About this Episode:
A trailer for the third season of queeRPG, Lamplight Investigations: a Thirsty Sword Lesbians noir! Premieres on November 7th, 2024.
You can find us here.
This episodes was produced and edited by Kenzie Tartaglione. Theme music by Lisette Amago.
Episode Transcript:
Kenzie Tartaglione (Unknown):
Hey you! You don’t look familiar. First time in this part of the city? I see that sneer on your face. You better wipe it off before I do it for you. This is home. This is the best place you could ever want to be. Whether or not this is where you meant to end up, you’ve found yourself on a rather fortuitous street. You see that corner building down there? Three floors up. Lamplight Investigative Services.
Friends of mine, you ask? Loaded words you’re throwing around this evening. Good people is what they are though. Not a single one of them will admit to being nice. Something about duty, yada yada. A bunch of BS if I do say so myself.
Who am I? No need to worry your pretty little head about that. I’m sure my name will come up in time. But go see for yourself. Three floors up. Gold gilded sign. Ask for Mama. Don’t tell ‘em I sent ya. She’ll know what to do.
Atlas Mathews (JJ August):
All doors are just windows we can’t see through, you ever think about that?
April Consalo (Jo Gilmore):
We provide our patrons with anonymity.
Danielle Halen (Mama Amoretta):
Hello? This is Mama Amoretta speaking.
Lamplight Investigations, a Thirsty Sword Lesbians noir mystery, premiering on queeRPG on November 7th.

Meet your hosts:

Kenzie Tartaglione