S2 E5: The NeverEnding Storm

Episode 5

About this Episode:

Our kith find themselves in the new town of Portsmore that has been bogged down by endless storms.
This episode was produced by Kenzie Tartaglione and Ashley Westover. Editing by Kenzie Tartaglione. Theme music by Lorna Ryan.


Episode Transcript:

Tatiana Gefter:

Hello, everyone, my name is Tatiana Gefter. I use she/they pronouns and I am playing Alma of the Vale with The Gravedigger playbook.

Michi Zaya:

Hi, my name is Michi Zaya. I use any pronouns and I am playing Fletcher, The Witch.

Jenine Florence Jacinto:

My name is Jenine Florence Jacinto. I use they/them pronouns and I play Hoku Bayana.

Octa Delgado:

Hello, my name is Octa. I go by they/them pronouns. And I will play Neu Threestrings from The Weaver playbook.

Harper Sage Pettit:

Hi, my name is Harper Sage Pettit. I use they or she pronouns and I will be your guide for this season of queeRPG, Of Kith and Pen.

Kenzie Tartaglione:

The content warning for this episode includes complex and complicated relationships, deceiving of close friends, storms, and floods.

Harper Sage Pettit (Guide):

So you're on the ship - The Flying Dutch-kith. It’s storming, rain is coming down heavily. The wind is kind of whipping at your faces. Tt's not a sail - like the balloon part of the ship is kind of like blwoing back and forth. And as you start to approach, Alma, you're having a hard time keeping the ship under control. Yes Porstmore is pretty stormy but this seems to be even more torrential than normal. What do you do to get the ship under control? You also have a bit of a crew- not really seasoned crew but you're typically doing this yourself. So yeah what do you do?

Tatiana Gefter:

So at first of all, the biggest problem right now is that our sail are all wet. And so we're not really getting a good current in. So I'm having to rely a lot more on these kind of mechanical thrusters that we have. The sail right nowm all they're doing is weighing us down because they're getting so wet. And because we’re getting weighed down, we're slowly sinking, towards the ground. A little faster than I want to so I'm going to turn to Flecther,

Tatiana (Alma of the Vale):

Hey listen I know you haven't done this before. Don't panic. It's fine. But also, would you mind going up the mast and just cranking the sail so that it's closed? Can you do that?

Michi Zaya (Fletcher Agaar):

Um… I guess. Which way do you crank it?

Tatiana (Alma):

So you know righty tighty lefty loosey.

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah wait…

Tatiana (Alma):

So crank it towards the right.

Michi (Fletcher):


Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Yeah, yeah. You got this. You'll be fine. It's just a little high up and wet. Don't slip.

Michi (Fletcher):

Really wet.

Tatiana (Alma):

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


So I give Fletcher that task and then I'm just kind of like holding the wheel to keep the – like the mechanical thrusters from, you know, going in a specific direction. I'm just trying to keep us straight on.

Harper (Guide):

You go ahead and give me a brute check.


Sure I can. I definitely don't have any help - well so that is a six total.

Harper (Guide):

So you're struggling to keep the ship straight and you hear a (engine failing sound). You kind of feel that that the starboard thruster has just gone out.


Shit. Shit. Damn it. Uh, fuck. Um... okay I'm just gonna - I'm gonna pull up a chair and I'm going to prop the wheel against the chair so that it doesn't spin. And I'm gonna go down to like the engine room, essentially, and see what's up and I'm definitely taking the slide.

Harper (Guide):

You're gonna go yourself or you gonna ask for any assistance?


They don’t know how to work the engines, are you kidding me? If anything I'm gonna tell,

Tatiana (Alma):

Hey Hoku! Hi Hoku. Uh.. big favor, watch that wheel please. Make sure it doesn't - the chair should hold it in place, I've done this so many times. Usually works just fine. Just make sure the wheel doesn't move, okay?

Jenine Florence Jacinto (Hoku Bayani):

So if it moves do I you just – what - and then –

Tatiana (Alma):

No if it moves, grab it.

Jenine (Hoku):


Tatiana (Alma):

Grab it and just hold it so that it stays in position because if you don't the ship is going to flip over and we're all going to fall out and die. So we don't want that to happen, so just make sure that it doesn't go like super far in one direction, okay?

Jenine (Hoku):

Got it.

Tatiana (Alma):

Good work sailor. I'll be back.


And like Alma like hits something with her foot and she just falls through the floor, to the trap door and the slide goes down.

Harper (Guide):

So while Alma’s heading down that way, Hoku you’ve got the steering wheel in your line of sight close by. Fletcher go ahead and give me a swift roll to see how well you manage the sails.



Harper (Guide):

Fletcher, you're trying to climb up the mast. And I mean you're a flying squirrel, but that's kind of a misnomer. Flying squirrels can't really fly, they typically just fly. Due to the pole being so slick from the - seems like just the moisture from the rain, you're not able to get any sort of purchase so every time you try to climb up, you get up like a couple feet and you just like slide back down. And like that fourth time you try to climb up and you've kind of hit the bottom again, you hear like a (foghorn sound). Another foghorn as Hoku, you hear like a snap and the chair kind of splinters and the wheel starts to spin really fast.


I tried to grab it.

Harper (Guide):

Give me a brute role.


Don’t worry I have a plus one in it, guys! Don’t worry, everything's fine. I rolled a six.

Harper (Guide):

So you grab onto it and then again, you're not used to this type of work. The wheel is slick, it slips out of your hand, you lose your balance, and you kind of lean forward and get smacked in the face and kind of like spin around and fall backwards.

Jenine (Hoku):

My glasses!

Harper (Guide):

Neu, what were you doing? Were you trying to help at this moment or were you closer to Fletcher. What were you doing?

Octa Delgado:

I think that the moment Neu started hearing Alma asking for help left and right, saw Fletcher  going out and Hoku just going back onto grabbing the wheel. Neu kind of just waited to see if their help was needed anywhere so I would imagine Neu was probably around Hoku. And the moment you start crying out for your glasses that's - I'm gonna try and find your glasses because it sucks to lose your glasses. It sucks so much.

Harper (Guide):

Go ahead and give me a heart roll.


I rolled a four. It’s a five.

Harper (Guide):

It's almost as if like as soon as you start looking for the glasses it gets pretty dark. Like a huge cloud comes over and you're like, “Oh let me help,” and then you hear a crunch and you look underneath your foot, your little your little fennec fox paw, and there are a very cute but shattered pair of spectacles underneath your foot.


I immediately yelp, kneel down, grab it, and put in my pocket. This hasn't happened. This has not happened.

Octa (Neu Threestrings):

I can't find your glasses!

Harper (Guide):

So as this is going on you all are again hearing this (foghorn). And you look over and you see a large patrol boat, airship coming towards the ship and you hear kind of echoing out,

Harper (Patrol):

Please disengage your engine.

Harper (Guide):

And we'll jump over - or I guess down below deck to Alma. You're down below deck. You're just now inside the engine room. You're hearing like the whirring of the gears of the portside engine, that's operating correctly but the other engine, the starboard is smoking. It's making this (not good mechanical sound) sound but then also you hear the sound of, again, that other ship. What are you doing?


Well I have to turn – at the very least have to turn the starboard engines completely off otherwise its just going to keep breaking itself into oblivion. I clearly don't have money anymore so I can't have my equipment breaking on me. So I quickly turn off the starboard engine. Do I hear like what the other ship is saying?

Harper (Guide):

So yeah you hear the (engine shutting off sound) of the engine shut down. And then that's when you hear them say,

Harper (Patrol):

Please disengage your engines.

Harper (Guide):

It's muffled because you're hearing it through wood and all that but yeah you definitely hear that somebody is flying up in another ship, telling you to disengage the engines.


Alma disengages the other engine and very kind of exasperatedly goes back up to the deck and sees everyone in disarray.

Harper (Guide):

It's just a mess.


It's like the guy who walks in with the pizza and everything’s on fire. And Alma’s just like oh god.

Harper (Guide):

You feel eyes looking at you as like Fletcher turns back to see you come up and the two up on the on the - oh gosh I can’t think of the word right now - but where the steering wheel is, Hoku - the bridge! Looking down at you, this massive ship kind of like pulls up next to you and like these little hook arms come out and stabilize the ship and grab onto it. And you hear that voice again,

Harper (Patrol):

Disengage your engine.

Tatiana (Alma):

They’re disengaged. They are disengaged!

Harper (Patrol):


Tatiana (Alma):

They're off.

Harper (Patrol):

Who's the captain here?

Harper (Guide):

And you see standing at the edge of the other ship, a rabbit wearing kind of like a roguish sort of uniform made of leather. It’s got like these leather straps and over their heart is like a little like gold Insignia.

Tatiana (Alma):

I am the captain. It’s me.

Harper (Patrol):

Captain do I have permission to come aboard?

Tatiana (Alma):

Aye, might as well.

Harper (Guide):

They sort of nod and jump aboard, jump a few feet up into the air and land. Walk over to you and extend a hand.

Harper (Kalix):

I am Kalix, a sergeant of the Portsmore guard. What does your business here? Unfortunately the city is not safe.


Alma shakes his hand, good old fashioned captain handshake.

Tatiana (Alma):

I’m Alma of the Vale. We come here on official business, unfortunately not pleasure. You say the city is not safe, I've never seen it in quite such a state before.

Harper (Kalix):

Yes, you see a couple days ago torrential downpours came and flooded our city and our barges aren’t able to get in as they should.

Tatiana (Alma):

I see. Yes we saw from above that your barges are having difficulty. We're here on business from The Lastings. We too have been experiencing our own fair share of strange happenings and we've been sent out into the world to investigate. If you wouldn't mind helping us ashore, perhaps we can help each other.

Harper (Kalix):

Well you see our serval has commanded that no other ships come in while we're dealing with all this.

Tatiana (Alma):

I think your serval will want to hear what you have to say.

Harper (Kalix):

I can tell you have important business, but I'm not sure if this counts.

Tatiana (Alma):

It may very well have to do with your torrential downpours. Of course we can't be sure but there's only one way for us to make certain.

Harper (Guide):

So the rest of you are seeing this individual and hearing this conversation, do you chip in to try to convince him at all?


Neu will kind of like walk forward, get right next to Alma, just look up or down depending on the height of this kith.

Octa (Neu):

Well you know we've just gotten here and as a matter of fact we, as Alma was saying, we're coming because some strange things are happening in our hometown and it feels like some strange things are coming in here - are happening here as well. Now that does not seem like a coincidence to me and if we are here to help you and you don't show us the way, that will be sad don't you think?

Harper (Guide):

Alma or Neu, I'll need a heart roll.


Hey, Neu, what's your heart bonus?


I’ve got plus one but I also just -


I got plus 2.


Go for it!

Harper (Guide):

And then if Alma needs help you can roll a heart roll.


That's a nine.

Harper (Guide):

You can tell that he is struggling with this. He sits there and thinks for a few moments kind of puckers his lips a little bit, fidgets with the pummel of his sword, and then looks down at Neu again, looks over at Alma and says.

Harper (Kalix):

Well I guess it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission, wouldn’t you say?

Tatiana (Alma):

I say that all the time as a matter of fact.

Harper (Kalix):

Well,  alright then, do you all want to ride in here and I can get the rest of my crew to tow you all in? Or tow your ship in actually.

Tatiana (Alma):

That would be – that’d probably be great. We do have one more passenger board. I will go fetch him and meet the rest of you.

Octa (Neu):

Alma, are you sure we have someone else on board? How sure are we of that?

Tatiana (Alma):

Too sure, unfortunately. Either way we would all be arriving at the same destination. I will go get him. I will meet the rest of you on the other ship.

Harper (Kalix):

Alright, I'll get my crew to get it set up with the towing. We'll be on our way as soon as everyone's aboard.

Tatiana (Alma):

Thank you captain.  I will be right back.


Alma so begrudgingly goes downstairs. Where is he?

Harper (Guide):

So you look around, he's not in the common area. So I'm assuming you would assume he was in his room, a bunk, or the bathroom – the loo.


I can't even say his name. I'm gonna go check his room.

Harper (Guide):

The door is closed.


I just like knock on the door.

Harper (Chandler):

Just a moment!

Harper (Guide):

And then you hear scrambling around, the doors swing open.

Harper (Chandler):

What on earth is going on out there? You're not that great of a pilot, are you? It's such a rough flight going on right now. I'm trying to relax.

Tatiana (Alma):

Unfortunately there was some unexpected turbulence. Luckily we are being aided by the local guard. So if you could please make your way up onto the deck and board their ship that would be great.

Harper (Chandler):

I was in the middle of a nap - or trying to nap - do I have to?

Tatiana (Alma):


Harper (Chandler):

Okay, let me gather my things then.

Tatiana (Alma):

Be quick about it.

Harper (Guide):

He like groans and starts to cut over into the corner to grab his sack and put a few things in it. Then he follows you on up. Did anyone else do anything before heading on to the other ship?


This entire time Fletcher is still trying to climb up the mast. He hasn't even realized the guards are here yet. He's just like struggling - he keeps climbing up and he's like,

Michi (Fletcher):

This is just like when I get locked out of the tower at Witch Academy!

Harper (Guide):

So Fletcher, this like one last time you fall down, you like look down at your clothes and you're like - you're soaked but you also feel a little like greasy or oily. Like you didn't realize at first, but I was like - yeah there was definitely like grease or oil or something on this pole that was also making this difficult.


Why is he so stinky all the time? So Alma’s back up here with us, right?

Harper (Guide):

Yes I would say at this point. She's probably sees you like trying to climb up the pole still.


So he turns to Alma and he's just like,

Michi (Fletcher):

Alma, you need to get some bark on this mast and also I think someone rubbed butter on it. I don't really understand.

Harper (Guide):

And then you're hear Chandler say,

Harper (Chandler):

Oh yeah sorry.

Michi (Fletcher):

Why would you put butter on the mast of the ship?

Harper (Chandler):

I didn't rub butter, I was experimenting with the wood oil that I was synthesizing and I thought this was a good place to try it out on.

Michi (Fletcher):

We could have all been killed in the storm because of you.

Harper (Chandler):

Why? I don't understand.

Michi (Fletcher):

If I didn't close those sails, which I didn't, we would all be shipwrecked right now and - oh my god, how are we still okay? Alma, are we ghosts now! What's going on?


Alma’s just been standing aside listening to this conversation, seething. Just like - you look at almost eyes and it's like, you know, in anime when it's like the character is so angry that you just - their eyes aren't drawn in.

Harper (Guide):

And like twitching a little bit (laughs).


Alma just goes,

Tatiana (Alma):

Captain Kalix is towing us to shore so we're all getting on board his ship.

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh. Can they do any repairs on your ship because this mast needs some bark for climbing?

Tatiana (Alma):

I'll see about it when we get to shore.


Hoku turns to like where the general direction of Alma is and like tries to walk towards her and like place his hands on whoever’s shoulders is closest, whatever blob it is and just goes,

Jenine (Hoku):

Alma, I'm so sorry. I just kind of - so I might have - I tried to get the wheel and then glasses knocked off - I'm really sorry about that. And I can't find my glasses now so I’m having little trouble…


And like give a hug to hopefully Alma.

Harper (Chandler):

(clears throat) I didn't realize we were close enough for hugs now.

Jenine (Hoku):

Ahhhh! Alma I'm so –


I glare. Hoku glares real quick. Then turns the next blob.

Jenine (Hoku):

Sorry, sorry I didn't – hi.


Alma just kinda positions herself like in front of you so that you don't have anymore blob mishaps. She like, you know, kind of holds your arms a little bit so that you're steady and not going somewhere you’re not supposed to.

Tatiana (Alma):

It's fine. It's okay. You did everything you could. So it's quite possible that your glasses did fall off the ship. But we're just gonna not think about that right now. And if we need to get you a new pair, we can do that on shore. I hope. I really hope.

Jenine (Hoku):

Okay, okay.

Tatiana (Alma):

Now let's just get on to Captain Kalix’s ship before I strangle that one.

Jenine (Hoku):

Who's directly behind you.

Harper (Guide):

And he's back at the pole like inspecting it with like - he's got like a little magnifying glass out looking at it.

Tatiana (Alma):

I might kill – Hoku, I might become a murderer on this trip.

Jenine (Hoku):

I don't – what? What? Why? Why?

Tatiana (Alma):

I just… he keeps touching my things.  I'm going to kill him.

Jenine (Hoku):

Oh, oh, oh, understandable.


And then starts walking the opposite direction of where they think the ship is.

Tatiana (Alma):

No, no, no. This way. No

Jenine (Hoku):

Cool, cool, cool.


I’m just going to –

Jenine (Hoku):

Cool, cool, cool.


I’m just going to lead Hoku onto the other ship.

Harper (Guide):

And you hear,

Harper (Kalix):

Alright everyone, please, hurry up. We've got places to be.

Tatiana (Alma):


Octa (Neu):

Oh yes.


And as Neu walks, you can hear some like crunchy glasses on their pocket. Just going with it.

Harper (Guide):

You all get loaded up on the other ship that it disengaged the side clamps, drive out in front of the Flying Dutch-kith  and get a tow cable kind of shot out and attached to it. They'll start flowing into this city. This city is a little different than The Lastings. So The Lastings seem to be kind of like a hodgepodge of different materials that were like formed into buildings. These seem like ancient buildings from the time before that have just been repurposed. So you see a lot of like really tall, almost like skyscrapers, with like these like massive windows and stuff. And then like shorter buildings that, Alma, you point out are like individual dwelling places. And eventually you make it to a pretty large building near like kind of like what you would think the center of town, of the city, was. And it's this massive building with like granite columns up front and you pull up towards the back. They get the ship disengaged and resting at a docking place.

Harper (Kalix):

This is where all serval lives and does their business from. I'll have my men take care of your ship. If you follow me,  we can go meet with the serval and make sure that this is all okay.

Tatiana (Alma):

Thank you.

Harper (Kalix):


Tatiana (Alma):

Yes, we're in your very capable hands.

Harper (Guide):

So you all disembark and head inside this building. In The Lastings it seems like everything that had been built was built like specifically for the size of you kith, you animal folk, but the steps going up towards inside this building are just like a bit too tall, a bit too long, a bit too deep for your feet. So you kind of like, especially the shorter ones, you have to almost like climb up the stairs. It’s like a full body experience. And then like the door handles like Calix has to like jump up and like pull it and this massive door swings open. The counter spaces, the desks are just a bit too tall. The people that are working at them are sitting on the these stools or steps and it's kind of pretty busy like this is the town hall so lots of people here doing business. But you're kind of led up this like winding staircase up into what seems to be like the dome office space at the top. Calix doesn't really say much and if you have any questions for him, he kind of just,

Harper (Kalix):

Ah, just wait. We'll be there shortly and Birch will take care of everything, okay?

Harper (Guide):

So he continues to lead you up there and you’re led to a double set of like wooden doors. Hoku, Kalix is a rabbit, so probably not as tall as Hoku is, but maybe taller than anyone else. And he knocks on the door and you hear a voice,

Harper (Birch):

Ah, yes who is it?

Harper (Kalix):

It is Kalix, sir. I have some people from The Lastings here to see you.

Harper (Birch):

Alright. I said no ships in coming. But come on in.

Harper (Guide):

You see sitting on this top of a like a massive wooden desk, with like stacks of books, just like sitting on the desk is a small field mouse dressed in like purple robes. Probably about the size of Neu honestly. Not too big. And they look down and Kalix says,

Harper (Kalix):

Yes, I'm sorry but they have some important news. I'll let them take care of it.

Harper (Guide):

And Kalix sort of like does like a little bit of a bow and steps to the side and kind of stands at attention. And Birch stands up on the desk and says,

Harper (Birch):

Oh well, I guess you're already here, so yeah I guess explain yourselves.

Harper (Guide):

Like raises his hands towards you like motion you to come closer.

Tatiana (Alma):

Apologies for the intrusion. We didn't mean any disrespect. We, like your captain mentioned, re here on official business from The Lastings. We've been sent here by our own serval, Falon. Perhaps our two problems might be connected and I'm hoping that we can help each other out.

Harper (Guide):

Well The Lastings, that's kind of far and I mean kind of disconnected. How did you even get  out this way?

Tatiana (Alma):

Oh we took my ship. It's not my first time in your lovely nation, though it's the first time I've seen it in such a state.

Harper (Birch):

Yes, it's definitely seen better days. But tell me what news do you bring from The Lastings then?


Alma kind glances around.

Harper (Birch):

What’s happening here affected by what's happening there?

Tatiana (Alma):

Well, so our gods are gone. And we're looking for them and I don't mean in a like metaphorical sense, I mean quite literally our gods have vanished. And things are wrong. Fletcher?

Michi (Fletcher):

Um, yeah, hi, I’m Fletcher. So what are some of the problems you've been having? I see you have a lot of rain. Do you have any magic users, potion makers? How have they been doing?

Harper (Birch):

Well, now that you mention that your gods disappeared we haven't really looked into it yet, but I mean one of our gods is the god of weather and torrential downpouring, which we often see as a blessing here, so when it started pouring down rain a couple days ago, we thought well our gods might be upset or something. So we sent our priests and priestesses out to commune and they've not had any luck, so I wonder if it's something similar.

Harper (Guide):

And they sort of like shrug and look over Kalix and then Kalix is again just stoic, not even looking. Look over at Neu and Hoku.

Harper (Birch):

What do you think? Do y’all think this is connected or not?

Michi (Fletcher):

I definitely think so.

Octa (Neu):

Yeah it seems like gods are definitely acting out in some category and I'm not sure yet up to which point that's happening or for sure why that's happening right now. But it seems like they got into whatever happened to our gods, something happened to you god of torrential downpours as well. Did your priests come back? Are they still in there communing - what is that?

Harper (Birch):

Well, they are up on spirit island currently performing rituals and sending back the word occasionally on what's going on. If you would like I can arrange for transport so you can go speak with them.

Michi (Fletcher):

I think that’d be very good. Have there been any other unusual things going on? Do you generally have the one god?

Harper (Birch):

We have  a few other gods but we've not noticed any changes besides the rain.

Michi (Fletcher):

Okay and real quick, can you pick a card?


Fletcher brings out the cards he got for his birthday. And it's the ones with all of our gods so Fletcher is using this as maybe a way to find some guidance. You can roll through this or if you had things you can pick which card he ended up getting or they ended up getting.

Harper (Guide):

What should I roll?


You can roll 2d6.

Harper (Guide):

A four.

Michi (Fletcher):

So this card represents the God of Anino. So we need to look for some clarity and oh! What's the warmest part of your island?

Harper (Birch):

The warmest part of our island?

Michi (Fletcher):

The warmest and maybe the brightest.

Harper (Birch):

Well the east side of Portsville is pretty close to the mountains so it doesn't get a lot of sun. I would say honestly probably near the heart of the city where Spirit Island is.

Michi (Fletcher):

Okay! Then I think we definitely need to check Spirit Island.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, yeah, I agree with you.

Harper (Birch):

Okay. I’ve not had Oracle cards read for me in a little while. I do you think that's really nice.

Michi (Fletcher):

You can pick another if you'd like.

Harper (Birch):


Harper (Guide):

And then he reaches out grabs another one. Before he starts to read that for him, you hear another like knock at the door.

Harper (Birch):

Yes come in.

Harper (Guide):

And another guard comes in, walks over to Kalix, whispers something in their ear and Kalix looks kind of concerned. And the other guard walks out and Birch looks and says,

Harper (Birch):

What is it? Just tell us.

Harper (Kalix):

Yes well it seems that the citizens are, not rioting, but they are gathering in mass outside. Concerned about what's going on. Also the librarian, Lavender, would like to hold the meeting with you. Apparently some of their special collections were stolen recently.

Harper (Birch):

Well, oh gosh this keeps getting worse and worse and worse. Oh.

Tatiana (Alma):

Listen, we'll help you as best we can, but maybe you can tell us a little bit about how to reach your citizens like how to calm them down. It won't help anyone if everyone starts to panic.

Harper (Birch):

Well what I can do is give a speech and hopefully that will keep people at bay but we might need to meet with some of the guilds around town to see if they can get their people to come up with some sort of plan. Maybe with my help, along with yours and maybe keep everyone calm in this time. But you also said you wanted to go to Spirit Island as well.

Tatiana (Alma):

Well there's a lot of us and it wouldn't make sense for us all to do everything together. I know Fletcher and Hoku are probably best suited to go to Spirit Island and figure out what's going on over there. Neu and I can help you talk to guild leaders and hopefully calm things down.


Alma kind of like just doesn't mention Chandler at all (laughs):


Is Chandler in the room with us?

Harper (Guide):

Yes Chandler's in the room and actually like standing quite respectfully kind of near Kalix. Not at attention but maybe doing his best interpretation of attention. And Birch says,

Harper (Birch):

Alright so you –

Harper (Guide):

And points to Alma.

Harper (Birch):

You're helping me. And Fletcher and Hoku, you two are going to Spirit Island. What about you two?

Harper (Guide):

Points to Neu and Chandler. And Chandler kind of puffs his chest out and says,

Harper (Chandler):

Well I'm the groups most esteemed stargazer, so I can do anything involving the stars. So maybe Spirit Island would be a good choice. I can talk with your spiritual advisors and see what's going with the stars.


You hear a low growl come out of Hoku.

Harper (Chandler):

Oh sorry! I am the most esteemed but this is my friend Hoku, who is quite closely esteemed to me as well. So we could work together.

Harper (Guide):

And walks over to Hoku.

Harper (Chandler):

We could work together, right?

Michi (Fletcher):

Um, excuse me. A the witch in the party, I prefer to work with this starkeeper whose work I know. And I know Hoku’s work very, very well. So if I'm going to bring a starkeeper, it's gonna be Hoku.


And then Hoku turns hopefully to sweet Fletcher and goes,

Jenine (Hoku):

Oh thanks man. Yeah I esteemed, great.


And tries to stand tall and hopefully in the direction of the serval possibly. I don’t know where Hoku is looking at this point. He is very confused and can't see - and only sees blobs.

Harper (Guide):

He looks and you hear him go,

Harper (Birch):


Harper (Guide):

And jumps off the desk and walks over, grabs your hand.

Harper (Birch):

Sweet child, are you suffering from an ailment right now?

Jenine (Hoku):

So when we came in I was trying to get the wheel of our ship and it kind of smacked me in the face and my glasses might have fallen off. So I'm struggling a little bit. Nice to meet you. I'm Hoku Bayani.


Extends hand probably above the head.

Harper (Birch):

I'm Birch Fielder. The serval or Portsmore. I was going to say you can see I wear spectacles as well but you can't see very well. On your way to Spirit Island I can have my people take you to see my optical technician. If that would suit you?

Jenine (Hoku):

Yeah, that would be amazing. Thank you so so much. You are really cool and I'm sorry about all the rain that is happening here.

Harper (Birch):

I like it if it wasn't effecting on trade routes, importation routes, I would like it more. But yes I try to be cool.

Jenine (Hoku):

And not just because it's raining. ‘Cause sometimes you get wet from the rain and then you get cold… anyways where are we going?

Harper (Birch):

Spirit Island and I will honestly have to push back on your request though. I think the more spiritually minded people that go to Spirit Island might be better. So if you wouldn't mind taking along… what was your name?

Harper (Guide):

Looks at Chandler.

Harper (Chandler):

I'm Chandler, a stargazer as well.

Harper (Birch):

Yes if you wouldn't mind taking Chandler that would appreciated.


Alma’s just looking super apologetically over to Hoku and Fletcher.


Neu will kind of take a step forward purely out of guilt. Just grab Chandler on the arm, look at the serval.

Octa (Neu):

So I think while Alma tries and help you find the guild masters to start finding a good solution to calm people down, maybe Chandler and I could actually go with the people and try to maybe entertain them or try to talk to them. Try to keep them appeased while Alma finds a solution

Harper (Birch):

Are you an entertainer? I'm sorry I didn't meet you yet.

Harper (Guide):

And that he extends his hand to you.

Octa (Neu):

Ohhh hi! Nice to meet you. My name is Neu. I am Neu Threestrings. Not an entertainer at all but yeah I don't know I'm just trying to help here. Plus I'm actually - I mean having your guards clad in leather your purple tunic, it seems like people dress in really cool stuff around here so maybe I can get to see that as well.

Harper (Birch):

Well alright, I think that is the plan. Alma, you and I will go with a couple of my people to meet with the guild leaders and probably the librarian. But first I will speak to the people and get them calmed down. And I will introduce the great performers of Neu and Chandler.

Octa (Neu):

No that is not-

Harper (Birch):

Nonsense you seem wonderful. And Hoku and Fletcher, I will send about Spirit Island and you will see my optical technician on the way. Alright?

Michi (Fletcher):

Sounds good! Oh by the way, with your reading. Do you mean do you have some sort of special connection to this librarian?

Harper (Birch):

Oh yes my card! Is that what you're referencing?

Michi (Fletcher):


Harper (Birch):

Let's just say mixing business and pleasure is never a great idea.

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah you'll want this.


Fletcher brings out like a little herb and it's literally the lavender herb and just carefully places it in his palm.

Harper (Birch):

Okay, um, thank you.

Michi (Fletcher):

You'll know what to do when the time comes.

Harper (Birch):

Okay, well let's be off we've got quite a bit of work to do.


Hey everyone! Kenzie here. I wanted to let you know that we will not be having a regularly scheduled episode of Of Kith and Pen next week. If you are a Patron, you may have already seen the video of the wonderful chat I got to have with Jay Dragon, the creator of Wanderhome! But if you aren’t a Patron - though you are missing out on The After Show, blooper reels, playlists - we will be premiering the first episode of our new interview show, Press Pause: Let’s Chat, next Tuesday, July 25th! We will pick up the next week, August 2nd, with our beloved kith and their adventures in Portsmore. Enjoy the rest of the episode!

Harper (Guide):

We pick up with everybody leaving the office. Birch is leading and again, he's a field mouse so he's even smaller than Neu, so having to like hop down all the stairs. Like jump jump jump each step but leading you all down with Kalix kind of taking up the rear. And Calix points to a guard as you all get down to the bottom level. And the guard rushes over .

Harper (Kalix):

Take these two to Birch’s opitical technician and then to the Spirit Island.

Harper (Guide):

And the guard nods,

Harper (Guard):

Right away yes. You two follow me alright?

Octa (Neu):

Before you go! Hoku, just um… so I think when we got off the boat - and you may not believe this, I think it's kind of almost like a miracle - so I think I saw your glasses that's fell. The wind must have taken them to the port and maybe I picked them up I think and maybe they can repair them.

Jenine (Hoku):

Oh, you've found my glasses. That's sick. Cool!

Octa (Neu):

I think so.

Jenine (Hoku):

You're amazing. Thank you.

Octa (Neu):

No, no, no. Don't say that. It's not –

Jenine (Hoku):

What a coincidence!?

Octa (Neu):

Thank the stars, I guess.

Jenine (Hoku):

Yeah well I mean, yeah I mean like also you, you from which is – can I hug you?

Octa (Neu):

Yes… okay.


Gives like a nice big squeeze.


And Neu gives the slowest, most guilty hug of all time.

Harper (Guide):

The guard kind of like clears his throat and like starts to like kind of like walk backwards like half leading, waiting for you to join them.

Harper (Guard):

Alright, okay, this way.

Harper (Guide):

And takes off and start leading you down a side hallway and out a side door. Y'all can see as you're like down on the bottom floor now like the massive glass windows looking out and there's a pretty massive crowd with kind of these like barriers set up and the town guard. And Birch looks up and says,

Harper (Birch):

Alright well I will give a speech hopefully it will calm them down and the I’ll introduce the Neu and Chandler, the greats. And then it'll be up to you. Alright? Alright? Alright!? Please!

Octa (Neu):

Alright, Alright, yes, yes. But it's not going to be a performance. I have a game that I will try and play with them.

Harper (Birch):


Harper (Guide):

And Chandler clears his throat and says,

Harper (Chandler):

Well if the game doesn't work I can probably talk about stars for awhile and that's very interesting.

Octa (Neu):

It’s only interesting when Hoku talks about them.

Harper (Chandler):

Yeah I would agree , I would agree. I guess let's get to it.

Harper (Guide):

And so Birch leads the group out and there's like a massive uproar as soon as he comes out and Kalix like yells out and it sort of echoes in this booming voice that, again you've heard it through the storm but it piercing through the crowd just like feels like very powerful and then the crowd kind of falls silent. And then Birch steps forward and Kalix  pulls out a little stool that like folds out, Birch steps on it and Birch clear his throat and says,

Harper (Birch):

Alright everyone, I know what we're experiencing now is something very new to us. We've experienced many great things here in Portsmore. Things of plenty. Times of great wealth and sustenance and with our barges on the eastern side of the town unable to get to where we need them, things are going to be a little difficult for some time. But I promise you, I have friends here-

Harper (Guide):

And he points back to the three of you standing there.

Harper (Birch):

All the way from The Lastings. These experts are here to help us sort all this out. With their help we will make it through this, alright? Trust me. Trust our friends. And be good neighbors.

Harper (Guide):

And the crowd starts to like murmur a little bit and Birch clears his throat again and says,

Harper (Birch):

I know it's not much but two of our friends from The Lastings, Chandler the Great and Neu the Magnificent are going to do a little entertainment for you, alright? Hopefully this boosts the morale. And again, we'll make it through this. Portsmore will stand.

Harper (Guide):

And you hear like a little bit like a slow clap and like eventually the crowd like starts to cheer. And Birch kind of bows and yells out,

Harper (Birch):

Alright,  Neu the Magnificent and Chandler the Great!

Harper (Guide):

And he hops off the stool. Kalix picks it up, folds it up, puts it in his coat. Then they start walking off and they motion for Alma to join.

Tatiana (Alma):

You guys will be fine.

Harper (Guide):

Y’all get past the crowd and Birch says or kind of whispers over to Kalix and Alma,

Harper (Birch):

Well I guess that with alright. What do you think?

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah… no I think that went fine. I'm not - I mean I'm not serval so I don't really know what people need to hear but seems like it worked out.

Harper (Kalix):

I was certainly comforted, sir.

Harper (Birch):

Welll thank you both. Let's just be off to the library. Kalix do you want to send word ahead and see if the other guild members wouldn’t mind meeting us there.

Harper (Kalix):

Yes, sir, I can do that.

Harper (Guide):

And he whistles out and a guard comes over and whispers and then the guard disperses. And so as y'all head deeper into town, let's jump over to Fletcher and Hoku. So the two of you are led over to a little shop not too far from town hall but you heard the crowd and then you heard the crowd died down and then you heard like a little voice but then that voice started to fade as you got a little bit further. But it is a shop that just says, “Glasses,” with a wooden side with an engraving of glasses. And you go inside and again, like it's basically just like wall to wall glasses. And you see a little hedgehog with glasses sitting behind a counter and I say,

Harper (Optical Technician):

Oh hello friends! Welcome! Do you need glasses?

Michi (Fletcher):

Hi, my friend here - hi I'm Fletcher.

Harper (Thistle):

Oh, hi, I’m Thistle, it's so nice to meet you.

Michi (Fletcher):

Nice to meet you, Thistle. My friend here, Hoku, needs new - or do you do glasses repairs? I see you have a lot of glasses. Hoku do you see any - oh never mind. Do you do any glasses repairs?

Harper (Thistle):

It kind of depends on their state but I can look at them and let you know if I can fix them. And if not you've come to the right place because I have lots of glasses!

Jenine (Hoku):

Oh cool! I don't think they're - I don't think they're that bad.


And I pull out the glasses. How bad are they?

Harper (Guide):

I would say like they're pretty like crushed. The lenses are basically just like completely splintered, cracks all over the place. And the frames are just like bent and the bridge is like kind of bent so like the lenses are kind of like backwards. The ear loops are kind of like off to each side of, one of them is almost crushed a little bit.

Jenine (Hoku):

I think they're perfectly fine! They're fixable yeah?

Harper (Thistle):

Oh… friend…

Harper (Guide):

And Thistle kind of like comes around and grabs your hands,

Harper (Guide):

Do you have any emotional attachment to these glasses?

Jenine (Hoku):


Harper (Guide):

Because I understand if you do, I kind of do that myself sometimes. Glasses are wonderful and beautiful and they help people see who can't see very well. So yes, I get that, but do you have an emotional attachment to these?

Jenine (Hoku):

Well, a little bit. It was kind of the first pair of glasses that I got when I was able to like see the stars really well for the first time with these glasses. And I studied a lot with them the past couple years. So there are some attachments to it - is it bad? Is it bad?


And I turn towards the general location of Fletcher with puppy dog eyes.

Harper (Guide):

You actually hear like a pause and a little like clearing on the throat.

Harper (Thistle):

Well, I can say I have seen worse but I'm not sure I'll be able to get these back to working order. I can fix them so you can put them on a shelf or something and look at them, but if you step over here with me - I know you can't see but I'm sure your friend has good taste - I have a couple of pairs of glasses. One that I made just recently that I think you'll like quite well.

Harper (Guide):

And he sort of like grabs the two of you and like ushers you over to one side and points out two different pairs of glasses. One is where like the lenses are in like the actual shape of stars, like a five pointed star.

Harper (Thistle):

So these I've had on the shelf for a while, nobody seems all too interested in them.  And then these –

Harper (Guide):

He points to another one. They're like a dark purple frame with like actually like gold flake stars built into the frames.

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh wow so Hoku, love these glasses. Have stars on them. They're both really cool. One is in the shape of a star. The other one is like dark purple and has like little star sprinkles on it.

Jenine (Hoku):

Oooohh. What color is the one that looks like a star?

Harper (Guide):

So the star ones are blue so like blue frames.

Jenine (Hoku):

I think I I want the ones with the star flecks in it because it would look like the night sky, right? That's how that works, right?

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah I guess.

Harper (Birch):

That was my intention when designing them.

Jenine (Hoku):

Cool, yeah, yeah, that'd be cool.

Harper (Birch):

Alright, how will you be paying for these?

Harper (Guide):

And the guard steps up,

Harper (Guard):

Sorry but put these on Birch’s account, the serval. He's taking care of these folks. They're helping us.

Harper (Birch):

Oh well I didn't know we had important people in the shop. Yes well step right this way and we'll get your eyes taken care of. We’ll have to figure out what strength to make the lenses first, okay?

Jenine (Hoku):


Harper (Guide):

And so he walks you over to another section and starts doing like the eye tests with you. And then we'll jump over to Neu and Chandler. Neu and Chandler, you two are standing there kind of at the front of the crowd. The crowd is still like applauding as the serval walks away with Kalix and Alma. And then eventually the applause died down till it's almost a defining silence as you look out and every eye is on you. And Neu you have this moment, maybe an intrusive thought an intrusive thought: well if Alphonse was here, he could probably take over this crowd pretty instantly. But then you kind of have this feeling like, but I don't like Alphonse anymore. Alphonse is a jerk! And what does that make you?


Neu stomps on the ground, looks at the crowd. What am I looking at here? Is it a fifty people crowd? A two hundred people crowd? Is it like a major - everyone's here?

Harper (Guide):
Oh it's like - not everyone in the town is here but it's probably like a pushing like six hundred. It’s a pretty big, pretty decent crowd. The whole like town square courtyard area is filled with people and then those that even like some of the side streets have people kind of still coming in from those and so it's kind of even like a crowd is growing still.


So I’m going to try and entertain them with a story of weaving and some magic. And we still haven't figured out too much about weaving magic and I think one of the - one of the weaves that Neu may be able to do is just weaving something and getting that tapestry that is being woven to be shown in a larger life format. Almost like an illusion in front of Neu.

Harper (Guide):

So now you have like this magical weaving setup right? So you start to like get that out and start getting that loom going. Is there any sort of like message or meaning you're trying to put into this?


So I'm trying to calm them down and nothing calms people down like a bedtime story. So Neu starts weaving and will be weaving this kind of scenery of a small temple surrounded by little mushrooms and then the mushrooms are actually quite much bigger, some bushes and a bunch of berries around it, probably dream barriers around the entrance of this long forgotten temple. And Neu begins to kind of tell this story,

Octa (Neu):

So everyone, I would like to tell you about the small and forgotten god of bedtime stories. I once dreamt of this place and I wish to visit it.


And then Neu begins talking a bit more in depth of this whole dream and tries to kind of like get them into this story and do kind of like a life weaving of this little tapestry. And kind of get them into both the visuals and the story of it and try to subdue their mood with that.

Harper (Guide):

Alright give me…  I think a wild check will fit here.


That’s an eight plus one.

Harper (Guide):

Nine. Okay yes, so you're able to really start to get this weaving going. And like at first like you started to hear like murmurings and rumblings of the crowd and like some people like starting to push forward up against the barricade, but as you start telling this story like the magic starts to take over. Aand would you say that magic like emanates from your loom and your tapestry or is it more of a kind of just like people are enamored by watching you do this?


Yeah I think it's more of that more of that. The weave itself, as I weave it in my hands, it kind of projects itself in a much bigger format in front of me, almost like providing them with like a cinema screen of what I'm doing. And they get to see like the threads come in and out and the tapestry being made as it happens. And I think that's kind of like a big sensory experience and it's not like the magic is affecting them too much, but it's just getting entranced in the weaving with me.

Harper (Guide):

When the weaving starts to actually take shape, you see some of the people kind of like part as like kids start to come up, the guard actually start to take the barricades down as the kids started to gather around. And Chandler goes out front and starts doing sound effects and different things like helping with the story. The crowd starts to calm down. The kids, you even like see them start to fall asleep and then the crowd almost starts to dissipate to as the story goes on. And when you get towards the end of your story and you start to wrap it up like the crowd is kind of like halved. You notice that people are rubbing their eyes as they walk away and the ones that stick around, whenever you wrap up, they cheer. The kids start screaming for like another one.

Octa (Neu):

And so I really hope to someday find this marvelous temple. And thank this god for all of the bedtime stories that we get. Thank you everyone.

Harper (Guide):

And then Chandler stands up and says,

Harper (Chandler):

Alright everyone, time to learn about stars!

Harper (Guide):

The crowd actually cheers. I rolled for him and he did pretty well so yeah… he got a ten.


He did help me out so I will continue to weave and I will leave kind of like a night sky situation.

Harper (Guide):

Love it. We'll jump over to Alma. You're still walking with Birch and Kalix and it's just a few blocks but you make it over to the library. And again this one seems a lot different than the library at The Lastings. The libraries in The Lastings again, kind of put together with the hodgepodge of materials but they have like their very own like distinct feel, like they belong in in The Lastings. This is like a massive like gray building with these windows that look out. Very like postmodern or like just definitely like a more modern feel than what The Lastings has. It's kind of more of a fantasy vibe and this just feels different. But Birch leads you up the stairs and you're led inside and it’s this massive building, multi story, just kind of floor to ceiling with the books. He walks up to the front desk with you and Kali and the desk clerk says,

Harper (Desk Clerk):

Yeah, yeah, can I help you?

Harper (Birch):

Yes, I am here to meet with Lavender.

Harper (Guide):

And the their desk clerk says,

Harper (Desk Clerk):

Well yes she is with I think guild members or something? They just got here. They're in meeting room B. Do you know that is?

Harper (Birch):

Yes I've been there before. Second floor?

Harper (Desk Clerk):

Yes second floor.

Harper (Guide):

And so you'll start going up this massive stairwell at the center of the building and you get on to the second floor, you go back around and it's in like a massive almost like a fish bowl just like glass walled meeting room. And you see a massive table at the at the center of the room with five people sitting around the table. You go inside and it is completely silent as it feels as if the group is almost peering into your souls as you like walk into the room. There is a vulture at the head of the table, a badger close by sitting down. A tortoise sitting down at the table. An owl kind of like squinting through like sleepy eyes and a wolf. And the vulture clears their throat and says,

Harper (Lavender):

Oh Birch, welcome. Please. We've gathered. Please sit.

Harper (Birch):

Oh yes, Lavender thank you. This is uh - you know Kalix, one of our guards. But this is Alma. Alma from the void, right?

Tatiana (Alma):

The Vale but thank you.

Harper (Birch):

The Vale, yes. She's from - sorry she right?

Tatiana (Alma):

She… she/they, whatever you prefer.

Harper (Birch):

Okay yes, she's from The Lastings and she has some things to tell you about what's going on there. Do you mind Alma?

Tatiana (Alma):

Not at all, thank you again. Apologies for intruding on your meeting. My friends and I have been sent here because our gods are gone and we're experiencing a lot of wrongness as a result. Magic users unable to perform magic, potions not going right, ghosts disappearing. And it seems to me that your issues here with the torrential rains are more than likely connected to our own problems.

Harper (Guide):

And Lavender, the vulture, kind of clears her throat and says,

Harper (Lavender):

Yes it seems like there’s an overlap. I’ll introduce the rest of everyone. This is Brynn, head of our merchants guild.

Harper (Guide):

She points to the wolf kind of sitting at the center of the table. Bows his head and says,

Harper (Brynn):

Thank you. I appreciate your visit. Hopefully we can come to some sort of understanding of what's going on here.

Harper (Lavender):

And this sleepy fellow is Stars, head of our performers guild.

Harper (Stars):

Yes, I'm sorry, I'm so tired. I’m not usually awake up this hour. But such a trying time, I needed to be here.

Harper (Lavender):

And this is Teal.

Harper (Guide):

She points to the tortoise.

Harper (Lavender):

Head of our fabricators guild.

Harper (Teal):

Yes, I'm just so exited to have somebody here who kind of knows what's going on, you know? Because I tell if it's not putting two boards together and nailing them down, I don't really know what's going on. But something's weird. My name’s Teal, I don't know if she said… yes, I'll be quiet.

Harper (Lavender):

And this is Cardamom.

Harper (Guide):

And she points to the badger. Our helpers guild.

Harper (Cardamom):

Yes I lead everybody who's helps people around here. So yeah we've had a lot of work the past couple days. We’re kind of nervous. What should we do?

Tatiana (Alma):

Well it's a pleasure to meet all of you first of all. I don't really know what you should - what you should do. I know that things are strange and strangeness scares people so I think it's important for all of you, as leaders of your guilds, to maintain a strong front. Like people are only as confident as their leaders and if you guys, you know, are wishy washy and afraid then your people will be afraid and they need you to be strong right now and not to panic.

Harper (Brynn):

Well, I do appreciate that sentiment but it feels as if the sky is the (unintelligible).

Tatiana (Alma):

I experienced that flying in. Besides that, has anything else weird been happening anywhere in particular. Any information would be incredibly helpful.

Harper (Guide):

And Cardamom speaks up,

Harper (Cardamom):

Some of our healers seem to can't do their healing magic as well and that's one of the main things I've seen. And so we've had to pull out the ancient books on how to heal through different herbs and things, which is all fine but we're starting to run out of herbs. We're not able to get our supplies in so that's like one of our main concerns. And just our folks who provide counseling are overrun with people stressed out and not really sure of what's going on. It would really help if we had some sort of plan or something. I don't know like I - this is all weird but –

Harper (Guide):

And lavender clears her throat and says,

Harper (Lavender):

Yes I think the plan would be wonderful. What do you think, Birch?

Harper (Birch):

Well honestly that was why I brought everybody here. So we could start coming up with some sort of plan together. And it was hoped that Alma’s words, that we’re not in this alone and we have experts from another part of the world, that it could be a comfort to you all.

Harper (Guide):

And Stars speaks up and says,

Harper (Stars):

Well, honestly I'm not really quite sure what these experts are bringing to us and the people don't want to see our performances and if enough people don't want to see our performances our performers don't make any money.

Tatiana (Alma):

When people experience hardship, that takes up their entire life. Their time. Distractions like performances can sometimes bring comfort but most of the time, if it's such a grave matter as this is, they won't want to think about anything else. So our first step should be to come up with a solution for your guy’s barges and getting them to at least come and go with a bit more ease. I think at this point we need to operate with the understanding that this might be just how things are now, so we need to save the problem.

Harper (Cardamom):

I really like the barge idea honestly. Yes if we can handle the barges, then people will have some things. At least for a little bit. And people like things. I like things!

Tatiana (Alma):

Exactly! People like things. And if people are happy, they're more likely to want to see performances and you know that sort of thing. So you lead the guild of the helpers, I'm sure that means you have maybe construction kith. People who know how to build things and maybe create dams.

Harper (Cardamom):

Alright, we have some supplies. We might need some assistance getting some more but maybe if we can, I don't know, like prioritize certain barges over other ones. That could help, I don't know.

Tatiana (Alma):

I think that's a fantastic idea. I mean if you can fix up my ship then I'd be happy to bring supplies from above. I don't need to worry about what's going on the ground and having to make my way through the trenches, I can just fly in and out, especially if you bulk up my engine so that we can handle the downpour.

Harper (Guide):

Alma go ahead and give me a heart roll.


That's a seven.

Harper (Guide):

A seven so that is a partial success. The group is pretty much okay with this plan but basically – well Lavender looks across the table at you. And kind of has like these piercing eyes again and says,

Harper (Lavender):

Well a lot is resting on you my dear. If anything goes wrong then this might not just be an issue with Portsmore, this might be an issue between Portsmore and The Lastings.

Tatiana (Alma):

I’m used to working under pressure.

Harper (Lavender):

Also –

Harper (Guide):

She looks over at Birch.

Harper (Lavender):

- somebody stole two ancient texts from here and I'm very concerned about that.


Hey, has Fletcher mentioned that stuff was stolen?

Harper (Guide):

I don't think so.


I don't think he’s even told everyone about the break up yet.


Oh good, fantastic, so with that not knowledge.

Tatiana (Alma):

So you say things were stolen from you. Where were they stolen from? Do you have any sort of evidence, clues that might tell us who stole from you?

Harper (Lavender):

Well all I know is that our front clerk that works the front desk said that four cloaked individuals bursted in here, probably two hours ago now, ran into our special collections room, broke down the door with a bolt of magic, ran away was two ancient texts - one was a scroll that described the great uprising and another was a book that none of us have been able to read because it's been written in an ancient tongue.

Tatiana (Alma):

I see.

Harper (Lavender):

Two very important texts. Well we're not sure about the ancient tongue one, it could be a bunch of swear words for all we know. But it looks cool and it's very old. Older than me, imagine that!

Tatiana (Alma):

So two hours ago?

Harper (Lavender):

Yes about two hours ago.

Tatiana (Alma):

The culprits’ probably still here. I can't imagine they would be able to get far in this torrential –

Harper (Guide):

And she's like looking around the room.

Harper (Lavender):

I don't see them.

Tatiana (Alma):

Nope, not here, here. But still in Portsmore.

Harper (Guide):

Yes that makes sense. As if you didn't already have enough deal with, I would ask you to look for them.

Tatiana (Alma):

I’m multifaceted. I can keep it in mind. And my friends as well, they can probably keep on the lookout if you give - write down kind of a more comprehensive description of the texts. I definitely have a friend who would be interested in them.

Harper (Lavender):

Very well I could do that for you.

Harper (Birch):


Harper (Guide):

Birch clears his throat and says,

Harper (Birch):

It seems like we have a pretty solid plan. Everybody is on board with this right? We’re going to try to bring in supplies from the barges with the help of Alma’s ship, which Teal, you're going to help fix and then we'll go from there.

Harper (Guide):

And everybody sort of like mumbles their agreement.

Harper (Birch):

I say this is has been a productive meeting. And under thirty minutes, what we all like. Alright then, well I guess we'll get to it.

Tatiana (Alma):

I look forward to working with you.

Harper (Brynn):

t was very nice to meet you.

Harper (Teal):

Yeah so where's this ship at?

Tatiana (Alma):

It was towed by Kalix’s crew.

Harper (Teal):

So where's the ship at?

Tatiana (Alma):


Harper (Kalix):

Yes it's at the town hall.

Harper (Teal):

Alright, I'll be over there in about an hour. I gotta get some supplies together get a couple of my guys and then we'll be over there, alright?

Tatiana (Alma):

Great! Yeah thank you.

Harper (Teal):

I gotta get out of here. Nice to see you all. I will see you in a few moments - well in about an hour but…

Harper (Guide):

Teal gets up and walks out. And Birch kind of follows and motions for you and Kalix follows behind. Let's Teal get a little ahead of you and the others kind of linger back in the room and says,

Harper (Birch):

Well, I think that went quite well. What do you think?

Tatiana (Alma):

It could have gone worse that's for sure.

Harper (Birch):

I’ve been in those kind of meetings. Yes. Yes. But thank you for offering your assistance and your ship. That’ll come quite in handy. But I guess let's get back.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, yeah, thank you for not kicking us out immediately.

Harper (Birch):

I mean once you were here I guess damage was already done but seems like you're not actually doing any more damage, which is nice.

Tatiana (Alma):

We’ll try to avoid that for sure.

Harper (Birch):


Harper (Guide):

And he turns and starts to go down the stairs and the three of you walk back towards town hall. And the rain is still coming down but you do see people kind of again, coming back from town hall, heading into like their homes, their apartments. Not living life as normal but definitely seems more calm and a little closer to normal than when you all arrived in Portsmore.


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Meet your hosts:

Harper Sage Pettit

S2 Guide

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