S1 E4: The Kids Are Not Alright

Episode 4

About this Episode:

Someone in Wildmoore has blood on their hands.

This episode was produced by Kenzie Tartaglione and Ashley Westover. Editing by Kenzie Tartaglione. Theme music by Lorna Ryan.


Episode Transcript:

Kenzie Tartaglione (Master of Ceremonies):

Last we ended was in the midst of this quarry party, Another Year, Another Cheer. There had just been an altercation between Sawyer and Master Kush and Ivy had kind of drawn Sawyer back into the dancing crowd, onto the dance floor, when Jordan Williams began her DJ portion of the evening. Caleb watched Master Kush start to leave the party and decided to follow. Caleb, what are you doing? What are your intentions here?

Mads McDonough:

I am leaving the party behind and following Master Kush.

Kenzie (MC):

He had clilmbed up the rock levels of the quarry to the place where everybody had entered.


This area - because the party is like properly happening right now, everyone is there – Master Kush is by himself without his goons. Is it just the two of us there?

Kenzie (MC):

Up around here it definitely is. You think that maybe if you had gone a different direction you would find people camped out in other spaces. But going towards the entrance it is actually fairly quiet except for the echoes of the party behind you and you and him are alone and its not very well lit. All you have is the shimmer of moonlight.


Ball my hands into fists again and enough that I can feel my nails start to pierce and form little crescents on the palms of my hand. Stand my ground and call out to him,

Mads (Caleb Moore):

Hey, Master Kush! Ugh.

Kenzie (MC):

He stops in his tracks and turns.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

What do you want?

Mads (Caleb):

I want you to listen to me, do you think you can handle that?

Kenzie (Master Kush):

Why would I do that?

Mads (Caleb):

Humor me.

Kenzie (MC):

He crosses his arms over his chest.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

Alright, have at it.

Mads (Caleb):

I know you have your monopoly here. That doesn’t involve me. What does involve me though is that you keep Sawyer out of this. If I see you around him again, I can’t promise that you’ll make it out alive.

Kenzie (MC):

He narrows his eyes at you and there’s a smirk on his face.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

That sounds like a big threat.

Mads (Caleb):

Oh… so he does understand. Great! I’m glad that we’re on the same level now.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

I’ll say it again, what I said before. You and your family and the Hooks and the Duncans, you all think you’re so much better than the rest of us. We all have shit that we’re dealing with. There’s always stuff that all of us have to do and you waltz in like you own the place and start making demands, start making orders, start making threats. You haven’t been for how many years, was it? You have no stake here anymore.

Mads (Caleb):

If you have so much going on and you have so many plans, so many things to do with all of these other people, isn’t easier for you to keep Sawyer out of your business?

Kenzie (Master Kush):

He made it easier. He was my foot in the door in most places. So it’s a big blow. And I’m sorry I got angry, I’m sorry I got mad, but that’s how it is. Okay, he’s… it’s not even worth it. He can do whatever the fuck he wants, I don’t give a shit about him.

Mads (Caleb):

Good. I can’t control that I wasn’t here. I can’t do anything about what was. What was, was that my brother was in the lime light my entire life and now I get a chance to do something. To be someone. And I’m asking you, I’m trying to help you, just don’t mess with Sawyer, okay?

Kenzie (MC):

I want you to roll to shut someone down so you’re going to roll two d6 and add your cold.


I’m not very good at that (laughs). That’s a five minus one.

Kenzie (MC):

He says,

Kenzie (Master Kush):

Listen, Sawyer was a great help to me, the business, the group. Fun to have around. Chill guy.

Kenzie (MC):

He kind of just scoffs.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

What was I going to be able to do to a Hook that wouldn’t get me in a shit amount of trouble anyway. But if I don’t come off as somehow a little bit of a threat, no one’s going to take me seriously. So Sawyer is free to do whatever he wants. Good for him. Have a happy life.


Caleb looks down at his feet, realizing that the situation is not as hostile as he originally thought it was going to be and starts to rethink even coming over here in the first place. Kind of shuffles his feet together a little bit in the dirt.

Mads (Caleb):

I didn’t – I didn’t mean to – I

Kenzie (Master Kush):

There’s a certain air you have to give off if you’re going to get anywhere doing what I do, so… don’t get around telling me anything about this though.

Mads (Caleb):

I won’t – I – I won’t. Okay. Yeah, maybe if you don’t tell anyone I tried to start anything. I’m sorry. I feel like an ass.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

Yeah, well you kind of came off as one.

Mads (Caleb):

I did, I did, I really did.


He grounds one of his palms into his eye socket like (groans).

Kenzie (Master Kush):

I got two things for you before you leave. One, you thought I was the hostile threat? I’m not the one carrying around a switchblade. Check on your little friend for that one. Number two, tell your brother that this kindness, this favor out of the goodness of my heart was a one time only deal. Next time, he’s gotta scrounge up the money.

Mads (Caleb):

(laughs) I’m sorry. (laughs) I’m sorry I’m not laughing at you. I’m not – I –

Kenzie (Master Kush):

I’ll get the money from you somehow if I have to.

Mads (Caleb):

No, he didn’t pay you?

Kenzie (Master Kush):


Mads (Caleb):

(laughs) Oh my god.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

That’s why we sold at this party instead. I don’t know what’s going on with him, he’s asked for two many favors recently.


Caleb looks back to the direction of the party and then looks back to Master Kush.

Mads (Caleb):

I gotta be straight with you, dude, I don’t know what’s going on with him either. I’m not his keeper. I don’t think I’ve understood what’s going on his head since we were kids. Something about him changed since I um – can I be real with you for a second?

Kenzie (Master Kush):


Mads (Caleb):

I’m glad that someone else is seeing him for hwo he really is. I’m soryr it had to be you though.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

I don’t like being in debt to people. And he has made worse threats than you just made let me tell you that.

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah, I don’t think he could follow through on it. If you’re done with Sawyer, there’s no reason for the two of us to have anything but Adam? I know more about him than anyone else does, even if I can’t tell what he’s up to anymore. If you need something, think of it as a kindness from the Moore’s that you weren’t given.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

I like that idea. Trade out one family for another. Pretty good offer you just laid on the table.

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah, well, I’m feeling a change of heart.

Kenzie (MC):

He reaches a hand out.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

I’m not gonna spit on it or anything but a shake is easy.

Mads (Caleb):

I think if you spit on it, I’d have to call this off.


And I’m going to meet his hand. Shake it.

Kenzie (MC):

It’s a firm grasp. There’s enough weight to it to understand that this is how he makes deals and it means the same thing to him as if you signed a legal document.

Mads (Caleb):

One more thing and then I’ll let you get out of here. Master Kush? Did you come up with that on your own?

Kenzie (Master Kush):
Dude, you don’t come up with your own nickname.

Mads (Caleb):

Oh, that’s even worse. I’m sorry, it sounds like a rejected Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle reference and I kinda can’t take you seriously when I say it out loud.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

It’s not my favorite moniker that I’ve ever been given. But its unfortunately the moniker I have to go by now.


Caleb scrunches up his brow at that.

Mads (Caleb):

You don’t though. You can just pick one for yourself. Trust me, it’s really easy.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

Talkin’ from experience… Caleb.

Mads (Caleb):

Something like that. You don’t need to go around here like a rejected villain.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

If we ever need to meet to, uh, you know, abide by the terms of our agreement, I guess you don’t have to call me Master Kush.

Mads (Caleb):

I’d prefer that. You got anything else in mind.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

Yeah. But like, don’t laugh about it okay?


I’m going to cross my arms over my chest and cant my head to the side.

Mads (Caleb):

I don’t think I can at this point. Anything is better than Master Kush.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

(sighs) You can call me Quincy.

Mads (Caleb):

Quincy? Quinn for short?

Kenzie (Master Kush):

(strained) Q would be better.

Mads (Caleb):

Q. That’s kind of cute. Q, it’s been a weird night, okay? I’m gonna leave before I do something else.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

Okay, man, you’re getting weird now. Come on.

Mads (Caleb):

Good talking to you, Q. Get home safe.

Kenzie (Master Kush):

I kind of hope to never see you around. Bye.

Kenzie (MC):

As you’re walking back, you hear a low tone of thunder, and you see lightning streak sideways across the sky.


I make my way back to the picnic table that I had been watching the group from and after a minute of hesitation, I’m going to shuck off the safety, security hoodie I wear everywhere. I’m just wearing a simple black T-shirt that has a skull on it but the skull has cat ears. And I’m going to look where Sawyer, Ivy, and Sam are mingling in and around each other. I’m going to pinch my nose and take another swig of the really strong alcohol that is really yucky and I’m going to try to go join them.

Kenzie (MC):

And on the dance floor, all of these bodies are just bringing in the heat, adding to the pumping bass notes is this rolling thunder. The lightning streaks across the sky as if it’s a a strobe light. It feels like the humidity has bored down on the dance floor and everyone is sweating and jumping and filled with undeniable ecstasy as this music plays and Jordan pumps her fist at the DJ booth.

You make your way down there towards them and fight your way through part of the crowd. No one seems upset of you pushing them out of the way, they just continue on with their dancing. Sam has sweated through the long sleeve shirt they have on and you can see sweat stains around their neck, the start of pit stains as their arms are in the air and they’re jumping up and down. And they’re swinging their body around wildly, just limbs in every direction. Ivy and Sawyer are dancing with them, but enough back so they don’t get smacked in the face.

You see Caleb approaching and it seems a little odd to you guys that he’s not dancing.


Sawyer will stagger over to you, grab you by the hand.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Come on!

Mads (Caleb):



The grip strength is very on and off of very soft almost letting go to like super hard, like he just woke back up and grabbed your hand again.

Mads (Caleb):

Uh, I don’t really know how to dance. I – uh –

Brennan (Sawyer):

Do you want to stage dive?

Mads (Caleb):

Stage dive? Diving?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Dive, yeah. Yeah, you wanna –

Mads (Caleb):

I mean I don’t – I’ve never done that before. I know how to swim though like diving into a pool. Is it like that?

Brennan (Sawyer):



And I will put both my hands on your shoulders and I will put my forehead against yours and there’s heavy breathing.

Brennan (Sawyer):

You would be the coolest, biggest badass if you fucking stage dived. Dove. Divened. Into the crowd.

Mads (Caleb):

You – you – you think so?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, one hundred percent.


He is refusing to make eye contact with you.

Kenzie (MC):

Sawyer hasn’t stopped dancing this entire time that he’s been talking to you.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Hey, you’re on the dance floor? We should dance! What are we doing?

Mads (Caleb):

You – you – you wanna dance? With – you want – with me?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh my god, you know, I just had the greatest idea.

Mads (Caleb):


Brennan (Sawyer):

You should stage dive. Or dove. If you dove into the crowd and you stage dove, it would be the – you would be the biggest badass.

April (Ivy):


Brennan (Sawyer):


April (Ivy):

Sawyer, what –


And Ivy finally turns around and realizes that Sawyer has left her side. She’s kind of taken aback that Caleb is in the middle of the crowd and is shocked about why he would be there.


Sawyer is just jostling Caleb’s arm back and forth like a limp noodle.


Ivy is about as fucked up as she can be. She dances over to both of them, pulling Sam by one hand.

April (Ivy):

Hey, uh, just taking care of this for ya. They’re actually pretty cool.

Mads (Caleb):

They haven’t been too much trouble, have they?

April (Ivy):

Sam, have you been getting into trouble.

Kenzie (Sam):

I’ve been dancin’!

Mads (Caleb):

It looks like it. Are you having a good time, buddy?

Kenzie (MC):

As you ask that question, you notice that the expression on joy on their face falls a little bit. They’re still moving.

Kenzie (Sam):

Um… yeah but I’m really thirsty now and I’m kinda tired.

Mads (Caleb):

You need a break?

Kenzie (Sam):

No. I want to keep dancin’.

Mads (Caleb):



And I look back to Ivy.

Mads (Caleb):

If that’s okay then keep goin’!


Sawyer interrupts and rushes forward toward Sam and clasps Sam on the shoulders.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh my gosh, Sam!

Kenzie (Sam):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Do you know what you should do?

Kenzie (Sam):


April (Ivy):

Sawyer, I swear to god, if you try to get one more person to stage dive.

Brennan (Sawyer):

You should stage dive! You would be the biggest badass.

Kenzie (MC):

Their eyes go wide.


I’d like to roll to manipulate.

Kenzie (MC):

Go ahead!


That is a ten.

Kenzie (MC):

Their eyes grow wide and they go,

Kenzie (Sam):

I don’t know why I never thought about that, Sawyer, but you are correct! That is exactly what I should do.

Kenzie (MC):

And they just immediately dart away up to the small stage where the DJ booth is.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, Samwise the Badass.

Kenzie (MC):

They climb up in front of the booth. You see Jordan looking at them oddly and it looks like she says something to them, but they just wave a hand behind them, waving her off. They put their arms up and they jump forward. But there is no one –


I am rushing toward the stage.

Kenzie (MC):

You have to fight through this crowd of bodies –


I will punch people if I have to. I am rushing toward the stage to catch my stupid best friend before they crack their head open.


Sawyer’s just,

Brennan (Sawyer):



I do have a special ability that is one of the ones I chose for myself that is called uncontainable and it is when I attempt to escape any form of physical entrapment I get to roll. It’s easier for me to get out of contained spaces. If I can use this to bullrush through a group of teens.

Kenzie (MC):

I’ll say we can roll this. I’ll say that’s a good point. I will say though, with the rules, you’d need a ten –



Kenzie (MC):

to make it there in time.


I rolled a three so it’s plus two so it’s a five.

Kenzie (MC):

You are not going to be able to make it because as they jumped, you started going and the momentum is already there and you push through the last bit of the crowd and you see Sam, face down, on the rock ground, arms in ninety degree angles above their head, unmoving on the ground.


Ivy was also ripping through the crowd immediately behind Caleb and has just caught up with him.

Kenzie (MC):

You do that and you find as you get to the edge where Caleb is - it’s not like people in groups, it feels like there’s just this circle of dance floor where everyone is dancing – and as you come to the edge, you feel this wave of exhaustion come over you and your muscles are tired and you realize that you don’t understand why you didn’t stop dancing before.


I have dropped down on my knees and I am quickly turning Sam over and saying,

Mads (Caleb):

Sam? Sam! SAM! Can you hear me? Sam!

Kenzie (MC):

You see that their nose is bloody from where it smashed against the rock.

Kenzie (Sam):


Mads (Caleb):

Yeah? Hey!

Kenzie (Sam):

My nose hurts like really bad.

Mads (Caleb):

It looks really bad. I’m not going to lie to you.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, it kinda hurts.

Kenzie (MC):

And they put their hand.

Kenzie (Sam):


Mads (Caleb):

No, no!

Kenzie (Sam):


Mads (Caleb):

No, no!

Kenzie (Sam):

Okay, Caleb, don’t touch my nose.

Mads (Caleb):

I will not.

Kenzie (Sam):

I (sighs) - Why did I do that?


I turn back. Is Sawyer following us as well?


Sawyer is definitely dancing but hanging on and – hanging like actually halfway off anybody that’s nearby. And then switching over if he gets pushed off.


There’s this moment where Caleb goes to lift their arms underneath Sam so I can attempt to bridal style carry them away, but when I’m doing it, there’s a hunch in my shoulder that’s almost a little bit – it looks a little uncanny, like it looks like it shouldn’t be on a human body for a second and if Ivy’s right there, Ivy can see that my shoulder blades kinda snap a little bit as I’m pulling Sam into me protectively.

Mads (Caleb):

You’re gonna be just fine. I’m not gonna let anyone hurt you anymore, okay? I’m gonna get you out of here.


Ivy has been standing a little bit back away since Caleb turned Sam over. When she sees Caleb’s back shift, she lets out a warning.

April (Ivy):



But she doesn’t approach them. She feels her own body start to change and she doesn’t understand why, she’s already fed so many times tonight, but that is a lot a blood. But she wants to help. So she comes over to Caleb and puts a hand on his split back.

April (Ivy):

Caleb, can we just like take this down a notch or two?


She gets as close to his ear as she can.

April (Ivy):

We’re just around a lot of people right now. We’re gonna get Sam out of here, okay?


And she has to back away for a second.

April (Ivy):

Actually, you – you – I’ll meet you in like one minute.


Caleb snaps his head over to her and there’s a moment where it seems like there’s a bark of some insult like stuck in his mouth and then he sees the way Ivy is behaving and looks back down at Sam, realizes the amount of blood that is covered all over his friends face. He kind of like opens up his mouth in a way that look slack and dumb like he doesn’t know how to process this.

Mads (Caleb):

Okay, okay. Yeah. I’m gonna – I need to go. I need to go.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, okay, I’m gonna go get Sawyer and then I’m gonna get my car, okay?

Mads (Caleb):

Don’t get Sawyer!

April (Ivy):

Fine. I will go get my car and I will meet you out front in one minute by the gate.


And then Ivy rushes off and as soon as she’s out of sight, she breaks into a sprint and runs through the forest, and she doesn’t know why but she realizes that she’s crying pretty hard.

Kenzie (MC):

For a second you think its your tears that is messing with your vision, but you look again and your car is not there.


I look around frantic. I wipe my eyes and make myself focus, like maybe I’m too fucked up for this, but no, my car is not there.

April (Ivy):

Fuck. Fuck! Fuck, okay.


How many other cars are there?

Kenzie (MC):

There’s roughly a dozen.


Anyone’s car that I would recognize?

Kenzie (MC):

Adam’s is not there. Alina’s is not there. And I feel like those would be the only two that you would definitely pick out of the crowd.


I go over to this gray, junky, high schooler car and pick up a rock on the ground and I bash the window in and then I wait for an alarm. See if they left their keys in their car.

Kenzie (MC):

There are not any keys. Not in the glovebox, not in the middle console, not in the ignition like Gabriel often leaves his.


Ivy bangs her hand against the steering wheel but she knows how to start a car without keys. She rips the wires out that she needs, cuts them with her teeth and stars the car. There’s broken glass on the seat but it doesn’t cut her for some reason. She is like nearly vibrating and still crying a bit, but she pulls out as quietly as she can and drives to the fence.

Kenzie (MC):

You drive up to the front and you don’t see Caleb and Sam out there yet. The padlock is pulled and the chain is linked like it was when you pulled up originally.

This is odd enough I think that even in your crazed state, you notice, there is a bus, idling at the bus stop. Caleb with Sam, jogging down the slope up to the fence and you see Ivy in her car, looking backwards, and you also notice there is a bus by the bus stop.


I was able to, on my way out, stop by the bench, grab my hoodie, and a instruct Sam to try and hold it to their nose, insisting that it was going to staunch the blood flow. Caleb doesn’t actually know if that will work enough but had hoped that maybe it would help just the presence of it. But whenever he makes it over here, he sees the car with Ivy in it and there’s just like this palpable like relief that washes over his face. And you see he’s standing and dwalking relaly criptidly, I would say. There’s a moment – he still looks like himself, but he looks like he’s larger than he usually I and maybe it’s just the weird hunch of his shoulders, the awy that they’re set, but he’s holding Sam so close too it’s just a weird kinda shape approaching. He stops in his tracks when he sees the bus though. You see his head swivel between the bus and where the car with Ivy are.

Kenzie (MC):

If you want to get through the gate, you have to put Sam down to unwrap and undo the padlock.



Kenzie (MC):

They seem to be able to stand on their own. More dazed and out of it because of being hit inebriated. I mean they could have a concussion but more than like because they’re going to immediately fall unconscious. And they’re doing their best to hold their –



Kenzie (MC):

- the jacket up to their nose. But they keep taking it down. They go,

Kenzie (Sam):

Caleb, it like – if I touch it it hurts. If I – ow.

Kenzie (MC):

And they keep doing it. And go,

Kenzie (Sam):

Ow. Ow. Ow.

Mads (Caleb):

Oh my god, you’re making it worse!


I’m frantically trying to undo these chains so that I can pick them back up again.

Kenzie (MC):

You eventually get ‘em down and you pull the doors – or the gates open.


I was just going to say, Ivy goes to open the backseat doors.


I’m going to hustle with Sam to the backseat, the whole time, my eyes tracking the bus.

Kenzie (MC):

It is just idling at the bus stop.


Am I able to see anyone in there?

Kenzie (MC):

You can definitely see a driver. Because of where you are, you can see the front best and you can see part of the driver’s side of the bus. And it looks like you can maybe see the top of another person’s head.


I’m way too preoccupied with getting Sam to safety to think about it much more than that. I put Sam in the back seat and then scoot in next to them and close the door.


Ivy get back in the driver’s seat and rolls all the windows down. She also clocks the bus and kinda of leans over to see if she can see anyone in there.

Kenzie (MC):

I mean you also see there’s a driver in there and how you pull out, while Caleb probably saw the back of somebody’s head, you can kind of see through the opposite side of the bus and you see the eyebrows up of somebody sitting in one of the seats.


I for sure make note of that for later, but I am using all of my focus to hold my breath as much as I can and to not freak out and ignore how sharp my teeth feel right now. Her hands are really gripping the steering wheel and she peels out of there.

April (Ivy):

Uh, Caleb? Where are we going? Where am I supposed to be taking you guys right now?

Mads (Caleb):

Back to my house, I guess. I mean I have a first aid kit but I don’t know if I can fix a broken nose.

April (Ivy):

Okay, yeah, no, we’re going to go to my house.


Ivy does a dramatic U-ey in the road and starts heading toward her own house.


Caleb is now the one helping to apply pressure with his hoodie to Sam’s face. As he’s doing so, he’s trying to in his head count back from ten and take in deep breaths of the air that’s rushing in through all the open windows, hearing the crunch of gravel and dirt beneath the tires, trying to find some focus in his head.


Ivy looks at the two of them in the rearview mirror.

April (Ivy):

Caleb, I really – I need you to be here for Sam, okay?

Mads (Caleb):

I’m trying to come back.


She’s flooring it. She’s driving so fast. Do I see anyone on the road?

Kenzie (MC):

There’s not anybody on the road leaving the quarry mine and going towards the Moore property. Its also really dark. There aren’t any lights because the mine shut down, no one uses these roads anymore. You’ve been able to swallow down the feeling of all the alcohol and drugs and blood that you’ve entered into your system, a little bit, just to focus. Fast driving isn’t only a choice but it’s a bit of a lack of control from all of that as well. You’re driving in the middle of the road, not being able to stay to either side, as you go down. But there aren’t any other cars back here and you don’t see any people. So, everybody seems to still be at the party.


I try to keep my eyes on the road and grip the steering wheel as hard as I can.

April (Ivy):

Sam? How are you doing back there?

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, it just like feels like my nose is in my brain now.

April (Ivy):


Kenzie (Sam):

There’s like a lot of pressure.

April (Ivy):

Okay, um, I’m – we’re – it’s probably not, thankfully. Because otherwise you would be dead. But it might be kind of close so we’re going to take you to my dads. They’ll be able to patch you up really well, okay? Fuck. Fuck!


She bangs the steering wheel.

April (Ivy):

Caleb, we have to tell my dads before we bring Sam in the house.

Mads (Caleb):

Right, right, ‘cause it would be weird if we showed up.

April (Ivy):


Mads (Caleb):

with… unannounced.

Kenzie (Sam):

Oh, that’s so, wait! Yeah, Ivy didn’t you say that your dad had a nosebleed today to.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, he did. He did, Sam. Weird coincidence.

Kenzie (Sam):

Wow, yeah, we’re like… could we be the same person?

April (Ivy):


Mads (Caleb):



Ivy barks out a laugh.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, so, um…


She looks down at her purse for a second but then looks right back at the road.

Kenzie (MC):

As you looked down, you felt a swerve and you looked back up.

April (Ivy):

Caleb, can you like reach – sorry my purse is like right here next to me. Could you like –

Mads (Caleb):


April (Ivy):

-take that. My phone’s in there.

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah. Sam, keep holding this. I know it feels weird just keep – I’m gonna – one second.


And I’m going to reach forward and whenever you see Caleb’s hand come up to the front seat and fumble around, it looks normal again. I’m going to fumble around to grab the phone.

Kenzie (Sam):

Does anybody know what the name of the stars are?

Kenzie (MC):

And Sam is looking up out of the back window where they’re laying on the backseat and looking up at the sky.

Mads (Caleb):

I mean, I have an app for it but that’s something – that’s super not important right now.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah! What do you think that one’s name is?

April (Ivy):

Hey, Caleb? Dial.

Mads (Caleb):

I’m dialing the phone.


I flash the screen towards Ivy’s face for a moment to get the face ID.

Kenzie (MC):

Whomst are you calling?


I’ll call Bast because if I call Gabriel, he’s going to try to talk my ear off for a good fifteen minutes and that might be the time we need to get there.

Kenzie (MC):

The phone ring and rings and then you hear,

Kenzie (Bast):

Hello, you’ve reached Bast Duncan. I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave me a message and I will return your call as soon as I am able. Thank you very much. Have a good day.


At the beep,

Mads (Caleb):

Hi, uh, Mr. Duncan. It’s Caleb. I mean, Caleb Moore from the Moore’s -

April (Ivy):

You don’t have to leave a message, Jesus Christ. Just hang up!

Mads (Caleb):

I’m going to try calling your husband, I’m sorry, goodbye!


(laughs) And then I’m going to try calling Gabriel instead.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

Bambolina, this is really not a good time right now, I will call you back as soon as I can.

Mads (Caleb):

Hi, Mr. Duncan! This is Caleb. This isn’t – it’s not Ivy. I’m sorry, this is Caleb Moore. From the Moore family. It’s me.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

Is she okay?

Mads (Caleb):

Sort of. There’s another situation though that we really need help with and I’m really sorry to interrupt whatever’s going on right now. I don’t – sorry.

April (Ivy):

Caleb. Caleb! Put it on speaker phone for god’s sake.

Mads (Caleb):

Right, sorry, I’m putting it on speaker phone, Mr. Duncan.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

Bambolina, are you safe?

April (Ivy):

Yes, I’m fine. I am just – I’m driving, right now. Actually I’m almost to our house.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

No, no, no. No, that is not – you cannot –

April (Ivy):

Papa, I have to come home. We have someone in the backseat, they’re like nose is broken and there’s a lot of blood and we need help.

Kenzie (MC):

There’s a sharp intake of breath to the phone and he says,

Kenzie (Gabriel):

You cannot bring that here right now. Go to the emergency room. Please.

April (Ivy):

Papa, we can’t go to the emergency room. We’ll get arrested.

Kenzie (Gabriel):

You will not get arrested. Go to the emergency room. Do not come here. Gregor will meet you there.

Kenzie (MC):

He hangs up.


Ivy slows down rapidly and pulls off to the side of the road and puts her head against the steering wheel.

Kenzie (Sam):

You know it sound like this is like a big issue (sighs). And you know, you could just take me home and then maybe my parents will take me to the emergency room.

Mads (Caleb):

I don’t know if that’s a good idea.

Kenzie (Sam):

I’ll also probably be grounded for the rest of my life.


There’s a phone ringing. It’s Ivy’s phone.

April (Ivy):

Okay, can you just answer that for me.

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah, sure.


I go to answer it and I’m about to answer it and there’s like that (breathes in through nose). I swipe it.

Mads (Caleb):

Hello, Sawyer.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Hey, where’d you guys go?

Kenzie (MC):

You hear the pumping music through the phone. You hear the yells of people surrounding Sawyer, probably still on the dance floor.

Mads (Caleb):

When Sam jumped off the stage, no one was there –

Brennan (Sawyer):

What, I can’t hear you!

Mads (Caleb):

When Sam broke their nose, no one was there to catch them.


Sawyer looks at his phone. Tries to turn up the volume.

Brennan (Sawyer):

I can’t hear you! I can’t hear anything!


I grab my phone.


It’s like a death grip for a moment and he’s just staring into nothingness.


Sawyer starts moving out of the party.

April (Ivy):

Caleb. Caleb! Give me – give me my fucking phone! Oh my god.

Mads (Caleb):

I’m sorry.

April (Ivy):

Sawyer, we are in deep shit because of you.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Hey, Hey

April (Ivy):

You were an idiot. As always.

Brennan (Sawyer):

What did I do?


And then Ivy hangs up.

April (Ivy):

Caleb, I think we should call Adam.

Mads (Caleb):


April (Ivy):

I think he would know what to do.

Mads (Caleb):

How do you think he could make this situation better?

April (Ivy):

(laughs) I don’t know but I kinda want him to be here.

Mads (Caleb):

Well, I don’t. Please, Ivy…

April (Ivy):

If the emergency room is where you want to go, then that is where I will drive you.

Mads (Caleb):

Thank you.

Kenzie (Sam):

How many stitches do you think I’m going to get?

Kenzie (MC):

Sawyer, you get off of this weird call where you couldn’t hear any of your friends and it was kind of a waste of time. It took away from your dancing time.


Sawyer will smile, put the phone back in the pocket.

Brennan (Sawyer):

What am I doing?


Will keep smiling, walk over to the dance floor, look over, is Adam at the bar?

Kenzie (MC):

You look around and you don’t see Adam at the bar or on the dance floor.


I’ll walk over to the bar.

Kenzie (MC):

There’s a guy back there. You also notice him from the hockey team and you actually remember his number better than you remember his name. He’s number thirty-six and he’s a senior. It looks like people have poured more alcohol on the bar than they’ve poured anywhere else, but as you go over to the bar and you distance yourself from the dance floor where everybody is dancing, you take a deep breath and you feel like your arms are sore and your legs are sore just from jumping up and down for who knows how long. And you realize that you’re drenched in sweat.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Hey, thirty-six!

KEnzie (Thirty-Six):

Huh? Yeah?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Can I just like grab something?

KEnzie (Thirty-Six):

What do you think I’m here for?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Can I have whatever you’re making the most of?

Kenzie (MC):

Just pours a shot of some clear liquid and hands it to you.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Man, I’m tired. I’m like shaky tired. Are you tired?

Kenzie (Thirty-Six):

No. I’m feeling pretty good. Yeah, you don’t look too good actually.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah, I don’t feel too good. Do you want to play a game?

Kenzie (Thirty-Six):

I think the only games we have are beer pong and flip cup.

Brennan (Sawyer):

No, I – No, I got a really cool game. Do you want to play this game with me?

Kenzie (Thirty-Six):

Dude, what are you on?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Everything but needles (laughs).

Kenzie (MC):

He laughs uncomfortably.

Kenzie (Thirty-Six):

Man, I don’t really know you.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Okay, here’s how you play.


Sawyer smacks his hand down and swipes away the alcohol, unfurls the switchblade, clicks it open.

Brennan (Sawyer):

It’s called like Five Fingered Knife Punch or something. You know what I’m talking about? You like stab in between the fingers?

Kenzie (Thirty-Six):

I do know what you’re talking about but I feel like you’re a little bit too drunk and high to be doing this right now, man. ‘Cause I’m not gonna be good if you cut a finger off.

Brennan (Sawyer):

What are you a little bitch? You gonna stop me from playing a game? This is what we’re supposed to do when we’re drunk and high. That’s like the perfect time.

Kenzie (MC):

I’m gonna need you to roll to manipulate.


That’s a three.

Kenzie (Thirty-Six):

No, I think I’m actually a pretty smart guy to again, not want to cut my finger off in the middle of a party. And do not do this on the bar ‘cause I don’t want blood mixing with the alcohol.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Well fine, I won’t.


And I’ll click the blade back in.

KEnzie (Thirty-Six):

Also, I don’t think you should have that.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Psh. Are you my mom?


And I’ll take a shot and like legs shaking, start to walk away and then slowly fall.

Kenzie (MC):

You fall into a heap on the ground, not far from the bar and the kid, palms down on the bar, lifts himself up and over to look.

KEnzie (Thirty-Six):

Dude, maybe drink some water.


Sawyer lifts his head up and everything is dizzy. It’s black. And then he sees the party again. And then it’s black. And then he’s like halfway getting up and he doesn’t realize that his body is moving on its own.

Kenzie (MC):

As you get up, you feel a hand on your arm.

Kenzie (White Widow):

Dude, you don’t look too good.

Kenzie (MC):

It’s White Widow.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Do you still like me?

Kenzie (MC):

She narrows her eyes, her brows furrow.

Kenzie (White Widow):

What does that? What? I’ve seen you really high before, that’s kinda what we do. Why would I not like you?

Brennan (Sawyer):

‘Cause I called you a scumfuck. I didn’t really mean it though. Think I need some water.

Kenzie (White Widow):

I didn’t like it and it was kinda shitty, but also, I’m not gonna let you pass out here.


Sawyer’s going to sort of get up, time lapse over bar, underneath bar, pulls out phone, looks through contacts, scrolls past Ivy in recent calls and goes to Mom.

Kenzie (Ely Hook):

Brennan (Sawyer):

Hey, mom.

Kenzie (Ely):


Brennan (Sawyer):

Remember how you and dad were like, “Go have fun! Go do your thing. If you get to crazy, call us.” I got too crazy.


Sawyer will start to slowly drop the phone, unknowingly, and look around the bar.

Kenzie (MC):

And you kinda hear a low

Kenzie (Ely):

Sawyer? Sawyer!


Looks down at the phone.

Brennan (Sawyer):

Oh, mom, how long have we been on the phone.

Kenzie (Ely):

Honey, you don’t sound good? Do I need to come get you?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Yeah. I went a little crazy.

Kenzie (Ely):

Where are you?

Brennan (Sawyer):

I’m under a bar. Thirty-six!?

Kenzie (MC):

You see a head pop over.

KEnzie (Thirty-Six):

What are you doing?

Brennan (Sawyer):

Where are we?

Kenzie (MC):

And his eyes glance to your phone and they see the “Mom” on it.

KEnzie (Thirty-Six):

Dude, that’s the third rule, man. Hang up!

Brennan (Sawyer):



And Sawyer hangs up.

Kenzie (MC):

You see a plastic cup come over the edge of the bar filled with water.

KEnzie (Thirty-Six):

Drink this.


Sawyer will take it, cradle it, as he slowly starts to fall to the ground. And most likely pass out after a couple sips.

Kenzie (MC):

The car pulls out to the outside of the emergency room. As Caleb’s trying to get Sam out, you see Gregor walking up to the front doors and your phone goes off.


I grab my phone and I check it real quick to see who is calling me.

Kenzie (MC):

Mama Hook.

April (Ivy):


Kenzie (MC):

It definitely is a FaceTime call.


As it’s ringing, I’m going to say,

Mads (Caleb):

Ivy, I’ve got it from here. Thank you so much.

April (Ivy):

No, I just –

Mads (Caleb):

I’m going to get them inside, okay?

April (Ivy):

Gregor is right there, just –


I decline the phone call.

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah I see them.

April (Ivy):

Okay, just, remember the rules, okay? Like I hate to be that person but like just remember the rules and Gregor will take care of all the other shit. You won’t get into trouble. I’m sure.

Kenzie (MC):

As Ivy says “remember the rules,” Caleb, you realize you didn’t close the gate behind you.

Mads (Caleb):


April (Ivy):

What? What’s wrong now?

Mads (Caleb):

I know. I know. Okay, I won’t - the rules and the – you’re right. Yeah.

April (Ivy):


Mads (Caleb):

Yep. Hm-hmm.

April (Ivy):

I have to – for some reason Sawyer’s mom is calling me. I have to – but like text me, okay?

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah, I will. I’m sorry I was rude to you in the hallway. I was angry. I don’t really think that about you. Come on, Sam!

Kenzie (Sam):

I think I stopped bleeding.

Mads (Caleb):

Let’s just keep it on there for just a little bit longer, okay?


Ivy doesn’t respond to what Caleb says. She just sits back for a second and she just puts her head in her hands and laughs hysterically at where this night has gone. And she is pulling out of the drop-off area of the hospital.

April (Ivy):

Okay, call back Mama Hook. Return a stolen car and figure out what the fuck is going on with my dads. Everything is fine.


And then she, only voice calls back Mama Hook.

Kenzie (MC):

I’ll say when you look at your phone to call back Mama Hook, you see that there is a blip or a little red number for an unread text.


I don’t read it. I’m driving.

Kenzie (Ely):

Ivy, thank goodness you picked up.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, sorry about that Mama Hook, I just, you know – I was driving, I’m still driving but yeah, I just couldn’t – what’s up?

Kenzie (Ely):

Well, be careful. Be careful! I don’t really want you to be driving and talking at the same time.

April (Ivy):

It’s okay! It’s on speaker phone.

Kenzie (Ely):

Great! Great! Hands free. Wonderful. Sawyer said he was going to be with you this evening and I just received a very worrying phone call from him. And I was just wondering if he is okay.


Ivy remembers that she left Sawyer. Remembers that he was pretty fucked up.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, you know what? He has been with me for most of the night. He just – why are you asking?

Kenzie (Ely):

He sounded like he wanted me to come get him but when I asked where he was, he hung up. I thought he was going to be at your house but it sounded too loud to be at yours house. But now I don’t hear really anything where you are so –

April (Ivy):


Kenzie (Ely):

I’m now thinking that maybe you’re not together.

April (Ivy):

No, no! We are. I stepped outside because, you know, Mama Hook, I didn’t want to tell you this, but I smoke now and so that’s why – I had to go get more cigs. I ran out and that’s why I’m driving to the store right now. So, he is at my house.

Kenzie (Ely):

Okay, well, that’s probably not the best, but we all have our vices.

April (Ivy):

He was probably worried about me because I – they didn’t have my brand. So I had to go to another place and I’ve been gone for a little while but don’t worry, I’m going back right now and I will check on him.

Kenzie (Ely):

Just check on him. Send me a text. Let me know if he’s okay.

April (Ivy):

I will.

Kenzie (Ely):

I worry about him.

April (Ivy):

Don’t worry. He doesn’t smoke cigs.

Kenzie (Ely):

Truly would be the least concerning thing about Sawyer if he did. And dear, if you were to ever in your life to decide that you wanted little yous running around, you wouldn’t understand –

April (Ivy):

Oh my god.

Kenzie (Ely):

why you can’t tell a mother not to worry.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, parents worry about you. That’s what they’re supposed to do. Okay! You know what, Mama Hook? Actually there’s a little bit of traffic out here so I’m actually gonna hang up.

Kenzie (Ely):

I will talk to you later. Just text me how Sawyer is.

April (Ivy):

I will. Yeah. Very soon. Almost there. Thanks for calling.

Kenzie (Ely):



And she hangs up and just screams.

Kenzie (MC):

You were lucky that the emergency room is located a little outside of town so you didn’t have to go into town from the road you were on. So, you avoided the most populated areas even though it is after eleven, nearing midnight, at this point.


Can I open that text now?

Kenzie (MC):

Do you want to do it while you’re driving back?


Yeah! I look at my texts.

Kenzie (MC):

Cool, you open the text and it’s from Natalie.


(laughs) I close it. I don’t read it. As soon as I read that it is from her, I throw my phone down and I just scream again.

Kenzie (MC):

Caleb, you watch the car move and on and you - arm under Sam, or are you carrying Sam?


I’m not carrying them anymore. They seem stable enough that they’re able to walk but I am helping to support them, especially if they’re still a little bit woozy. Like they did lose a lot of blood. I will help Sam make it through the sliding door and enter the waiting room and greet Gregor there.

Kenzie (MC):

Gregor turns, hearing the doors open, and says to the woman behind the desk, the nurse,

Kenzie (Gregor):

This is whom I was speaking of to get ready for. We’ll need a doctor right away. Thank you.

Kenzie (MC):

And the nurse just nods and leaves the desk.

Kenzie (Gregor):

Caleb, correct?

Mads (Caleb):

Yes, uh, Caleb Moore. Thank you for coming to help us.

Kenzie (MC):

You see this tall, well-built, but in a different way than Bast who is big muscled, this man is lean but still seems very strong. He has short, buzzed on the side, blonde hair and is wearing this crisp white shirt that’s opened a couple of buttons and a casual navy suit jacket. Odd thing to be wearing at eleven thirty pm on a Friday night but there he is. He reaches out a hand a little bit, but then thinks better of it, you’ve got your hands full.

Kenzie (Gregor):

We probably would’ve met, and it wouldn’t be nice under different circumstances but here we are. There’s going to a be a doctor coming to help with Sam. I’ll see if they can let you stay with them if you want. They are probably going to have to call their parents.


I look around.

Kenzie (MC):

It’s pretty sparse. There’s like one or two people but its not crowded.

Mads (Caleb):

When we were out Sam had some stuff… do I tell the doctor that?

Kenzie (Gregor):

I assumed that was the case seeing how you sounded over the phone. I assure you that the doctors know but that will not be an issue. I’ve made sure of that. Names have a lot of sway in this town I’ve found out recently.

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah, kinda.

Kenzie (Gregor):

Sit. The doctors will come for you in a minute.


And I’ll go ahead and sit and urge Sam over to a seat.

Kenzie (Sam):

It’s like really bright in here. Did they every think that like maybe it’s offputting to people who are injured to have these bright fluorescent lights in their face immediately upon arrival!

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah, it’s super unnerving. Sam, can you just listen to me for a minute?

Kenzie (Sam):


Kenzie (MC):

They’re being pretty loud.

Mads (Caleb):

Can you be a little bit quieter? I have to tell you something really important.

Kenzie (Sam):

(whispers) Yeah.

Mads (Caleb):

How about this? Nod your head yes. Or shake your head – no actually, your nose is broken, don’t do that. Don’t do that!

Kenzie (Sam):

It hurt a little bit. It did. It like jiggled.

Mads (Caleb):

How about this? Give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down? And don’t say anything else.

Kenzie (Sam):

Is this neutral?

Kenzie (MC):

And they put their thumb sideways.

Mads (Caleb):



I’m going to lean in close to Sam’s ear and I’m going to try to whisper to them,

Mads (Caleb):

I’m going to have to tell the doctors what you took tonight and your parents might come here. Out alibi is that we were at my house and went into my brother’s room and found a box underneath his bed and that’s where we got it, okay?


And then I pull back and I wait for a thumbs up, thumbs down or neutral.

Kenzie (Sam):

(whispers) Caleb, I really want to say something.

Mads (Caleb):


Kenzie (MC):

They scrunch up their face, fighting against the urge to speak. And then they give you a thumbs up.

Mads (Caleb):

Perfect! Okay.


I’m going to lean in and say,

Mads (Caleb):

Is it about your parents?


And then elan back.

Kenzie (MC):

They lean in.

Kenzie (Sam):

(whispers) One of the things I want to say is, yeah.


I lean in so they can whisper in my ear.

Mads (Caleb):

(whispers) Try to be quiet.

Kenzie (Sam):

(whispers) Number one, I think it’s cool that we still found a way to fuck over Adam even though we didn’t’ call the cops on his party.

Mads (Caleb):

Me too.

Kenzie (Sam):

(whispers): Number two, when or if my parents find out, I want to say goodbye to you now because I will never see you again.


I pull back. My eyes wide.

Mads (Caleb):

Wait, what do you mean?

Kenzie (Sam):

We will have to go back to the olden days of just texting while playing video games because I will be locked inside of my room for the rest of my life.

Mads (Caleb):

No, no, no you won’t. We have homeroom together.

Kenzie (Sam):

Not when my parents find out that I took some elicit things.

Mads (Caleb):

But we didn’t know.

Kenzie (Sam):


Mads (Caleb):

It was Adam’s.

Kenzie (Sam):

Caleb, I will do my darned bestest but I am not a good liar.

Mads (Caleb):

They might not let me stay in there with you becasue I’m just a friend.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, that’s okay, pal.

Kenzie (MC):

And they put their hand, palm right on your face.

Mads (Caleb):


Kenzie (Sam):

I appreciate you helping me this far. I think though, that I like Ivy but I’m not certain I’m a fan of the other one.


Caleb opens his mouth like he’s about to object and then closes it again. He just nods his head a little bit.

Kenzie (Sam):

He seems nice.

Mads (Caleb):

He does.

Kenzie (Sam):

We all make our own choices. But I don’t think I would have – why would I do that?


Caleb shakes his head a little bit.

Mads (Caleb):

You wouldn’t. I’m sorry that this happened I feel like I’m a little responsible for it somehow.

Kenzie (Sam):


Mads (Caleb):

I don’t know, I said we’d only be there for an hour and then I kinda doubled down and then we weren’t there for an hour and maybe if we had only stayed for an hour, we wouldn’t be in the emergency room.

Kenzie (Sam):

If we were only there for an hour, you’re probably right, because it was after that hour that I decided to drink some yummy, yummy seltzers. But you didn’t drink them - put them – drink ‘em, no, put them in my mouth, I did it. I also thought that the pain would make me feel less drunk but I think it just adds to it.

Mads (Caleb):

I think there’s something with blood clotting and drinking alcohol that’s not good.

Kenzie (Sam):

It doesn’t clot. I know that one.

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah. I think maybe that’s why.

Kenzie (Sam):

‘Cause one time, I was at a family reunion and my uncle – who is more than a bit of an alcholic – drank like three, I can’t count, but like three six packs of beer within and hour and a half, smashed his head against the side of this concrete walkway that were these stairs going into the backyard of my grandma’s house, and then just bled until – just all over – until the ambulance came and I just remember my grandma, charging up the stairs and being like, “Paul you’re such a fucking idiot!”

Mads (Caleb):

Was he alive still?

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, he had like a bunch of stitches in his head though. (gasps) Caleb?

Mads (Caleb):


Kenzie (Sam):

I’m gonna be like my Uncle Paul.

Mads (Caleb):

You’re not going to be like your Uncle Paul.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah I am! I’m going to have stitches in my head.

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah, but yours are going to look cool and like you got them in some kind of like crazy, sick battle.

Kenzie (Sam):

Like if I ever got on the hockey team and somebody took their stick and whacked me in the face.

Mads (Caleb):

Yeah. Yeah.

Kenzie (Sam):

Does that happen? I’ve never watched a hockey game in my god damn (gasps) –

Mads (Caleb):

Really? After everything that you did tonight? Really – you’re getting hung up about saying “god damn”?

Kenzie (Sam):

I truly believe no one should take the lord’s name in vain, unless they believe in the lord.

Mads (Caleb):

Good thing I don’t. God can eat my entire ass. Wait is that kinda like, that feels a little sexual kinda actually. I don’t know if I want God eating my ass.

Kenzie (MC):

And at this point, the double swinging doors into the back of the emergency room swing open and a man in a white lab coat – or white doctor’s coat – walks out. Clocks you and Sam. Gregor strides over and reaches out a hand before the doctor can get to you and intercepts.

Kenzie (Gregor):

Hi, I brought these two in here. We are looking to get some stitches for this young person right here and if it’s allowed, to have their friend go back with them until their parents arrive.

Kenzie (MC):

The doctor says,

Kenzie (Doctor):

It’s a little against policy to have non-family members come back but just until the parents come.

Mads (Caleb):

Sam, come on.

Kenzie (Sam):

We’re goin’?

Mads (Caleb):

We’re goin’?

Kenzie (Sam):

Hey, doc! I think it stopped bleeding.

Kenzie (MC):

And they hold the sweatshirt out to the doctor. The doctor kinda looks.

Kenzie (Doctor):

Maybe, but it’d be best if we stitch you up quickly so it doesn’t start again. Let’s go.

Kenzie (MC):

And you go through the swinging double doors and there are just rows of curtained beds like in an emergency room. The doctor takes Sam over to one and you’re standing off to the side with Gregor who is just a very, odd persona. You don’t know him. He is nothing like Gabriel. He seems to be one step ahead of everybody else in the room. Already knows what pronouns Sam goes by. Already knew who the doctor was going to be. Already knew where you guys had been and what you had taken like just seems to be one step ahead and willing to do what has to be done to make sure Sam is in the least amount of trouble or you’re in the least amount of trouble. Or by proxy, Ivy is in the least amount of trouble


I have this ability called heightened senses. As Gregor is talking with the doctor, nurses, everyone and Sam is kind of like a little bit distant to what’s going on from the literal head rush of destroying their fucking nose. I’m going to close my eyes and let the sound in the room dull into this amorphous lull, try and focus. I’m just going to breathe in really deeply and I’m going to see if this man smells like Ivy and her fathers do.

Kenzie (MC):

You can roll me your two d6 plus your dark.


That is an eight minus one, so that’s a seven.

Kenzie (MC):

It’s been a bit of time since you’ve really been inundated with the Duncans but being around Ivy these last couple days and then being in the car with Gabriel, your kind of getting back into the being able to parse out people’s smells, especially when they’re not human, because there are not a lot of non-humans in this town. There is something familiar to Gregor’s scent but there’s also something wildly different that you haven’t smelled from any of the Duncans before. Something… saying older might be a little misleading simply because of how old Ivy’s dads are, but there is something older about Gregor. Something ancient.


With my eyes still closed I’m going to ruminate on that for a moment, kind of like pinching my brows together. I get one question out of my little list of things so I will ask, what’s their secret weakness.

Kenzie (MC):

He doesn’t have his own agency.


This kind of like clicks into place and I feel like I open up my eyes and then I look to Sam again and as I’m looking over to Sam, I feel like for a moment, out of the corner of my eye, I see almost strings like a marionette puppet, hanging off of Gregor’s limbs. And then whenever I look back, it’s just a very well-refined man that is helping me right now.

Kenzie (MC):

Ivy, you are driving back towards the quarry. You’ve had a annoyingly, simple conversation with Sawyer’s mom. You had a text you didn’t want to see. You’re now dealing with the fact that Caleb and Sawyer have almost switches places today. You don’t really know what is going on. Your dads are being weird.


Right now, I’m mostly focused on getting this stolen car back.

Kenzie (MC):

You drive back up the way you came and you see that still parked next to the long, forgotten bus stop is an old bus. Engine sounds like its running. Lights bright on the road in front of it. Having a little bit more focus, you can tell that its not like any of the town buses that you are vaguely familiar with.


I look at the bus and now that its still there its really freaking me out. I go and drive back to where the car was. I keep all the windows rolled down when I park it, break the remainder of the glass, hoping that they’ll just think they left their windows down and don’t notice that the window is broken until they’ve left the party. So, I hop out of the car and I look around. Is my car back?

Kenzie (MC):

Your car is not there.

April (Ivy):



I look in the direction of the party, where Sawyer is. I look back the way I came. There’s something that feels unfulfilled in me from all the frustrations of tonight and I decide that I’m going to go check out this bus.

Kenzie (MC):

You go back toward the front of the mine. And the bus is still there. Just idling.


Ivy acknowledges how weird it is and thinks for a second that maybe she shouldn’t approach. But her dads didn’t really teach her stranger danger so she sends a quick text to Caleb.

April (Ivy):

How’s Sam doing?


Sends another text to Sawyer.

April (Ivy):

Hey, bro, you good?


Kind of glances at the beginning, the opening of the text - you know when it’s in all of your texts and you can see like the first few words - of Natalie’s text.

Kenzie (MC):

It’s not that long of a text so you can see the whole thing.


What does it say?

Kenzie (Natalie):

I didn’t realize that was something you did with all your friends…

April (Ivy):



She walks up to the door of the bus. Is it open?

Kenzie (MC):

As you walk up, you seem to catch the attention of the driver who moves the little handle and the door opens. He leans over and he has a kind smile on his face. A chubby, thirty-something probably year old, black man. He’s wearing like a navy-blue uniform.

Kenzie (Bus Driver):

You looking for a ride?

April (Ivy):

Depends. Where does this go?

Kenzie (Bus Driver):

Oh, I can stop anywhere you need.


Ivy is put off by that because she knows the buses in this town suck. Even though she is a vampire, she’s also a girl and kind of like takes a step back.

Kenzie (Bus Driver):

It’s the last one of the day, so, if you’re comin,’ you can come, but otherwise, maybe I’ll see you around.

Kenzie (MC):

The other person inside has heard this and has stood up to peer through the window. A girl probably in her late teens. Dark eyes. Her hair is short, all the way back, wearing a white T-shirt underneath a leather jacket and has moved one of the headphones off her ear to hear what is being said.


Is she hot?

Kenzie (MC):

I knew that was going to be the question. I could feel it coming from a mile away.



Kenzie (MC):

I think Ivy would probably think she was pretty hot.


I’m going to use hypnotic on the bus driver. It’s a ten.

Kenzie (MC):

They do exactly what you wish. So what is it that you wish?

April (Ivy):

Don’t drive off.

Kenzie (Bus Driver):

Your wish is my command.


And I run up to the girl.

Kenzie (MC):

She has leaned back into the seat. Has on dark denim jeans with high top Converse, a chord hanging from her headphones that runs down the front of her chest and connect to a Walkman.


I sit right next to her.

Kenzie (MC):

She looks at you. She seems humored. She pulls her headphones off and hang them around her neck.

Kenzie (Girl on bus):

Can I help you?

April (Ivy):

Yeah, I’ve never seen this bus in town before. Are you from around here?

Kenzie (Girl on bus):

No, I’m just traveling through.

April (Ivy):

Where are you from?

Kenzie (Girl on bus):


April (Ivy):

Sorry, I didn’t mean to like pry or –

Kenzie (Girl on bus):

No, honestly, people have stopped asking me that question. Just surprised me a little bit.

April (Ivy):

So, you gonna tell me?

Kenzie (Girl on bus):

From somewhere I kind of want to forget.

April (Ivy):

I know what that feels like.

Kenzie (Girl on bus):

You want to forget?

April (Ivy):

Sometimes. Or just not be from somewhere. That sounds nice. I’m from here. Always will be. From here. Ooof, god, sorry, I’m a little, um, a little fucked up.

Kenzie (Girl on bus):

It’s late. I get it.

April (Ivy):

I can get kind of like, I don’t know, emo when I do drugs so… I just kind of wanted to make sure you were okay.

Kenzie (MC):

She says,

Kenzie (Girl on bus):

I don’t know if I know that word.

April (Ivy):

You don’t know what emo means? Emotional in a middle school, sad, like oh I’m so dark.

Kenzie (Girl on bus):

Huh, that’s a new one. I’ll add that to the –

April (Ivy):


Kenzie (Girl on bus):

The little docket there. Emo. Kind of works.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, it’s a good one.


Ivy like takes in this persons appearance again which is like young.

Kenzie (Girl on bus):

I’m sorry, so rude of me. I’m Jane.

April (Ivy):


Kenzie (MC):

Nods her head at you.

Kenzie (Jane):

Nice to meet you.

April (Ivy):

(clears throat) Nice to meet you too. Are you in a rush?

Kenzie (Jane):

I am at the will of the bus driver.

April (Ivy):

Oh, well, he’s not going anywhere. Trust me. Not for a while. Would you want to come to a party with me? I know its like intense. We just met. And its an intense party. I want to make that clear. But, I’ve just had a really crazy night, crazy twenty-four hours honestly, and I like you. You seem cool. What do you think?

Kenzie (Jane):

I haven’t been to a party in a while.


Ivy put her hand on Jane’s knee.

Kenzie (MC):

Jane looks at it. Looks up to you and like really looks you in the eyes. Looks back at the hand.

Kenzie (Jane):

What type of party is it that you’re inviting me to?

April (Ivy):

It’s a quarry party. Like quarry – like –

Kenzie (Jane):

(laughs) I know that word.

April (Ivy):

You know, it’s right – it’s right here. Um, sorry.

Kenzie (Jane):

No, that’s not exactly what I meant.

Kenzie (MC):

Kind of looks down at where your hand is again. Looks up at your face.

Kenzie (Jane):


April (Ivy):

Oh, right.


Ivy takes her hand off of Jane’s knee.

Kenzie (Jane):

People usually aren’t that –

April (Ivy):


Kenzie (Jane):

public about it I guess.

April (Ivy):

Public? Wow. Wow. Okay.

Kenzie (Jane):

I feel like I’ve said something that offended you but I’m not sure what it was. I was just surprised ‘cause like the bus driver has a mirror and could see.

April (Ivy):

Right ‘cause the bus driver cares.

Kenzie (Jane):

I’m sorry I feel like –

April (Ivy):

Look if you – you don’t have to –

Kenzie (Jane):

I feel like we’re missing something here.


Ivy covers her face in her hands.

April (Ivy):

I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I really am. If I’ve made you uncomfortable in any way. I wasn’t tyring to –

Kenzie (Jane):

No, no.

Kenzie (MC):

Leans down and tries to look at you where you’ve put your head in your hands. And her voice has come down to a whisper.

Kenzie (Jane):

No, that’s not what I – I just don’t want to get in trouble.


Ivy slowly lowers her hands just so that her eyes are visible now and looks up through her lashes at Jane and studies her for a second and then puts her hands down and with just her pinky, touches Jane’s hand.

April (Ivy):

We’re not going to get in trouble for that. I don’t know where you came from, and I know that’s – but you don’t have to worry about that here.

Kenzie (Jane):

Have I inadvertently stumbled into some sort of utopia?

April (Ivy):

(chuckles) Uh, definitely not. But there are some good party.

Kenzie (MC):

And you feel her pinky scoop under yours.

April (Ivy):

Yeah, so if you want to come to this party, uh, you don’t have to worry about that.

Kenzie (Jane):

And you have somehow made the bus not go anywhere, because this is my ride.

April (Ivy):

Yeah! He’s not going anywhere. Not until, well, not for a while.

Kenzie (Jane):

Yeah, sure. It’d be nice to take a break from the traveling part for a bit.

April (Ivy):

Great. I think you can leave your stuff here.

Kenzie (Jane):

It’s just this bag. I’ll carry it with me. It’s kind of all I have.


Ivy looks up at her quickly and then looks away.

April (Ivy):

Yeah of course, I’m sorry, I wasn’t… okay, let’s… let’s go!

Kenzie (MC):

As you move to pull her up, she twists her fingers between yours and holds your hands. And you lead her out the front of the bus, down the stairs. Your feet hit the ground and all of a sudden you don’t feel her hand in yours anymore. You look back and Jane is gone and the bus driver is gone and the bus is nowhere to be seen.


Ivy, when she feels Jane’s hand gone from hers, she looks down at her hand first and then looks over her shoulder to – ready to convince Jane more – and then she just sees the empty road in front of her. And its so unnerving that she just sits down for a second in the road.

April (Ivy):

What the fuck?


She looks at her hands and curls the pinky that Jane was holding and looks back at the empty road. She swishes her hand in front of her face as if she might hit it. As if it just became invisible but she doesn’t meet with anything. And then she slowly starts to walk back towards the party.


I see the open gate that Caleb left open.


It could’ve been anyone. We were gone for a while. We went all the way to the hospital. It could’ve been anyone.


I see the gate and it’s open and I’m so positive its Caleb that left it open (laughs). Pulls her phone out, takes a flash picture and sends it to Caleb with no words. She approaches the gate, goes through it and starts slinging the chain around the gate, grumbling so many sweat words to herself.

April (Ivy):

Fuck that mother fucker. Are you fucking kidding me? This stupid fucking idiot can’t rmember one goddamn rule. Oh my god! Do I hae to everything? Do I have to do everything?


Just like kind of losing it but at a low volume.


Ivy gets a text. Two in quick succession. The first one says,

Mads (Caleb):

Sam is fine. Thanks again.


And then quickly after that.

Mads (Caleb):

Oh no! Did someone leave the gate open?

Kenzie (MC):

As you are walking back, you see that these dark clouds have formed in this group above the party and you see lightning streaking back and forth and you can still hear the sound of the music. With your hearing, cutting through the music and jolting Sawyer from his unconscious sleep, you hear a shrill scream.


Ivy, at this point, reaches down to her shoes and just unbuckles her heels from her feet and kicks them off. Again, just a string of epithets.

April (Ivy):

Are you fucking kidding me? This night cannot get any fucking worse. Oh my god. I do. I have to do everything. I do actually. I have to do everything.


And she starts to jog, for her, but its actually a probably pretty fast run for humans and makes her way up to the party, in the direction of the scream.

Kenzie (MC):

You hear the scream again and you see Jordan at the booth, pull her headhpones back and scratch the music almost to a stop. There’s still a small sound going undernearth everything but it’s a lot quieter. And the scream comes again. And Ivy, you round the top, and Sawyer you pull yourself up, leaning against the bar. And you see Alina, harried, sprinting as fast as she can down the levels of this strip mine. Her hair is wild and out of place. It looks like lipstick is smeared across her mouth and her knuckles are clenched white around her shirt and she’s screaming and she’s like,

Kenzie (Alina):

Oh my god!

Kenzie (MC):

And she’s obviously out of breath. And her face is streaked with mascara and terror.

Kenzie (Alina):

Someone – someone call – someone – there was a – I saw – there was so much blood and it was horrible and it – an animal must’ve –

Kenzie (MC):

And it’s really hard to hear here saying these words through her tears.

Kenzie (Alina):

There was just blood everywhere and I – and I think he’s dead.

Meet your hosts:

Kenzie Tartaglione


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