S2 E8: The Origins of Kith

Episode 8

About this Episode:

Before taking leave of Portsmore, our kith have a little more research left to do and Fletcher finds out more than he bargained for.
This episode was produced by Kenzie Tartaglione and Ashley Westover. Editing by Kenzie Tartaglione. Theme music by Lorna Ryan.


Episode Transcript:

Tatiana Gefter:

Hello, everyone, my name is Tatiana Gefter. I use she/they pronouns and I am playing Alma of the Vale with The Gravedigger playbook.

Michi Zaya:

Hi, my name is Michi Zaya. I use any pronouns and I am playing Fletcher, The Witch.

Jenine Florence Jacinto:

My name is Jenine Florence Jacinto. I use they/them pronouns and I play Hoku Bayana.

Octa Delgado:

Hello, my name is Octa. I go by they/them pronouns. And I will play Neu Threestrings from The Weaver playbook.

Harper Sage Pettit:

Hi, my name is Harper Sage Pettit. I use they or she pronouns and I will be your guide for this season of queeRPG, Of Kith and Pen.

Kenzie Tartaglione:

The content warning for this episode includes flirtation and discussions of violence and war.

Jenine (Hoku):

Dear, Mom, we're at Portsmore. It's been raining nonstop since we got here on Fletcher's birthday. Anyway with all the color gone from Portsmore - oh right all the color is gone. So it's raining and there are no colors here. Like one of those mystery films Mr. Twinkle plays. Speaking of Mr. Twinkles movies… humans. Those are some scary beings –


And crossed out you read, “And those are definitely not the reason that gods are getting kidnapped.” Completely crossed out.

Jenine (Hoku):

Anyways, we went to investigate the disappearance of color at the crystal shrine. When we arrived the room empty other than a crystal and a stoat peacefully asleep on the ground. We started to search the room for one of those thoughtsmores.


Little asterisk.

Jenine (Hoku):

Thoughtsmore: orbs of purple energy that are created from kids and their memories. And finally found one high in the room. Kalix threw Fletcher up to it and try to catch the orb and really, it really looked like he could fly. Once the orb was safely on the ground Neu started to weave the memory in one of those their tapestries. They're calling it a weavbag. I only got to see part of the process because Fletcher and I went to find a way to wake up the stoat. Oh, right! Kalix came too. We met Ton, another member of the crystal shrine who let us borrow their kettle and told us their Mammy could also see the thoughtsmores. Oh question! Do you know anyone else in our family that has this sight? Anyways, Mammy needed a little assistance with communication so Alma helped communicate with Mammy little so we can learn a little bit more about sight. While that was happening I watched Neu weavew but like actually watched and Mom,  it was beautiful. The energy and the motion and thought you saw on their face? Beautiful. Seeing someone in their element, that's really something. Anyways we've got the memory with us now and we're going off! Love you, Mom. From the stars that wave to you, Hoku.

Harper (Guide):

We pick back up with our group in the crystal shrine. Neu you've just finished the finish the weabag. You have it maybe there in your lap and Teller walks over to you and says,

Harper (Teller):

I'm kind of surprised that worked.

Octa (Neu):

Honestly me too but it seems to have worked pretty well. I hope it holds up.

Harper (Teller):

It looks like it will. Very fine craftkithship.

Octa (Neu):

Thank you. I hope we can return the colors to you I would really like to see this tower as it's intended to.

Harper (Teller):

That would be wonderful. What's your next step? What are y'all doing next?

Octa (Neu):

Well there's several things we need to know. We need to see if there's any relationship if between this and what we told you about the books that are missing. And I think if there's any other gods with physical manifestations around here, we should probably pay a visit to that and start to –


Neu kind of like looks nervously towards the weavbag

Octa (Neu):

And maybe understand a bit more on why the he-man will be doing what it's doing. It must have a reason for this, right? If it has a reason we can talk maybe just resolve it nicely.

Harper (Teller):

Yes I do agree but the only two places where the gods really manifest here are spirit island and the crystal shrine. And you've been to spirit island already. Or some of you have.

Octa (Neu):

Yeah we definitely have and in there it really didn't look much better than here. Where do you think we could maybe try and get more information? We went to the library. Was that of any help, Alma?

Tatiana (Alma):

it was helpful to meet the you know members of the guilds and that sort of thing and finding out about the stolen texts but beyond that - it seems like the really useful stuff, the stuff that would help us, is the stuff that got stolen.

Michi (Fletcher):

Actually didn't Ton’s Mammy tell us to try the library to look for archives? She had a vision about the human.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yes, that she did. Are they really so scary?

Octa (Neu):

Yes, yes they are, Alma. Right, Fletcher?

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah they're pretty scary. I mean, you can try touching the weabag.

Octa (Neu):

Can you see what's inside?


And Neu will kind of like unfurl the opening a little bit to see if the light kind of shines through.

Tatiana (Alma):

It just looks like an empty bag to me.

Octa (Neu):

What do you mean?

Tatiana (Alma):

I don't see anything in the bag.

Michi (Fletcher):

Try putting your paw in it.


Alma just sticks her paw in the bag.

Harper (Guide):

Nothing happens.

Harper (Ton):

Let me take a look!

Harper (Guide):

And Ton walks over and just like looks in the back kind of like back and forth like

Harper (Ton):

Y’all are crazy. There's nothing in here.

Michi (Fletcher):

That's really strange.


Hoku goes and looks in the back. It's still in there, right?

Harper (Guide):

Yes. Hoku, you see it, Neu, you see it, Fletcher, you see it. Teller walks over looks in, shrugs.

Harper (Teller):

I don't see it.

Tatiana (Alma):

Mammy did mention something about having the sight.

Octa (Neu):

You can see other things that we can't.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm not having a complex about this I promise.

Octa (Neu):

Does it feel cold to you?

Tatiana (Alma):

Does it feel cold to me?

Harper (Guide):


Tatiana (Alma):


Jenine (Hoku):

Do you see the color purple – what – nope, don't answer that question - I'm gonna just…

Harper (Teller):

Well, I mean, have you up into Middledwell yet?

Tatiana (Alma):

No, this is our first stop.

Harper (Teller):

There's an old friend of mine there. Their name’s Flower. They're a memory keeper at the Memorium. Maybe they know a bit more about these thoughtsmores.

Michi (Fletcher):

That’s a good idea.

Tatiana (Alma):

You guys wanna hit up the library and then leave? I just need to make sure that the ship is done.

Octa (Neu):

Should we maybe also send a letter to Birch or maybe we can go pay Birch a visit before we go.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah I think that's fine. We should probably also send a letter to Falon to let zem know how our - about our findings.

Octa (Neu):

Maybe they should start talking to each other. They probably have a lot to share. They’re both into quite a bit of pressure. They seem a bit overwhelmed. Little bit of a support group between the servals.

Tatiana (Alma):

Servals do seem all very stressed, don’t they? Yeah I think that's a great idea.

Harper (Guide):

Kalix speaks and says,

Harper (Kalix):

Alright so it seems we have some people who need to go to the library and some who need to go back to the ship. Fletcher where are you going?

Michi (Fletcher):

I'm probably going to the library.


Hoku raises their paw and also,

Jenine (Hoku):

I'm going to the library too!

Michi (Fletcher):

Hoku loves libraries.

Harper (Kalix):

Do we want to keep the tea team together?

Michi (Fletcher):


Jenine (Hoku):


Harper (Kalix):

Alright so I will accompany Hoku and Fletcher to the library and Alma and, I guess Neu, you're going back to the ship?

Tatiana (Alma):

Sounds like a plan.

Octa (Neu):

We can just go say goodbye to Birch on the way.

Harper (Kalix):

Well the ship is at town hall so…

Tatiana (Alma):


Octa (Neu):

Let's go to that.

Tatiana (Alma):

Alright well meet us back at the ship. Let us know if you find anything. We'll get everything ready for our departure. Maybe we can hit up the market and see if we need anything to restock.

Octa (Neu):

While we get that, Alma, could  you catch me up on exactly what you saw when you were talking to Mammy.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah! Yeah! I can definitely catch you up.

Octa (Neu):

Cool, thank you.

Tatiana (Alma):

It’s very interesting. Alright see you guys in a bit!

Michi (Fletcher):

See you!

Octa (Neu):


Michi (Fletcher):


Jenine (Hoku):


Harper (Guide):

The groups head off in their separate directions. I guess let’s handle the library first. On the way, again, we'll say that Kalix is walking next to Fletcher again. There's a little space in between.


It's the tea group! Hoku’s going to take the same position. Gonna go right in the middle!

Harper (Guide):

And you actually hear Kalix kind of like,

Harper (Kalix):

(sighs) How are you Hoku?

Jenine (Hoku):

I’m good. I like how we’re keeping the teams the same. I also really enjoy libraries so this is going to be a really good adventure. And like how about Fletcher, are you excited?

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah, I really like to just see new places.

Harper (Kalix):

Maybe one of these days I could back – especially after the color comes back - I could maybe show you the coast and you could see the ocean and the airships flying over it's quite a sight.

Michi (Fletcher):

That’d be very nice! Oh and Hoku could see the stars in the sky.

Jenine (Hoku):

Oh, that's so exciting.

Harper (Kalix):

Yes Hoku, you could definitely see the stars in the skies. Yes, Hoku would be there because we're the tea team.

Jenine (Hoku):

The tea team! Yeah! Whoo!

Michi (Fletcher):

The tea team! Do you like libraries kalix?

Harper (Kalix):

Oh yes it's been a little while since I read for pleasure but I'm considering getting back into it.

Michi (Fletcher):

Whenever I try to read I get the pages really sticky but I still like it.

Harper (Kalix):

Why are you doing with your books?

Michi (Fletcher):

I like to read during snack time but I tend to eat with my hands and then when I flip the pages with my hands it gets the pages sticky. But it also really helps me with telling where I am at the book because the parts of I’ve already read are all stuck together.

Harper (Kalix):

That makes sense. Have you heard of eating not sticky snacks while reading a book and maybe using a bookmark?

Michi (Fletcher):

Like what? All snacks are kind of sticky.

Harper (Kalix):

There are more snacks than candy.

Michi (Fletcher):

Well I eat candy and then I ate fruit and sometimes I like nuts and plants but I usually like to mix those with the fruit. Oh and sometimes I like to put syrup on all of it!

Harper (Kalix):

Including your candy?

Michi (Fletcher):


Harper (Kalix):

That sounds extremely sugary.

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah! It's really good. You try it sometimes.

Harper (Kalix):

Yes that's yes sometime… maybe when we go to the beach.

Michi (Fletcher):

Sure. You can eat snacks at the beach.

Harper (Guide):

And so this sort of like semi flirty, not really sure what it is conversation, with Hoku kind of peppering in as well, keeps going until you all get to the library. Again this is a massive building looks more like a modern like mid century modern sort of style of a building. But you would just recognize it as something that doesn't look like what The Lastings would have. And the three of you go inside. There is a like a circulation slash informational desk there with a little lizard there standing behind the desk like organizing different books on the cart.

Michi (Fletcher):


Harper (Lizard-Kith):

Oh hi! Welcome to the Portsmore library. How can I help you?

Michi (Fletcher):

Hi, I'm Fletcher. I'm looking for archives of visions. Specifically visions from Ton’s Mammy.

Harper (Lizard-Kith):

I don't know Ton or their Mammy, but we do have a special selection of archives but unfortunately those aren’t open to the general public.

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh, we’re not the general public. We're here on a mission from The Lastings with our serval and we met your serval, Birch, and we're trying to help with this whole no color, all the rain situation.

Harper (Lizard-Kith):

Oh yeah, I'm not too sur. I really just organize books and tell people where to go. I can try to see if our library director will allow this. Would you like for me to go get them?

Michi (Fletcher):

That would be great!

Harper (Lizard-Kith):

Okay. I will be right back.

Harper (Guide):

And that’s when we jump over to Neu and Alma. So how's the conversation between the two you going as you head over to the Flying Dutchkith?

Tatiana (Alma):

So pretty much what happened was I was, I sit on the ground and I have a thing in my hand and I just have to think about it really hard. And the other side is a lot like a town without any houses. Like there's a lot of paths and roads and things and there's usually like some fog but this time there was a lot of fog. So it was kind of hard to reach out to Mammy, but remember how I got that whistle from that cow?

Octa (Neu):


Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah! I tried to blow on it like here and it didn't do anything. Then I blew on it over there and it like was really loud and it got Mammy’s attention and it was like it helped her become more like aware and corporeal. It was so cool. I've never seen anything like that before.

Octa (Neu):

So you're not really having any problems with your magic then. It still works pretty.

Tatiana (Alma):

I guess so. I mean it's like it doesn't really feel the same as magic does. It depends on the spirits. The spirits are definitely affected by whatever's going on like disappearing and not being able to, you know, hold their forms and kind of being really distant on the other side. So whatever is happening is definitely affecting them. But because I channel them it's like if there were to be an absence of the ghosts then I wouldn't be able to do anything. I would have nothing to channel.

Octa (Neu):

Yeah that doesn't sound very nice. But also do you think that the fog may be related? If you can't see them so clearly. If you're starting to need tools to channel them.

Tatiana (Alma):

Maybe, I’ve definitely never seen that much fog before. That was pretty weird.

Octa (Neu):

Was it tiring because I don't think I've ever been more tired and worked out after a weave than than right now.

Tatiana (Alma):

Well you were doing a lot so that makes sense. And you were like touching the invisible thing so that also makes sense. It doesn't take that much like physical effort for me to do it. If I'm working like with a body then that can be really emotionally tired but not usually physically tiring.

Octa (Neu):

There's a lot of emotional labor involved in that. Do you miss it now that we're traveling around doing other stuff? I know it hasn't been that long while but you used to be so busy doing that all the time.

Tatiana (Alma):

I'm still busy just in a different way now. I mean I like helping people and you know, my job is really important but it's a lot sometimes so it's kind of nice to take a break.


Neu will kind of like look at you with a bewildered look.

Octa (Neu):

It's weird that you consider this a break. But let's go see if we can say goodbye to Birch.


Alma just nods like,

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, yeah this is break! This is like vacation.


Neu’s worries toward Alma continue to climb.

Harper (Guide):

So I imagine the small talk would go on until you get closer to the Flying Dutchkith and downtown. You all arrive in downtown. Birch’s door is open and he is just on his desk like writing away, writing away, writing away and doesn't even seem like to hear that you've come in.

Tatiana (Alma):


Harper (Guide):

And kind of like jumps,

Harper (Birch):

Oh hello how are - what's going on? How are you?

Tatiana (Alma):

Good, good. We're just finishing some things up and then we're gonna be on our way so we just wanted to kind of let you know what the plan was.

Harper (Birch):

Fantastic! Where's Kalix?

Tatiana (Alma):

Kalix is at the library with Fletcher and Hoku.

Octa (Neu):

He has been super good. Very good. He's great at throwing flying squirrels.

Harper (Birch):

I guess that's a good thing  but yeah I I've seen a lot of promise in him for awhile and I think this could be a good opportunity for him to sort of stretch, flex a little bit, and see how much he can grow.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah so the situation is that we - well I - astral projected and talked to a spirit of a grandma, Mammy and we found out a little bit more about like the thoughtsmores and the he-mans, so they're at the library right now looking through the archives and we're here because we think it might be good for you and our serval to start talking to each other and stay connected on this whole like gods disappearing thing because you never know what the situation is gonna be on that. So maybe some inter-communication between you guys would be nice so we're going to give you all of our serval, Falon’s, contact information. We're going to send them a letter here just letting them know kind of what we found out. I'm gonna, you know, make sure that my ship is already to go and stuff as well.

Harper (Birch):

I 100% agree with all that you said and as soon as I'm done with writing down some of these financial plans, I will write a letter to Falon.

Tatiana (Alma):

Awesome, yeah!

Harper (Birch):

I do appreciate all your work in this and once things are resolved please come visit and we'll actually have a proper celebration for you.

Octa (Neu):

That will be super. We do like celebrations.

Harper (Birch):

Oh, that's a gorgeous bag by the way.

Octa (Neu):

Oh, thank you, I guess you don't mind if we take the thoughtsmore out of your city.

Harper (Birch):

Oh the thoughtsmore’s in there?

Octa (Neu):


Harper (Birch):

Wonderful! No go right ahead, especially if it will help you on the journey.

Octa (Neu):

I think so. If you don't mind I've got a little something to ask you. I'm thinking of starting a new piece now that we're going to be traveling around so much in between all of these really cool locations. We already know our serval, we know you, were probably going to meet someone else and I was thinking of maybe making a little piece with a piece of each and every one of you. Do you have a little bit of that beautiful purple robe you have? Well, its not purple now but it will be back to being purple.

Harper (Guide):

And he has the quill in his hand and he takes it up to his mouth and taps a couple times, looks at you, looks down at the rope and says,

Harper (Birch):

Why not?

Harper (Guide):

And just gonna reach down and starts to pull a little bit of a thread. Ends up being about two feet long and hands it to you, Neu.


I grab that little piece of string.

Octa (Neu):

Thank you. Thank you so much. I think I can use this to make more. Thank you.

Harper (Birch):

Absolutely well I've got business to attend to. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Octa (Neu):

Take care of yourself and also maybe reconsider closing off the city to incoming ships. It's a time where you need help not closing off.

Harper (Birch):

I think that's a great idea, thank you. Bye!

Tatiana (Alma):

Until next time, hopefully under better circumstances.

Harper (Guide):

And sort of like waves and plops back down on the desk and starts scribbling away. And as the two of you head back downstairs and outside to the ship,  we'll jump back over to the library. So the three of you were standing there for probably around five minutes and then you see the lizard kind of walk back from a back room and a vulture, an older more regal vulture, kind of comes out, more gliding, than walking and she says,

Harper (Lavender):

Well my name is, Lavender, and my colleague here said you would like to see the archives, is that correct?

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah that would be great!

Harper (Guide):

And like she smiles and then says,

Harper (Lavender):

I'm sorry that's simply not going to happen.

Michi (Fletcher):

Why not?

Harper (Lavender):

Well, the archives were burgled recently and I just can't have anyone else in there right now.

Jenine (Hoku):

If it's already broken, we're not gonna break anything else.

Harper (Lavender):

Simply can't take that risk. I'm truly sorry.

Michi (Fletcher):

We’re trying to help the situation and you know, Birch really really trusted us to try and help and this is really the last thing we need to do before we have to go to Middledwell.

Harper (Kalix):

I'm here as well. I could keep a watch on them.

Harper (Guide):

Kalix points to his uniform and badge.

Harper (Kalix):

I’m a town guard. I’ll make sure everything safe.

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah! Kalix is really great at keeping people safe.

Harper (Guide):

I think Fletcher or Hoku I'm going to need a heart roll from you.




I rolled a two.

Harper (Guide):

What's going to happen is Lavender kind of looks back and forth squints her eyes and says,

Harper (Lavender):

You two can go in and you have to stay.

Harper (Guide):

Pointing at Hoku.

Jenine (Hoku):

Yeah that's fair. Question? Am I allowed to look at public records of star charts in the area?

Harper (Lavender):

Absolutely. Floor four.

Jenine (Hoku):

Thank you!

Harper (Guide):

We'll jump over into the archive room. Lavender leads you to a place kind of in the back by massive door. And she pulls out this ancient looking key. To you as kith it seems like an ancient key but as players it looked it would look more like a standard house key for like what we have today. But it's a bit bigger - it kind of fits in her hand like yay big, so almost feeling like six inches or so long and she unlocks this door and you go inside. There are just like walls and walls of really old books, filing cabinets with different records, and she says,

Harper (Lavender):

Well, what are you looking for?

Michi (Fletcher):

I'm looking for a vision that Ton's Mammy had

Harper (Lavender):

My colleague said something about Ton’s Mammy and I'm not sure I know who you're talking to, or about.

Michi (Fletcher):

This would have been a seer. Ton works at the crystal shrine. I don't know if Ton’s M<ammy worked at the crystal shine but Ton’s Mammy had a vision about purple human.

Harper (Lavender):

We don't have any archives of memories here, but let me see, where is - where is it?

Harper (Guide):

She walks over to a shelf, pulls out an old looking book.

Harper (Lavender):

Oh here it is. Um, yes, this might help.

Harper (Guide):

She hands it over to you and it's a book called, “The Sight and Memories: A Catalog of What I Know.”

Michi (Fletcher):

This is great! Uh was this written by Ton’s Mammy?

Harper (Lavender):

No, it was written by somebody named Court. Not sure really who they are but they do have a description of these memories or manifestations of memories.

Michi (Fletcher):

The thoughtsmores?

Harper (Lavender):


Michi (Fletcher):

Okay. Great do you have a napkin or something I could use to clean my hands?

Harper (Guide):

And Kalix clears his throat and holds out a little handkerchief from his breast pocket and hands it to you,

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh, thank you, Kalix. You're so great at things.

Harper (Kalix):

I try.


Fletcher cleans his little paws and then takes the book to read it.

Harper (Guide):

Give me an instinct role ‘cause this is written in like old kith and it's kind of hard to read


That is a nine plus two.

Harper (Guide):

So eleven. You read this book and it's a challenge but it's from a kith named Court, shortly after the Great Uprising. They’re kind of going through what they've seen so them like realizing that they had the sight, seeing the thoughtsmores. Their first memories that they kind of saw. And what really sticks out to you in addition to just a greater detail on thoughtsmores and these memories and how like you've learned that they’re when big emotion happen and they're a gift from the gods, they do detail this purple shape that they saw. And after a while they eventually stopped going into these thoughtsmores because they felt like they were becoming quote unquote “corrupted” by quote unquote “what came before.”


How long before is this book about?

Harper (Guide):

This probably would have been around like 500 years ago.


So, like the book is 500 years old?

Harper (Guide):

Yes I guess the Great Uprising would have happened probably like 50 years before this and it kind of again details a lot of like Court’s like younger life from like shortly after the Great Uprising to when they eventually stopped digging into thoughtsmores and trying to purify theirself.

Michi (Fletcher):

Excuse me, Lavender?

Harper (Lavender):


Michi (Fletcher):

Do you know anything about what came before the Great Uprising?

Harper (Lavender):

Well the Great Uprising is in reference to when the humans and machines battled and nearly destroyed the land of Haeth.

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh I don’t know a ton about the Great Uprising but do you know what came of it?

Harper (Lavender):

The tragedy of the Great Uprising was also the birthing of the kith. We rose from the ashes and we are now here hopefully doing a better job than the humans.

Michi (Fletcher):

What happened to all the huamns?

Harper (Lavender):

The same thing that happened to the machines.

Michi (Fletcher):

What happened to the machines?

Harper (Lavender):

They essentially fought theirselves to extinction.

Michi (Fletcher):

There were absolutely none left?

Harper (Lavender):

There are absolutely none left besides the remnants of their places of battle.

Michi (Fletcher):

Do you know where those battle places are?

Harper (Guide):

Fletcher, you have seen one of those like y’all flew over one as you came to Portsmore, like the giant like crater, like the metal, the bones. And so she says,

Harper (Lavender):

Well if you came from The Lastings up the coast, you probably saw one. From what Il can tell and the research I've done, they're everywhere around here but we've reclaimed those spaces and for the most part, our world is peaceful.

Michi (Fletcher):

What do you think would happen if a human came back?

Harper (Lavender):

If a human came back… that's quite impossible but if they did come back I could see things returning to the way they were.

Michi (Fletcher):

They way they were?

Harper (Lavender):

Greed. Corruption. Killing. Taking for others who have nothing.

Michi (Fletcher):

That’s really scary.

Harper (Lavender):


Michi (Fletcher):

I think this is all I needed to look at, the archives, thank you very much.

Harper (Lavender):

You're welcome. Thank you.

Michi (Fletcher):

Do you know Birch by the way?

Harper (Lavender):

Yes I do actually.

Michi (Fletcher):

I think you should get tea with him some time.

Harper (Lavender):

We've had tea before but maybe we could have tea again.

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah, I think that would be a really good idea.

Harper (Lavender):

Well let's get out of here, I've got some records to go over.

Harper (Guide):

Let’s  jump over to the Flying Dutchkith. Neu and Alamo would get there first. And so you would see Teal there and Teal kind of like says,

Harper (Teal):

Hey there. I think we're about done but we just waxed the deck and you can't go up right now, okay?

Tatiana: (Alma):

Oh, okay, yeah. Yeah that makes perfect sense. Hey we kind of left someone here, do you know there he is?

Harper (Guide):

Teal looks at you, looks back up to the ship, and you hear like a little bit of a crash. It sounded like wood like falling over and you hear like a,

Harper (Chandler):

Damn it!

Harper (Teal):

Yeah, your friend is up there but everything's fine. He said he's cleaning up. Yeah, he's cleaning up.

Harper (Chandler):

Damn it!


Alma doesn't say anything, she just starts walking up the gangplank to her ship.

Harper (Guide):

Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hold on, hold on.


She’s just going.

Octa (Neu):

Alma wait a second!

Harper (Guide):

Teal’s like trying to grab you. Give me brawn or swift check to see if you can get away from Teal’s grasp and I guess this is when kalix and Fletcher and Hoku come up. You’re seeing like the struggle.


Yeah so that's a twelve.

Harper (Guide):

Teal is a lot bigger than you but you get away from their grasp. He’s got like your shoulders kind of,

Harper (Teal):

Hey! Come on. Hold on!


I just take off my jacket. I'm gonna like essentially play the floor is lava to get to where Chandler is.

Harper (Guide):

Oh so like hopping up on a barrel then like –


Yeah like walking along the thing, yeah like the railing.

Harper (Guide):

I love it. So you land up there on the deck and yeah there's no wax on the deck floor, that would be dumb. But you do see Chandler over there near your captain's quarters. His backs towards you as he's picking up like an easel with like what seems to be like a wrapped or covered like picture frame and he’s going,

Harper (Chandler):

Goddamnit! Damn it! I hope it's okay, I hope it's okay, damn it.

Harper (Guide):

And get it kind of like set back up. You see like a table with like a spread of different treats and things and he hears your footsteps,

Harper (Chandler):

Oh, hi Alma.

Harper (Guide):

And just kind of stands there and smiles.

Harper (Chandler):

It's not quite ready, you weren't supposed to see this yet. Is everyone else here? Where are they I don't them.

Tatiana (Alma):

They're still on shore because of the wax.

Harper (Chandler):

Yes, uh, could you get them to come up? I have something to show them - to show you.

Tatiana (Alma):

Sure Chandler. I’ll go get them.


Alma’s like glancing around at things to make sure that they're not too messed up.

Harper (Guide):

I mean the ship seems to be in the best shape it's been in in probably like fifteen years.


Alma’s going to give one more kind of side eye before going and getting everyone.

Harper (Guide):

And Chandler just sort of like nervously laughs and kind of like straightens up,

Harper (Chandler):

The sooner the better.

Tatiana (Alma):

Hey guys…

Octa (Neu):

Alma, remember to breathe! Remember to breathe!. It's okay. Don't do anything rash!

Tatiana (Alma):

Chandler has something to show us and he would like everyone to come on board for that.

Jenine (Hoku):

Blink twice if you're forced to do this.

Tatiana (Alma):

I'm not sure yet.

Jenine (Hoku):



Hoku walks up.


Yeah, we go.


Alma is no longer floor is lava-ing. She leads everybody down to where Chandler is.

Harper (Guide):

The five of you end up there in front of Chandler he says,

Harper (Chandler):

Oh well welcome, welcome back everyone! I just wanted to do a little something for you all. I think we kind of got off on the wrong foot and I know a lot of that is my fault so I guess this is just a way for me to say I'm sorry and I hope we can start trying to be friends.

Harper (Guide):

And he walks over to like the little cover over what looks like to be like a rectangular picture frame and pulls it off.

Harper (Chandler):

I made this. I hope I got the colors right. I started it after the colors were gone. But yeah, this is something I love doing and hopefully you like it.

Harper (Guide):

And you see beautifully painted like oil painting. It’s very detailed. It’s the Flying Dutchkith kind of from a distance with four silhouettes kind of like looking out over the horizon.

Harper (Chandler):

There's room for me to add another silhouette or two if we feel like it, but I felt like you would like to see this and Alma there's not a lot of art around here, so maybe this could help a little bit. And I made snacks too.

Octa (Neu):

Chandler, this is so sweet! I was really not expecting this. That's beautiful.

Harper (Chandler):

What you said to me meant a lot and I know - like I haven't told you all this but I've been going through a lot lately and it's not an excuse but I definitely was an asshole to you, so I'm sorry.


Hoku does start walking up to Chandler and just awkwardly gives a hug.

Harper (Guide):

Chandler like arms still kinda like - he's like again, like standing there like at attention with his like little hands like out in front and you just like hug around him and he's like standing there and then like slowly like brings his arms around.

Harper (Chandler):

I made puffers.


And then I just let go and I give him a little sheet of paper that has a star chart of what Hoku found in the library and then walks to the snack table.

Harper (Guide):

So he would kind of fold it up and put it in his pocket and at the snack table you all do see puffers which are kind of like fried doughnuts but more like a croissant. And I guess what other snacks might be there?


No bugs.

Harper (Guide):

No bugs.


No bugs.


There's definitely fruit of some sort for sure, maybe like cut up into fun shapes.

Harper (Guide):

At first you’re like what the heck are these? And like they're vaguely cut in the shapes of the silhouettes on the painting.

Octa (Neu):

Guys, guys, there's like a lot of empty space in that in that painting, right? Right, Alma?


Alma is just kind of like shuffling her feel a little bit.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah there's a lot of empty space. Yeah, yeah there's definitely room for like one or two more.

Jenine (Hoku):

So we're putting Birch and Kalix in there? Kidding! Kidding, kidding, kidding.


And then Hoku goes and crunches on some seaweed chips from the snack table.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, no, it's a really nice painting Chandler.

Harper (Chandler):

Thank you. It's honestly, I think what I like more even - sorry Hoku - more than the stars.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, well, that's saying a lot. Thank you for the snacks and art.

Harper (Chandler):


Tatiana (Alma):

And for telling us that you're going through a lot and for apologizing, I accept your apology as long as you don't touch my things and no experimenting on my ship.

Harper (Chandler):

Yeah that was a major dick move, I'm sorry. Itwon't have it again. I cleaned it up and will take on as many other cleaning duties around here and start pulling my weight as much as possible. Seriously let's stop talking about this and let's just celebrate.


Alma’s going to stick out her hand to him to shake.

Harper (Guide):

He would grab more like this and then like do more like a curtsy bow kind of thing and say,

Harper (Chandler):

We need some music. Hey boys!

Harper (Guide):

Like the lizards would kind of like scurry up on the deck and some of them would start playing some different instruments. Now it's finally like the end of the first day. You all get some sleep and then the next day, Teal works with you Alma to get some supplies run from the barges to downtown. After just like one or two runs like the city is starting to get into better shape. Kalix provides news that they got some other ships up and running and will start continuing that work. I guess with that, you all probably head out to Middledwell, right?


Waving goodbye to our new friends as we go.

Harper (Guide):

Kalix has officially joined the group and waves goodbye as you all start sailing, or flying, east. And you do fly over the mountain range that you flew next to kind of all the way up the coast and so you see like this very mountainous region eventually like peter out into very, very flat, flatlands with not a lot of color, not a lot going on besides these massive forms that seem to roll for miles and miles on end with these massive beetles pulling various equipment. You see the farmers down there waving up at you. as you get probably like an hour, hour and a half away from Portsmore you do see kind of like off in the distance, like the grayness stop and you see like color and you fly into the color. And close to the end of your first day you see down below, something that catches your eye. It's a massive machine, probably around the size of like a football field. And amongst like the rusted jagged parts that stick out this way and that. And on the mech slash machine is a circle of like very vibrantly colored tents a sign that's kind of like flapping in the wind And the closer you get, you're able to kind of make it out and it says: Soot’s Magical Mosaic.

Octa (Neu):

Guys, I think that's a really cool shop from here. Are you reading the same I'm reading? Is that a magical item shop?


I make puppy dog eyes to Alma.

Octa (Neu):

Alma, can we stop please?

Michi (Fletcher):

Alma, look how colorful it is!

Jenine (Hoku):

Alma, please.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, yeah, alright, we can make a stop. Let me pull in here.


And Alma’s going to redirect the ship to pull into whatever docking area this shop has.

Harper (Guide):

There’s not a docking area, you just find a place that's like somewhat open to like tie down to. And actually, as you get closer, you realize that this is no shop. I mean there is a shop - or like a tent set up to be a shop - but other tents set up with various like performers. At like the center there's currently like a drum circle going on with people dancing. And in the back you all noticed this and Hoku, go ahead and give me - I think I need a heart roll from you.


I rolled twos the entire session! Eight.

Harper (Guide):

You start to run but then hold yourself back as you all see at this big tent in the back a sign that says: Now presenting performances from the Magnificent Starkeeper.


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Meet your hosts:

Harper Sage Pettit

S2 Guide

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