About this Episode:
A new Starkeeper is unveiled and we learn that Alma may not be the innocent member of The Letter Writing Club that she has seemed.
Episode Transcript:
Tatiana Gefter:
Hello, everyone, my name is Tatiana Gefter. I use she/they pronouns and I am playing Alma of the Vale with The Gravedigger playbook.
Michi Zaya:
Hi, my name is Michi Zaya. I use any pronouns and I am playing Fletcher, The Witch.
Jenine Florence Jacinto:
My name is Jenine Florence Jacinto. I use they/them pronouns and I play Hoku Bayani.
Octa Delgado:
Hello, my name is Octa. I go by they/them pronouns. And I will play Neu Threestrings from The Weaver playbook.
Harper Sage Pettit:
Hi, my name is Harper Sage Pettit. I use they or she pronouns and I will be your guide for this season of queeRPG, Of Kith and Pen.
Kenzie Tartaglione:
The content warning for this episode includes flirting, kissing, romance, and complex and complicated relationships.
Michi (Fletcher):
Dear Fletcher, on the first day of letter writing club, Professor Peppers asked us to write letters to our future selves. I'll never remember what you wrote to me because I did lose the letter while gliding around, I'm sorry. I thought I'd make it up to you by writing to you instead about the future! As in, where I am right now. First off: Professor Peppers isn’t cool anymore. She's part of a weird organization called the Preservation, trying to bring back the humans have been kidnapping our gods, other land’s gods, and have built a new scary one in the shape of a human. Some scary toad named Kel seems to be responsible. We’re the furthest away from home we've ever been. Even further away than Witch Academy. Oh, and Loren is here too. You dated again and then he dumped you to join the Preservation, but now he’s helping you again. For a while we didn't know if we could trust him, but now I think we can. He is leading our group through a strange place called Towerfell. Meanwhile, our home is sinking into the water. It’s been scary, Fletcher. You have no idea what lies ahead, and I wish I could warn you or send you a dream or wake you up during Oracle classes so you could see this would happen, but good things are happening too! Lately I've been a boy. I think when you wrote me a letter you wanted to be a girl and a tree and everyone referred to you as Leafy for a season. Well, the exciting news is, we have a not-boyfriend, but a partner! Their name is Kalix and we met in Portsmore where it was so rainy and all the color disappeared. Kalix kissed me on Alma’s ship, and we've been holding hands, making tea, and eating soup. They’re really kind and helpful, strong and tall. After all of this Kalix will probably go home to Portsmore, but we’re having a really nice time right now. Fletcher, I think you would've been scared of the Preservation and the challenges ahead, but now I have my best friends with me, I have Kalix, I have Loren, and I have you. I'm sorry I lost your letter, I hope this makes up for it. Love, Fletcher.
Harper (Guide):
We pick up on the Flying Dutch-kith. The group is around a table on the deck and Loren has come out of his room and is instructing people on kind of where they need to go what they're doing etc. The group did just see a giant statue unveiled of a hoo-man, and Kel referred to it as their “new divinity.” Loren says to the group,
Harper (Loren):
So, I know we don't really have a plan besides we have to go commune with Lavender, and Alma that is you, and then also I know that Hoku is wanting to go to the green statue or something like that, right? What do we think about splitting the party? Do we all go to the statue together? Do we go to the green statue together first? What is- what is our plan? Because I have several ways we can go.
Harper (Guide):
And you look and you see he has a map of Towerfell, and a few different like ticked out paths that you could go.
Harper (Loren):
But we have to decide what exactly we're doing as a group.
Tatiana (Alma):
The first problem is that I don't know where Lavender’s body is. I can't do much until we find them. Even if we do split up the party, I wouldn't know where to go yet. There has to be some sort of clues or information as to where Lavender’s remains are being kept.
Jenine (Hoku):
And I mean we don't really have to go to the big green statue, I just had a dream about the big green statue, it doesn't seem like that's really part of- I mean it could be what's happening here, but I don't really know if it's what’s happening here and oh my gosh look at the sun!
Tatiana (Alma):
Those don’t work anymore.
Harper (Guide):
Hoku, as you look at the sun, you notice something flying in your direction. You thought it was just like a little spec, but yeah, it's clearly getting closer and closer. The few moments you spend your time trying to figure out what it is, it finally make sense: it's a moth flying directly towards you.
Jenine (Hoku):
Harper (Guide):
And when it's a few feet away from you, you see that it has a little letter in its claws.
Jenine (Hoku):
Hello! Hello little moth. Is that- is that for us? Is that for me?
Harper (Guide):
It's like flying around your head.
Jenine (Hoku):
Oh, okay, thank you.
And then Hoku cautiously grabs it.
Harper (Guide):
It’s addressed to Hoku, from Gloria, your old Starkeeper friend.
Oh my god! Okay.
Harper (Guide):
Do you open it and read it there?
I mean everyone saw a moth come at me with the letter. Hoku is going to open it, Hoku’s got not that many secrets.
Harper (Guide):
It says,
Harper (Gloria):Dearest Hoku, I know it's been a while since we chatted, but I just wanted to send a letter to you. First and foremost, I wanted you to know that your parents are safe and sound here at Witch Academy in the Outlings. Everyone from The Lastings was kind of escorted over here, and it's tight, cramped, and we're trying to figure out things with food, but at least everybody is safe. Any who, I just want to let you know that something quite remarkable happened. Since being at Witch Academy, I have been experiencing visions that I believe are connected to you. It's a vision of you in a green tower, seemingly floating amidst stars. Communing with them. Your presence radiated a sense of serenity and calm as you connected deeper and deeper into the cosmo. Almost as like what we’ve theorized about the Starkeeper. I must admit that I never encountered a vision like this quite before, and I spoke with a dream weaver. He’s really cool, his name is Puck. But he said that if I am getting this then it probably means something. Whatever interpretation you take of this, just let me know. I'm here for you, I'm rooting for you, and I hope you get to the bottom of whatever is going on. Also, if you do need some help with this just let me know, and I can hop on an airship and meet you anywhere. From the stars that wave to you, your friend, Gloria.
Jenine (Hoku):
Scratch that, I think the green tower lady thing is really important.
Octa (Neu):
What was in the letter?
Jenine (Hoku):
Oh um, it says that everyone in The Lastings is that the Academy and everyone is safe but they can't figure out food, and then also Gloria talked to Puck about dreams and had a vision that I can communicate with the stars in the green tower. Everyone is safe!
Octa (Neu):
That is a relief! What about the tower?
Jenine (Hoku):
There is a green tower, and if I am there somehow I can communicate with the stars which is what the Starkeeper can do but I don't think I could do that. Maybe, I don't really know what that- I mean, green tower, I'm gonna assume that the green tower is the green human statue that we have to go to.
Michi (Fletcher):
Statues can also be towers.
Tatiana (Alma):
Because they're tall.
Michi (Fletcher):
Yeah. Um, and then sometimes when people make statues, they don't do anything on the inside of the statue, and that's space for the tower to go.
Octa (Neu):
I don't feel like splitting up right now. I think last time we did that was a bit of a problem, and it seems like this place is dangerous.
Harper (Chandler):
Yeah, I agree with you, Neu. I think maybe we should all stick together. Where do we think we could find information about Lavender’s body?
Neu will look at Hoku.
Octa (Neu):
We could ask a few small gods, or we could ask the stars.
Michi (Fletcher):
Yeah, or the bugs might know.
Octa (Neu):
The bugs might also know.
Harper (Chandler):
We could go to the green statue first, see what happens to Hoku there, if anything.
Tatiana (Alma):
I think that's a great idea, let's do that first, yes.
Harper (Chandler):
Because I mean, I don't think what's happening here is probably going to get too much worse too quickly. Feel like we’re already kind of fucked, so I guess we might as well take care of something that seems little more positive first? I don't know.
Jenine (Hoku):
Yeah. Okay.
And Hoku starts going through all of the star charts and notes that they have in their pockets, because now they're scared.
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay! I guess we can, okay!
And just sits on the ground with the star charts and notes that they have, and trying to figure out how to talk to stars.
Alma puts hand on Hoku’s shoulder.
Has the moth that come by, like, muttered anything? Because all this time Fletcher has just understood bugs,but hasn't translated anything.
Harper (Guide):
Yeah, basically it was just kind of like, erratic. Like “oh! It's you! It's you! Letter for you! Oh yes! This letters for you! This letters for you! Take the letter! Take it, please!” just very kind of like, erratic, crazy, very minimal thought, and- it has one mission, ya know? Then after the letter was taken, kind of fluttered around, just in case anybody else needed to like, send off any letters like “Letters! I’ll take letters! Go on! If you need me I'll take a letter!” and then when nobody takes them up on it, they fly off.
Nothing helpful.
Harper (Guide):
Harper (Loren):
So, the plan is to go to the green statue first, and then try to figure out where Lavender is. Very well. I guess let's do it.
Harper (Guide):
So Loren steps away from the table, rolls up the map, goes down back into the ship, says he'll be back in a few minutes. Comes back out with a costume on. He looks like an old lady now, kind of like, hunched over cloak.
Harper (Loren):
People are going to recognize me here.
Harper (Old Lady Loren):
I am now your grandmother.
Harper (Guide):
And walks over to Neu.
Neu will kind of like, really quickly like go around the costume like,
Octa (Neu):
Where did you do- that's actually very nicely done! Didn't know you had it in you.
Just like goes through the textiles.
Octa (Neu):
You even smell like old lady. Well done! That’s pretty, pretty good.
Harper (Old Lady Loren):
I used a combination of my perfume along with- don't tell them- almonds.
Octa (Neu):
That's pretty, that's pretty clever of you.
Harper (Old Lady Loren):
Anyway, I've got some shopping to do, sweet grandchildren. Please escort me.
Harper (Guide):
And starts to like shuffle around down off the ship. Neu, as you all are walking along, the town does seem a little weird. Very similar to Middledwell, but it's almost as if the kith here have been replaced with like mindless drones. I guess everybody would pick up on this, not just Neu. And Fletcher, I mean sorry, Loren is leading the group around like back alleys, using various carts and things to hide, going under like bridges and taking these like weird ways around the town. And in one of these moments, Neu, when you're kind of like on the underside of a bridge on like a maintenance platform, you look out at the immense beauty of Towerfell, but also the immense sadness of Towerfell. And you see something off in the distance in the sky, flying what seems like directly to you, and sure enough a few moments pass by and you can tell its a moth. And it definitely has a letter that's addressed to you.
I extend a little paw to let the moth land on it and carefully untie the knot.
Harper (Guide):
And after it's free, you see that it is addressed from Foster.
Neu will stop in their tracks and start reading, probably being left behind a little bit before one of them notices. What does it say?
Harper (Foster):Dear Neu, I hope this letter finds you well. To be honest, I was not expecting to see you in Middledwell, and even more so I was not expecting to see your letter come through. Especially after what I did. Before I dive into what I have to say, I want you to know how much our friendship means to me. The memories we’ve shared, the laughter, the support, they’ve all been invaluable to me. Shaping my life in ways I couldn't have imagined. But also, there are two sides to every coin. The other side of this coin is the fact that you broke my heart. When you abandoned me, I felt so alone. I traveled around, trying to find my place in the world. Knowing that my best friend betrayed me. So when I saw you in Middledwell, it caught me off guard, and I reacted in a hurtful way, and for that I am extremely sorry. Just an update on Middledwell: things got bad here, and when I say bad, I- bad. You've only been gone for a couple days and there's already machines everywhere. Some of us broke off from the Preservation, realizing Horus was corrupting our minds. We now live outside of Middledwell, attempting to bring others into our cause. Day by day, we will make it through, but I hope to never spend another day not being friends with you. So, if you ever want to see me again, come to the east side of Middledwell. You'll find a small community there. I'll be waiting. Warmly, your friend, Foster.
Octa (Neu):
Guys! Guys! I’ve got- I’ve got a note from Foster! Come, he’s forgiven me. It's OK, and he saying that they’ve broken away from Horus’ spell as well, and he wants me to go see him someday soon. That’s pretty good. That’s a pretty nice relief. Can we go there next? Well, I don't know, maybe- will you take me someday to Middledwell, Alma?
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah, of course. I mean, we're closer here then we would be from The Lastings, so assuming everything goes OK here I will be happy to take you there.
Jenine (Hoku):
So, when we go back to The Lastings we can go back to all the places that we stopped at? Maybe do a little pitstop to the Starkeeper?
Tatiana (Alma):
Yeah we can definitely do that as well.
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay, cool.
Octa (Neu):
Okay so this means we gotta do is properly, ‘cause I need to go back to Foster.
Tatiana (Alma):
Harper (Guide):
Has Neu ever had like, romantic feelings for Foster? Or has it always been just like platonic.
Neu is pretty much okay with any shape of love that comes their way, good or bad.
Harper (Guide):
So the group presses on, continuing from like this downtown business-y sort of very nice district, to a more residential district that shapes more and more into this very like artsy fartsy community the closer and closer you get to the statue. Eventually you arrive at the statue, and yes it does look like the Statue of Liberty, but it's been added on to a lot. There are different rods and beams shooting out from it with different planets of mismatched shapes and sizes. Almost making a galaxy of sorts around the statue. Its torch has now been replaced with a giant compass and telescope. And in this part of the Towerfell there doesn't seem to be a ton of people, and there's absolutely no kith inside when actually you get up to the large doors.
Harper (Loren):
Well, here we are. Are you ready for this, Hoku?
There is a pencil in his mouth, there are pages just like in his hands, and he just pops up and goes,
Jenine (Hoku):
Yeah! Okay, yeah. Yeah, Okay, I mean- mm-hmm, yep I know what I'm doing.
Harper (Guide):
And you feel a little tug on your apron. It's Chandler.
Harper (Chandler):
Um, could we talk for a second before we go in?
Jenine (Hoku):
Yes please. Uh huh. Yep.
Harper (Chandler):
Okay, right over here.
Harper (Guide):
And he walks over to a bench, jumps up on it, plops down.
Hoku also sits. Star charts still in paws.
Harper (Guide):
And he's going to gently place his paws over yours and say,
Harper (Chandler):
Hoku, I know you’re freaking out a little bit right now.
Jenine (Hoku):
What? Who- who is said I was freaking out? Everything is fine, I have the star charts here.
Harper (Chandler):
You've been muttering to yourself the whole time over here.
Jenine (Hoku):
Well, you know, when you put it that way, maybe.
Harper (Chandler):
I want you to- lets fold these up real quick.
Harper (Guide):
And starts folding them up.
Jenine (Hoku):
Well, I mean, wouldn't they help-
Harper (Chandler):
Ah ah ah!
Jenine (Hoku):
I mean- okay.
Harper (Chandler):
Let's fold them up. We’re gonna put them in your pockets, and I want you to close your eyes, and take a deep breath.
Hoku closes one eye, looking at Chandler with one, then closing the other one.
Harper (Guide):
His eyes are completely closed, just like,
Harper (Chandler):
And now, I want you to acknowledge to yourself about all the work you've been doing in this area and stargazing. You are the most skilled kith in this area, so whatever happens next, you're going to crush it, okay?
Jenine (Hoku):
I mean, I mean, you're probably a better star-
Harper (Chandler):
Ah! Mm mm! No, no, no. It's you. It's always been you.
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay… okay, okay, this is- this is good. Okay, okay, yeah okay, let's do this thing! Woop woop!
Harper (Chandler):
Woop woop. Let's do this. And if you need anything, I'll be right here the whole time, okay?
Jenine (Hoku):
Thanks, Chandler. I appreciate it.
Harper (Chandler):
Let’s go.
Harper (Guide):
So you come back to the front door. Everybody's kind of waiting around expectedly, waiting for you to make the move, Hoku.
Hoku takes a big breath and then opens the door into the statue.
Harper (Guide):
And you were immediately almost blinded by starlight. Your eyes have to adjust for a few moments. Its a fairly dark building. After you kind of adjust, you realize that yes, there are projections of stars everywhere. Projections of various constellations, projections of different gods, books, scrolls. Lots of engraved pieces of metal, essentially like lots of plexiglass gold engravings, just like a very kind of like futuristic beautiful sort of representation of the stars. You hear very calming music playing somehow, and you hear a scurrying about and a humming, but you're not sure who its coming from. What does Hoku do?
Jenine (Hoku):
Harper (Guide):
The music stops and you hear scurrying, and peeking up from over a table you see like two beady black eyes.
Harper (Mysterious Resident):
Hello? You know this is a private residence.
Jenine (Hoku):
Yes, uh, so, hi! Um-
Harper (Mysterious Resident):
Oh my god- oh my gods!
Harper (Guide):
And they scurry out from the table. You see standing in front of you a shrew, very small, as small as Neu.
Harper (Shrew-kith):
:It’s- it's you!
Jenine (Hoku):
Hi? I’m Hoku.
Harper (Shrew-kith):
:I know! I've been looking for you.
Hoku turns to Fletcher, Alma, and Neu, just like eyes just like terrified.
Harper (Guide):
And you feel a little tug at your apron. Chandler has his hand out.
Hoku grabs it.
Harper (Chandler):
You got this!
Jenine (Hoku):
Yeah I’m Hoku, hi, I had a vision and then one of my friends had a vision that I had to come in here for some reason, and I don't really know why, and we’re here on a mission to help things- I don't actually know, are we allowed to say stuff about what's happening? Hi, I’m Hoku. You are?
Harper (Starlight):
I am Starlight the fourth.
Jenine (Hoku):
Starlight the fourth?
Harper (Starlight):
Yes, the fourth. My great, great, great grandparent, Starlight, was the original Starkeeper.
Hoku is frozen. Hoku doesn’t know what to say anymore. Just full like, if you pressed pause on something, that’s Hoku who just doesn't move. Shocked face.
Harper (Guide):
And Starlight walks over to you and says,
Harper (Starlight):
You, dear, are a very special kith. Starlight the second, and my parent Starlight the third, were not Starkeepers, and I am not a Starkeeper. It has been so long since we’ve had one. But me and my family have been here maintaining what our great, great, great grandparent started. All in preparation for this day.
Harper (Guide):
And they turn and start walking deeper inside the building.
Hoku is still frozen in place.
Harper (Guide):
Chandler is still holding your hand. What do the rest of the kith do?
Fletcher is going to whisper over to Alma and be like,
Michi (Fletcher):
Wasn’t the Starkeeper on that one machine?
Tatiana (Alma):
Michi (Fletcher):
I don’t understand…
Tatiana (Alma):
Um, I think we're about to find some stuff out. We should just follow them, I think it’ll be fine. Right, Neu? It'll be fine?
Octa (Neu):
I've got a gut feeling: today's going to be a great day.
And Neu kind of like puts themselves a little bit behind Hoku and gives just like a very gentle nudge.
Hoku will now start moving with the little nudge.
Octa (Neu):
Come on, lets go.
Jenine (Hoku):
Mm hm.
Harper (Guide):
Chandler still holding your hand begins to walk alongside you, and Starlight is kind of just like going off, like rambling, firing off a lot of different things about this projection, that projection, how they're connected to the stars, they’re maintained by star energy, the telescope helps to bring in more visions and projections, and the duty of the Starkeeper is this that and this that and this and that. And Hoku, it is like information overload. This shrew is probably approaching like 80 or so, like pretty old, when we come to it. So they’re spend their entire life learning these things and, you’re very familiar with stars and constellations, but a lot of the stuff about the Starkeeper that you thought you knew are kind of being reshaped and reformed a little bit. Eventually you are led up a spiral staircase, up to a platform with the giant sort of compass and telescope. And Starlight turns and says,
Harper (Starlight):
Well, this is it. This is where a lot of what the Starkeeper does, this is where it comes from. If you choose to accept it, will be the new Starkeeper. Can you show me it? Your mark?
Jenine (Hoku):
Oh, um, huh? Oh, uh,
Harper (Starlight):
You have a mark, right?
Jenine (Hoku):
Yeah, I mean, doesn't everyone have a mark who is trying to find- oh, um, OK.
And then Hoku like takes off the apron and like in this like dress that he wears there is like, where the is zipper is purposely placed where like the Starkeeper mark is for that specific reason of being able to be like “is it still there? it is!”
Harper (Guide):
And when it first appeared, how did it appear?
When it first appeared, Hoku just saw like freckles. Like really, it started out as like as dark freckles, and then over time it started becoming like white, and it started mapping out in the constellation of the Wander Lost. Which is like Hoku’s favorite constellation, he did research on it and was like “Oh this is it, the one, this is the mark of the Starkeeper. That’s cool! I'll keep this as my little secret.”
Harper (Guide):
Is there a consolation for purpose, a new beginning, being on like a new path, anything like that?
There is carda minor, which is the road less traveled, winding roads, reveal lost things. Which also relates back to the reading that Fletcher had a while ago.
Harper (Guide):
Now the mark looks like carta minor, and it is white hot. Like it looks like it is completely white and glowing a little bit.
Harper (Starlight):
See? This is your path. This is your destiny.
Jenine (Hoku):
Oh! Okay, oh. Okay- okay.
There's a smile that crosses Hoku’s face of realization, of excitement, of like finally finding an answer to all the questions that they have had for almost their entire life about the Starkeeper.
Jenine (Hoku):
Oh um I do- I do have a question.
Harper (Starlight):
Jenine (Hoku):
Does the Starkeeper have to be located here?
Harper (Starlight):
I think based on your marking, this carta minor, these paths revealing mysteries, that no. You would be destined to move about the world, communing with the stars, and understanding more about our great universe.
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay, then. I guess I'm the Starkeeper now?
Harper (Starlight):
Well, not quite.
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay, cool. That sounds like a lot of pressure.
Harper (Starlight):
No, no, no, uh, no, no. If you accept this, you have to step up on the pedestal of the Starkeeper. And if you are accepted by the stars, they will start communing with you.
Harper (Guide):
And you see this pedestal at the center of the compass near the telescope, and they walk over to like the steps and kind of like motion.
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay, yeah. Okay, okay, cool.
Hoku gives a little squeeze to Chandler, and under their breath they just go,
Jenine (Hoku):
Thank you.
Harper (Chandler):
They start walking over to the pedestal, and then they stand on the pedestal.
Harper (Guide):
At first nothing happens, maybe you turn back to your friends for like reassurance, and then Hoku, you start to see. Projections of this constellations rising up from the platform. Encompassing your body, lifting you up around 8 feet off the ground, and then you have a vision. You are transported to the beginning of time, the birth of the stars, the birth of the galaxy, and you feel as if you've been there the whole time. Hoku, you are the Starkeeper. You always have been. And what feels like maybe a few moments, or could've been eternity, you begin to drift back down to the pedestal and come back to reality. Starlight is jumping up and down, freaking the fuck out, tears in their eyes and they jump up and get on the platform and and hug you.
Harper (Starlight):
You don't know how long I’ve waited for this.
Jenine (Hoku):
Um cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, this is this is weird for me because I've always been trying to find out who the Starkeeper is, and now I am the Starkeeper, and this is this is cool.
Can we all run up and hug Hoku?
Harper (Guide):
And so the group sort of like shares this moment, tears of joy, Kalix is just like sobbing. Chandler is sobbing. Everyone is experiencing a great amount of joy. Alma, while you're in this like group hug, you see a little speck off in the distance in the sky. And you keep looking at it, and yes, it is it is getting closer and closer to the group. You're not sure if it's coming to you. Eventually its a few feet away and fluttering around your head, a moth with a letter addressed to you.
I hold out my hands for the letter.
Harper (Guide):
You take the letter and it's addressed to you from Carth.
I kind of just turn away from the group, and I open the letter.
Harper (Carth):
Dear Alma, I know it's been a long time since we spoke, and I've been grappling with a lot of emotions to say the least. Been trying to suppress them for some time now, and I really hope you’ll indulge me as I pour out my thoughts onto this page, hoping they might find their way to you. Anyways, I know our journey together has not been the easiest, a lot of ups and downs, but I do cherish the moments we’ve shared together and realize that I have made a lot of mistakes. Ever since we were kids I had the biggest crush on you, but I did not know how to handle it. Being born a girl and realizing you’re guy is never an easy thing to do, even in The Lastings where they’re very open to this. You really question yourself a lot, and I did not care for you in the way that you deserve to be cared for. But for the past couple of years I've really been thinking, really been working on myself, and I've realized especially as I've been spending time with your parents, that I do want some sort of relationship with you. And I've tried to reach out multiple times, but I just felt like you would be mad at me for not speaking sooner about this. So with that I am really sorry for not keeping up with you in the way I should have, for not caring for you in the way I should have. Three to four letter sentences sent to you on a coin every few months is not what a good friend does, and for that I'm truly sorry. There's never been a day when I have not thought about you, and I hope to one day see you again. If you would like to see me, and you could probably find me working with your dad, but also after all of “this”
Harper (Guide):
And “this” is in quotations,
Harper (Carth):
That you're doing is resolved. If you want to send me a letter we can maybe set up a time to meet up somewhere, even if it's just as friends. Yours truly, Carth. PS, I'm extremely proud of all that you're doing and can't wait to see what you continue to do.
Harper (Guide):
With a little heart at the end.
Alma is going to pocket the letter, just kind of with a soft smile. Yeah, and then turn back to the group, you know, pat Hoku on the back again.
Harper (Guide):
Alma, there is now cake. You left to read a letter, and there wasn't cake, and now there is cake and everybody's eating cake except for you. But then Starlight put a plate of cake in your hands.
Tatiana (Alma):
Where did the cake come from?
Harper (Guide):
Starlight just had it.
Tatiana (Alma):
Thank you very much, I appreciate it.
Octa (Neu):
Um, Starlight, have you been keeping cake around just in case the Starkeeper came by your whole life?
Harper (Starlight):
The thing about queers, Neu, is queers love cake. We always have cake around.
What kind of cake is this? We have another recipe happening, what kind of cake is this?
Harper (Guide):
It's almost like tiramisu, but it's not using coffee, its using a blend of herbs and in like a tea. It’s got this sort of like earthy, spicy sort of kick to it.
Very nice, very cool.
Both cheeked stuffed, just kind of like going for it.
Octa (Neu):
This is delicious, this is tasty! Thank you so much.
Harper (Guide):
Loren finishes his cake and says,
Harper (Loren):
Well, where off to next? We gotta figure out where Lavender’s body is.
Harper (Guide):
And then Starlight speaks up,
Harper (Starlight):
Yes, um, Lavender- like Lavender the Lavender?
Harper (Loren):
Yes, exactly.
Harper (Starlight):
They were buried at Town Center.
Tatiana (Alma):
I was afraid of that.
Harper (Starlight):
I heard that they were building some sort of statue or something. But yeah, Town Center, very easy to find.
Tatiana (Alma):
I was worried you were gonna say that.
Octa (Neu):
I don't think we can miss it.
Tatiana (Alma):
Can’t we just march in there and?
Jenine (Hoku):
Hoku has a question. Is there any like, back from where we’re from there was a tunnel system to get to other Lastings and islands. There wouldn't happen to be like a tunnel system? Not to assume that every place is built the same, there isn’t like a tunnel system here, is there?
Harper (Starlight):
Yes, it's where the old Hooman movers used to kind of go about. But yeah, it goes all around the city. However, it's highly illegal to go down there. It's very dangerous, too.
Octa (Neu):
That's great to know. We will make sure to not put ourselves in danger.
Jenine (Hoku):
Tatiana (Alma):
That's good, so we take the tunnel to go- wow I can't believe we’re friends with THE Starkeeper! That's crazy.
Jenine (Hoku):
We’re friends with the Starkeeper-? Oh wait.
Octa (Neu):
Yes, we are.
And then Hoku points at their little nose.
Fletcher points at their little nose, as in Hoku’s little nose.
Jenine (Hoku):
Okay, so, is there like any other- like for sure-sies Lavender is in town center?
Harper (Starlight):
Absolutely, they would never move them.
Jenine (Hoku):
The whole thing that's happening there, do you know how long whatever that ceremony is? When it will be over? Would it be empty at any point today?
Harper (Starlight):
I have no idea, I don't get out very often at all.
Michi (Fletcher):
I don't think we want to wait for the ceremony to be over because I think if they finish the ceremony they’re gonna bring back the humans.
Harper (Loren):
So we have a couple options, I guess. We could go now, try to be sneaky and figure out what's going on. But I guess a con of that is risking the Human God coming back. We could risk it and go under the cover of night, but we don't know what’s gonna happen between now and then, you know?
Octa (Neu):
I think we should take the tunnels. I think we should take tunnels and try to get there as soon as possible. If Lavender’s spirit is in there, we may be able to find them from below? There could be some small gods that could help us.
Jenine (Hoku):
We're not going underground in the illegal thing that you said we weren't supposed to do if it’s illegal to go under- who said that? What? Hmmm.
Harper (Starlight):
I break the law all the time, it doesn’t matter. Anarchy. If you do you go, just bring some lanterns and avoid any of the spooky sounds, and you should be fine.
Octa (Neu):
Do you have lanterns that you could lend us?
Harper (Starlight):
I don't see why not.
Jenine (Hoku):
You wouldn't happen to have a map of the underground, would you?
Harper (Starlight):
That I do not.
Harper (Loren):
But I do. It's not extremely accurate, but we should be able to get to where we need to go.
Octa (Neu):
Let's find the entrance of one of these places. Oh, before we go,
Neu is going to spend a token to have a very like, insanely like almost magically long piece of red string,
Octa (Neu):
So whatever we go. We’re gonna each of us tied to our wrists, and to the entrance of these underground, so that we can always just go back if we need to. Let’s not get lost.
Harper (Starlight):
Very smart. Very, very, very smart.
Tatiana (Alma):
Let’s not get lost.
Harper (Loren):
All right, I guess away we go.
Harper (Guide):
And Starlight runs over to Hoku before they head out. Gives Hoku a huge hug and says,
Harper (Starlight):
Yeah I guess just, whatever you handle right now, just know that you're always welcome here and I know we'll figure out how to Starkeep with you out and about in the world. But I'll be here, maintaining everything.
Jenine (Hoku):
I am really excited for this partnership.
Harper (Guide):
Grabs your hand,
Harper (Starlight):
May the stars continue to wave to thee.
Jenine (Hoku):
And to you as well.
Harper (Guide):
Just sort of like gets like a little happy dance.
Harper (Starlight):
Oh! And before you go,
Harper (Guide):
And hands out like three or four lanterns.
Alma is filled up trepidation.
Harper (Guide):
The group heads out to one of the human mover entrances to the underground, and as you're walking along, Fletcher notices off in the distance like flying down the street is a little speck. And you've seen three letters delivered and by now you're probably assuming like, who else is left? And the moth flutters around your head and it's addressed to you.
Fletcher will take the letter, thank the moth, give it like a little Lastings nod, and open up the letter.
Harper (Guide):
This phone was addressed from Loren.
Fletcher is gonna make eye contact with Loren and then read it.
Harper (Guide):
And he like makes like a wide-eyed contact and just like walks off, like continuing onto the subway.
Harper (Loren):
Dear Fletcher, I just- I've been writing this letter over the past couple days to let you know how incredibly sorry I am for everything that's happened. Even back at Witch Academy I know I wasn't always the best boyfriend, and for that I'm truly sorry. I know I hurt you a lot, misled you, and did a lot of things to break your trust. Looking back now I know it's not an excuse but, Professor Peppers is very manipulative, and I feel like a lot of that is what led me down this road. But I still should've known that boyfriends treat their partners in better ways than that. But now that I'm away from Professor Peppers, and being around you, I do know that I can do a whole lot better and be a lot better of a friend to you. I suspect you and Kalix have started to see each other, I see the way you look at each other, you run off to make tea, you hold hands, all that stuff. And whereas it hurts a little bit that that's not me, it makes my heart incredibly happy that you found a kith that makes you so happy. And I know that like, kith get into relationships and sometimes they only see one kith, sometimes they see multiple, and I know I still have lots and lots and lots to do to build up trust with you, but I do hope that one day that maybe we could start being in that kind of relationship again. But if not, I totally understand and will be totally happy with us just being friends. Anyways, these past couple days have been amazing, even though I've been hurt a lot but I understand why. Just being around you and rest of the group has been really what my heart has needed. So thanks for putting up with me, thanks for helping my heart heal, I hope I can help your heal too. Love, Loren.
Fletcher is blushing.
Harper (Loren):
Here’s a little poem I wrote, it's about you.
Harper (Guide):
So on like another page or on the back of the page, is a poem.
Harper (Loren):
In Woodland depths where shadows dance
a creature dwells in mystic trance.
Fletcher Agaar, with wings so wide,
a flying squirrel, to skies they glide.
With nimble paws and keenest eye,
they gather herbs ‘neath moonlight sky.
Brewing potions with artful grace,
creating wonders in secret space.
A brewer of elixirs, wise and skilled,
in cauldrons of copper dreams fulfilled.
They mix and stir a whispered prayer,
crafting remedies beyond compare.
Beneath the leaves a hidden den,
where magic hums, where tales begin.
Fletcher’s touch, such a potent gift;
potions to mend, to spirits lift.
With wings unfurled, they take to the air,
a silhouette against heaven’s stare.
Guided by stars and moon’s soft glow,
through night's embrace they freely flow.
O Fletcher Agaar, with heart so kind,
your potions heal both body, soul, and mind.
A guardian of nature's lore, in forest’s heart forevermore.
May your brews bring joy and light,
guiding lost souls through their darkest night.
And every sip, a touch of care,
Fletcher’s magic is beyond compare
Harper (Guide):
and then there’s just “<3, Loren.”
Where is Kalix?
Harper (Guide):
Kalix comes up to you and just grabs your hand.
Harper (Kalix):
Are you okay?
Michi (Fletcher):
I’m okay. Um, I just got this letter. It’s making me think about some things.
Harper (Kalix):
Well, if you want to talk about it, you know I'm here for you.
Michi (Fletcher):
Thank you. I think, Kalix, I really, really like being partners with you. But I was wondering how you felt if we had more than one partners?
Harper (Kalix):
Yes, I don't see why not. My folks had a few different partners growing up. Uh, yeah. Who were you thinking?
Michi (Fletcher):
I know that you, I think you know that Loren and I used to- well we used to be boyfriends like, a couple of times before. But we like stopped and started a lot.
Harper (Kalix):
Oh yes, I knew that. But I thought you two were angry with each other or something? It always seems like you're mad at him, he's mad at you.
Michi (Fletcher):
Yeah, we do that a lot sometimes. But I think Loren and I are not going to be angry at each other again. Cause he sent me this really nice letter and it had a really nice apology and I really nice poem, and when we used to date Loren would write me poems, and I don't want to stop being partners with you but I also think I don't want to be mad at Loren anymore. And when I'm not mad at Loren we’re usually together, so…
Harper (Kalix):
Yeah, I fully support this if you think it's right for you. I'm here for you in whatever way you need me to be here for you. I'm not sure if I'm going to date Loren, but I absolutely want to date you.
Michi (Fletcher):
Okay, I’m glad. Thank you, thank you for talking to me about this.
And Fletcher gives Kalix a little hug.
Harper (Guide):
They give you a kiss on your forehead.
With that little blessing, Fletcher is going to run up to wherever Loren is and give Loren a big hug.
Harper (Loren):
Oh! So, you don't hate me?
Michi (Fletcher):
I never hated you.
Harper (Loren):
I would’ve hated me. I kind of hate the past me a little bit. I guess its just one day at a time?
Michi (Fletcher):
Yeah, um, I really like the poem you wrote me. Right now we have to go find Lavender, but I don't hate you Loren, and I’m really glad you’re here.
Harper (Loren):
Well thank you. I really like you, Fletcher. I missed you.
Michi (Fletcher):
I missed you too, Loren.
Harper (Guide):
And he starts to lean down for a kiss.
Fletcher is just going to give him a little peck, a little peck of a kiss.
Harper (Guide):
It's not super duper romantic, but it is super hella cute, and then the group carries on through the tunnel system.
Hoku just turns to Neu, and just goes,
Jenine (Hoku):
Did you just see what I see. Did you see that?
Octa (Neu):
I know! Fletcher is getting so many kisses!
Jenine (Hoku):
Wait Fletcher had another kiss?
Octa (Neu):
Did you not-?
Jenine (Hoku):
Oh right yes, sorry! Lots of things are happening in a matter of like, a bit, so I’m a little- wow lots of things are happening really fast. But also, oooooh! Also if Loren hurts Fletcher we are- we attack.
Hoku looks at Loren and does the little like “water tribe!”
Harper (Guide):
And he just kind of like wide-eyed nods,
Harper (Loren):
Trust me, please.
Hoku is a big kid now.
I want to imagine that Loren is leading the group, Fletcher’s holding Loren's hand, Kalix is holding Fletcher's hand. They’re all just walking together like that.
The order of tying people together on the wrists goes: Loren to Fletcher to Kalix to Hoku to Chandler to Neu to Alma.
Harper (Guide):
It takes you all a little bit to get through the tunnel system. it's definitely not maintained, and being down here you do realize why it's highly illegal because, like Starlight said, it's very dangerous. There's a couple times where you step on what you think is like a solid floor, but then you like break through and like the group has to like pull you back up, and you have to climb over like piles of rubble, through old subway trains, just kind of weaving back-and-forth. Not the most ideal circumstances, but about two hours later you do end up in where Loren is saying that this is probably the downtown area.
Harper (Loren):
So, how do we find this Lavender?
Tatiana (Alma):
If they're buried here somewhere in the town center, then in theory I should be able to just find them and talk to them. But I need to like, pick a spot and just get in the zone, I guess is the best way to describe this. And while I'm in the zone I'm not gonna be like, here. Like you guys remember when I was talking to that guy's Grammy I was in the zone, and like I wasn't there. So you guys need to like, protect me just in case anything happens while I’m in the zone looking for a human ghost.
Michi (Fletcher):
We’ll protect you, Alma. I can cast little bit of warding magic around us when we’re doing it.
Octa (Neu):
And if we can make it a bit more comfy around you, just let us know.
Tatiana (Alma):
Let's find a spot.
Harper (Guide):
You would be in a like a subway station. So columns kind of lining the platform, benches kind of lining every now and then. There is a bench near the center.
I guess I'm just gonna go to the bench and sit on the bench, and like pull my legs up so I'm sitting crisscross on the bench.
Harper (Guide):
And Alma, once you get in this sort of meditative state as you usually do, and some other kith in your group light some candles, and you begin to slowly fade out of this existence. And this sort of like a dream place is very like echoey, cloudy, very disorienting sometimes, but you do drift about for a little bit looking for this ghost of Lavender. However, you don't see them. You do see ghosts of like different kith scurrying about doing this and that, but none of them seem to acknowledge you.
I'm going to try to approach one and get their attention.Harper (Guide):
So you approach a little field mouse.
Harper (Ghost Mouse):
Yes? Oh, you can see me.
Tatiana (Alma):
I can.
Harper (Ghost Mouse):
What is it you need?
Tatiana (Alma):
I don't mean to trouble you, but I'm looking for Lavender.
Harper (Ghost Mouse):
Really? Well, they’re not here anymore. Well, they’re still in Towerfell, but there,
Harper (Guide):
And they just kinda like point.
Harper (Ghost Mouse):
They used to roam around here every now and then, but that frog trapped them in that statue or something and we've not been able to commune with them anymore. Quite sad, I would say. Quite sad. We were good friends growing up.
Tatiana (Alma):
There, in the statue?
Harper (Ghost Mouse):
Yes, and I can't get in there.
Tatiana (Alma):
Is there a path to the statue here?
Harper (Ghost Mouse):
Yes, you could go up those stairs if you wanted to, or down a little bit that way.
Harper (Guide):
Points towards the- down the tunnel.
Harper (Ghost Mouse):
There is a maintenance shaft that goes up to the surface that would also lead to near the statue.
Tatiana (Alma):
So you, you would say you know Lavender? Like well?
Harper (Ghost Mouse):
Well, yes, I was one of the kith that used to be friends with them when they were alive.
Tatiana (Alma):
Do you know what they've been up to recently?
Harper (Ghost Mouse):
They disappeared around six months ago and then returned and was placed inside the statue.
Tatiana (Alma):
Would you say that there was anything different about them before they disappeared?
Harper (Ghost Mouse):
They seemed a little off, but I always gave them their space, you know? But when they got back they did not seem like their self at all. They seemed tired, worn down. They were breathing in the most ragged and wheezing breaths I've ever heard.
Tatiana (Alma):
Thank you for the information. I am going to go see if I can reach them in the statue. Thanks again.
Harper (Ghost Mouse):
Absolutely, it's nice to meet you.
Tatiana (Alma):
You too.
I am gonna, in the astral plane, go up the steps to the town center proper.
Harper (Guide):
The crowd is still there, but it's dwindling. Kel is no longer there, Horus and Arch are no longer there. There's not a ton going on; there is music playing, there is kind of this celebration, but it just seems off. The purple glowing bronze statue stands in front of you. What do you do?
Alma takes several deep breaths looking up at the statue, and finally just kind of puts her hand on it.
Harper (Guide):
And you are transported inside the statue. This statue is way bigger on the inside than the outside, but you're very clearly inside it. It's the shape of the human, Lavender. At the center on a pedestal is a human. Much larger than you, completely naked, hunched over in like the fetal position, breathing the most ragged breaths you've ever heard. You look about the room and you see frozen in states of fear, all the gods from the Lastings, the gods from Portsmore, and you're assuming the gods you don't recognize are ones that have been unknown to you, ones from Towerfell and possibly other areas.
I am slowly going to approach the human.
Tatiana (Alma):
Excuse me?
Harper (Lavender):
Who are you?
Harper (Guide):
And they turned to see you.
Harper (Lavender):
You are a cursed kith.
Tatiana (Alma):
That's an interesting way to say that.
Harper (Lavender):
You are one of them.
Tatiana (Alma):
Who- who is. who is them?
Harper (Lavender):
You were one that they showed me… who was trying to end kithdom.
Kenzie:Hey everyone, thanks for listening. You can follow queeRPG on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok @queeRPGpod. And we are now on Bluesky, you can find us there @queepg.blsky.social. queeRPG is made possible by all of you who listen and share the show! So, if you like what you hear, please rate and review. It helps other people find the podcast. You can also support the show by signing up for our Patreon at patreon.com/queeRPG. If you're interested in seeing transcripts for the episodes, all of those from previous episodes and episodes to come can be found on our website, queeRPG.com. Until next time!

Meet your hosts:

Harper Sage Pettit
S2 Guide