father.

Mads (Caleb Moore):

Yeah, I know. I’m sorry, okay?

Kenzie (Sharon):

It’s too late to do anything about the video even if we do get it taken down but we can maybe brush it off as adrenaline and bad lightning.

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah, I mean, people are stupid. They don’t think about that stuff. It’s not real. It’ll be fine. I’m sorry.

Kenzie (MC):

Sawyer, the boomerang style video of someone drawing a dick on your forehead with blue marker is the least damning of any video posted on the TikTok and though it feels humiliating, it doesn’t necessarily bother you as much with the lifted weight of having ditched Kush and his crew. The one thing you find interesting though, is that at the very end of this TikTok, you see somebody come in as if they’re trying to stop the person drawing on your forehead and you see the side of a face that looks like the new kid, Farrow, that you haven’t really talked to at all. But they seem to have taken some sort of pity on your unconscious form.

It has been radio silent from the crew. Nothing from White Widow or Sour Diesel. You thought it Oreoz heard about it, he seemed supportive so he might reach out, but nto a word. The unfortunate aftermath was the destruction of your room by your dad, urged on by your mother, to find and throw away any contraband. You arriving back, still halfway to being high – your mother also halfway to intoxicated – just crying with worry when she heard what had happened. Brought you in the house, let you rest, and then put on a full assault on your privacy, upending your room and throwing out what was left of your weed and a couple of pipes she found. And when she had found the switchblade, she had practically fainted.

There is a tension in your house that you don’t really remember ever feeling before. One of distrust coming at you from your parents.

School had been canceled for a couple days following the weekend and the police had been calling every single student in for question. Despite the social media blackout from everyone, a dead body did the job of exposing the quarry party and possibly putting an end to any in the future. Police had been stationed around the property to watch over the crime scene and to make sure no one tried to trespass again. Unfortunately, your last names didn’t give you a break and you all had your own interview with the police, parents present of course.

Chief Evans is sitting across the table - in one of the interrogation rooms - from you, Sawyer.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

There were drugs at this party?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Uh… maybe, yeah, maybe.


I look at my parents.

Kenzie (MC):

Sawyer, your dad is standing directly behind you. You can feel his presence even without having to look really.

Kenzie (William Hook):

I think that’s obvious, Chief Evans. What do you really want to ask my son?

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

Sawyer, were you selling drugs at this party?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Was I selling drugs?

Kenzie (Chief Evans):


Brennan (Sawyer):

That’s a - no – that’s an insane question to ask somebody my age. Where would I even get drugs?

Kenzie (MC):

Kind of sits back. You see his eyes glance up to your dad. Back to you.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I might have had a little weed that I passed around.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

I think we’re all smart enough in this room to know that weed was not the only thing at this party.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Am I like going to jail?

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

That depends. Were you selling drugs at this party?


Sawyer like audibly pushes down a gulp.

Kenzie (MC):

You feel your dad’s hand on your shoulder.

Kenzie (William):

This feels like a time in which we need legal presence here.

Kenzie (MC):

And Chief Evans says,

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

If that’s what you feel needs to happen. Then we can postpone this for a later date. I’m just trying to get the lay of the land to see what led to Ryan Bishop’s death.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I don’t know anything about that. Sure, I had some fun. But I didn’t have anything to do with his death.

Kenzie (MC):

Caleb, you find yourself in one of these rooms with tiled floors, tiled ceiling, metal table. Your mother is in the room with you as Chief Evans, point blank says,

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

Where were you at the time of the murder?

Kenzie (MC):

And your mother says,

Kenzie (Sharon):

Excuse me. That’s rather –

Kenzie (MC):

And he cuts her off.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

There’s a video of him assaulting another student, Sharon. It is a perfectly applicable question. Caleb, where were you at the time of the incident.

Mads (Caleb):

I – um I – I was-


I look at my mom shakily.

Mads (Caleb):

I was – I was in the hos – hospital. My friend got hurt and I went to the hospital with them.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):


Kenzie (MC):

And your mother says,

Kenzie (Sharon):

What was this about?

Kenzie (MC):

And he says,

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

We had an idea of where he was. We just needed him to confirm the story that we already think we knew.

Mads (Caleb):

I didn’t start that fight.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

The Horowitz’ have yet to officially press charges but if they do, we will be seeing you in here again.

Kenzie (MC):

Ivy, you were accompanied by Bast when if was your turn to be called in. He is sitting in. chair next to you. Chief Evans is kind of leaning forward on the table, hands clasped.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

We have video footage of the hospital that shows you, not only driving without a license but driving a car that is registered, not to you, or your fathers, but to Mark Paulson.

Kenzie (MC):

And Bast goes,

Kenzie (Bast):

Did Mr. Paulson report the car stolen?

Kenzie (MC):

Chief Evans says,

Kenzie (Chief Evans):


Kenzie (Bast):

Then your insinuation doesn’t stand. Who says that Claire didn’t let Ivy drive the car?

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

Well, Claire has said that she did not and also the car was reported to have had a broken window and the wiring pulled out underneath the steering wheel. So, Ivy, did you or did you not steal a car on the night of the party?

April (Ivy):

There was a medical emergency. And I did what was necessary to save a friend.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

And you didn’t think that calling for an ambulance would have been a better decision to have made than committing automobile theft.


Ivy kind of like shifts in her seat.

April (Ivy):

I know it was wrong


She looks up to the cop through her lashes.

Kenzie (MC):

You feel your dad put a hand on your arm as if like a warning not to do what he thinks you are about to do.

April (Ivy):

I just made a bad decision in the moment, officer. I just really wanted to help my friend and did what I thought would be the fastest, safest way to get them to safety. I am deeply sorry.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

It’s pretty convenient that you had to rush a friend to the hospital just as someone was losing their life.

April (Ivy):

Honestly, officer, I had no idea what was going on at the time. I was just focused on helping my friend. I’m pretty sure if you’ve talked to Caleb Moore, he can corroborate my story.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

Well, we know that you were at the hospital. Just interested in the timeline.

April (Ivy):

Well, I left as soon as Sam got hurt, so…

Kenzie (Bast):

And we have talked to he Paulson’s and we will be paying to fix their car, possibly buy Claire a new one for her birthday. They seem to be perfectly fine with that agreement. So, unless you are charging my daughter with anything, I think we are free to go?

Kenzie (MC):

The police chief pulls back from the table and crosses his arms and says,

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

Yes. But Ivy, I warn you, wait until your birthday and the streets are yours.

April (Ivy):

Like I said, officer, it was just an emergency.

Kenzie (MC):

After this week of tension, of suspicion, of rumors flying willy-nilly. Theories about what could possibly happen: an animal attack, a serial killer has come to Wildmoore. Damian had uploaded a video detailing more than the police were happy that he had told anybody and it was eventually taken down off of YouTube. But if had been enough for people to know that this seemed like a nefarious assault. A horrible attack that was trying to be covered up.

Ryan Bishop was found with shattered glass around him from the lens of his camera that was missing. And you all have to sit for this time. When you go back to school everybody is in this starnge state of grief from people who knew him, people trying ot be sympathetic if they didn’t know him but not really succeeding and wanting to just go back to their normal, daily routine.

You’ve all been aware that the House dinner at Blackthorn Manor, hosted by the Duncans was coming up and you thought that maybe in the aftermath of Ryan Bishop’s murder it would be pushed, but House business takes a backseat for no one. This dinner isn’t ceremonial in the sense that The Handing Ceremony is, but formal attire and house designations are required for the sake of tradition. The House Holding and the House Assuming are required to wear pieces of their ceremonial garb while the House Awaiting is allowed to be a little less strict.

Gatherings throughout the year, like this, are required for multiple reasons. Number one so the houses can check in on the House Holding to make sure everything is going smoothly. Number two to celebrate the solstices. And number three, to honor town and family history just to name a few. It is also tradition for the House Assuming to host a pre-ceremonial dinner in order to iron out any necessary obstacles or concerns that may arise before the winter solstice and the Handing Ceremony.

So, you find yourselves, a couple weeks after, the murder investigation still happening, your parents have been able to do their best to keep you away from all of that. Caleb, you think that money exchanged hands to avoid charges pressed. Claire has this way too nice car for a high school student. And Sawyer, your parents have continued to threaten to remove your door from its hinges.

Sawyer, you kind of walk down the stairs in your house and you hear your dad say,

Kenzie (William):

I’ll carry her Ely, we don’t need to get the stroller out for a five minute walk.

Kenzie (MC):

And your dad picks up Annabelle. She has been decked out in a lavender dress with more frills than necessary. She looks like one of the little kids in a pageant minus the make-up. Your dad is wearing a white collared shirt underneath a royal purple sweater. Suit jacket is gray as are his striped slacks. His hair has started to gray but he hasn’t lost any of it. You saw him before cleaning up his five o’clock shadow and leaving the goatee that you’ve never seen him without for your entire life. It’s always trimmed close to his face. Your mom comes down the hall in heels, too tall and skinny for any occasion, and a dress with a pencil skirt and skinny straps that matches the color of your father’s sweater. Your mother turns to look at you and says

Kenzie (Ely):

Sweetheart, you look so spiffy. Let me just straighten that out for you though.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, uh, thanks, Mom.


And I’m probably wearing something very similar to my father. Maybe just a little bit bigger than it should be for me. I’d probably have some sort of tie that looks like a bowling floor alley.

Kenzie (MC):

She leans in and you hear her like (sniffing noises) sniff.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Sniff away. I haven’t. We’ve literally – I’ve – we’ve talked about it. I haven’t.

Kenzie (Ely):

Until I feel comfortable, I will continue to check.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Drug test me for all you want.


And I’ll walk over to my dad.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I can watch her if you guys don’t want to tonight.

Kenzie (William):

Oh, it will be fine. We’ll all be gathered together as it is. We’ll all have an eye on her.


I’ll give little knucks.

Brennan (Sawyer):

What’s up little dude?

Kenzie (MC):

She comes in a little hard and hits your fingers with her knuckles.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh my – auch. You’re getting pretty darn strong. Fifty push-ups every morning?

Kenzie (Annabelle):

Uh-huh. I saw the guy on the commercial. He did it.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Well, honestly keep doing that, maybe youll be as strong as Ivy one day.

Kenzie (Annabelle):

That’d be cool.

Brennan (Sawyer):

So, um, is there anything I should know for tonight. I know be on my best behavior, but should I just be silent? What do you guys need from me?

Kenzie (William):

Well, we are pretty much there to just listen, observe what the decisions of House Duncan and House Moore are going to be. And to help facilitate an easy handover when that time comes. This isn’t, uh, the most exciting time for you since it is not your turn.


Sawyer scratches the back of his head.

Brennan (Sawyer):

It’s still just… thing are a little – it’s gonna be, oh man, a fun, fun night.

Kenzie (William):

I am sure that we will have no idea what to expect as Gabriel and Bast always put on a show.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, the Duncans are the best.

Kenzie (MC):

Your mother is grabbing a purse and throwing some things inside of it and says,

Kenzie (Ely):

I just think that they don’t need to go as overboard as they go. It’s truly ridiculous. We’ve been doing this for years.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, but don’t you think it’s kind of fun that they spice it up.

Kenzie (MC):

She closes her purse and there’s a moment where it seems that she is trying to center herself. And then she turns around and says, with this sweet, sweet smile on her face,

Kenzie (Ely):

I find having a cocktail pull side is just as fun.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, that’s fun too. Well, not for me, ‘cause I’m sober.


And I point at both of my parents.

Brennan (Sawyer):

And you can test that.

Kenzie (William):

I wouldn’t – I wouldn’t suggest anything to your mother that you don’t want to happen.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Seriously like just test me. I’ve been – I’ve been good like since – it’s all been clean.

Kenzie (Ely):

We were just really worried about you that evening Sawyer and you called me and you did not sound okay and then you hung up and I didn’t know where you were and then you come home with Ivy and you look a mess and you sounded a mess –

Brennan (Sawyer):

Mom, you’ve come home like that so many times –

Kenzie (William):

Do not talk to your mother like that.

Brennan (Sawyer):


Kenzie (Ely):

I guess this evening will just get so much better.

Kenzie (MC):

And her heels clack out of the house.


I’ll just like glance at my dad very slowly.

Kenzie (MC):

He has his eyebrows raised, stern expression, mouth open a little bit as if there’s some surprise that you dare bring it up, dare say it to her face, dare think that you had the ability to mention something like that.


Sawyer will do a key motion and lock his mouth, throw it, and kind of just put his head down.

Kenzie (William):

Your mother wants the best for you. And you should respect her.

Brennan (Sawyer):



Sawyer will talk without opening his mouth and just keep his head down.

Kenzie (William):

Don’t be a smart ass.

Kenzie (MC):

And he kind of thwaps you on the back of the head as he passes with your sister in his arms.

Caleb, you are pulling up to Blackthorn Manor with your parents in the front seat nad Adam in the back with you. Blackthorn Manor would look like it was closed up for a season if it weren’t for the open garage, the cars in the drive, and the dim light coming through the glass of the front door. But otherwise, heavy curtains are pulled over the rest of the windows, allowing no light to escape. Your dad steps out of the car in a deep green three-piece suit. It’s dated. It was his fathers before him. The pocket square is stitched with the Moore crest. Your mother is wearing a cream pantsuit with flared legs and a short matching jacket over her shoulders. Her heels back her the tallest one in your entourage. And Adam steps out, closing the door, with a fitted cream polo shirt, the top button undone, tucked into gray pants. Brown belt. Brown shoes. And an army green jacket that he looks to be sweating through. Some errant strands of hair that he missed with the gel have fallen across his forehead. It’s noticeable that he tried to cover the sunken look of his eyes and the dark circles on his skin with makeup. Something that has grown more and more noticeable over the last couple of weeks.


Caleb is wearing something similar to Adam’s. You know when you’re younger and you have a sibling that is so close in age to you that your parents try to match you in everything? It’s like that but it looks so out of place on Caleb’s body. Maybe it’s something about how his shoulders are a little bit broader than the last time that he wore this. Or that he is like an inch or two taller as well. The sleeves are just a little bit too short and the pants bunch in a weird way around his hips that is driving him fucking insane. The dress shoes still fit but they have definitely not seen use since the last time that he had to put this getup on. He is visibly very uncomfortable.

Kenzie (MC):

As your family steps out of the car, Bast open the door to Blackthorn Manor. He is wearing – I believe it’s pronounced shendite – a wraparound skirt that hang above his knees, pleated in the front and belted at his waist. A white sleeveless linen shirt that’s loosely tucked into the waistband. He’s wearing no footwear though golden anklets adorn his ankles. Jewelry of the same design is wrapped tightly around his wrists. His eyes are darkened with makeup. Lips colored a deep maroon. And metal guilds his earlobes. Painted in silver foil atop his bald head is a symbol. It is a circle within a circle with lines almost like paths drawn out from four points. And he looks about as you climb out and walk up the short sidewalk to the front door.

Kenzie (Bast):

I see Sarah isn’t present. I hope she will join us soon.

Kenzie (MC):

And you all step through the doorway into a large foyer and you hear the low sound of classical piano drifting through the seemingly endless array of rooms. Gabriel sweeps in. Tonight, his chest is covered. Actually, every part of his skin, except for his face and hands, are covered. A high collared shirt clasped together by a leather band. A red amulet sitting at his throat. He wears a jacket with long tails. At first glance it looks black but its really a deep, deep navy. His hair is slicked back and set with gel, a massive change from his usual curls. He absentmindedly rubs at a perfectly trimmed beard. This image of Bast and Gabriel is one you’ve seen before yet it is no less jarring because it always feels as if for these evenings, they switch places.

There’s a small chiming sound as the doorbell is rung and Bast opens the door once more and in walk the Hook family. Ivy, you see this as you come down the hallway to the top of the stairs.


Ivy is just as done up as her fathers. She is wearing a metallic, gold, velvet suit with simply a lace bra underneath. In her ears and around her neck are intricate, odd golden pearl jewelry. She has rings on every finger. And her hair, usually a little messy around her face, is also slicked back into a very neat ponytail. In the length for the ponytail are gold gems strewn through. She descends the stairs and joins her dads and looks between the three families.

April (Ivy):

Well, uh, hey, guys. You guys look great.

Kenzie (Bast):

Thank you, Ivy, for breaking the very awkward tension that entered this room when everybody came in. Let us say that for this evening, we turn away our thoughts and our feelings of what is beyond that door and we try once more to find out how we once so beautifully co-existed in creating the wonderful, little town that we call home. We will be eating soon but for now, let us start with some before dinner drinks.

Kenzie (MC):

There’s a moment of further tension and silence and then Gabriel kind of swoops over to Sawyer’s mother, does a little bow and holds out an Aperol Spritz for her with a smile on his face and a smile on her face, she takes it, sips it, sighs.

Kenzie (Ely):

I think we can do that for this evening. I think that would be great for everybody.

Kenzie (MC):

Sawyer’s dad kind of strides forward and clasps Bast on the shoulder and squeezes a little bit and says,

Kenzie (William):

I’ve been meaning to talk to you about this incredible thing that I saw at one of the museums in –

Kenzie (MC):

And they go off on a little tangent there. It’s quite obvious that being from the House Awaiting they are trying to do the only thing they could possibly do which is make this night a little bit more pleasant and feasible for everybody. The adults kind of spread around the foyer, there’s a drink cart moved in, there’s like a bar set up with ridiculously expensive wine. They swiftly leave you to yourselves and once more Ivy Duncan, Caleb Moore, Sawyer Hook, and Adam Moore are joined together.

Adam not really making eye contact, eyes darting everywhere around, not really able to keep focus on anything and the rest of you, dealing with what happened at the party, what maybe has happened since between you all.

Mads (Caleb):

Um, Ivy, um, Sam – they’re doing well.

April (Ivy):

Good I was thinking about texting them and then I just – thank for telling me.

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah. Um, honestly I think if you texted them it might trigger another episode back to the hospital. They have been very thankful – vocally very thankful – about what you did for them. I don’t know, in between that and the pain medication they’re just kinda – I think maybe if you text them maybe wait until they’re off the pain meds –

April (Ivy):


Mads (Caleb):

-for the sanity of my best friend don’t let them embarrass themselves too much.

April (Ivy):

You got it. (clears throat) Nice tie.

Mads (Caleb):

Uh, it doesn’t look too stuffy? I mean I ‘ve only worn this one ce before but it feels really not right already.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, uh, I was – actually I was talking to Sawyer.

Mads (Caleb):

Oh. Right.

April (Ivy):

But yeah your tie is cool.

Mads (Caleb):

No, its not.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I like your tie.

April (Ivy):

Yeah it’s a good tie. Like its not - its not like you have a bad tie.

Brennan (Sawyer):

No, I like your tie.


Sawyer is standing their with hands deep, deep in his pockets kind of like every now and then looking up from the ground.


Caleb is staring small bullets into him. Just like the stare is so direct pinpoint heated on Sawyer that you can probably feel it. And then there’s a moment and he looks back to Ivy

Mads (Caleb):

Thanks anyway.

April (Ivy):

You are… welcome.

Brennan (Sawyer):

(sighs) Oh, man. So, what should – anybody want to do something?

April (Ivy):

Yeah, you guys wanna get fucked up?

Brennan (Sawyer):
Mmm well…

April (Ivy):

What? Like you don’t want to get fucked up?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah I’m sorta trying not to.

April (Ivy):

Well, we don’t have to get like –

Kenzie (Adam):


Kenzie (MC):

Adam is just looking at you.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Uh, yeah, you know, maybe just a little bit. Nothing too crazy.

Kenzie (Adam):

This is kind of fucked up, right?

Mads (Caleb):

He speaks.

Kenzie (MC):

And he kind of circles his fingers around the four of you.

Kenzie (Adam):

That we’re forced to fucking do this together?

April (Ivy):

Forced is kind of a strong word.

Kenzie (Adam):

Oh and I’m sure you really want to be in the same room as me.

April (Ivy):

Honestly, Adam, it doesn’t bother me. But if bothers you, you could, I don’t know, go play outside.

Mads (Caleb):

You don’t have to be here.

Kenzie (Adam):

I have to be here. I guess I don’t have to be right here with this sad little trio of you.

Mads (Caleb):

That’s rich. Is that the best you can come up with, really?

Kenzie (MC):

He kind of rubs his hand under his nose and sniffs loudly

Kenzie (Adam):

(sniffs) Alright, fuck you.

Kenzie (MC):

And saunters away.

Mads (Caleb):

Again, the comebacks.


Okay, so one of my moves might come into play here. It is the Excuses are My Armor.

Kenzie (MC):

Yeah, then you can mark an experience point.


I’ll saunter over to you guys.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Man so its been a couple of – couple of interesting weeks.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, I don’t think I can talk about this sober so is that a yes on some wine for you guys or like? I mean this shit is like three hundred years old.

Kenzie (MC):

The bar out here in the foyer right here where everybody is having drinks. You can makes spritzes, you can make negronis, you can make martinis. There’s vermouth, sherry, pastis, lillet blanc. Anything that you can possibly want as an aperitif is as your disposal.


Sawyer will look up and glance at Caleb. Try and meet their eyes for a second. And think back to the day after all of that when he sent Caleb a text that said

Brennan (Sawyer):

So, what happened last night?


You’d recall that almost immediately the message was opened because there was a dot dot dot. And it went away.


There were days that followed of messages. Of texts of realizations and apologies. Asking if Sam was okay. Saying how sorry Sawyer was and then they just eventually kind of stopped after about four days.


You got a reply at the end of the fourth day and on Caleb’s part there was a lot of that dot dot dot backspace dot dot dot backspace, every single day along the way, whether Sawyer saw it or not. But the response that Sawyer got was

Mads (Caleb):

Instead of some half-assed apology to me. Try apologizing to Sam. I’m not your fucking dog.


You’d get

Brennan (Sawyer):

Can I get the number?


The number would be sent to you.


So, looking back into your eyes

Brennan (Sawyer):

So, what do you think you want to do Caleb? We going to drink?


Ivy looks between the two of them and clocks this. Is kind of confused by it.


If Caleb’s eyes could be two little lasers, he would have burned Sawyers face off by now. It looks like he’s about to say something, kind of like opens up his mouth and then bites at his bottom lip before closing it again and just pursing his mouth into a thing line.

Mads (Caleb):

Ivy, you said you wanted to get a drink. I can join you.

April (Ivy):

Okay. Yeah. Sure. So is that a no for you, Sawyer?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, I’m good.

April (Ivy):

Okay, cool.

Mads (Caleb):

You wanted wine, right?

April (Ivy):

Yeah I mean I kind of feel like being a bit of a classier bitch tonight.

Mads (Caleb):

That’s classier?

April (Ivy):

Yeah. I think so.

Mads (Caleb):

Does it taste good at least?


Ivy really smiles at that.

Mads (Caleb):

Is that stupid? Is that –

April (Ivy):

No. It’s cute? I don’t know, yeah, it’s just – have you ever had wine before?

Mads (Caleb):

I, um, maybe one time but it was – I think it was my moms and I was like seven and Adam dared me. He said it was grape juice.

April (Ivy):


Mads (Caleb):

I mean technically kind of it was but it wasn’t what I thought it was and it was really bad.


Ivy like sticks her fang into the cork of the wine bottle and pops it. She pulls two glasses out from behind the bar and fills it with a really dark red wine. Gabriel could probably tell you this was full-bodied or smells like fucking apples are some other fruit.

April (Ivy):

I just think it’s going to get us drunk and really that’s what I need right now. You don’t like it, more for me.

Mads (Caleb):

Isn’t that what alcohols supposed to do? People drink it to get drunk, not to enjoy it.

April (Ivy):

I don’t know I kinda hope I live long enough to enjoy a glass of wine.

Mads (Caleb):

Wow, that took a turn.

April (Ivy):

(laughs) Yeah, I just mean that’s like a, you know, like an adult thing.

Mads (Caleb):

I don’t think you need to worry about mortality.


Ivy kind of leans against the bar and swirls her wine. See that on the glass, they’re called legs.

Mads (Caleb):

Why are they called that?

April (Ivy):

I don’t fucking know.


And then she just drinks the whole thing in one go.

Kenzie (MC):

I think that Ivy does have a want to – or a need – to get drunk in this situation seeing as Adam had come in here acting like an absolutely asshole when for the last two weeks, all he has been doing is texting you nonstop. Ike this stream of very confusing, very concerning – stuff that doesn’t make any sense.


Is Adam still in the room? Or did he like exit the building?

Kenzie (MC):

He has a tumbler of whiskey in his hand and even through this state induced by trauma or drugs or something, still ahs the ability to put on that air of pompous, rich kid who can easily blend in with the adult conversations. And he has his most charming smile on his face, just taking a sip of his whiskey, as he speaks with Sawyer’s dad and Bast who are in conversation together.


I watch Adam while he’s not – doesn’t know I’m looking at him. And I kind of incline my head towards Caleb.

April (Ivy):

Adam looks like shit.

Mads (Caleb):

Tell me about it. There’s been something weird about him. Weirder than he usually is, you know?

April (Ivy):

Yeah, I do know. He’s actually, um, been texting me.

Mads (Caleb):


April (Ivy):

I know. Like unintelligible shit.

Mads (Caleb):

Can I see?

April (Ivy):


Mads (Caleb):

I mean you don’t have to.

April (Ivy):

No, I mean. No, it’s, there’s nothing. Like cut me some slack okay. Like don’t judge me.


As you start to hand the phone to me I am going to put my hand over top the screen so I’m not looking at it right away and I’m going to look you in the eyes very seriously.

Mads (Caleb):

Ivy, remember that time I messaged you like a week after the whole fiasco? I’ll say it again just incase you need the reassurance. But, he fucked you up. He fucked me up. Anything that we do in response, is nothing compared to him. I’m not going to judge you for that.


I hand the phone over. A lot of my texts are very concerned, not my usual fuck-off attitude towards Adam. I watch you carefully as read through the messages.

Kenzie (MC):

A lot of the stuff coming from Adam is like somebody’s blackout at three am texting somebody else. And like the words are in the wrong order in the sentences and you can’t even make any sense of that. There’s a lot of apologizing for like vague, vague things. There are moments of what feels like he’s very scared. And then you see Ivy’s responses of conern back. And him unable to like actually give a solid or clear enough answer.


There’s this flicker in Caleb’s eyes that ivy would recognize as being concern. Probably similar to what Ivy was feeling whenever she was first receiving all of these messages. Because yeah, sure, he fucked us up but there’s always a part of both of us that is going to worry. As I continue to flip through it, the messages are so concerning and so strange and even though I know that Adam has changed tremendously, this is like really off. I’m going to close my eyes and concentrate for a minute, trying to put all of these pieces together and I would like to attempt to stare into the abyss to see if I can gleam anything that is going in my stupid brothers head.

Kenzie (MC):

So roll your 2d6 and add your dark.



Kenzie (MC):

You look at Adam across the room and there was a time when you guys were close. You could say inseparable. Even if he teased you and played pranks on you, there was a true care and love there. You thought for a second that maybe that would give you some insight into what this was, what he’s going through, what’s going on. But you realize he’s not the same person he was then and he’s definitely not even the same person he was after you found out you were the inheritor of your family’s legacy. There’s an obvious shift but what it is is a mystery unless its just the fact that he can’t deal with not being the center of everyone’s attention anymore.


I continue scrolling through the phone until I reach a point that its obviously tipping into that like okay we’ve done enough.

Kenzie (MC):

You find that there are like hundreds of texts just in the last couple of weeks. You like hit ti too hard once and it keeps going and you realize there are very sporadic texts weeks, months in between. There was a large period with nothing. But you notice that the last text before the start of this was something about, “Oh, sorry ,wrong person.” And then from the morning after the party on, it was just a cavalcade of texts to Ivy.


I kind of roll my eyes as I’m handing the phone back to Ivy.

Mads (Caleb):



And then Ivy like glances at the phone and sees that top text.

April (Ivy):

Wait, what the fuck? What’s that?

Kenzie (MC):

The timestamp is from the middle of the party and it also has come through as a green text when the rest of them are blue.

Mads (Caleb):

I thought he was just Mister Party Man the whole time he was there. Drinking, gallavanting, being the star.

April (Ivy):

I’m sure he was just trying to fuck with me.

Mads (Caleb):

Par for the course.

April (Ivy):

But I don’t know why I wouldn’t have – of course. Of course!

Mads (Caleb):


April (Ivy):

Where’s Sawyer?


My eyes like narrow instantly again.

April (Ivy):

I mean maybe it just didn’t come through but I think sawyer had my phone.


At this point, I’m struggling through this glass of wine. IT is physically painful to watch Caleb drink this. Like he’s trying to enjoy it but its really tough. But he is like halfway through this glass that you’ve given. He leans in closer and says

Mads (Caleb):

You know Sawyer, he didn’t get fucked over like we did. And I think even if he did, he wouldn’t hold it against Adam. There’s always a part of them – the two of them together – that will be inseparable I think Swayer wants to protect that.

April (Ivy):

And here I was thinking he’d try to protect me.


Sawyer is on the stairs, sitting alone on his phone and texts Sam.

Brennan (Sawyer):

What’s up?


And thinks back to the day after he got the number and Sawyer is strutting in his room, back and forth pacing with the number pulled up in his phone. And eventually stops and presses call and then hangs up. Takes a deep breath.

Kenzie (MC):

And you immediately get a call back.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, shit.


I pick up.

Kenzie (Sam Marshall):

Hi, who is this? Hello?

Brennan (Sawyer):


Kenzie (Sam):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Hi, hello?

Kenzie (Sam):

Hi. Who is this?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Who is this?

Kenzie (Sam):

Uh, you called me. I think. Or did you butt dial?

Brennan (Sawyer):

No. No, I called you.

Kenzie (Sam):


Brennan (Sawyer):

This is Sawyer uh Hook. I got your number and I, uh – hey, do you want to meet up?

Kenzie (Sam):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Like I could just come over to your place.

Kenzie (Sam):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Or sorry is that weird.

Kenzie (Sam):

Well I just am like kinda on a lot of painkillers and like my face is wrapped up. And it kinda hurts all the time. So I don’t really want to go outside.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Do you think it’d be cool if I come to you?

Kenzie (Sam):

One second. One second.

Kenzie (MC):

And you hear distantly through the phone.

Kenzie (Sam):

Hey, hey, Mom! Can a friend come over?

Kenzie (MC):

And you hear

Kenzie (Mrs. Marshall):

You never ask if Caleb can come over.

Kenzie (Sam):

No, it’s a new friend. It’s a new friend. Can they – can he come over?

Kenzie (MC):

And come back on the phone and says,

Kenzie (Sam):

You can come over. What time?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Uh, like I don’t know. Text me your address and I’ll just head over.

Kenzie (Sam):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Is that cool?

Kenzie (Sam):

Uh-huh. I’m just here!

Brennan (Sawyer):

Okay. Cool. Uh I’ll see you soon.

Kenzie (Sam):

Okay, bye!


Sawyer will search through and find an old jean jacket of his and take off a bunch of patches that are on it. Just like, you know, very rebellious bands sort of like anarchy stuff. Until there’s one patch left which is a vintage patch from the first Crush and Egg and will grab it and put in the address, get on his bike and head over.

Kenzie (MC):

You find yourself outside this split level. This small split level home. The grass out front is short but browned from the lack of rain. There isn’t a lot of shade and there’s a, like a navy blue front door with a little diamond window in the front of it.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, shit. Whew. Okay.


Sawyer’s just struttin’ back and forth.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I’m sorry. So sorry. Okay.


And I’ll (knocking noise) knock.

Kenzie (MC):

You wait a couple seconds and the door opens and you see a very thin, but kind of on the shorter side woman. Hair pulled up and out of her face.

Kenzie (Mrs. Marshall):

You must be Sawyer…

Brennan (Sawyer):


Kenzie (Mrs. Marshall):


Brennan (Sawyer):

I’m Sawyer. Is Sam?

Kenzie (Mrs. Marshall):

Yep! Come in. They’re in their room.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I really like your guys’ house.

Kenzie (Mrs. Marshall):

Oh, uh, thanks you don’t have to say that. It’s okay. It’s not much but –

Brennan (Sawyer):

No, I really do. I didn’t – yeah. Hey, which room is his?

Kenzie (MC):

She takes you up this short staircase, down a hallway and pushes open a door that’s kind of cracked. And as you kind of walk in you see Sam’s face as they look at you through the door and then they kinda like sit up and straighten themselves out as much as they can and they pull the covers up over their body a little bit more. Most of their face is wrapped in bandages around their nose.

Kenzie (Sam):

Okay, Mom, thanks. You can go now. Bye!

Brennan (Sawyer):

Nice meeting you!

Kenzie (Mrs. Marshall):

It was nice to meet you too. Just let me know if you need anything.

Kenzie (MC):

As she walks away, Sawyer will like close the door but leave that little crack.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Hey, Sam!

Kenzie (Sam):


Kenzie (MC):

And you see them start looking around their room. It is full of posters. You see a board with pins in it and you notice that it is just pictures upon pictures of summer camp and Caleb is featured in a ton of them. You see a desk with a gaming computer set up on it. And you see a ton of blankets kind of draped over everywhere and they’ve got fun pattersn and designs on them. And they look almost a little nervous about the state of their room, which isn’t dirty but it’s not very, very clean.

Kenzie (Sam):

I just had this realization that I don’t think anybody has been inside of my room except for Caleb before and it’s weirdly stressful.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Why? I think your room is awesome. I wish I had a computer that could run – how much can this run? This is glowing. This is cool. There’s like LED lights. Did you build this?

Kenzie (Sam):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Dude! That’s sweet.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, I mean like it looks cooler than it because a lot of the parts are second hand and some of them are like not as good – it’s not very updated. Like I probably can’t play the new Crush and Egg on this. I’ll have to go to Caleb’s house.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I bet you could. I mean, I don’t know, it doesn’t see mtoo intesneive but – anyways, um, okay.


And Sawyer will walk over and kind of like sit on the bed.

Brennan (Sawyer):

So, like, I kinda was informed what happened by Ivy…

Kenzie (Sam):

Oh, oh, you mean.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah. The stage… dive of destiny.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, that was a bad idea.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I just kinda wanted to come over and tell you I was really sorry about kinda – I felt like I pushed you to do that.

Kenzie (Sam):

You didn’t (scoffs) you didn’t push me off the stage.

Brennan (Sawyer):

No, yeah, not like physically. That would be really bad. I would – I would literally go into a coma of depression after that. I would feel so horribly if I -anyway, no, but I did kinda, I guess I convinced ya and I just – I’m really sorry.

Kenzie (Sam):

Thank you but I don’t think you have to be sorry because we were like – I mean I have never been drunk in my life before.

Brennan (Sawyer):

That was your first time being drunk?

Kenzie (Sam):

Don’t say that too loud though. My mom will hear you.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Okay, sorry.

Kenzie (Sam):


Brennan (Sawyer):

I kinda have the same thing at my place. Sucks.

Kenzie (Sam):

But like we were all like drunk.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I was super fucked up.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, and like, in the moment, that seemed like so much fun

Brennan (Sawyer):

Okay, I thought it sounded really cool.

Kenzie (Sam):

It would’ve been really cool if either f us had thought about how to actually do it.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, that probably – the follow through really makes these things better.

Kenzie (Sam):

Thank you though, but I don’t think it’s your fault.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I don’t know. I just – I Think you’re cool. And I feel like a dick for doing what I did and um, anyways, I kinda, I know this probably doesn’t help really anything, but I figured since you were friends with Caleb and you know, looking around your room, you might like this. I had this from back when the Crush and Egg released. I don’t really – I ‘m really bad at saying sorry and I still feel like its my fault and so, I got you a gift ‘cause I feel like an asshole. Its got a vintage Crush and Egg things on it. I can take it off if you just want the patch.

Kenzie (MC):

They take it and they look at it and they kind of turn it over in their hands and inspect it and look at the patch.

Kenzie (Sam):

This is like the coolest thing I own.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, really? Yeah, I mean, I’m glad you like it I –

Kenzie (Sam):

Jean jackets are really cool –

Brennan (Sawyer):

They are so cool.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah and like I’ve never had a jean jacket before and maybe that would be really cool to wear, like I have these cool like blue and pink and purple like triangle pants and I could wear those and I could wear this jean jacket on top of something else that I’ll have to figure out later.

Brennan (Sawyer):

That’s literally like the coolest outfit ever. You could do some sort of like – do you have like vintage tees? Or like – do you have like an old retro game shirt?

Kenzie (Sam):

No, I have – I have a shirt that is like really old and thin and its like – its like, uh, you can’t really read what it says anymore but its like full of signatures of people from camp when I was eight.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Hmm. That’s kinda cool honestly.

Kenzie (Sam):

But its yellow. I think it’ll class.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Okay, the shirts yellow. I was imaging like a camp – like a camp shirt always have those yellow pit stains. That’s initially what I was thinking of which like you don’t want to wear those shirts.

Kenzie (Sam):

Oh, I mean we were a coding camp so I don’t –

Brennan (Sawyer):


Kenzie (Sam):

-think that I sweat a lot when – well, that’s incorrect. Sometimes it gets really intense and like the computer’s really hot and you kinda sweat a little bit.

Brennan (Sawyer):

So, you went to a coding camp. Do you still like to do that?

Kenzie (Sam):

I don’t – I play a lot of games more than I code anything.

Brennan (Sawyer):

But you could like make your own game?

Kenzie (Sam):

With a lot of hours.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Dude that’s like the coolest thing.

Kenzie (Sam):

And maybe some help.

Brennan (Sawyer):

What do you need? I mean I can kinda draw. Does that help? Like if I draw characters.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah! ‘Cause I don’t really like draw stuff a lot. I would just know how to do like – do the other side of it.

Brennan (Sawyer):

We should make a game. Uh, do you have Crush and Egg?

Kenzie (Sam):


Brennan (Sawyer):

How long til the second one comes out?

Kenzie (Sam):

Um… it is out in like just a little over a month.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Did you get enough money? From… you know?

Kenzie (Sam):

I’ll have to ask Caleb.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Well, hey, like if you’re not playing with Caleb or if you guys want another person over, I’d love to like hang out and play with you guys if you want.

Kenzie (Sam):

Oh, uh.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Sorry, I don’t want to just invite myself.

Kenzie (Sam):

No, no, no! I just don’t have the like we’ll probably play it at Caleb’s so I’d have to ask Caleb like it wouldn’t be here.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, we’ll see how all that goes.

Kenzie (Sam):

I just like can’t invite people to Caleb’s house, you know?

Brennan (Sawyer):

No! Totally. I get you I just – no, I get you I just… it’d be fun to hang out.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, that’d be fun.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Do you by chance like amphibians? I got some cool stuff if you ever want to come over.

Kenzie (Sam):

Like pets?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, they’re pets. I geuess. They’re kinda like – I don’t know, pets feels weird. I take care of ‘em.

Kenzie (Sam):

‘Cause I’m not allowed to have pets but I went to Caleb’s house and I met Jasper.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, yeah. Well these won’t be like Jasper –

Kenzie (Sam):

No, they’ll be slimy.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Eh, some of them. You kind of just hold ‘em or you look at them for the most part. Some of them don’t like to be touched. Sometimes when you touch them, and then you peel your fingers away, slime or skin will come with it and that’s when you know you really shouldn’t be touching them.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, that’s sound absolutely disgusting. And maybe I don’t want to touch them. But I might want to look at them.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Okay, cool, well, if you’re ever feeling up to it, I’d love to – just shoot me a text.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, like maybe when – maybe when the bandages come off and I don’t feel like a monster. I could do like Halloween (groaning sound)

Kenzie (MC):

And they put their hands up and pretend to be a zombie.


Sawyer like looks over like, “Man, this kids weird, but I like it.” (laughs). This is like really charming.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Maybe I’ll like – do you care if I hang for a little bit? Maybe we can like –

Kenzie (Sam):

No! I was just going to ask and if you wanted a snack we could get a snack and we can hang out and I can show you this cool game that I found online the other day.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, dude, yeah! And then we could try to put an outfit together for the jean jacket or something. Look through what you got.

Kenzie (MC):

That recollection of spending the day with Sam ends as you come back into the space of the stairwell at Blackthorn Manor.

Kenzie (Bast):

I suppose we’ve held off as long as we can. I hear rumbling of the young Moore’s stomach. I fear what will happen if we don’t feed him.

Kenzie (MC):

Bast winks at Caleb.

Kenzie (Bast):

We would be remiss to comment that we are disappointed that Sarah decided not to make an appearance seeing as she is the one involved in the Handing Ceremony with Ivy, it was only proper for her to be here.

Kenzie (Sharon):

Sarah is her own woman. As you know very well, we are not her keepers.

Kenzie (Bast):

I disagree.

Kenzie (MC):

Bast says with a sickly sweet smile on his face.

Kenzie (Bast):

But, let us eat.

Kenzie (MC):

Directs everybody into the dining room. It is a beautifully decorated space. The table is set with actual crystal and gold. From another doorway in the dining room walk a woman with short black hair and a tightly fitted white chefs jacket and Bast says,

Kenzie (Bast):

Dinner this evening is a special treat. We want to welcome Sabine Bertillon an up and coming artist in the Paris cuisine scene. Our dear friend Eleanor recommended her and we couldn’t’ be happier.

Kenzie (Sabine):

It is a pleasure. I have been asked to prepare the formal, seven-course French dinner. The first course you have just finished, L’apertif. We know move to l’entrée, rather the appetizer for the evening. Today you will be having a lobster bisque.

Kenzie (MC):

And as she says this, three waiters enter the room setting dishes in front of each place setting.

Kenzie (Sabine):

Please, uh, sit. Enjoy.

Kenzie (MC):
And she leaves the room and Bast says,

Kenzie (Bast):

Yes, please sit.

Kenzie (MC):

Everybody kinda has an idea of where their place is at the table. Bast and Gabriel take up either end of it. Your families spread out along side in their designated seats that are based off of who is handing over the artifcat, who is receiving. This unfortunately puts Adam right across the table from Ivy and right next to Sawyer. Caleb you are kind of diagnla from your brother on the same side as Ivy but between you and Ivy is your mom.

Gabriel picks up a spoon, it kinda clinks against his plate. And he begins to eat. And everybody for a few moments of silence, tastes the food.

Kenzie (Bast):

It is wonderful that we get to see Annabelle again. It has been a while and she is growing up so quickly. Sawyer, what’s it like being such an older brother?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Uh, it’s like pretty awesome. I mean I - she’s the best.

Kenzie (Annabelle):



Sawyer will just point over a finger and smile.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I mean it’s pretty sweet, honestly. I was worried at first but like she’s the coolest so.


Ivy looks over at sawyer and says.

April (Ivy):

I bet you do a great job of protecting her.


Sawyer will furrow his brows confused.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, I try my best.


Ivy managed to fill up her glass before entering the dining hall and she glares over the rim as she takes a long sip and gently sets her glass down in front of her again.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, do you ever, I don’t know, question boundaries with something like that? ‘Cause obviously you want to keep your sister safe but she also has to make her own decisions. How would you deal with something like that?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Well, she’s like not old enough to make her own decisions yet so I would definitely like right now – I don’t even, I don’t know. I’d probably try to do what’s best for her.

Kenzie (MC):

Sawyer’s dad cuts in.

Kenzie (William):

I would think that, uh, once Annabelle’s a little older that Sawyer would, uh, back her up in the choices that she makes. ‘Cause he’s that kind of guy.

Kenzie (MC):

And nods at you as if he stepped in and said the exact, right thing.


Sawyer’s just like looking at his food and looking eat everybody like, “What the fuck is happening?” (laughs)


Ivy laughs into her wine glass but its pretty humorless.

April (Ivy):

Yes. Yeah. We would think that of Sawyer.


Sawyer scratches his head.

Kenzie (William):

I guess, I uh, I have a question.

Kenzie (MC):

He continues.

Kenzie (William):

Caleb, we haven’t seen much of you in a while and just how are you doing being back in town?

Mads (Caleb):

Uh, um, I’m doing well. I’m, uh, -


I like look to my mom for reassurance again.

Kenzie (MC):

Has like a quizzical look on her face.


I realize how embarrassing it is to be at this table being asked a question, looking at my mom for the answer and immediately try and cover it up.

Mads (Caleb):

I, um, am doing very well I my classes and uh making friends and I’m good. (clears throat) I’m good, thank you.

Kenzie (William):

Well, it’s gotta be a lot easier, uh, coming to – I mean it’s a new school but old friend with Ivy and Sawyer there with you. I think, uh, if I didn’t mishear, you guys are all in the same homeroom together?

April (Ivy):


Mads (Caleb):

We are in the room together.

April (Ivy):

We are.

Brennan (Sawyer):


Mads (Caleb):


April (Ivy):

(clears throat)

Mads (Caleb):


April (Ivy):


Brennan (Sawyer):


Mads (Caleb):

Bless you, Sawyer.

Brennan (Sawyer):


Kenzie (MC):

Adam kinda grunts out.

Kenzie (Adam):

Just forget about me, I guess.

Kenzie (MC):

Sawyer’s dad says,

Kenzie (William):

You’re in homeroom with them as well? I must’ve missed that.


Caleb makes himself very busy with his food.


Ivy looks over

April (Ivy):

Oh, yeah, Adam is in our homeroom but Adam just has, you know, so many friends. Sometimes we don’t get to hang out with him as much.

Kenzie (MC):

And Adam kind of straightens up in his seat a little bit.

Kenzie (Adam):

I like to pick and choose my company depending on the day of the week and I find myself drawn to other people.

Kenzie (MC):

Looking directly into Ivy’s eyes.

Kenzie (Adam):

It’s kinda like this dinner. We come together every so often. WE know that we are going to have a grand dinner and that we know a lot about one another and we find ourselves struggling with the inane small talk.

Kenzie (Ely):

Well, I think, um

Kenzie (MC):

Sawyer’s mom pipes up.

Kenzie (Ely):

I think that the, uh, the kids would probably prefer to talk amongst themselves. Sharon why don’t you move over?

Mads (Caleb):

I’m fine, Mom. I – we don’t – no, no it’s fine. I’m fine. This is a perfect spot. You don’t need to move. You don’t need to move.

Kenzie (Sharon):

I mean I am sitting in for –

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah and you’re doing great.

Kenzie (Sharon):

-Sarah but…

Kenzie (MC):

Bast says,

Kenzie (Bast):

I think we can make an exception one time. You can switch. No problem.

Kenzie (MC):

As your mother swoops down a little bit to move seats, just whispers into your ear –

Mads (Caleb):

(whimpering) Oh my god.

Kenzie (Sharon):

I’m sorry.

Kenzie (MC):

Just switches to the 0ppostie side so you are now next to Ivy. The plates are whisked away as everyone finishes and new ones are set down. Sabine comes back in and says,

Kenzie (Sabine):

For the third course, we have a salmon à l’oseille. Grilled salmon in a creamy, rich sorrel sauce and it is paired perfectly with Chardonnay or Rye Whiskey.

Kenzie (MC):

The parents devolved into talking about work. You hear Caleb’s mom start talking about her firm. Gabriel is loudly boasting about the galleria. William is discussing this idea – a new business venture that he had apparently started talking with Bast about beforehand about trying to repurpose the old factories at the south side of town and as soon as the plates are set down, Adam pushes his chair away from the table and says,

Kenzie (Adam):

If you would please excuse me for a moment.

Kenzie (MC):

This breaks Gabriel from his conversation and he says,

Kenzie (Gabriel):

Oh now, little Moore, don’t go too far.

Kenzie (MC):

And they kinda go back as Adam leaves the room into the foyer.


Sawyer’s just watching Adam as he leaves.


Caleb leans into Ivy, watching Adam walk away, and rolls his eyes.

Mads (Caleb):

He has to make a grand exit now, really? I think he’d wilt up and die if the attention wasn’t on him twenty-four seven.

Kenzie (MC):

Sawyer you feel your phone vibrate.


Sawyer is in his drink the whole time so he doesn’t have to speak. He’s slowly sipping and tipping the glass back and picks up his phone.

Kenzie (MC):

It’s a text from Natalie.

Kenzie (Natalie):

I hope your dinner’s going well.

Kenzie (MC):

And you think back to the day at school, when school started up again, she had found you in the hallway, pulled you in a little alcove and had said,

Kenzie (Natalie):

I need to talk to you about something.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, yeah.

Kenzie (Natalie):

I don’t think we should talk here.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Like in school?

Kenzie (Natalie):

Or just like right in the hallway but I just –

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, okay.

Kenzie (Natalie):

It’s just important and like I can meet you after school if you want, I just – I just have your Instagram and I’m not really good at communicating through that. If you just want to tell me to meet you somewhere or we can just exchange numbers so you can text me where to meet I just –

Brennan (Sawyer):

Sure, yeah, you can have my number.

Kenzie (Natalie):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Should I be like worried? Are you okay?

Kenzie (Natalie):

I will be, I just need to talk to you so can we meet after school?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, let’s meet up after school. Just text me. I mean, I usually hang out the front and skate around a little bit.

Kenzie (Natalie):

Okay. Yeah, okay.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Just like text me or call me.

Kenzie (Natalie):

Okay, um, yeah. Thank you. Sorry.

Kenzie (MC):

And she just darts out of the alcove and down the hall.


The rest of the day, Sawyer is like shitting bricks. His stomach is turned. He just like, “What the fuck could she possibly fucking talk to me about? Does she like me? Does she hate me? What does she have on me?” Like terrified the rest of the day and is shivering in classes.

Kenzie (MC):

You get a text at the end of that day that just says

Kenzie (Natalie):

I’ll come find you outside of school.

Brennan (Sawyer):




Kenzie (MC):

As like everybody is exiting the building, you see her and she looks around a little bit and finds your eyes and comes over to you and just says,

Kenzie (Natalie):

Can we like walk and talk? We don’t have to walk anywhere in particular, I just want to kind of be walking.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Sure, yeah.


And Sawyer will pick up the long board.

Kenzie (MC):

You exit through the school property and out kind of down the street. She’s fidgeting, kind of quiet for a couple of minutes that are very, very long.

Brennan (Sawyer):

What’s up?

Kenzie (Natalie):

I’m gonna say something really crazy, okay?

Brennan (Sawyer):


Kenzie (Natalie):

And I’m telling you because I saw something and I just (sighs) –


Sawyer’s heart is (heart thumping noise).

Kenzie (Natalie):

I wasn’t really at the party. I was like there for a second and then I left right away. I didn’t really want to go anyway. I had had like – Ivy and I were like in a werid spot. Just something had happened and um, I said I would see her at the party so I went and then I did see her at the party but she was kinda with you.

Brennan (Sawyer):


Kenzie (Natalie):

Um, and I just – I’m asking this question because kinda the same thing happened with me and her. And she like won’t talk to me and it’s a lot to deal with.

Brennan (Sawyer):

What? What same thing?

Kenzie (Natalie):

She kinda – oh this sounds so crazy. Okay, this sounds so crazy please don’t make me feel crazy.


He’s looking at her like she’s crazy (laughs).

Kenzie (Natalie):

I saw her – I saw her bite you.


All the blood just leaves his face.

Brennan (Sawyer):

You saw her bite me?

Kenzie (Natalie):


Brennan (Sawyer):

And that happened to you?

Kenzie (Natalie):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, well, you know, I don’t, I don’t think you’re crazy. I mean – no, no. She just has this thing. She just, you know, ever since forever, you know, she just like nibbles at people she cares about.

Kenzie (Natalie):

No, no, no.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Not like that. You don’t mean like that?

Kenzie (Natalie):

No, she does do that. But that’s not what I’m talking about.

Brennan (Sawyer):


Kenzie (Natalie):

I’m talking about when, um, fuck this sounds so fucking stupid I can’t believe I’m saying this out loud. Ivy – mmmm (lets out a deep breath) – when she like drinks your blood.

Brennan (Sawyer):

She does what?

Kenzie (Natalie):

Sawyer I fucking saw it and she did it to me too.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Wha – well, she didn’t. Okay, so she – well, I mean… whadda – what’s the point of this?

Kenzie (Natalie):

Well, I was hanging out with her before the party that day and it happened and then she got all weird and like kicked me out and then hasn’t responsed to my texts or really talked to me at all since. But then when I saw it with you I was like, “Oh, okay, so its not like a special thing…” After she did it with you, she didn’t push you away, you guys danced.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Wait, do you like Ivy?

Kenzie (Natalie):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Do you like Ivy?

Kenzie (Natalie):

I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be – I tried to talk to her about it but she won’t talk to me and you like had the same experience so I just thought I could talk to you about it.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Ivy is an interesting one. We’re all just trying ot figure out who we are and what we like and um… do you wanna go do something?

Kenzie (Natalie):

You’re like really unconcerned that our mutual friend –

Brennan (Sawyer):

Drinks blood? Well, yeah, I don’t know. I just – I didn’t – I don’t remember that the same way that maybe like you saw. But like – let’s go hang out because I want to hear more…

Kenzie (Natalie):

Okay, um, sure.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Or do you not want to hang out?

Kenzie (Natalie):

Well, it’s not that. I’m just really confused about a lot of stuff.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Me too. I mean –

Kenzie (Natalie):

Do you like Ivy?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yes, she’s my best friend.

Kenzie (Natalie):

I’m just a little bit confused because of a conversation – that night was very strange.

Brennan (Sawyer):

You know what always helps me with clearing my head? This right here.


And I’ll hold up the long board.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Have you ever tried this?

Kenzie (Natalie):

(scoffs) No.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Do you want to try?

Kenzie (Natalie):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Come on, it’ll be cool!


And I’ll put it down and when I put it down a drop of seat just like falls onto the long board

Brennan (Sawyer):

(unsteady breaths)


Gets back up.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Come on, I’ll hold your hands!

Kenzie (MC):

She reaches out and puts her hands in your hands and like hesitantly, nervously, steps on the longboard and she’s like,

Kenzie (Natalie):

How are you supposed to balance on this thing with one foot?

Brennan (Sawyer):

So, okay, yeah, your feet are both facing the same way… Turn one like, yep. Turn it that way.

Kenzie (Natalie):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Okay. But don’t push off, I’m just gonna pull you along at first. That’s how I started. Actually, I started on my butt like and then I would go on my butt and like hold onto the sides and go down long hills.

Kenzie (Natalie):

Maybe that would be a better – maybe I should start on my butt.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Do you want to do that? Okay, hold on for a sec.


And I’ll grab the long board and I’ll grab her hand and run up to the top of, like, follow the sidewalk to the top of this hill. I’ll set it at the top of the crest of this hill.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Okay, so, you get on the front and this is an Apex 40 so it’s pretty big. I’ll get on the back and we’ll go together.

Kenzie (Natalie):

There’s nothing to hold on to!

Brennan (Sawyer):

You just hold onto the – here, sit down and then I’ll situate myself so that you’re like locked in.

Kenzie (MC):

And she does. She sits down. And her arms are kind of held out awkwardly because she doesn’t know where to put them.


Sawyer will sit down and put one of his legs over one of her legs in the front and kind of lock it down.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Just keep your legs on the front little dip here.


And then the other one will be hovering over the side of the sidewalk to stop momentum.

Brennan (Sawyer):

And you can either hold onto me or you can hold on to the board.

Kenzie (MC):

One hand grasps over your leg that’s around her and the other one grasps onto the side of the board.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Okay, you ready?

Kenzie (Natalie):

Um, no, but I don’t think that I have a choice, right now.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Alright go!

Kenzie (MC):

She lets out a wild shriek as the board picks up speed and you race down this hill.

Kenzie (MC):

The text in front of you reads

Kenzie (Natalie):

I hope your dinner’s going alright.

Brennan (Sawyer):

It’s going great. Want to meet up later?

Kenzie (Natalie):

Yeah, I think I can do that.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Wish I could sneak out of here.

Kenzie (MC):

She likes that one. And then it says,

Kenzie (Natalie):

I think that would make you look bad.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, it definitely would. It’s super awkward.


Sends a gif of like somebody like basically, just like writhing around in a straight jacket.

Kenzie (MC):

Adam comes back into the room. His eyes are blown out and he takes his seat next to Swayer and kinda scoots the chair a little bit closer to you than the individual next to him.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Hey, Adam.

Kenzie (Adam):

I’m not really a salmon guy so I didn’t think I’d miss this one.

Kenzie (MC):

The waiters swoop in in that moment and clear the plates. Sabine comes back in and says,

Kenzie (Sabine):

Uh, le plat principal is next. We’re doing a la blanquette de veau, which is a veal ragù where nothing is browned.

Kenzie (MC):

And they set down this almost kinda thick sauced white dish down.

Kenzie (Sabine):

And if you are continuing on with your Chardonnay, that works best here.

Kenzie (MC):

Adam kinda is looking at you Ivy but picks up a fork and stabs a piece of veal and puts it in his mouth and just stares at you the whole time.


Ivy stares back, definitely clocks that his eyes are – that he’s fucked up. Ivy’s not entirely sober. She was supposed to feed today. She couldn’t think of who to ask. She obviously couldn’t ask Natalie and she didn’t really feel like reaching out to Sawyer, so its been a few days and her tolerance for other substances has gone down. So by her third glass, she’s a little tipsy. She like leans forward on her elbows and just stares really openly at Adam.

April (Ivy):


Kenzie (Adam):

You might want to slow down there, Ives.

April (Ivy):

Me? I don’t know maybe you should go look in a mirror. You look a little tired.

Kenzie (MC):

Kinda purses his lips with sneer and leans back in his seat.

Kenzie (Adam):

Yeah, can’t sleep much lately.

April (Ivy):

I guess I understand why I’ve been getting texts from you at four o’clock in the fucking morning then.

Kenzie (MC):

A flash of anger across his face.

April (Ivy):

Oh, did you not want me to tell people about that? Ugh, sorry. It’s a little much for you to hide me, Adam, at this point. Especially in present company.

Kenzie (Adam):

I have been called a lot of shitty thigs lately by you in particular and you know what? I’ll own up to it. I’ll take the asshole name. But you know what Ivy? I didn’t expect you to be so fucking callous. Whatever sympathy you knew how to wield, you’ve lost. I guess that’s what happens when you turn away from, maybe your humanity a little bit, huh?


Caleb barks out a laugh so startling.

Mads (Caleb):

Excuse me, um, I was just – this conversation is so riveting at the table.

Kenzie (MC):

Everybody at this table can see Adam and Ivy locked eyes across – like both kinda leaning into one another – across this table. Looking straight at you, Adam says,

Kenzie (Adam):

Well, Bast. Gabriel. You really know how to raise ‘em.

Kenzie (MC):

And tosses a napkin down. Shoves the chair out the room and leaves. And you hear the front door slam.


I look at Ivy.

Kenzie (MC):

Everybody is looking at ivy.


I like full body turn next to me to look at Ivy.

Mads (Caleb):

Ivy? What are you thinking?

Kenzie (MC):

Caleb’s mom says,

April (Ivy):

I’ll go get him.

Kenzie (MC):

And Bast says,

Kenzie (Bast):

No, I don’t think we need him. His presence is no longer wanted here.


Ivy looks at Caleb, Caleb’s mom and Bast and then she slowly stands up.

April (Ivy):

Dad, you know everyone needs to be present. I’ll go get him.

Kenzie (MC):

Gabriel goes,

Kenzie (Gabriel):

Well, I’ll come with you.

April (Ivy):

No! That’s okay.


Caleb’s hand reached up to grab at your wrist. Not tight or aggressive in any way, but just more as a reassuring weight and shares a look with you.

Mads (Caleb):

By yourself?

April (Ivy):

Yeah, I think that’s best.


She kinda shakes your hand off. And it’s a little rude. And then she gently pushes her chair in an walks out. You hear the sound of her heels clicking as she leaves. The same sound of the front door opening and closing.

Kenzie (MC):

Outside you can hear he is talking to someone and then you can kinda see him by following his voice and he is pacing the sidewalk in front of the house, talking loudly into a phone.

Kenzie (Adam):

She is just so insufferable. I can’t even believe that she would do that.

Kenzie (MC):

I would say since you hadn’t fed when you were supposed to that you probably can’t hear the other side of this conversation. Then you hear him go,

Kenzie (Adam):

I know. I know. Okay, yeah. I’m sorry. I know – I don’t – I shouldn’t be talking to you about this. Yeah. You’re right. Alright. Talk to you later.

Kenzie (MC):

And hangs up and puts the phone in his pocket. And leans his back against the fence.


Ivy very quietly makes her way over to him until she is right behind him. And then she kinda steps up onto the fence and leans her arms over the edge so that they’re kinda shoulder to shoulder but she’s not technically standing next to him.

April (Ivy):

So, that was fucking rude.

Kenzie (Adam):

Oh, fuck! God dammit.

Kenzie (MC):

Kinda jumps away from the fence a little bit.

April (Ivy):

Who were you talking to?

Kenzie (Adam):

I don’t really think that’s any of your business anymore.

April (Ivy):

You’re right. So, what’s going on? For just a second can you be like straight forward with me about this? Because –


And she kinda looks down and looks over at him. She really looks into his eyes and they’re closer than they’ve been in a while. It’s so much easier to see how different they are, how wrong they look right now and she feels afraid for him, the way that she had when he would text her late at night.

April (Ivy):

Because like , I am actually worried about you and I don’t really know what you want from me and I just saw that you texted me before he quarry and I don’t know. I wasn’t bothering you. Why are you – what are you trying to do here?

Kenzie (MC):

He rubs his face with his hands. His fingers flicking a couple pieces of hair out from where they were gelled back.

Kenzie (Adam):

I’m just so sick and tired of this fucking farce. Like any of it fucking matters. It’s a mess. We think we’re so fucking important and this town is falling to fucking pieces around us and no one has any fucking idea why.


Ivy like half laughs.

April (Ivy):

Good speech, man. So what’s really going on?

Kenzie (MC):

The darkness in his eyes takes you back to the night of the party when you dropped Sawyer off and had to leave because his parents were coming down on him hard. And you walked back to Blackthorn Manor and you saw sitting in the driveway, the car that you had taken that night.


Ivy like stops dead in her tracks. And kinda crouches, she almost gets into like a predator stance and slowly approaches because something in her instincts is going off that something is very wrong. She finally gets close enough to the car to see who’s inside.

Kenzie (MC):

It is empty inside. It is parked, turned off. The keys are not in the ignition like they usually are. But you can smell the lingering scent of iron and blood.


Ivy yanks open the car door and climbs in and inspects it. She looks under the seats, opens all the drawers, even checks the makeup mirror. Is there anything in there?

Kenzie (MC):

You see dark splotches on the cloth of the backseat and if you touch it, it is still wet and red comes away on your finger.


I lick it off of my fingers. Is it blood that I’ve tasted before?

Kenzie (MC):

I do not believe so, no.

April (Ivy):

Oh, fuck. God. Shit.


By this point in the night, Ivy is so over it. She already knows that she’s going to have a million things to explain to her dads so she leaves it. Once I walk in I remember what feels like years ago, calling my dad and him telling me not to bring Sam home. So, when I walk in the house I listen for where they could be.

Kenzie (MC):

Yeah the lights are all on in the front entrance and you see, you can smell too, a trail of blood leading up the staircase and you can hear movement upstairs in their room.


Ivy creeps her way up the steps, following the blood. She drags her finger through a bit that has made it onto the walls and tastes it again.

Kenzie (MC):

It tastes like what the blood in the car tasted like.


When Ivy realizes it’s the same blood in the car, she looks up the steps and feels really afraid. She gets this flashback to the one other time she’s come home and found blood on the floor. And the memory is so painful that she forces herself up the steps so she doesn’t have to think about it. She would rather find out what this is than think about that. She makes her way up the steps. Which way does the blood lead?

Kenzie (MC):

To their bedroom. Because of how much you had fed this tonight, as you get to the top of the stairs, you can hear Gabriel whispering,

Kenzie (Gabriel):

It’s okay, my love. It’ll be okay.


Do I hear any other voices?

Kenzie (MC):

You hear the really, really tiny sound of a fang breaking skin.


Ivy approaches her dads’ door and starts to cry. She wants to open that door so bad. She wants to tell her dads some of what happened that night. She wants them to tell her how responsible, how brave she was. She wants them to tell her that eve nthough she got fucked up, that even though she might’ve done some things that she’ll regret later, that they still love her. She’s going to be okay. But the blood… So, she steps away from the door. Instead she goes into her bedroom, goes into her bathroom. Takes off her party outfit that’s sweaty and much dingier now. Wets her hair and then wets her face and then just starts scrubbing at her skin. She looks in the mirror and touches the tip of her fangs with her tongue and then just cries. And then she takes out her phone and sends one text to Sawyer,

April (Ivy):


Kenzie (MC):

And Adam is close to your face, looking at you.

Kenzie (Adam):

You know it too. They’re all a bunch of fucking liar in there. Acting like they know the answers to everything. Like they’re fucking gods of this place.

April (Ivy):

You know, Adam, that’s pretty rich coming from you. The way you treat people. Like you can just use them, call on them when you need them, for however long you need them and then cast them aside. How long until Sawyer realizes it too? And then who are you going to be left with? I’ve been trying to help you for weeks and you won’t give me a straight answer about anything.

Kenzie (Adam):

What do you think sawyer has to do with this?

April (Ivy):

What do you mean? Swayer!

Kenzie (Adam):

I know who fucking Sawyer is. We’re not like buddy-buddy. I don’t text him on the weekends to hang out. We grew up together. We grew apart. Its what happens.

April (Ivy):

You know this is what I was talking about actually. Maybe you should see what Sawyer thinks. Because I’m pretty sure he’s the only one out of all of us that really gives a fuck about you at this point.

Kenzie (Adam):

You’re acting like I’m the only one like this, Ivy. Look at yourself. You act just as high and mighty as everybody else. I watched you, up close, chew people up and spit them out. And you still do it.

April (Ivy):

There are certain things I have to do to survive the ay I am. There are certain things that I have to do and I don’t like them. I don’t want to be that sort of person.

Kenzie (Adam):

I don’t fucking care that you have to –

Kenzie (MC):

Stops and looks around.

Kenzie (Adam):

I don’t fucking care if you drink somebody’s blood to survive. Whatever. That’s what you do. I know this. I’ve known this about you for forever. This isn’t new. You all have to do that. Whatever. Fine. That’s not what I mean. You pull people in and you make them feel like they are everything to you and then in a second, you turn on them. So maybe I just thought for once in your life you could get a taste of your own medicine.


Ivy should, by all accounts, be so fucking mad at him. But for some reason the way that he was describing the feeling of being everything. Ivy remembers when Adam was everything to her. And he is really close and she just wants to help him. She kisses him.

Kenzie (MC):

I’m going to have you roll to Turn On.

Back inside another course has been served. Gabriel is talking to Ely about this trip that he is pulling Ivy out of school for to take her around Europe. William looks to Sharon and brings up the current police case and this town hall meeting that is supposed to happen and how absolutely chaotic it would possibly be and I think both Caleb and Sawyer can kinda notice that Bast and Gabriel are only halfway in these conversations. And that they are very, very much focused on listening to what is happening with their daughter outside.


I know Caleb’s mad at me so I’m just going to keep eating and listening and checking my phone every now and then. I don’t want to instigate this shit (laughs). Sawyer’s too scared.


The awkwardness sits so heavy between the two of them. Caleb has finished eating and is just absently fiddling with his fork, knife, napkin. Folding, re-folding. Out of things to do. Looking at the rest of the room. Looking at Sawyer. Seeing how awkward Sawyer looks as well. Squeezes his eyes shut and thinks of an olive branch appearing before them.

Mads (Caleb):

Did you ever reach out to them?

Brennan (Sawyer):

(clears throat) Yeah. I went over to their place, actually.

Mads (Caleb):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, they’re really cool.

Mads (Caleb):


Brennan (Sawyer):

(chuckles) Kinda been chattin’ honestly.

Mads (Caleb):

You have?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, we were talking about like maybe trying to conceive of like a video game of our own. Which I was going to talk to you about but I thought you were mad at me.


Caleb rolls his eyes and says,

Mads (Caleb):

Sawyer, you really know how to read a room, don’t you?

Brennan (Sawyer):

People aren’t really my strong suit.

Mads (Caleb):

I know.


Caleb like leans into the table a little bit.

Mads (Caleb):

Well, if it wasn’t obvious enough, I was – am, upset with you. It’s mostly because Sam got hurt.

Brennan (Sawyer):

No, yeah, I mean –


And you can start to see Sawyer’s eyes start to well up just a little bit.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I really – I really do feel bad and I just, I didn’t know how to handle it. That whole night I told myself I was going to be sober and –

Mads (Caleb):

Hey, Sawyer, can you – can you help me with this cuff links?


And Caleb like screeches his chair back and quickly hurries to the restroom. Whenever he starts to leave through the threshold of where the dining room is, he starts to dart around it and then pops his head back out and motions you froward.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Huh, oh, augh.


And Sawyer will like almost knock the chair over and then grab it, balance it slowly back to the ground, steady himself, straighten his tie.


Whenever you get past the threshold, Caleb’s hand comes out and grabs onto your stupid tie.

Brennan (Sawyer):



And pulls you forward. And as he’s walking he’s just kind of muttering under his breath a little bit.

Mads (Caleb):

Sober at a party? Look I don’t know what your parents now about everything that hapepend there okay? Mine don’t. Mine don’t. I mean they know some –

Brennan (Sawyer):


Mads (Caleb):

Maybe more.

Brennan (Sawyer):


Mads (Caleb):

But not –

Brennan (Sawyer):

Sorry. I didn’t know. I have a very open thing with my parents. They also caught me. Which I figured they talked about with everybody.

Mads (Caleb):

You’re super bad at lying. You are super bad at lying.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I’m really not good. I’m really horrible with people.

Mads (Caleb):

Your tell is just you.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, shit, by the way.

Mads (Caleb):


Brennan (Sawyer):

I didn’t tell anybody. I didn’t tell anybody. I didn’t tell anybody. Because I’m trying to find a good time or a good way to bring it up to Ivy without Ivy making it all like – getting all mad at me because I didn’t know what to do. I’m not good at this stuff. I’m not good at lying! I – I –

Mads (Caleb):

Is this about the quarry party? Because I think Ivy knows – Ivy was there. Do you even remember that part?

Brennan (Sawyer):

No, no, no, no!

Mads (Caleb):

What? Spit it out.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Sorry somebody came up to me and they told me that they – that she bit her and then they were like I saw you get bit too and then they were like what the hell’s up with the drinking blood thing and I was like uhhhhh get on my longboard!

Mads (Caleb):

Sawyer, you said a lot of things all at once that are all equally concerning so let’s take that, rewind. Someone came up to you and said that Ivy drank their blood?

Brennan (Sawyer):

(whispering) Maybe this isn’t the place to talk about this.


Caleb like looks over Sawyer’s shoulder and the nremembers that they are in the home of vampires.

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah, no, this a bad place to talk about… You? She? You two?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Man, there is, whew, anyways so these – they’re looking really good. You just gotta make sure you get it on the inner loop there. You kidna fucked it up here.

Mads (Caleb):

Oh, fuck off.


I’m going to shove –

Brennan (Sawyer):

Sorry, sorry.


-his hand off of me. I’m going to take this stupid jacket off that I hate so much that has been pinching into my shoulders this entire time. He takes off the jacket and puts it on Sawyer. Essentially throws it over top your shoulder. He’s going to unbutton – the sleeves you notice it now too, this shirt is much too small – so he unbuttons it from the wrist, like the dress shirt that’s on underneath and rolls, rolls, rolls it up so its scrunched over top of where his arms are.

Mads (Caleb):

(sighs) Okay.


And then like unbuttons like three of the buttons down and you can just see the dark black binder.

Mads (Caleb):

Now you need to tell me what’s going on later. We cannot go to your house. Your parents know too much about everything. But, but mine aren’t usually home. You’ll come over to my place. You’ll tell me what happened. And we’ll –

Brennan (Sawyer):

We’ll figure it out.

Mads (Caleb):

We’ll figure it out.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Without being mad at me.

Mads (Caleb):

Sawyer, you went to see Sam and you’ve been talking to them. That is my best friend. That is the only person that matters to me.


Sawyer kinda winces a little bit.

Mads (Caleb):

So long as you’re good in their books, we can be good too.

Kenzie (MC):

You are leaning atop this fence and he has come up to it – ‘cause the sidewalk is lower than you’re yard, he’s a little bit under you. But you guys have been talking just face to face and there’s a moment when he’s done berating you and you guys are just looking at one another. The moment kinda hangs in the air. And you kiss him. And he kisses you back. And it is like the worse nostalgia you could ever feel. It is like falling back into what used to be so easy. And he doesn’t try to pull away at all. He tries to deepens the kiss and reached up to cup your face.


Ivy is trying her best to just go, no thoughts. She’s been wanting to kiss Adam since they broke up. And she would never admit it to anyone, but Adam is by far the best kisser that she’s ever kissed. Every motion, every nuance of it is so familiar and sweet and dear. It feels like having the old Adam back because he’s not fucking talking. And when he reached up to touch her face, she can’t help but a small sound escape her of just like happiness. And she continues to kiss him and pulls his body closer to her and his smell is so familiar and its all so sweet and for a second, she loses her breath and has to break the kiss. And as she pulls back for moment, she looks into his face, and looks back at his eyes that are so different but so familiar and she feels her eyes well up a bit.

Kenzie (MC):

He closes his eyes and lets out a quiet chuckle and swallows and when he opens his eyes again, he looks really manic. And he says,

Kenzie (Adam):

(chuckles) You were talking about real and I was talking about everyone being fake and lying so let me tell you a truth.

Kenzie (MC):

And he pulls himself up a little bit on the fence to come face to face with you and he leans in and he says,

Kenzie (Adam):

We don’t fucking have it.


Ivy is taken aback.

April (Ivy):

I don’t know. I think that was pretty great.

Kenzie (Adam):

I’m not talking about us. I’m talking about my family. We don’t fucking have it anymore.


Ivy realizes what he’s saying and slowly pulls away from him. You can just see her brain whirling, putting all these different pieces together. Studying him, the lines of him, his mania, his laughter, his mouth.

Kenzie (MC):

His laughter is getting louder and more crazed and he’s backing away from the fence a little bit and he’s just like,

Kenzie (Adam):

We have nothing to give you. And they’re just in there parading around like it’s a normal fucking day.

April (Ivy):

Oh my god. Oh my god! Um, are you – are you sure?

Kenzie (Adam):

I don’t fucking know where my aunt is.


Ivy brings one hand up to cover her mouth.

April (Ivy):

What the fuck are – oh my god! Adam, we have to tell them.

Kenzie (MC):

He’s just still laughing.

April (Ivy):

Adam can you just talk to me for a fucking second.

Kenzie (Adam):

Maybe this is the way its supposed to go Ivy. Let it all burn to the fucking ground.

April (Ivy):

Jesus Christ, when did you become such a nihilist. We have to do something, Adam! We can’t just –

Kenzie (Adam):

You don’t think my parents know? They just haven’t told anybody. Because they’re scared. And it shows that they don’t have as much power as they thought they had. And as soon as they say it, they lose. They know. Every single fun time that we get together, all of us, and they just sit there with smile on their faces, acting like everything is perfect.


Ivy has this expression on her face like she’s been hit. It takes a lot to render her speechless. But this thought never occurred to her that this was even possible. Bast and Gabriel are so proud of the families of the rituals. They take their roles very seriously and she knows once they find out, its going to be intense. Ivy starts to laugh too. Mostly out of nervousness but also just out of wondering what the hell is going to happen.

Kenzie (MC):

You guys hear a massive sound of clattering dishes and the slamming of hands on a table. Chairs sliding back across the wooden floor of the dining room. And you just hear Bast’s low voice. You can hear the expression in the tone of his voice. It is commanding. It is terrifying. It is as deep as it can go and it is as succinct and as clear as you’ve ever heard him speak.

Kenzie (Bast):

So, when were you planning on telling all of us, that the artifact is gone?


And now, it is time, for Queer Call. Queer Call is the point in the show where we give a special shout out to those listeners who have helped us out a little extra by becoming patrons. So, let’s give it up for our new patrons this month: Burke S., Brooke F., Basha C., Lisa B., and Becca. A little special callout here for Brooke. She has been an enormous help in the design elements for our social media and beyond. And if you go check out those little Wildmoore High notebooks I mentioned at the top of the episode, you’ll see her work there as well.

We hoped you enjoyed the episode! If you want to support our show, you can become a patron at patreon.com/queerpg. Becoming a patron allows you access to our exclusive after show, where the cast talks about character insights and their own reactions to the episode, as well as a plethora of other perks. If you like the show, remember to rate and review. And to keep up with queeRPG, make sure you’re following us on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok @queerpgpod and on Tumblr at tumbr.com/queerpg. Until next time!

Meet your hosts:

Kenzie Tartaglione


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