S2 E4: A Birthday In the Sky

Episode 4

About this Episode:

Our kith get together to make sure that Fletcher has a wonderful birthday even away from home.
This episode was produced by Kenzie Tartaglione and Ashley Westover. Editing by Kenzie Tartaglione. Theme music by Lorna Ryan.


Episode Transcript:

Tatiana Gefter:

Hello, everyone, my name is Tatiana Gefter. I use she/they pronouns and I am playing Alma of the Vale with The Gravedigger playbook.

Michi Zaya:

Hi, my name is Michi Zaya. I use any pronouns and I am playing Fletcher, The Witch.

Jenine Florence Jacinto:

My name is Jenine Florence Jacinto. I use they/them pronouns and I play Hoku Bayana.

Octa Delgado:

Hello, my name is Octa. I go by they/them pronouns. And I will play Neu Threestrings from The Weaver playbook.

Harper Sage Pettit:

Hi, my name is Harper Sage Pettit. I use they or she pronouns and I will be your guide for this season of queeRPG, Of Kith and Pen.

Kenzie Tartaglione:

The content warning for this episode includes complex and complicated relationships and discussions of financial struggles.

Jenine (Hoku Bayani):

Dear mom and dad, first sorry for such a quick exit. I thought I would have another day but, you know, when the serval calls, you have to go! Well, that and when your closest and oldest friend’s balloon is about to be taken by the bank, a quick exit is a little necessary! Not as quick as our exit from Neu’s. I will say it was a little strange leaving their place. They threw things out of their apartment as we left. Not going to question it but good for them! ALma’s a little shaken up from her interaction with a dock worker named Muskrat - I think that’s the one who tried to take the ship - so not liking them, but big props to Tuft! Let’s see… first couple hours on the ship has been interesting. While carrying a dream berried Neu on my back, I found Fletcher asleep in the bathtub, covered in paper. Will not lie, might have peeked at the papers. The name Loren was written on them. Note to self: will explore. Right now I’m hanging out in this little balcony that Alma has off of her ship, The Flying Dutch-Kith, with Fletcher, that still has a piece of paper stuck to his face, and Neu who keeps asking lots of questions. Was cute when they said they saw two of me. Probably thought I looked like cousin Duke. Well, other than that, pretty uneventful! I think Alma’s still flying the ship but I do hear a muffle voice around the corner so, new friend aboard? Anyways, love you mom and dad. I’ll keep writing. From the stars that wave to you, Hoku.

Harper Sage Pettit (Guide):

So we pick up with The Flying Dutch-kith that you're going to Portsmore. You were heading up the coast north and you kind of like - again you see The Lastings, these islands that are kind of close to the land off to the east. And you kind of like come over to that land and you're following up the coast so you see these like gorgeous beaches with the waves  crashing over them. That's all to your west. And then your right hand side or your east as you’re going up,  you see like these like massive redwoods just like sprouting up. You don't know how long they’ve been there, they’re are definitely older than you for sure. Definitely older than your parents or your grandparents. But just these massive redwoods as you're just like traveling along in this airship up to Porstmore. And you left at night I would imagine that especially Fletcher and Octa who were a little distressed, maybe a little inebriated or affected by different substances, probably just like clocked out. But I guess I want to check in on Alma or Hoku. So you two are like the two like sober people. I guess Alma saw Chandler come into the ship but Hoku doesn’t know yet. I guess does want to check in to see what she's doing as the sun sets, the full moon comes up and the stars come out.


So, Alma, you're kind of steering the ship up the coast. You get it into like the magical autopilot. What do you do is you have your friends finally on board but there's also an enemy on board.

Tatiana Gefter:

There's definitely a hostile force on board and all this not happy about it. This is her space, it's her ship. There's an impostor who she did not want on the ship at all. Then tried to take her room? Just no regard for anyone else at all. The most selfish person she could imagine is on her ship now. But she dealt with it. You know she did what she had to do to get who knows where Chandler is right now. As soon as he was out of her line of sight she like didn't want to think about him anymore. She's certainly doesn't want to engage with that any further. But she puts the ship in autopilot and it's the first time she's really had a chance to breathe since going to her parents’ house, finding out about everything, having to take the ship back from the dock workers and the bank, and getting all of her friends. So now she's not like relieved but she, you know, she has a moment to consider the facts. One of those facts being that she did not talk to Carth before she left. Unfortunate.

Harper (Guide):

This isn't the only time she's not spoken with Carth. I imagine she's got a special notebook or special means of putting those thoughts down.


What she likes to do is she'll take like scrap pieces of paper and write kind of little notes to him and throw them off the ship. So just into the wind.

Harper (Guide):

So what's our first note that she writes is she gages the autopilot,  steps away from the helm. The thought of Chandler the rat slash armadillo crosses her mind. Then oh Carth goes across her Mind.


Yeah I guess she's a little mad. She's a little pissed. So you know she starts writing this letter and it's something along the lines of,

Tatiana (Alama of The Vale):

Okay, so I didn't get the chance to talk to you but that's not my fault, okay? I'm not the one who stopped talking between the two of us. You don't get to just summon me whenever you need me for something like… I'm so mad because I wish I had talked to you if only to get your explanation, not to help you with whatever you need. But I probably would have still helped you  because…


Scratch scratch scratch scratch scribble scribble scribble.

Tatiana (Alma):


Harper (Guide):

I guess in my mind I think, as you write these things and throw them out, you kind of like have that - I mean we all do it, where we have the like conversation with somebody else but maybe because your connection to the other world you actually have almost a little more of a conversation. And as you toss it out, you hear this voice,

Harper (Carth Lokcheart):

I stopped talking because I thought you don't like me anymore.

Tatiana (Alma):

La la la la la, nope, no. We're not doing this right now. I'm not doing this.

Harper (Carth):

And like I know like it was probably a lot like maybe even crossing a bit of a line for me to like reach out to your family but like they live close and… I don't know. Your dad seemed so sad and like I wanted to help him, you know?

Tatiana (Alma):

That’s not the point. That's not the point. I’m not mad about –

Harper (Carth):

The point is I care about you, Alma. Like even though we've like had these things, this shit that keeps coming up. My shit, your shit, our shit. Like it happens!

Tatiana (Alma):

You have a funny way of showing it, frankly. You cut me off. I never did anything to insinuate that I didn't like you or care about you. You stopped talking to me.

Harper (Carth):

I'm sorry.

Tatiana (Alma):

I'm not responsible for your insecurity in our relationship.

Harper (Guide):

You hear in your head, kind of like you've heard before this similar silence almost as if the imaginary and possibly real Carth, is kind of crossing his arms and turning away from you. And then, after a few moments you hear,

Harper (Carth):

I'm sorry. I'm just going through a lot right now and as much as I'm going through, I hope you just know that I've never stopped caring about you. But life’s hard and sometimes I'm just so lost and you're so far away and I'm just tired. So god dman tire.

Tatiana (Alma):

Then maybe you should stop wasting your energy on me.

Harper (Guide):

And when you say that you feel another (vibrating noises) rumbling in your pocket. You know that this is the token that Carth gave you long ago, back when Carth was known as Cari. And you've held this token for so long, back when you were in middle school and she would send you these like messages and then things changed and then Carth was sending messages. Now Carth sending you this message. You feel this token in your pocket, what do you do?


I pull it out of my pocket and I look at it.

Harper (Guide):

And it says,

Harper (Carth):

Me and your dad made this really cool trinket. I wish you would have said hi or whatever. Good luck.


Alma’s looking at this coin in her hand and she's like - she closes her fist around it and she's like - she kind of like starts as if she's gonna throw it and then hesitates and instead she's going to make her way towards the kitchen to a familiar box that's in the kitchen.

Harper (Guide):

So as you walk that way we jump over to Hoku. So, you've made tea and cookies for Fletcher and Neu. And he three of you kind of like stared up at the stars on this sort of like out deck of this ship. And eventually Fletcher and Neu, just like passed out. Just like all the stuff they went through that day. You were so caring and affectionate towards them and their needs. But you have this moment of silence as the two of them kind of just like slump over as you kind of try to figure out what's next for you. So Hoku, in this moment of silence as the stars are kind of like glistening above, as you move closer and to The Outlings and up the coast, what are you doing.

Jenine Florence Jacinto:

I think Hoku was just like listening to the breaths of like their two friends because this is probably the first time, in a very long time - there was a time when they would have very late study sessions together and like think back to those nights in younger years. And then starts like drawing the stars because again it's still so very pretty in the sky. We're so close yet so far to them. And starts looking at the different constellations that he can find throughout them and see if there's anything different from what he's seen before.

Harper (Guide):

Go ahead and give me a wild check.


That’s a ten.

Harper (Guide):

So you look up in the skies - what is one of the constellations that Hoku really resonates with. His like grounding force when things are just like kind of going awry.


Cara Minor which is the road less traveled, whose winding ways revealed lost things.

Harper (Guide):

And I would say you look up at that constellation, the sort of like image in the sky of a road or path that Hoku has found so much like strength and comfort in over the years. And being like kind of like straight and very predictable like you look up at the sky and the stars are kind of like going in this way for some reason. You’ve never seen that before. Could you really see this road, this path that you’ve depended on. And it just seems like the more you stare the more ambiguous this very distinct road becomes.

Jenine (Hoku Bayani):

Cool cool cool cool cool cool. This is fine. Everything’s cool. Everything’s fine. Stars are there! The stars are still there. They are there, different locations, different part of the – okay.


And then still charts it. Attempts to chart it.

Harper (Guide):

Yes and so Hoku charts it and I guess maybe thinks of a time, back when he was studying the charts before going back through history. The only other time this happened before was with a different constellation, the Hear. This is a constellation that has been kind of at the center of all the others. And these slight flucutations of these hearts, as Hoku likes to call them. There was a time like hundreds of years ago when the Heart just like disappeared for like two weeks. And nobody knew what was going on or what not. But apparently it had things to do with time travel.


Cute cute cute cute cute cute cute.

Harper (Guide):

It looked like a legitimate heart the sky.


Time travel, okay! Cool.

Harper (Guide):

And so as Hoku’s writing that down, that's when Alma comes down. So Hoku, you kind of like hear a fumbling in the kitchen as you're scrambling to write this down real quickly, these notes as as Fletcher and Neu are passed out on the table close by.

Jenine (Hoku):


Tatiana (Alma):

Hey there.

Jenine (Hoku):

(snore sounds) Yeah.

Tatiana (Alma):

Thought so. You're still up.

Jenine (Hoku):

Yeah well I mean this is the best time to like you know, see stars. Lots of excitement as well. Stars change outside. Yes?

Tatiana (Alma):


Jenine (Hoku):

That's normal? Different? How far are we from home again?

Tatiana (Alma):

Well we’ve been flying for a few hours now so…

Jenine (Hoku):

Do they change super drastically when we're like hours away from some –

Tatiana (Alma):

Define super drastically.

Jenine (Hoku):

Well so Carda Minor is usually just like very vertical and it's not like vetical. It’s very like, like wavy.

Tatiana (Alma):


Jenine (Hoku):

Very curvy – like curving, you know? Yeah.

Tatiana (Alma):

I mean usually they just kind of change angle because you're seeing it from a different point.

Jenine (Hoku):


Tatiana (Alma):

On the surface.

Jenine (Hoku):


Tatiana (Alma):

Of land. Wiggly?

Jenine (Hoku):

Wiggly, yeah. Yeah.

Tatiana (Alma):

Okay. Sure, yeah sure. No that's not normal but if anyone could figure it outm I'm sure it's you  and the other one.

Jenine (Hoku):

Excuse me? Oh is there – are one of your friends on board?

Tatiana (Alma):

No. No. Not one of – not a friend.

Jenine (Hoku):


Tatiana (Alma):

At all.

Jenine (Hoku):

What? So –

Tatiana (Alma):

You know him.

Jenine (Hoku):

Someone that’s not a friend of yours that I know? I don't think - I don't really associate with –

Tatiana (Alma):

Think carefully.

Harper (Guide):

And so I would imagine with this discomfort that’s being voiced even though Neu and Fletcher you’ve kind of like drifted to sleep,  but it's just kind of those barely asleep. A distressed sleep. And you hear more distress in the real world, so you're pulled from the dream world into this conversation, where Alma and Hoku were are talking about this individual that Alma seems pretty trouble about.

Jenine (Hoku):

So, I really hope it's –

Tatiana (Alma):

Look into my eyes.

Jenine (Hoku):

I really don't want to.

Tatiana (Alma):

I know.

Jenine (Hoku):


Tatiana (Alma):


Jenine (Hoku):

Oh my god look at the stars!

Tatiana (Alma):

That doesn't work on me anymore.

Jenine (Hoku):

Uh-huh. Yeah, I know. This is just what calms me a little bit but this is not calming me now. What if we just look at just park real quick and just leave them?

Tatiana (Alma):

You know I was thinking about it but I think Falon would be a little peeved.

Jenine (Hoku):

But what if we what if we like tie a bow and say oopsies.

Michi Zaya (Fletcher Agaar):


Tatiana (Alma):

Their orders were to have them on the ship so…

Jenine (Hoku):

Oh was that Fletcher? Ssh, ssh, ssh, earmuffs.

Michi (Fletcher):

Hey. Hey guys.

Tatiana (Alma):

Hey buddy!

Jenine (Hoku):

Hi, hi, hello. Hi.

Michi (Fletcher):

I just had a really weird dream.

Tatiana (Alma):


Jenine (Hoku):

Oh, yeah?

Michi (Fletcher):

I dreamed that we were landing at our next location and Chandler was with us. That'd be really weird, right? Because he's back on The Lastings so.

Harper (Guide):

And then with that you hear a crash in the kitchen and like lots of different like spice tins and stuff falling to the ground and then you hear,

Harper (Chandler):

Gods, I swear. Gods, gods, I swear.

Tatiana (Alma):

Everyone you remember Chandler from school.

Michi (Fletcher):


Harper (Chandler):

Yes, unfortunately I remember these folks.

Tatiana (Alma):

Chandler is our new cabin boy courtesy of Falon. Falon thinks he would be a great fit for our team.

Octa Delgado:

At this point Neu kind of like perks up.

Octa (Neu):

So Falon thinks they are also the best kith for the job.

Harper (Guide):

And then you hear another crash,

Harper (Chandler):

Yes I just turned down a prestigious fellowship.

Tatiana (Alma):


Harper (Chandler):

I'm the best person for this. Also do you have any beetle nuggets anywhere here?

Tatiana (Alma):

No I don't have any beetle nuggets anywhere here.

Michi (Fletcher):

Um, I’m on a non-bug diet. So that’s kind of gross.

Harper (Chandler):

Oh, okay.

Tatiana (Alma):

And I would, in the future, appreciate it if you would stay out of my kitchen.

Harper (Chandler):

Well, how am I supposed to get my beetle nuggets then?

Tatiana (Alma):

No beetle nuggets. There are no beetle nuggets.

Harper (Chandler):

What am I supposed to eat?

Tatiana (Alma):

You know what? When we make port, I'll let you know. There's fruit.

Harper (Chandler):

Does fruit have protein in it?

Tatiana (Alma):

Find out.

Harper (Chandler):

Alright well I'll be off.

Harper (Guide):

As Chandler like kicks his way through like the spice containers that he knocked all over the ground. Grabs a purplish pink fruit from the dish and takes a hard crunch out of it and says,

Harper (Chandler):

I think I'm supposed to peel this.

Harper (Guide):

And walks away.


The entire time you just hear a low growl come out of Hoku. Just a low growl. Only Alma will hear it cause she's right next to him.

Harper (Guide):

Hoku, give me a heart roll.



Harper (Guide):

You can't help but notice that you've never seen it before but Chandler's got a little wiggle to his butt, that you've not seen before. You're able to like kind of like contain yourself and own it but kith have bodies, bodies are attractive, like whatever, that guy's a jerk, I hate him.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, you guys should have seen him earlier it was - think I made him a little scared.

Jenine (Hoku):


Tatiana (Alma):

But also…

Octa (Neu):

When did he actually get on the boat. I don’t remember.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, so you were kind of out of commission you know? And I'm not one to judge the berry is good. So you were out. Fletcher was passed out in the bathtub. Hoku was taking care of both of you and so when I was talking to Falon and getting all the supplies that happened.

Octa (Neu):

Wait how far away are we, I need to tell people about some stuff. I’ve not told anyone I’m leaving.

Tatiana (Alma):

I'm sorry, Neu. We're hours away. We had to go. Yeah you didn't… how much do you remember?

Octa (Neu):

I think some stuff happened and I think I said - I think I'm single.

Tatiana (Alma):


Michi (Fletcher):


Octa (Neu):

I’m not entirely sure.

Tatiana (Alma):

You did throw someone stuff out of your house.

Octa (Neu):

Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no, no.

Tatiana (Alma):

You seemed very sure about it at the time.

Michi (Fletcher):

Did something happened with Alphonse?

Octa (Neu):

I think he’s going to be very angry at me. Can we just stop it for a moment? Still very fuzzy.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah so the reason – the reason why we had to leave in a rush is because my parents are broke and they were the bank was going to repossess the ship. And so I had to run to the dock, get the ship before I was taken, and run. And so I wasn't going to leave you all behind, so I had to make the executive decision to move our timeline up.

Octa (Neu):

You're family was in very good standing.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah my um you know magic, weird, gods gone. You know how it is without magic. No mone.

Octa (Neu):

So if we fix it are they going to be better?

Tatiana (Alma):

I hope so. I don't - I don't know - I don't - probably is the what I'm going with. Probably.

Michi (Fletcher):

I wonder if my moms are okay. They're both really good witches so I think they're magic should be fine I don't know. They’ve lived off The Lastings before so I don't know if their magic is tied to The Lastings. I should probably write to them.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah you can - yeah there's like a little – when we get to port, there's usually a mailbox there so… I just - none of you have been outside the last days have you except for you Fletcher because you went to Academy. But did you leave The  Academy?

Tatiana (Alma):

No and The Academy’s really just on the border between The Lasting and The Outlings so I don't really know what it's like out there.

Tatiana (Alma):

Okay, okay and you two definitely haven't.

Jenine (Hoku):

The stars are different here.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah. So the stars are different here. Usually it's only because we're at a different angle not because they're wiggly.

Jenine (Hoku):

They're moving.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, that’s not normal.

Jenine (Hoku):

Okay cool. Okay, okay, okay, okay.


And just see scratching on paper.

Tatiana (Alma):

Usually the stars don't move we're going to – and  if you take a look at your window on your left, you'll see the ocean. We are on the coast we're going to a port and they're super cool, they're great, they're super nice. It can just be a little overwhelming, your first time out of home. You know it's different, you're not floating. You're on solid ground.

Jenine (Hoku):

Well we are floating right now.

Tatiana (Alma):

Right now. We will not be when we get there. Yeah here this is - you guys have been on the ship before. You know -  this is the ship! This is great, you're all familiar with the ship. Other places are different from The Lastings a little bit, little different. Most importantly do any of you know how to swim?

Michi (Fletcher):


Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah makes sense, makes sense.

Octa (Neu):

I don’t like water too much.

Tatiana (Alma):

Oh you're going to have a great time where we're going. Hoku, you know how to swim?

Jenine (Hoku):



Well my kind does but does Hoku?

Harper (Guide):

I guess as Hoku ponders that, Alma you know that Portsmore is an extremely rainy place, like it rains almost every day out of the year. And most of the those days it is like torrential downpour. The rivers flood, the skies literally coming down in sheets. There's going to be a lot of water where you’re heading to.

Tatiana (Alma):

Did you guys bring your raincoats?

Michi (Fletcher):

I have a waterproof cloak!

Tatiana (Alma):

Good. How waterproof is it?

Michi (Fletcher):

Um… it should be okay.


How rainy is it at The Lastings, how different is this going to be for them?

Harper (Guide):

It's pretty different like The Lastings I always say like if you're comparing it to like places in real world like this place gets like four seasons whereas Portsmore like it's like raining year round.

Tatiana (Alma):

So it’s very -I cannot begin to overstate how rainy it is a Portmore. You're gonna get wet I'm sorry. There's just no way around it, you're gonna get wet. So don't bring anything that could get damaged in water while we're out on the town. People kind of have gotten used to it. I mean when we get into town proper they've made a bunch of like coverings and stuff so you'll be fine but on the dock and stuff we're going t to get real wet. And the water is like not safe. It's you know, it's very tumultuous. If you don't know how to swim don't go in there. It is strong currents, even the most you know skilled swimmers will have a hard time.

Michi (Fletcher):

Wait, does that mean it’s really windy there?

Tatiana (Alma):


Michi (Fletcher):

That might be a problem for the… you know…


And then he shows the little flaps that are his body

Tatiana (Alma):

Well, I’m hoping as long as we keep you under your clock, you’ll be okay. And you know, if you - don’t do that.

Michi (Fletcher):

Okay but I kinda have to sometimes to reach for things.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, yeah, sure. And when we're you know inside and stuff it'll be fine. But, you know, if we're outside maybe just hand to chest.

Octa (Neu):

Just kind of point your nose somewhere and I can wrap it for you.  

Michi (Fletcher):


Octa (Neu):

Also before we get there and it gets really super rainy is there ay chance, are you carrying any postal moths that we can send back.

Tatiana (Alma):

I think Falon put some in the cargo hold. I can show you where that is if you’d like.

Octa (Neu):

I kinda need to tell Rania at least. She’s gonna freak out.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah sure! Come on, it's this way!


And I'm gonna lead Neu to the cargo hold. The stairs are in like the offshoot of the kitchen. You guys know how like sometimes you guys have an offshoot to the garage from the kitchen, it's an offshoot to the cargo hold.

Harper (Guide):

So you're heading down. Hoku, it's pretty late so I imagine you're feeling pretty tired now that like you've done your duty of taking care of people and they are kind of like finding their way to various areas. Maybe you find your way back to a room. Fletcher you're starting to feel like yourself for a moment. You have these papers kind of like tucked away into your satchel and you also have this like etching of a avian footprint. And you have this moment of alone time, what are you doing?


I think with a little bit of privacy, Fletcher would investigate this etching. Becasu the biggest clue to all of the wildness that happened as he was leaving. So probably bring up this little etching and really looking at it closely.

Harper (Guide):

Give me an instinct roll.


I can do math. Nine.

Harper (Guide):

This is most definitely not Loren’s footprint.


Oh, okay, wow.

Harper (Guide):

It's a little bit larger than Loren’s and you know that Loren, like one of his talons like broke off when he was younger. That was like the left most talent on his r right foot. That talon  is there so this is most definitely not Loren’s.


Interesting, oh man. Would probably investigate some of the darker letters that Loren had with Fletcher just trying to figure out like what is - where - what is this thing that Loren went off to do. And like gathering any hints and clues from that.

Harper (Guide):

Go ahead and give me another instinct roll.



Harper (Guide):

Your brain is a little foggy currently. You're operating on not a ton of sleep and you had a very emotional day but you could tell that there seems to be some sort of pattern or secret message in these letters that Loren wrote to you. You're not in a state of being able to figure it out currentl, but just something seems wrong and you start to see repetition of certain words, certain letters. Certain letters like turn backwards like it's just like something is up with these letters and whatever Loren was doing was not writing a manifesto. He was trying to let you know something.


With that information I have this scrap of paper with Puck’s name on it, the dDreamweaver. I think I would like to burn that and send Puck a little a little message.

Harper (Guide):

Alright, what's the message you sent to Puck?


Hey, Puck. It’s Fletcher. Have you heard any response of sorts, I guess, from that dream I sent. Were you able to send it? Let me know. This is Fletcher by the way, you sent a dream for me earlier. Thanks! Let me know!

Harper (Guide):

So again, it's not instantaneous. You sent that message out in hopes that maybe Puck gets it and sends you another one in response. But nonetheless, it's a waiting game for you right now.


Fletcher ‘s going to go make some tea.

Harper (Guide):

So as Fletcher makes some tea, Alma and Neu, you went down to the storage hold.


The cargo hold to look at the moths that Falon gave to use to send letters.

Harper (Guide):

I would imagine that cargo hold is kind of like a standard on but there towards the front of the ship there are like several stalls where you like walk past all these rates, begin to start hearing a  flapping, a fluttering as like light flickers into these stall and you grab the lantern and bring it close to you and continue on. And you see kind of like in these like six stalls, three on the left side, three on the right side, these massive pink and purple and yellow winged moths. They are almost as big as you and they just like flutter as the light comes even closer to them.

Tatiana (Alma):

Right so here are the moths.

Octa (Neu):

You look a bit on edge up there with the rest of us.

Tatiana (Alma):

What? No. On edge?

Octa (Neu):

And you have so many reasons to be.

Tatiana (Alma):

You know it's just a lot going on. I haven't been home in five years and then there's so much happening. It's fine you don't need to worry about me.

Harper (Guide):

And Alma you kind of think for a moment  in this instance when the light is flickering, the moths are flapping around, and Neu is calling attention to and your current state, that your parents said that like all their financial problems were because your mom lost her clairvoyance. But you know that's only like a couple weeks. How could they get so much debt in just a few weeks? And it just hits you. You gotta write your parents a letter.

Tatiana (Alma):

I'm glad that we can help and that we're gonna save The Lastings and all that stuff but I think just once I wish that I wasn't responsible for something.

Octa (Neu):

I mean that's kind of on Falon. I'm still a bit upset that he's throwing this on us and I still don’t really think he really knows. So maybe we just go to this new place, this rainy, wet place and get something real nice for your family. And then we just go back, sort them out, and call it quits. Someone better will come.

Tatiana (Alma):

Maybe, but then if no one does it's on us. And we’re the ones who let The Lastings fall from the sky. And that's definitely not something I want to be responsible for. So, I'll keep going but maybe you should take a vacation. You know break up with the partner can be a bit intense. I know that.

Octa (Neu):

Now that you say all of those things, it doesn't look like - it doesn't sound like what I thought it was.

Tatiana (Alma):

What did you think it was?

Octa (Neu):

Things were getting shaky.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah (laughs). That’s true. Things were a bit shaky. You know I’d think I feel a lot better if that person wasn't on my ship.

Octa (Neu):

I jumped with him once through a window and can try to do it again.

Tatiana (Alma):

Well we got in trouble that time and I feel like we'll get in trouble this time too if we - I mean

Octa (Neu):

I was joking. I was joking!

Tatiana (Alma):

I mean we could totally say he went on sabbatical.

Octa (Neu):

Yeah, yeah.

Tatiana (Alma):

I mean, if we just didn't tell him when we were leaving port.

Octa (Neu):

That's a great idea.

Tatiana (Alma):

We'll keep this plan in our back pocket, I think. Are you okay by the way?

Octa (Neu):

I feel like I was really angry and I’m not very used to feeling that and somethings are beginning to come back. I think A. was kissing someone in front of me but it's not super clear. It might have been me ,it looked like a fox.

Tatiana (Alma):

Like a big fox or a you fox?

Octa (Neu):

Like bigger than. But at the same time, she - I don't think it was me, Alma. I really don't think it was me.

Tatiana (Alma):


Octa (Neu):

And then it got really angry and I started yelling at him.

Tatiana (Alma):


Octa (Neu):

And then I left and threw all of his stuff out of the house. That happened right?

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah that part definitely happened. I was there for that part.

Octa (Neu):

And then I remember it was really warm and a little bit fluffy and I think that was Hoku.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah Hoku gave you a piggyback ride because you were kind of, uuuuhhh, you know. Look just don't let it eat you, Neu. Whatever happened, happened right? We are so far away from that now and from what it sounds like, you are probably better for whatever happened. It sounds like you lost however much Alphonse weight.

Octa (Neu):

He’s heavy.

Tatiana (Alma):

You lost that much and I think it's for your benefit honestly. I never really liked that guy. No offense. I try not to be judgmental of other peoples’ relationships, I’m in no position to judge.

Octa (Neu):

That’s why I didn't write much because people always got a bit –

Tatiana (Alma):

Oh, you know, when enough people say something maybe… but, hey! It looks like you took matters into your own hands and I'm super proud of you. If that counts for anything.

Octa (Neu):

I think that dream marries took matters into their own hands.

Tatiana (Alma):

What's that saying? It's being inebriated just… what is it, Dreamberry actions are just sober thoughts.

Octa (Neu):

That maybe checks out. I just felt very true to my emotions in the moment.

Tatiana (Alma):

Well sometimes you just need to let it out.

Octa (Neu):


Tatiana (Alma):

(laughs) Don’t look at me like.

Octa (Neu):


Tatiana (Alma):

Listen do as I say not as I do, okay? I'm the captain.

Octa (Neu):

Aye, captain.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, that's right.

Octa (Neu):

But just make sure you do have moments where you don't have to take care of stuff.

Tatiana (Alma):

As soon as those moments come up you'll be the first to know. For now I need to make sure that we all get to Portsmuth alive. So I'm going to go back up and check on the navigation. Do you need help with the moths are do you got that?

Octa (Neu):

I’ll sit around here for a bit.  I think I need to sit and think now that my mind is beginning to clear a bit.

Tatiana (Alma):

Okay, when you do eventually go to bed, just um double check the room you're going into.

Octa (Neu):

What's my ed?

Tatiana (Alma):

You can pick whatever one you want of the ones available. I'm just saying maybe peek inside first.

Octa (Neu):

Where did you put my stuff?

Tatiana (Alma):

So your stuff is still kind of just in the living room because you uh - yeah Hoku like helped put your stuff on the deck and since it’s going  to be raining a lot we took everything down before we really started heading out. So, it's all safe and dry, just chilling in the living room right now. So it's not in a room, probably for the best because if it were in a room, Chandler probably would have found an excuse to rifle your stuff. So, yeah just double check what room you’re going into because you never know what might be sleeping in that bed.

Octa (Neu):

I’ll take a smell and if it smells like rotten eggs, I will keep out of that room.

Tatiana (Alma):

Great, great, fantastic.

Octa (Neu):

If it smells like snails I may go in anyway.

Tatiana (Alma):

Oh I really wish Fletcher would take a bath. That was why I told them to go to the bath but they took a nap instead. They seemed really emotional about something. They seemed super emotional about something maybe you can - I don’t know, if you do end up rooming with Fletcher, maybe you can find out what that was all about. You were kind of out when – well you were the last one I picked up but when I picked up Fletcher… no Hoku was the last person, who was the last person I picked up? It was you. You were the last person I picked up. But Fletcher like got on board and was so upset about something, just like absolutely distressed, I have not seen him like that in ages so… it's like when he got super super anxious about that one exam when we were all in our like 4th year.

Octa (Neu):


Tatiana (Alma):

It was like that but worse. So if you do end up rooming with Fletcher maybe you can figure out what went down.

Octa (Neu):

I mean he did need a really high grade on animalism to get into The Academy so it did makes sense at the time.

Tatiana (Alma):

It made sense at the time!

Octa (Neu):

Aye captain. I’ll go check up on Fletcher.

Tatiana (Alma):

And make sure to get some rest. Lots of rest. Everybody’s going to need so much rest. Alright, I’m gonna go. Good luck with your letter writing.

Harper (Guide):

So there were four rooms.


So there's four rooms. There’s the captain’s quarters and three additional rooms.

Harper (Guide):

So Hoku and Fletcher you would have found your way to rooms.


I would have instinctively just followed Fletcher just to check - just to make sure and I guess this is my room now. I think that's probably what would have happened.

Harper (Guide):

Fletcher do you typically like sleep in a bed or like what do you do for sleeping?


Fletcher’s  body clock is nocturnal but adjusts to like daytime activities just because that's what was required on The Lastings being a majority non-nocturnal population so Fletcher kind of has one of those like weird in between sleep schedules where like he kind of wakes up before everyone else, before the sun is even up and tends to like going to bed early evening. Kind of like a grandma. Flether has like this sleep schedule of a grandma.

Harper (Guide):

You've been up all the way past your bedtime the past couple days and so you just find a place to rest in. So I imagine it's kind of like a pile of blankets in the corner of one of these rooms that you just like collapse into and then, you hear like a plop next to you as Hoku like plops down. And you al just kind of like have this moment before you both like drift off to sleep. And I guess Fletcher probably falls asleep first but then Hoku, you know that like you're going on this big thing but it's about to be a big day for Fletcher tomorrow. And you brought something along with to help celebrate Fletcher’s big day. Before you drift off to sleep, what's Hoku doing to this this gift that he has?


In like one of the pockets of their apron, as they're taking it off to go to bed, they just feel for like a little box that shuffles a little bit and inside there are twelve cards. Each of a little sketch of one of the gods from our home in The Lastings. Just like the way that Hoku interprets them and just like, okay, it's still there. And like shuffles and maks  sure that it's okay and like folds up their and then uses it as like - hugs it like a little stuffed animal because that's where all there they're papers and everything is, but that's something that they need to keep it very safe.

Harper (Guide):

Love it. So Hoku kind of snuggles this apron and box close to his heart as he got like looks one last time and Fletcher passed out as he falls asleep. And then Neu, you went down to the mods for a reason. Why did you go to the moths?


Neu went to the moths because they feel very guilty about not saying anything to anyone. And it's not the first time that Neu disappears from somewhere they're supposed to be. And it is not the first time that Neu leaves Rania behind and doesn't want to repeat mistakes of the past. So they will sit down and next to one of the yellow moths, take out a little quill, a little piece of paper and start writing. Kind of like halfway between an apology letter and a diary entry for Rania. Just giving her the headlines of the last twelve hours since he was working with Rania  towards Falon’s place.

Harper (Guide):

So Neu writes that recap, sort of looks amongst the moths and one of them like actually instead of like shying away from you, like flutters over towards you and you're able to kind of stroke the moth on their head. Their little antennae and tuck this letter into it's like little neck collar. And you whisper where it needs to go and open the window and it flies out with this letter, back towards The Lastings. And in this moment you see this kind of message, this kind of symbol of maybe a hope, maybe reconciliation, kind of flying back towards where you're coming from and you also - you think of your friend Fletcher, your dear friend Fletcher, you have maybe your pack close by and you remember that Fletcher’s special day is tomorrow and you check in on your gift.


Neu scurries away nervously. Almost  like running up the up the stairs from the cargo hold and into the living room where Alma said that all of their stuff is. And just very like kinda of panicky, ruffling through everything, just wishing with all their heart that the gift they had prepared is in the stuff that they packed. Is it?

Harper (Guide):

It's still there. You thought for a second it wasn't, but you know how like packs are and you have lots of different things in them and things shift around. And you're looking and looking and looking and you can't find it but then like you take everything out and place it on the couch and you're afraid that maybe Fletcher might come in, but you basically dump it all out and then you see it there, kind of like spill out amongst everything else.

Octa (Neu):

Is it this? No. It’s not in this box. It can’t be in this box.


And I eventually find it. Just kind of like extend my hands, pick it out. And it's this - it's a really soft material with a bit of a shimmer and I just for a second, just make sure that everything is well within it. Make sure to without fully unfolding whatever this is, I fold it slowly and make sure to the pack it away somewhere.

Harper (Guide):

Now that you know a hostile entity is on the ship, you need to keep that close to you just in case. So, we jump over to Alma real quick as neu gathers up their things and maybe for tonight just kind of like curls up on the corner of the couch, with their pack as a pillow. But Alma, you went upstairs to kind of check in on the navigation. But you know the navigation is fine. What are you up to?


On my way up, I had to stop in the kitchen and drop off a coin in a little box in the kitchen which is supposed to be used for cookies but is instead being used to hold letter writing materials. Thank god Fletcher didn't look in that box! That would have spoiled the whole surprise of the gift! It seems like this is the place where Alma keeps important things.

Harper (Guide):

So you have your letter writing material, your gift to Fletcher but then also you're dropping your coin from Carth of in there as well?



Harper (Guide):

Tell me about that.


Alma… you know she takes another look at the coin and it's like - she doesn't want to put it in the box but that's why she has to put it in the box. Because she can't just keep having this string attached to her, attached to him. Not with the way things are now. Maybe when they talk again, if they talk again in person, she'll add the coin back into her pocket. But for now she has more important things to focus on and Carth is a distraction. Him and his trains and my dad and what the fuck is up with my parents like are they that financially irresponsible? Like Alma is frustrated with her family, with Carth, with the world for falling apart around her and all she wants to do is sail her ship around the world and help people. That's all she wants to do but instead she's being put into this role that she never really wanted. So she takes Fletcher’s gift out of the box and puts it into one of the big pockets on her overcoat and heads back up to the bridge to just be there and not be elsewhere.

Harper (Guide):

So you're up at the helm and you know the ship is good to get you to Portsmore. Do you still like stand at the helm or do you kind of go into your captain's quarters and curl up and fall asleep?


I think eventually she would curl up and go to sleep. She would lock the door behind her. Yeah she's kind of got this like beanbaggy looking bed. It's like more luxurious than that but it's you know made for cover so that you can really curl on I and get into a little ball and you’ll be comfy.  But she doesn't have a restful sleep I would say.

Harper (Guide):

Why is she not having a restful sleep?


You know sometimes you just can’t turn your brain off.

Harper (Guide):

You know that you've got like the mission ahead of you. And there's also a hostile entity on your on your ship.


The vibes are rancid.

Harper (Guide):

Docking in Portsmore can be a major headache sometimes.


With the rain.

Harper (Guide):

Yes and you have to throw Fletcher a birthday party before you get there because once you get there it's gonna be crazy. But eventually you do get some sleep and I guess to the three of you, Neu, Alma and Hoku, the three of you know that Fletcher's birthday is the next day. You know he's had really hard time the past couple days just from the few moments you've actually had to o chat. How are y’all splitting up this kind of responsibility to make sure Fletcher 's birthday is what it needs to be.


I think Hoku’s team distraction.




We'll just block the door until they hear the secret knock.


Alma is probably team cake. Alma makes the cake.


Neu, will take out a sketchbook and design a kind of makeover for the living room, for the mess hall, and try to think of possible ways to decorate the space and make it feel as homey as possible for Fletcher.

Harper (Guide):

And so I guess Hoku, you're probably up before Fletcher because Fletcher again is catching up on hours of sleep and the trauma has made it to where he's super sleepy. But Fletcher you wake up and first thing first, you’ve gotta use the bathroom. Always.


One of those like awake but eyes aren’t open people in the morning and so he's like basically like sleepwalking to the bathroom and immediately like hops into a bath and kind of sleepily washing his face and getting ready for the morning as normal. Hasn't seen a thing yet.


Hoku stands at the bathroom door.


Once Fletcher’s done with this little like morning bath and has freshened up bit, he comes out of the bathroom to walk back to the room.


Hoku closes the door.

Michi (Fletcher):


Jenine (Hoku):

This is not Hoku.

Michi (Fletcher):

I know it’s you. I saw you when I opened the door.

Jenine (Hoku):

(ghost noises) It’s the wind. (ghost noises);

Michi (Fletcher):

Hoku, do you need to use the bathroom?

Jenine (Hoku):

(ghost noises) It’s Hoku.

Michi (Fletcher):

You’re Hoku. Hello?


I look down the hall to see if I see any part decorations from where I'm standing.

Harper (Guide):

Neu, give me a swift check.


That is a seven plus a two. That is nine.  

Harper (Guide):

You look down the hall towards the kitchen and you see Neu just kind of like jump across the hallway with like a streamer and like attachi it to the ceiling and like land and give you like a nod. And then Alma like peaks her head from around the corner.


I knock on the bathroom.

Michi (Fletcher):

Um… you can come in now.

Jenine (Hoku):

Oh I was just making sure that you were good. You were in there for longer than expected in the bathroom.

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah, I was leaving the bathroom when you closed the door.

Jenine (Hoku):

What? What? What - someone closed – what? Door - wow look at hallway.

Michi (Fletcher):



He turns to the hallway.

Harper (Guide):

I love how Hoku’s just like the most awkward boy ever (laughs).


Hoku leads down the hallway but also make sure that like Fletcher can't see anything. Like tries to block what's happening down –

Harper (Guide):

Like apron out.


Yeah, apron is just - the little - you know how like when you curtsy like the dress is just like out in a courtesy situation but just out. Like fanned completely out.


While we’re just walking down the hallway, Fletcher’s just like,

Michi (Fletcher):

Why are you up so early, I’m usually the first one awake.

Jenine (Hoku):

Oh, you know, the early otter gets let's clam.

Harper (Guide):

And as you say that, Hoku, that's what the two of you end up in in the kitchen area. Fletcher you’ve like kind of realized you're underneath like a little streamer. That's weird.

Michi (Fletcher):

Wait, what’s going on here?

Harper (Guide):

And did you hear Alma and Neu and I guess Hoku joined in,

Tatiana (Alma):


Jenine (Hoku):


Octa (Neu):


Michi (Fletcher):

Oh my god! Wait, surprise for what?

Tatiana (Alma):

Happy Birthday!

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh my god, it's my birthday!

Octa (Neu):

It is Fletcher.

Tatiana (Alma):

We know, do you know?

Michi (Fletcher):

Everything going so fast like we left so quickly I forgot it was my birthday.

Tatiana (Alma):


Michi (Fletcher):

Oh, thank you guys so much!

Tatiana (Alma):

I made cake for you.

Michi (Fletcher):

I love cake.

Harper (Guide):

What's Fletcher 's favorite cake?


Fletcher’s favorite cake is like a berry and nut mix cake and it's like two different layers of like flavors.

Harper (Guide):

And that's exactly what Alma brings over with the little like sparklers going.

Michi (Fletcher):

My favorite!

Tatiana (Alma):

Well, yeah, I remember from… uh -  I've missed a couple birthdays but I wanted to help make this one special. Happy Birthday!

Michi (Fletcher):

Thank you.


Wait are the sparklers like get candle situation or are they just going (sparkler noise).

Harper (Guide):

Yeah it's like a candle kind of situation but like maybe inbetween maybe like a candle and a firework.


So Fletcher takes like a very like thoughtful little moment to make the birthday wish and then be like blows out the sparklers.

Tatiana (Alma):

(clapping) (cheering) Yeah remember don't tell us what you wished for.

Michi (Fletcher):

Never. Oh, this is so sweet, you guys. How long did this all take you?

Octa (Neu):

About half of the night.

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh my god, you stayed up all night for me? I couldn't help – I mean I guess then it wouldn’t be a surprise.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah. I wasn’t getting much sleep anyway - so cake! Didn’t take too long.

Octa (Neu):

It smelled so good. I am getting so hungry.

Tatiana (Alma):

Well dig in guys and then we can do gifts!

Jenine (Hoku):


Michi (Fletcher):



And then he's like ready to eat cake. (laughs)

Tatiana (Alma):

Do some slices here. Alright birthday boy gets the first slice, of course. Here you go, Hoku. Here you go, Neu. And then, me!

Jenine (Hoku):

Cake for breakfast!

Octa (Neu):

Your so clean as well, Fletcher. You smell nice.

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah, I took a bath this morning.

Harper (Guide):

As y'all eat the cake, I imagine one by one, you all  hand the gifts over to Fletcher. Who goes first?

Octa (Neu):

You choose, Fletcher.

Michi (Fletcher):

Well… uh we're on Alma’s ship so you can give me a gift first.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah! Sure um…


Alma reaches into her big overcoat and she pulls out kind of a flask looking thing and she hands it to you and she's like,

Tatiana (Alma):

Okay, so I remember, back in the day, to no fault of your own, you are a little clumsy when it comes to writing with the ink and the quill. So when I was traveling I found this liquid. Pretty much if you make a mistake with your ink, you can put this on your ink and then let it dry and then you can just scrape it off. And it doesn't damage the paper and you can just go right over you're mistake.

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh this is perfect! Oh now you'll be able to read my letters better too.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah there were just so many ink splotches on the last one that I got a little concerned.

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah, it’s hard to write sometimes, especially if I write while gliding, which isn't the best idea  but you know…

Tatiana (Alma):

Well I hope this helps.

Michi (Fletcher):

Thank you so much!


He tucks it into his little satchel.

Harper (Guide):

Who's next Fletcher?

Michi (Fletcher):


Jenine (Hoku):

Me? Me? Me? Neu? Me? Oh, okay, um, no, box.


And hands a little box to you.

Michi (Fletcher):

What’s this?


And he opens it up and he’s like

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh my goodness.


And they're all like - they're the constellations of every god from The Lastings is what you see. It's like a little - it's a very small deck of every god.

Jenine (Hoku):

So yeah I drew it, kind of. Worked really hard on getting the sketches right. I know that you have lots of cards so I thought you'd like more of something of home.

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh, Hoku, this is perfect. This might help us find them.

Jenine (Hoku):


Michi (Fletcher):

Oh I'm really excited to do a reading with this one later. Thank you so much.

Harper (Guide):

I guess if y'all remember like oracle cards are kind of like tarot cards in this world. And they can be very different and very personalized based on everyone's experience. So Hoku passes these along from something he likes so much to Fletcher, I imagine means quite a bit.


Fletcher is very delicate with these and they like go directly into his little pocket rather than just in the bag of stuff. No offense to magic white out. Magic white is also very helpful. After like very carefully placing the cards, Fletcher turns to Neu and says,

Michi (Fletcher):

You seem to be really excited.


Neu is almost vibrating in place. Gets close to Fletcher,

Octa (Neu):

Okay, close your eyes.

Michi (Fletcher):



And closes his eyes.


Unfurls a little kind of like fabriky package and puts it around Fletcher;s neck, clasps it to both shoulders, goes away,

Octa (Neu):

Okay, you can open your eyes now. And shake your shoulders.

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh my gosh! This is beautiful!


And the moment Fletcher shakes their shoulders, this kind of like almost transparent, greeny fabric kind of like furls out like a little cape that rubs around your body. And you can see that it has dozens and dozens and dozens of little pockets. And it's weight very little.

Octa (Neu):

So this is made out of the silk that the spiders at the Marigold of Anino make. So basically it's -each of the pockets will change colors based on what you put in there. So hopefully it helps you keep things organized. And it's really good at keeping smells in. So all of your smelly herbs will keep well contained in there. And I'm not sure how it does with water but if it can keep smells in, it may also be water out. But we need to see about that.

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh, this is so helpful. Thank you so much. I don't even know what to say, you guys.

Harper (Guide):

And as the four of you kind of look back and forth at each other. Maybe gritting also holding back tears, you begin to hear kind of like a sort of like rushing sound as I guess Alma your ears kind of perk up and everybody else's, but you recognize this sound. This is the sound of the maelstrom hitting the ship. And you know that Portsmore is getting closer. And so you along with everybody else, rush back up to the upper deck of the ship and look out and you look back towards kind of where you came, as this kind of like water just like again like storming down above you. Kind of beating down on the deck of the ship but also your heads. You look back, you see like the large redwood forest kind of like way off in the distance.


You look forward as to where you're going and you kind of see this sort of like mountainous region coming up. And some of these mountains you notice - and you've kind of seen this before Alma, and you point it out - but a couple of these mountains are kind of like cocked over onto their side. And you see like these giant metal like almost like crab legs can like shooting out from their bottoms. And like again these like mountains are like over on their side weird legs coming out and you just keep going and you keep pointing out these different sites. The forest changes. It's more of like an oak and maple forest. And eventually you get to this place where like all the forest, the trees, everything is like dead and it's just like this massive stretch of like these little white flecks kind of like sticking up out from the ground. And you point those out to everybody else - like you've been told that those are the bones of the people that quote unquote came before. And so you see these like flecks of white mixed in with like bits of metal and at the center of this like desolate area, is like a massive crater where this sort of like black aura kind of like shoots out over this desolate area. And you eventually kind of like pass over that, holding back your emotions. Even everybody else who isn't connected to the dead feels the weight of this sort of like desolate area where a lot of death probably happened. And you pass that and eventually you kind of get closer to this mountain on the eastern side. Your right hand side. But again, the ocean is still on the western side, or your left hand side.


And you see this city kind of like tucked away at the center of like all these like rivers and one of the things that really sticks out about Porstmore is again it's like a massive port city and they don't have airships here. They don't have boats here. They have these like massive land barges on the backs of these gargantuan beetles. And they're all kind of pinned up on the eastern side of Portsmore, where you would see them kind of like moving along the rivers. And they're just kind of penned up there as it seems like the water from these rivers moving from the mountains into Porstmore to the ocean seem to be like massively over, I guess, overrun and these beetles carrying vital supplies cannot get into Portsmore as you get closer and closer to the capital city, Stormdweller. And as you kind of all take in this scene, you see, I guess, a lightning strike and then a few moments later a very loud crash of thunder, as you look at the massive city of Portsmouth getting closer and we fade to black for this episode as you kind of try to figure out what's going on here.


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Meet your hosts:

Harper Sage Pettit

S2 Guide

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