S2 E2: Chaotic Carpool

Episode 2

About this Episode:

The Letter Writing Club begins tying up loose ends as they prepare to leave The Lastings.

This episode was produced by Kenzie Tartaglione and Ashley Westover. Editing by Kenzie Tartaglione. Theme music by Lorna Ryan.

Episode Transcript:

Tatiana Gefter:

Hello, everyone, my name is Tatiana Gefter. I use she/they pronouns and I am playing Alma of the Vale with The Gravedigger playbook.

Michi Zaya:

Hi, my name is Michi Zaya. I use any pronouns and I am playing Fletcher, The Witch.

Jenine Florence Jacinto:

My name is Jenine Florence Jacinto. I use they/them pronouns and I play Hoku Bayana.

Octa Delgado:

Hello, my name is Octa. I go by they/them pronouns. And I will play Neu Threestrings from The Weaver playbook.

Harper Sage Pettit:

Hi, my name is Harper Sage Pettit. I use they or she pronouns and I will be your guide for this season of queeRPG, Of Kith and Pen.

Kenzie Tartaglione:

The content warning for this episodes includes discussions of financial struggles and debt.

Tatiana (Alma of the Vale):

Dear Eloise. It’s been a while since I’ve written to you – well, since I’ve written to anyone but I thought it would be good for me to update you on what I’ve been doing. I know it’s been a bit since I’ve told you about my travels but, what a better opportunity to reach out again than when I’m going back home. That’s right! I’m going back to The Lastings. Well, I’m back at The Lastings now. I’ve been here not long, not long at all. Things are really weird here. I stopped by the cemetery that I usually stop at and something was wrong with the ghosts. Like, they vanished when I touched them. It was really really strange. On the bright side, I’ve gotten to reconnect with some of my old friends from the letter writing club. I think I told you about them. It’s hard to remember what I’ve talked to you about. But, they’re doing good. You know, Fletcher is still Fletcher (laughs). They’re doing kind of an internship a little bit. Things seem to be going well with that. You know Hoku. Hoku’s the one I’ve been writing to the most probably I would say. They have the most to get out of my travels, what, with all of the stars and everything. And then Neu, honestly, I’m not too sure what Neu’s been up to. I know there’s been some relationship drama. But, I’m hardly one to judge relationships. Yeah, speaking of which, Carth wants to talk to me again and see me. That’s a shocker! Considering that we haven’t spoken in a while. And that wasn’t my fault. Anyway, I just wanted to update you on what’s been going on. I’ll write back to you soon. All the love, Alma of The Vale.

Harper (Guide):

We kind of open up with the massive doors of the factory closing behind the four of you. You’re just kind of there in a few moments of silence. Who breaks the silence?

Jenine (Hoku Bayani):

Well, that was eventful.

Octa (Neu Threestrings):

Yes. Everyone there looked so important.

Michi (Fletcher Agaar):

Wait, so when are we leaving?

Tatiana (Alma):

Soon, tomorrow. As soon as possible.

Jenine (Hoku):


Michi (Fletcher):

Oh, man.

Octa (Neu):

Do you have a lot to do?

Michi (Fletcher):

Well, I don’t like to rush things.

Tatiana (Alma):

(Laughs) That hasn’t changed then. We can take my airship if that helps at all. It’s already got most of its stuff in order. I just need to replenish some of the supplies for four people instead of one person. So, yeah, um, that’s fine. It’s at the dock. You guys can just meet me there tomorrow morning, if that’s what you guys want to do.

Michi (Fletcher):

Okay, yeah, that would be great thank you.

Jenine (Hoku):

Yeah, that works, yeah.

Octa (Neu):

You have an airship.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah! Yeah, I kinda – when I got sent on my job, I took the family airship so my parents are here and I was out there. It’s a good ship! It’s a good ship. It’s so messy, it’s a good ship.

Octa (Neu):

So, you say the airship is on the docks?

Tatiana (Alma):


Octa (Neu):

That’s kind of far away from mine. Can someone help me get my stuff across? Or maybe, you can take the airship to mine and I could just load it up from there. Do you think that works?

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, I could probably pull it around and drop down the ladder for you to bring your stuff up. I just can’t set the ship down in a residential area, I’ll get fined so…

Octa (Neu):

Is it very loud?

Tatiana (Alma):

You’ll hear me coming.

Octa (Neu):


Tatiana (Alma):

Do the rest of you also want to be picked up? Or do you just want to meet me at the ship?

Jenine (Hoku):

I think I can meet you at the ship. I still have all of my things kind of together. I literally just got home and everything is still in little packages – I – yes.

Tatiana (Alma):

Okay! Cool, cool, cool, cool. Fletcher?

Michi (Fletcher):

I’ll try not to be late. If I’m late, you might have to pick me up.

Tatiana (Alma):

I’ll keep that in mind, not a problem at all. Okay! So, we have a plan, I’m gonna go and I’ll see you guys later.

Michi (Fletcher):

Okay, what are you going to do in the next day that we have?

Tatiana (Alma):

I’m gonna replenish the ship’s supplies and visit my parents.

Michi (Fletcher):

Right, you just said that.

Tatiana (Alma):

Don’t worry about it, it’s okay.

Michi (Fletcher):


Tatiana (Alma):

Neu, do you still live – where do you live now?

Octa (Neu):

Now I’ve moved away from home. Um, actually my parents don’t live here now. So, I’m – do you know the little street that goes after the big market square?

Tatiana (Alma):


Octa (Neu):

So, if you go there and you go over like three or four more streets, it’s just – at the very end of there – it’s kind of close to Libby’s actually.

Tatiana (Alma):

Oh! Oh, okay! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it. Fletcher? Are you staying with your parents or?

Michi (Fletcher):

I live on The Marigold of Anino, right now.

Tatiana (Alma):

Cool, okay, great. Yeah, that’s fine. Easy enough to get there. Hoku, you’ll meet me at the ship.

Jenine (Hoku):

So, should I wait – are we thinking like, am I going after you pick up the others? Or am I going with you to pick up the others? What order of operations fits.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You’ll meet me before I pick up everybody.

Jenine (Hoku):


Tatiana (Alma):


Jenine (Hoku):

Got it.

Tatiana (Alma):

So, then we can just go straight from picking up the kids and we’ll just leave.

Harper (Guide):

As y’all begin to walk away and head on your separate errand running, task completing, little side quests. Everyone go ahead and give me a swift roll.


I got a ten.


That’s a ten as well.


I got a seven.


I got an eleven plus one!

Harper (Guide):

All of you, as you’re starting to go on your separate ways, you begin to feel a swift drop in the ground below you. It seems almost as if Yari’s Thimble just dropped a few feet, kind of bounced and came back up. Thankfully, you all were pretty close to a building, a pole, something to gather yourself, except for Alma. You stumbled a little bit and bumped into a city guard and kind of pushed them into a alleyway and they sort of  get up and,

Harper (City Guard):

What’s going on here? What’s going on!

Tatiana (Alma):

I’m so sorry. I just tripped. I’m so sorry.

Harper (City Guard):

Um, that was – that was so – I didn’t really care about being pushed. You felt that right?

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, I did.

Harper (City Guard):

That was really weird, right?

Tatiana (Alma):

Weird. You know, a lot of things – weird thing happen these days. I’m sure its nothing to worry about.

Harper (City Guard):

I’m gonna go tell someone, I guess, right?

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, yeah. I feel like if you’re going to tell anybody, you should tell Falon.

Harper (City Guard):

Yes, okay.

Tatiana (Alma):

Best idea.

Harper (City Guard):

I know zer busy but I – yes, I’ll go right away.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, trust me, zey will be so excited to here all about this. Oh god.


We were all near each other when that happened?


I think Fletcher would have lingered in the building to talk to the Dream Weavers so..


Neu just turns around and tries to make eye contact with whoever he can see, whether it’s Alma or Hoku.

Octa (Neu):

Did you?

Jenine (Hoku):

Yeah, mm-hmm.

Octa (Neu):

Is this?

Jenine (Hoku):


Octa (Neu):

We need to really rush.

Jenine (Hoku):

Are we thinking tomorrow? Are we thinking like should we meet tonight? Should we go first thing in the morning?

Tatiana (Alma):

First thing in the morning, I think, yeah. First thing. First thing.


I am screaming this across the block.

Jenine (Hoku):


Octa (Neu):

See you at dawn!


Fletcher wasn’t there for that conversation.


It’s okay. We’re going to wake Fletcher up. It’s fine. Everything’s going to be okay.

Harper (Guide):

As Neu, Hoku, and Alma go to where they need to go. Let’s jump back into the factory with Fletcher. So, you said you were interested in talking with some of the Dream Weavers, right?



Harper (Guide):

There’s lots of them around. They kind of paused their work when the dip happened but they picked up the scraps and things off the floor, put tools back, and got right back to it.


He’d survey around for the most friendly one I think.

Harper (Guide):

Go ahead and give me a – give me a heart roll.



Harper (Guide):

So, I will say this. You go to a Dream Weaver. They are this small – one of those rat, mice with the long legs, I can’t remember what they’re called – the long legs, the tufty tail. Very small, very unassuming but you – I guess, how do you approach them?


Uh, coming up to them and sort of doing a little wave and just like,

Michi (Fletcher):

Um, hi.

Harper (Dream Weaver):

And they just look up at you and sigh.

Michi (Fletcher):

Hi. Um, I’m Fletcher. How long have you been weaving dreams?

Harper (Dream Weaver):

For too long. Far far too long.

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh, yeah. Do you like it?

Harper (Dream Weaver):

Yes, I absolutely love coming here to this hell hole of a factory every day. It’s wonderful. All I get is nightmares too. Great.

Michi (Fletcher):

That’s interesting. Wouldn’t you be able to control your dreams if you’re a Dream Weaver?

Harper (Dream Weaver):

You gotta go off the assignment. Stuff comes from the top, you know?

Michi (Fletcher):

Who sends them?

Harper (Dream Weaver):

The head weavers.

Michi (Fletcher):

Where are the head weavers? Why would they send you nightmares? You do all the work for them.

Harper (Dream Weaver):

They don’t like me. I calls things as I sees them.

Michi (Fletcher):

I like honesty.

Harper (Dream Weaver):

Yeah. Honestly. Some people just call me an asshole.

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh, well, I don’t think you’re an asshole.

Harper (Dream Weaver):

Well I guess you don’t know me quite well enough.

Michi (Fletcher):

Okay, what is there to know about you.

Harper (Dream Weaver):

Eh… I like ballet.

Michi (Fletcher):

That’s really cool! Do you dance?

Harper (Dream Weaver):

Very well, actually.

Michi (Fletcher):

I think that’s amazing. Dancing’s great. I, um, I have a lot of dancer friends from Witch Academy.

Harper (Dream Weaver):

It’s the only way I can clear my head these days. So, yeah, I feel that.

Michi (Fletcher):

Um, if someone were to try and send a dream to someone else – or if you received an assignment for a dream to reach somebody, would you be able to do that?

Harper (Dream Weaver):

Yeah. Like me specifically. You’re asking if I could do it? Not just an average Joe off the street?

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah, you! Specifically.

Harper (Dream Weaver):

Yes. I could do it. Years of practice. Easy enough.

Michi (Fletcher):

Okay, do you know anything about how dreams have been reaching past the vale lately?

Harper (Dream Weaver):

Ugh, I’m not even sure that’s actually happening but –

Michi (Fletcher):

It happened to me.

Harper (Dream Weaver):

It happened to you?

Michi (Fletcher):


Harper (Dream Weaver):

How so?

Michi (Fletcher):

I was in The Outlings and I dreamt that my friends and I were all going to come together and be sent on a mission and that just happened today.

Harper (Dream Weaver):

And you were outside The Vale? Or the other side of The Vale?

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah, I was in The Outlings.

Harper (Dream Weaver):

I – well, yeah, I just heard the rumors but if you says it happens, I believe you. It’s not supposed to go that far but I guess it’s happening.

Michi (Fletcher):

Do you have like a business card because I’d love to stay in touch? But, I’m trying to send a dream to a friend or not a friend… a, a someone.

Harper (Dream Weaver):

Trying to connect with a piece of your heart?

Michi (Fletcher):


Harper (Dream Weaver):

I’m actually a sucker for romance. Yeah, here.

Harper (Guide):

He takes out a little scrap of paper and flourished his hand and his name appears on it. He just goes by Puck.

Harper (Puck):

Just whenever you want, just burn the piece of paper, you can contact me.

Michi (Fletcher):

I have to burn it? What if I need to talk to you more than once?

Harper (Puck):

Write down the name again, I guess.

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh, okay.

Harper (Puck):

You have access to paper, right? You’ve seen paper before.

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah, I’ve seen paper before.

Harper (Puck):

It’s alright, magic can be confusing sometimes.

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah, I went to Witch Academy.

Harper (Puck):

You did?

Michi (Fletcher):

It’s okay I wasn’t great at communications. Anyway, can I send along a dream with you right now?

Harper (Puck):

Technically that isn’t allowed while I’m on the clock but –

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh, no worries! You can send it tonight. I just need it as soon as possible.

Harper (Puck):

Sure! Just write it down. Write the person’s name down, who you want it to go to and I will see what I can do.

Michi (Fletcher):



Fletcher scribbles Loren Greyfeathers on a new piece of paper and gives it to Puck.

Harper (Puck):

Alright, I’ll get it taken care of.

Michi (Fletcher):

Thank you.

Harper (Puck):

And what kind of dream are you wanting to send.

Michi (Fletcher):

I want him to know it’s from me and there’s some trouble at home and I’m going to be away for a while as well.

Harper (Puck):


Michi (Fletcher):

Oh! Can you also tell him?


Fletcher takes the paper and scribbles, “that I love him,” on the paper ‘cause he can’t say it out loud.

Harper (Puck):

I’ll make sure he gets that message, alright?

Michi (Fletcher):

Thank you, Puck.

Harper (Puck):


Michi (Fletcher):

Alright, I gotta go pack up my whole life to go travel for a terrifying quest that I have no idea what I’m doing.

Harper (Puck):

Beats this hell hole.

Harper (Guide):

And then he just gets back to it.


Makes mental note to talk to Falon about the Dream Weaver factory situation.

Harper (Guide):

I bet you Falon is just so up in zer head that they just don’t even notice it. Again, there’s like stacks and stacks of projects and things.


Fletcher’s going to run off now.

Harper (Guide):

Everybody’s – except for Fletcher – is pretty much staying on Lothair’s Junction to wrap up their work, right?


I’m making my way to Dreich’s Inkwell.

Harper (Guide):

You’re making you way to Dreich’s Inkwell but your airship is in Lothaire’s Junction.



Harper (Guide):

And Hoku, you’re just going to Lothaire’s Junction and Neu, you’re just going to Lothaire’s Juction, right?


What time is it?

Harper (Guide):

It is kind of like early afternoon. You have probably about six hours of daylight still.


Is the concert still going?

Harper (Guide):

Alphonse did say they started playing the night before and were still going so I guess there could be a chance that they’re still going. It’s only been a couple hours.


Neu’s going to try to go there. And kind of have a last moment with Alphonse without necessarily telling Alphonse it was the last moment with Alphonse.

Harper (Guide):

I guess – so Hoku and Neu, maybe you would walk together since you’re both heading back to Lothaire’s Junction, but Alma – well, I guess you’d have to head in that direction too so maybe, yeah, all three of you head back to Lothaire’s Junction and then Alma, you can catch a ride to Dreich’s Inkwell.

Octa (Neu):

I’m going to go now to go see someone.

Jenine (Hoku):

You hesitated. You hesitated. Why’d you hesitate? Is that a – sorry, no, wow, wow, someone – I’m gonna go home. Wait, what, hi!

Octa (Neu):

Hi. So, yes. I can tell you some other moment I think. But in any case it’s actually – I don’t know what’s happening. Sometimes – well, we live together.

Tatiana (Alma):


Octa (Neu):

Um, but I have my own room. He has his own room. He sometimes gives me a little kiss on the cheek.

Tatiana (Alma):


Octa (Neu):

He never kind of like does cute things for me so I don’t know. So I’m going to go see. Because he wanted me to go to this concert with him instead of this. It took me a while to convince him that I wanted to do this this. But now that this is done, I’m going to go see him. I’m going to go have some fun at the concert and hopefully I can get home and get everything ready before he’s back and then you can actually pick me up tonight, Alma, that would be great, before he comes home.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I can totally do that. Interesting. I mean, we’re going to have a lot of time on the airship to catch up about things and people so… yeah, I’m sure we’ll here all about this roommate situation later.

Octa (Neu):

Yes! It could be fun to talk about it. Did any of you get lucky?

Jenine (Hoku):

I still haven’t found the StarKeeper, so no.

Tatiana (Alma):

I’ve been… I’ve been away traveling so, um, you know – you know how that is. Not really. I’m gonna go now, I think.

Jenine (Hoku):

Yeah, you know –

Tatiana (Alma):

That’s the best –

Jenine (Hoku):

Look at the sea right over there!

Tatiana (Alma):


Jenine (Hoku):

I could go –

Tatiana (Alma):

I have to catch –

Jenine (Hoku):


Tatiana (Alma):

I’m going to a totally different place than you guys. I’m leaving, I think. I’ll see you tonight, Neu. Hoku, just meet me –

Octa (Neu):

This is not done.

Tatiana (Alma):


Jenine (Hoku):

I don’t know – wait, what are we talking about. Wow, look at that, the airship. Bye!

Harper (Guide):

Y’all actually do split up now and maybe take the long way in multiple ways to Lothaire’s Junction since Neu brought the – not the drama – maybe was ready to get the tea and you didn’t let them get the tea. But, the person that probably goes the most direct is Neu, since you’re the one who’s not trying to avoid conversations. So, you head directly to Lothaire’s Junction. Alphonse didn’t tell you exactly where the concert was but said it was in The Undergrounds. How would you go about finding this concert?


So, Neu would try and go see some of Alphonse’s friends, because they tend to hang out around a couple of inns and taverns and bars and so on. And there’s usually like post boards in there for local events. So, I guess the natural thing would be, go there, see if there’s any like known, um, check the boards, see if there’s anything announced around The Underground. I think the name of the group that was playing, um, I think I remember it was kind of like.. was it The Waddlers?

Harper (Guide):

The Droning of the Welps.


The Droning of the Welps!

Harper (Guide):

You head over to the Hole in the Wall. It’s in like the downtown area, near the business district, but its kind of off in the corner. It’s this place that’s been there for years upon years upon years. The cobblestone is falling off the front of the building in some places. It’s a literal hazard to come to The Hole in the Wall. But, people do and its one of those places that anyone is there. It could be like the business kith, the other folks like – it’s just like anybody’s there. You walk in at like one o’clock on a weekday. There’s not a lot of folks in there. The flickering, large chandelier kind of at the center of the room is the only thing that lights the fairly small bar floor where there’s probably about like ten tables, six booths, just a few patrons. They have music playing from a music box, no live music. And a large alligator stands behind the bar and they see you come in and yell out

Harper (Bartender):

Ah, whaddaya have? Whaddaya have?

Octa (Neu):

Oh, hello, um, so, I’m looking for – you know Alphonse right?

Harper (Bartender):

Do I know what?

Octa (Neu):


Harper (Bartender):

Oh, yes! Alphonse! Yes, he’s not been in today.

Octa (Neu):

Okay, okay, well, in that case, do you know where – there’s a concert today by The Droning of the Welps – I think they’re playing today in The Undergroudn, well, I guess yesterday, they were playing yesterday. But they’re still playing today.

Harper (Bartender):

You’re saying a lot of words and my brain is not really working right now. Do you know what would help? Is if you bought a drink!

Octa (Neu):

I see where you’re going. Okay, yes. I will have a glass of mead.

Harper (Bartender):


Harper (Guide):

And they pull a glass and just start making the drink for you. They say over their shoulder,

Harper (Bartender):

Yeah, so you’ll want to go to the old dock, down in the underground. That’s where – at least the last time I heard they were playing. The way these guys go, the party could also move.

Octa (Neu):

Yes, I’m sure they will leave a pretty good trail if they’re doing that though.

Harper (Bartender):

The old shipping yard. Undergrounds. You can’t miss it.

Harper (Guide):

And then slides the drink over to you.

Octa (Neu):

Thank you so much. I’ll take this.


And Neu just takes it and gulps it down and just goes,

Octa (Neu):

So, what can I get you for it?

Harper (Bartender):

That’ll be two pieces, please.


Neu just kind of reaches into a little satchel that hangs from their neck and takes the two pieces out.

Harper (Bartender):

Thank you, thank you. Have a good day.

Octa (Neu):

Good day, you too. See you soon! Or not, I guess. Keep yourself safe. Also, keep your wardrobes to the walls, I would recommend. And if you have a lot of glasses stacked upon each other, be careful with that as well. Don’t do that too much.

Harper (Bartender):


Harper (Guide):

And he just kind of looks confused and walks over and starts to take some of the glasses down off the wall.

Octa (Neu):

See you later!

Harper (Bartender):



And Neu just makes their way to the shipping docks.

Harper (Guide):

Let’s shift over to Hoku.


I guess I’ll go to the library because I know my mom is there and my dad is probably resting at this point of the day and don’t want to disturb his rest. So, I’ll disturb my mother at work.

Harper (Guide):

So, you head back to the library to see your mother. Her break’s over so this time, she’s just at the main circulation desk, sees you walking in and let’s out another shriek. Not as loud as the other one. But again, seeing you back so quickly, and you just have something about. So, she shrieks and then again,

Harper (Hoku’s Mother):


Harper (Guide):

Instinctively. Walks over to you and says,

Harper (Hoku’s Mother):

Hoku, what happened?

Jenine (Hoku):

So, so, I got a cool new – are you busy? You seem like you’re at work. I could bring this – well, actually I should bring this up now. So, I might be going on a mission with Falon – for Falon – at this point. Wow, look at the sun!

Harper (Hoku’s Mother):

That doesn’t work on me anymore, you know that. You’re – wait – you’re going on a mission for the Falon?

Jenine (Hoku):


Harper (Hoku’s Mother):


Jenine (Hoku):

We went to school together, right? Zer a couple of years older than my friends and I and remember the group of friends that I had that we all shared letters with?

Harper (Hoku’s Mother):

Yes, your little letter club was very cute.

Jenine (Hoku):



And points at the little friendship bracelet.

Jenine (Hoku):

So, we were chosen to go out of The Lastings.

Harper (Hoku’s Mother):

You’re leaving The Lastings?

Jenine (Hoku):

Yeah! I guess – I guess that’s what’s happening.

Harper (Guide):

She seems just a little confused because The Lastings are everything. No on really leaves The Lastings. And you notice her processing that.

Harper (Hoku’s Mother):

Well, I guess if Falon says you have to go, then you probably have to, right?

Jenine (Hoku):

Yeah. So, we’re going. Tonight-ish. Morning-ish. Morning. Morning, morning.


And like tries to remember,

Jenine (Hoku):

Morning. First thing in the morning.

Harper (Hoku’s Mother):

So soon…

Harper (Guide):

You notice she’s holding back a few tears. She turns to start organizing a shelf close by.

Harper (Hoku’s Mother):

You’re going to go see your father, right?

Jenine (Hoku):

Oh, of course! I’m coming home tonight to do a couple last minutes things before leaving. I know it was kind of sudden. Sorry about that. Didn’t know it was happening –

Harper (Hoku’s Mother):

It’s okay.

Jenine (Hoku):


Harper (Hoku’s Mother):

What are you doing about The Starkeeper?

Jenine (Hoku):

The research that I’ve done has only been very much through The Lastings lens so maybe, heading out of The Lastings could help me find more about The Starkeeper.

Harper (Hoku’s Mother):

I was hoping you’d say you’d put it on hold for now but okay. Yes. This makes sense.

Harper (Guide):

And she turns back from the shelf and starts to say something and then just hugs you.


I hug her back.

Harper (Hoku’s Mother):

We’ve always been so proud of you. This just makes us more proud.


I just do a little forehead kiss.

Harper (Guide):

She gives you a big peck on the cheek and says,

Harper (Hoku’s Mother):

You know, I get off a little late but I’ll be home. But I have to go run a few errands. I have to make you your favorite meal before you go.

Jenine (Hoku):

I could go – I can go – do you want to give me the list and I can go get the supplies for that to make it easier? So it’s just you come home and everything’s ready and we can cook together.

Harper (Hoku’s Mother):

That would be great actually. Yes.

Jenine (Hoku):

Okay, cool.

Harper (Guide):

And then she goes and writes down a quick list. What do you think Hoku’s favorite meal would be?


This is me living a fantasy because I can’t eat shrimp, I think Hoku would just have like shrimp.

Harper (Guide):

Maybe this like shrimp and urchin pasta dish or something.


Yes, for sursies.

Harper (Guide):

You have a pretty substantial list and you head out to the market. Let’s jump over to Alma. So, you had a bit further than everyone to go but eventually you arrive in Dreich’s Inkwell, where your family is at. Dreich’s Inkwell is, along with Yari’s Thimble, a very artistic place so I kind of envision both of those places like Portland, San Francisco. Just very hippie, very quirky. And I would imagine your family ahs probably the quirkiest house on the block.


Their house is quirky, not necessarily because of their quirkiness but because it’s quirkiness is so distinctly different from everyone else’s quirkiness that surrounds it, so it stands out. You know, most of the house on the block have a very kind of neutral to light color scheme. Like greesn and browns, et cetera. Alma’s family home is very dark.

Harper (Guide):

I imagine there’s like a giant carapace of an old, dead beetle that’s just in the yard. Like this giant – the spire of the tower is like carved in the shape of a bird’s skull or something –



Harper (Guide):

It’s just like –


There’s things. It’s a little, you know, spooky, but it’s fine. It’s the vibe. And it’s always been a point of conversation. It’s a great ice breaker. Like, oh, look at my house!

Harper (Guide):

Yeah and the ghost butlers have always been fun too.


The ghost butlers have always been a good time. The ghosts have always been her favorite part of the house.

Harper (Guide):

There’s the one butler, Winston, that you’ve always gotten along with, so I imagine that you’re looking forward to seeing your folks, but also Winston just makes the best tea.


Winston always knows what to say and has helped Alma through many a precarious situation.

Harper (Guide):

Do you knock or do you just walk in these days?


She would knock. It’s been a while since she’s been home and she doesn’t wanna – and they don’t know I’m here so I think it’s best if I just knock.

Harper (Guide):

Maybe there’s one of those big metal knockers on the door in the shape of bones or something and you hear it echo through the house and then the door creak open. And you don’t see anyone but you here the familiar voice of Winston,

Harper (Winston):

Ah, Ms. Alma. It’s very good to see you.

Tatiana (Alma):

Hello, Winston, are my parents in?

Harper (Winston):

They have been around. Would you like to see them?

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, yeah, that’d be great.

Harper (Winston):

I’m sure – let me see –

Harper (Guide):

He appears and imagine he’s this old bear, but spectral bear, wearing a top coat and top hat. Very much the butler trope. Closes his eyes and,

Harper (Winston):

Yes, it seems your father’s in his study and your mother’s in her room crying.

Tatiana (Alma):


Harper (Winston):

Yes, crying.

Tatiana (Alma):

I should check on her.

Harper (Winston):

Yes, probably. Shall I bring tea up?

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, that’d be great. You know what she likes.

Harper (Winston):

Alright, I’ll be right there. You know where she is right?

Tatiana (Alma):

Yep! Can’t forget.

Harper (Winston):

The house changes sometimes, you do remember that though

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, but it always puts me where I need to be.

Harper (Winston):

That is does. Alright, very good to see you dear. I’ll be off!

Tatiana (Alma):

Good to see you as well.


Alma’s going to go find the bedroom.

Harper (Guide):

You vaguely remember how to get there and again the house does kind of change. Again, its one of the weird quirks of the place. Eventually, you go up through the regular stairwell and then the side stairwell and then down a slide and you end up inside the bedroom. A resounding thump as you had come off down the slide.

Tatiana (Alma):


Harper (Clara of the Vale):

Uh, who’s there?

Tatiana (Alma):


Harper (Clara):

Oh, I thought I recognized that voice. Yes, dear, how are you?

Tatiana (Alma):

I’m okay. Are you okay?

Harper (Clara):

Oh, yes, it’s – everything’s fine. Everything’s fine. What brings you here?

Tatiana (Alma):

I was summoned by Falon. I was given a task.

Harper (Guide):

Your mother’s an ocelet as well. Would you say she takes on the sort of like Vicotrian goth aesthetic pretty frequently, is that like her thing? Or is that more of your dad’s thing?


I would say she’s very – she leans into it quite nicely. I would say my dad has more of this – less Victorian, more like Dracula-esque. Like old timey Dracula. Like Vlad the Impaler-esque aesthetic to him.

Harper (Guide):

So, she’s typically wearing a lacey, black, Victorian dress. She’s still in her – I guess pajamas, her night garb. And she does typically have like the black eyeliner on and you can tell it’s smeared from tears. But she props up, gets out of bed, walks over, and gives you a hug and kind of takes your hands and says,

Harper (Clara):

You’re here for Falon? Falon summoned you?

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, yeah. Mom, if somethings wrong, you should really tell me.

Harper (Guide):

Go ahead and give me a heart roll. I think we need a heart roll for this. ‘Cause I imagine you and your mom have had a fairly close relationship but you’ve not been back for a while.


So that is a thirteen.

Harper (Guide):

She tries to hold it in. But just literally like melts into your arms and just starts sobbing. Through the broken – the tears and the sobbing, she gets out,

Harper (Clara):

I – I’m not clairvoyant anymore.

Tatiana (Alma):


Harper (Clara):

I can’t see like I used to see.

Tatiana (Alma):

It’s okay. It’s all going to be okay. I’m going to fix it. It’s going to be fine. Listen, you have to – you can’t tell anybody. I’m going to talk to dad later but the gods are gone.

Harper (Guide):

And she like screams. Screams at the top of her lungs.

Tatiana (Alma):

Sssshhhhh. Mom, please, mom.

Harper (Clara):

What do you mean the gods are gone?

Tatiana (Alma):

Sssshhh. I’ll explain everything I know. Just you have to calm down.

Harper (Clara):

That explains a lot of things.

Tatiana (Alma):

Breathe, Mama. Can you sit on the bed please? Winston’s going to bring tea.

Harper (Guide):

She dramatically walks over to the bed and like faints back onto it. And is like really in her head about this like,

Harper (Clara):

I just don’t understand. How could something like this could happen? Was it you? Did you do this?

Tatiana (Alma):

It wasn’t me! I just got back! Everything’s fine out there. It’s here that everything’s weird. Look, I just found out about this today. My friends and I are going to go out to the world and find them or find the answers. Do what we can. It’s weird. Everything’s not right here. The ghosts are being weird and you can’t see anymore and Fletcher’s having dreams they’re not supposed to be having. It’s all really weird but I’m going to fix it so it’s going to be fine.

Harper (Clara):

Ooooh. What a rollerocaster.

Tatiana (Alma):

So other than not being able to see, have you noticed anything?

Harper (Clara):

No. I mean, your sibling’s not been able to cast as many spells but we thought that was puberty related. But maybe it’s not, I don’t know.

Tatiana (Alma):

Okay, probably not.

Harper (Clara):

But if you’re saying what you’re saying but maybe its connected to why I can’t clairvoy? Is that-

Tatiana (Alma):

How long have you not been able to?

Harper (Clara):

A few weeks now.

Tatiana (Alma):

Okay, yeah, that lines up. Makes sense. My friends and I – you remember my friends from the letter writing club.

Harper (Clara):

Oh your little letter pals. Are you still keeping up with each other?

Tatiana (Alma):

Oh, I’ve never been the best pen pal but we all got  -

Harper (Clara):

Yes, yes I do know.

Tatiana (Alma):

Sorry about that. I’ll try to write more on this excursion. Probably a good way to keep record of everything that we fine. We all got summoned by Falon so, we’re all going. We’re taking my ship and we’re going to go tomorrow morning.

Harper (Clara):

Oh, okay. Yes, good luck.

Harper (Guide):

She sort of like shakes her head pretty quickly. Go ahead and give me a heart roll.



Harper (Guide):

You can tell she’s not saying something that she probably should be telling you, when you mentioned the ship.

Tatiana (Alma):

Mama? Are you sure there’s nothing else you need to tell me? It could be really important for my mission.

Harper (Clara):

Well, you know, the majority of the way we make money is through my claivoyancy. We’re broke.

Tatiana (Alma):

What do you? What ?

Harper (Clara):

The bank took the ship.

Tatiana (Alma):

The bank took the ship? What do you mean took the ship? The ship hasn’t been here to take.

Harper (Clara):

We received word that they were going to reacquire it since we owed some money on it and they took the ship. You shouldn’t have come back.

Tatiana (Alma):

They don’t know – you didn’t tell me! Nobody knows I’m here except for you and Falon, maybe I can get a pardon on a fine. I’ve never needed to worry about money before, this is really strange. Do I even have time to talk to dad?

Harper (Clara):

He’s right down the hall so I’m assuming so.

Tatiana (Alma):

Have you talked to Carth recently?

Harper (Clara):

Oh, that sweet boy. He’s been coming around a lot lately.

Tatiana (Alma):

Why? Why is he coming around?

Harper (Clara):

He and your father have been doing project apparently.

Tatiana (Alma):

What kind of projects?

Harper (Clara):

You know how they like to tinker.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, I do. Okay, it’s been really nice to see you mom. I’ve got to go before the bank takes the ship that I need to save the world, I guess. I love you!


She gives her a kiss on the cheek and she runs down the hall to talk to her dad.

Harper (Guide):

So, your dad has like this vampire aesthetic and his office, for some reason looks very much the opposite of what you’d think his office would. It’s changed a lot over the years. There are lots of different animatronic things that he’s been tinkering on. Yeah, I feel like this is probably a new hobby of his. He sees you walk in and he’s sitting at the desk in his very, vampire garb, but he has these loops over his eyes. So, the very large spectacles for magnifying and he looks up at you and his eyes are huge and he says,

Harper (Niko of the Vale):

Ah! It’s you!

Tatiana (Alma):

Hi, dad. No time really to explain. Mom just told be the ship is getting repossessed and I need it to go save the world ‘casue the gods are gone and um, I just wanted to say hi and I love you and why has Carth been visiting?

Harper (Niko):

You just threw a lot of information at me.

Tatiana (Alma):

Process it later!

Harper (Niko):

We’ve been making things. Do you like it?

Harper (Guide):

And he kind of points up at the wall wehre the little train that’s going around.

Tatiana (Alma):

What? What? Why? What is – why?

Harper (Niko):

We are going to start selling them. We need some way to make money.

Tatiana (Alma):

Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s makes perfect sense. Mom says she can’t clairvoy –

Harper (Niko):

Wait, are you still seeing Carth?

Tatiana (Alma):

It’s been a long – I haven’t been here. It’s a little – I’m not having this conversation with you actually, I think.

Harper (Niko):

Well, he talks about you a lot. I thought you were still seeing each other.

Tatiana (Alma):

I haven’t been here.

Harper (Niko):

You don’t have to be in the same place to see someone. You know that. Your mother and I –

Tatiana (Alma):


Harper (Niko):

When we met, we did the long distance thing which made it really hard sometimes. But when we got together – I’m sorry, I’m trailing.

Tatiana (Alma):

Dad, have you noticed anything weird besides mom not being able to clairvoy?

Harper (Niko):

The sighting of my daughter here!

Tatiana (Alma):

I’ve been busy, okay? I will write more. I’m going with my letter club friends because we all got summoned by Falon to go save the world because the gods are gone. One again, I’m reiterating, not a lot of time. The ships getting repossessed! Have you noticed anything weird, dad?

Harper (Niko):

Well, your sibling can no longer do very strong magics.

Tatiana (Alma):

Mom mentioned that too.

Harper (Niko):


Tatiana (Alma):

And how long has that been going on?

Harper (Niko):

Ah, a few weeks.

Tatiana (Alma):

It’s all lining up. The dots are connecting. Okay. I need to go pick up my friends because the ship is getting repossessed by the bank.

Harper (Niko):


Tatiana (Alma):

We really need to find you guys some other form of income when I get back.

Harper (Niko):

What? You don’t like my trinkets?

Tatiana (Alma):

No! I do like your trinkets. I just think we need some sort of passive income just in case this doesn’t work out. I’ll look into that when I’m not saving the world, I think. Where is my sibling?

Harper (Niko):

Where do they get up to these days? Probably their room. Or the basement.

Tatiana (Alma):

The basement. Naturally, naturally. Okay, I’m gonna say hi, swing by, real fast, it’ll be fine. And them I’m gone. And then I will be back – I’ll write, I promise. Don’t tell Carth I was here.

Harper (Niko):

Okay. I will not tell Carth you came.

Tatiana (Alma):

Proimse. Pinky swear.

Harper (Niko):

My hands are greasy. You probably don’t want to touch me but I promise.

Tatiana (Alma):


Harper (Niko):

I swear.

Tatiana (Alma):


Harper (Niko):

I swear. I won’t tell.

Tatiana (Alma):

Okay, I love you.

Harper (Niko):

I love you too.

Tatiana (Alma):

*kiss noise*

Harper (Niko):

Very proud of you!

Tatiana (Alma):



Okay, I’m going to the basement.

Harper (Guide):

Whenever you start to head down the stiars, you start to here, like through a music box, very like rage metal, kind of thrash music.


I can’t believe they found my old records. That’s so upsetting.

Harper (Guide):

You bang on the door. The music doesn’t shut off and you just hear a small voice,

Harper (Alma’s Sibling):

Leave me alone!

Tatiana (Alma):

Okay! I guess I’ll just leave without saying bye.

Harper (Guide):

And then the music stops and the door swings open and you see this little oceleot, several years younger than you, kind of middle schoolish age. And they’re wearing like all black besides their shirt that has a skull on it.

Harper (Alma’s SIbling):

Good riddance, I didn’t even want to see you anyways.

Tatiana (Alma):

Oh, yeah, then why’d you open the door?

Harper (Guide):

Just jumps into your arms and gives you a big hug.

Tatiana (Alma):

Hey, kiddo.


Harper (Alma’s SIbling):

Hi. What are you doing?

Tatiana (Alma):

Oh, well I’m about to go save the world with a bunch of my friends and I heard that you weren’t able to cast magic and mom can’t clairvoy and the ship is getting repossessed and that’s a lot of information for me to process and I just needed to make sure you were okay.

Harper (Alma’s SIbling):

It’s a major shitshow here. Dad is like tinkering all the time. Carth’s here all the time. He talks about you a lot.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah! Why is Carth here?

Harper (Alma’s SIbling):

They tinker. All the time.

Tatiana (Alma):

They tinker.

Harper (Alma’s SIbling):

Even like past midnight.

Tatiana (Alma):

Also, since when are you allowed to swear?

Harper (Alma’s SIbling):

Mom didn’t hear me.

Tatiana (Alma):

Mmm. Okay. Okay. I’m in a bit of a rush right now. I love you a lot.

Harper (Alma’s SIbling):

Yeah, you’re sweating a lot.

Tatiana (Alma):

I’ve been running around. This is a big house.

Harper (Alma’s SIbling):

Yeah, you kind of smell.

Tatiana (Alma):

And I’m wearing a big jacket. You know, you should really clean that shirt at some point. You should wash it. I am begging you to wash that shirt.

Harper (Guide):

They look down at the stains all over it.

Harper (Alma’s SIbling):

I’ll get around to it.

Tatiana (Alma):

Okay, well, you should probably get around to it before the bank repossesses the washing machine.

Harper (Alma’s SIbling):

I could have just done it myself with my magic but again, that doesn’t happen anymore.

Tatiana (Alma):

I know. I’m gonna fix it and you’re going to be fine and mom’s going to be fine and we’ll all go back to being a perfectly normal, so so strange family.

Harper (Alma’s SIbling):

Okay. I’m sorry –

Tatiana (Alma):

Don’t worry about it.

Harper (Alma’s Sibling):

I was just thinking about bones.

Tatiana (Alma):

Naturally. Naturally. Naturally. I’ve seen a whole bunch of them on my journey. When I get back from the saving the world trip, I’ll tell you all about everything, I promise. But I have to go. I just couldn’t leave without saying bye.

Harper (Alma’s SIbling):

Sounds good. I gotta go rage some more. I’ll see you later.

Tatiana (Alma):

Okay, have fun. Rage responsibly.


I’m bouncing.

Harper (Guide):

You take a few steps up and then you hear the music box turn back on. Let’s jump over to Fletcher as Alma, I guess, frantically runs to the shipyard. So, you leave the factory and you’re heading back to the apothecary?


Yeah, Fletcher, as a part of their apprenticeship, live in a very, teeny tiny flat above the apothecary. So, all his stuff is there. There is stress upon entering to see what’s going to be the deal.

Harper (Guide):

Go ahead – so as you approach, you sort of left in a bit of a tense situation with your potion not going so well and Zelle Estelle kind of giving you a bit of a talking to about your performance. So, maybe you didn’t notice it at first but you get up to the top of the ladder that leads to the island that the apothecary is on and all of a sudden, you are back out of your head and into the moment. And you just see a ton of guards, like city guards, outside the apothecary. And Zelle Estelle is sitting on the front steps. Somebody is giving zem a glass of water. Something clearly when down. And you notice the door is askew, barely hanging on anymore. Something definitely happened.


Is Fletcher able to get past the guards or is it sort of a taped off situation?

Harper (Guide):

Yeah, it is taped off. They sort of just tell you to like,

Harper (Guard):

Hold on! It’s a crime scene. Don’t approach!

Harper (Guide):

But then Zelle kind of sees you and they screech out,

Harper (Zelle Estelle):

Yes, let him through. He works here. And lives here.

Michi (Fletcher):

Um, what happened?

Harper (Zelle):

We were robbed!

Michi (Fletcher):


Harper (Zelle):

Yes, like right after you left?

Michi (Fletcher):

What did they take?

Harper (Zelle):

Surprisingly not too much. They just took my safe. You know the special one I’ve never let you in, right?

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah, you get really mad at me even if I breathe on it.

Harper (Zelle):

Breath has moisture in it and again I tell you there are paper documents in there that are very fragile. And you could disrupt the moisture level. I don’t want you breath breaking the papers down. But now we don’t have to worry about that because it’s gone!

Michi (Fletcher):

Wait, was it just papers?

Harper (Zelle):

Well, special papers.

Michi (Fletcher):

Special papers.

Harper (Zelle):

Yes, they were handed down. My ancestors have had them as long as we’ve had the shop pretty much. We’ve never been able to read them but my Baba told me that they held secrets from the old world about –

Michi (Fletcher):


Harper (Zelle):

Oh, um, portals, time travel. End of the world kind of thing.

Michi (Fletcher):

Who else knew about your safe?

Harper (Zelle):

I mean I talked about it a lot as my pride and joy.

Michi (Fletcher):

Why would you do that!?

Harper (Zelle):

I thought it was – I thought it was safe but apparently it was not. It was a not safe.

Michi (Fletcher):

Ooooh man. Zelle, do you have any idea who would have taken it?

Harper (Zelle):

No. the person that did it was dressed all in black. They were kind of skinny. Not too tall, but tall enough.

Michi (Fletcher):

How did they get int?

Harper (Zelle):

They just came in. Kicked the door down. Cast a few spells and I woke up and the safe was gone.

Michi (Fletcher):

They cast spells?

Harper (Zelle):


Michi (Fletcher):

Okay, how did they get away?

Harper (Zelle):

I don’t know. They knocked me out with those spells. I’m assuming they used their feet but you never know these days.

Michi (Fletcher):

Are you alright?

Harper (Zelle):

I’ve been better but possibly been worse sometimes too, I don’t know.

Michi (Fletcher):

Listen Zelle, I am leaving soon.

Harper (Zelle):

Yes, you have three more months of your internship and then you’re out of my hair.

Michi (Fletcher):

No, no, no, no! I have to go like tomorrow.

Harper (Zelle):

Okay. Did you – is this for school or something?

Michi (Fletcher):

Kind of. I went to my meeting today and Falon is sending me past The Vale.

Harper (Zelle):

The Falon?

Michi (Fletcher):


Harper (Zelle):

The Falon is sending you past The Vale?

Michi (Fletcher):


Harper (Zelle):

Okay. Ha-ha.

Michi (Fletcher):

I’m not joking!

Harper (Zelle):

Okay. Well, I guess – if you wanted to quit you could have just quit. You didn’t need to make up this story.

Michi (Fletcher):

I’m not quitting! I’m not quitting. If I could finish my apprenticeship I will when I’m back but I don’t know when I’m going to be back because I can’t tell you.

Harper (Zelle):

Alright, I guess I just have to believe you then.

Michi (Fletcher):

Zelle, have your potions been okay today?

Harper (Zelle):

They’ve been a little diluted but I figured that was due to the smoke in the air. (coughs) From your potion.

Michi (Fletcher):

How have they been the past few weeks?

Harper (Zelle):

Well, now that I think of it, kind of diluted as well. Slowly getting worse and worse.

Michi (Fletcher):

You see I’m part of the team that’s going to try and fix that. But in the meanwhile, try and be very careful about depending on your potions, okay?

Harper (Zelle):

I will do what I want, but if you do seem concerned, I might take that into consideration.

Michi (Fletcher):

Zelle, it’s really important.

Harper (Zelle):

If you insist. Especially if this is something from Falon. The Falon.

Michi (Fletcher):

Yes, it is from the Falon. Now, um, can I go inside and pack my bags or am I not allowed?

Harper (Guide):

Zey sort of raise their hand and flutter it up in the sky.

Harper (Zelle):

Guards! Is it fine for my friend here to go inside?

Harper (Guide):

And they kind of talk amongst themselves for a few moments and the lead sort of says,

Harper (Head Guard):

But don’t go behind the counter. We’re still examining that. Everything else should be fine.

Michi (Fletcher):

Okay! Thanks!


And then he’ll just go in, maybe think about peaking behind the counter, but I’ll try to do that on my way out.

Harper (Guide):

What was Fletcher’s goal of coming back?


Packing up his things. Maybe opening up this parcel in the privacy of his room.

Harper (Guide):

You go up to your little loft flat area above the shop, start packing up your stuff. I imagine Fletcher would sit on the edge of the bed with the package, just thinking about it for a good hot minute. Like do I really want to do this? Do I not want to do this? Should I do this later? Do I need to add to the drama in my life now? And I think eventually would just tear open the corner. And then make their way across the top of it. And inside is a stack of papers. This thick. Probably fifteen to one hundred. They’re all sort of like tied together with some twine. The top one says,

Harper (Loren):

To Fletcher, all the letters I wrote you but never sent you.


He is so exhausted. It’s been a long day. So now just crying with these letters, trying not to get tears on them.

Harper (Guide):

You’re probably able to read the first one and it’s dated all the way back to middle school.


Oh my god.

Harper (Loren):

Dear Fletcher, I know you don’t know me, but I’ve seen you. You’re really cool and I really like you. And one day you’re going to be my boyfriend. You don’t know it yet though.

Harper (Guide):

And it kind of just goes on like that for a while, just like him writing letters to Fletcher, just gushing about how cool Fletcher is and how Fletcher – he’s noticed Fletcher is really hard on himself and doesn’t really know how awesome he is and wants to show him that. And super shy and working through that. Then like, its after you started dating and things are going well. And then again, kind of as you all moved on in your lives, he kind of had his own journey too. He kind of summarized the things he was up to, even at the same time you were still at Witch Academy and stuff. But, there’s a point in the letters where he talks about, just very vaguely, meeting someone who’s promised to teach him about – I guess the dark arts is what it is. Very taboo at Witch Academy. And that’s when the letters kind of get a little stranger and stranger. And then y’all eventually broke up for a little bit. And that’s when the letters are the strangest. There towards the end, it’s almost like he was speaking a different language in the letters. Very creepy. It started out very sweet but very much like a manifesto by the end. Now, reading these letters, some of them dated to like just a few months ago, it’s starting to make a little sense. He was seeming a little odd when y’all started dating again. You just took it as finals. He was also teaching classes. Very much like had a big workload. But it’s kind of all clicking into place like something was not right with Loren. He was a very bright and – I guess literally like a bright person. A light in people’s lives and that doesn’t seem to match up with what he was writing.


Is there anything else in the parcel or is it just the papers?

Harper (Guide):

Its just the papers.


I think he’d be very careful with these and actually like, for once, put it inside its own container instead rather than crumple up most papers that are handed to him. And then along – maybe I have him grab a box that sitting around his room, empty the box. Random stuff comes out of it, the papers go in there and then the scrap of paper with Puck’s name would go in this box as well, just to keep it all safe. And it’s all very strange. I think initial thoughts are,

Michi (Fletcher):

God, I hope that dream gets through.

Harper (Guide):

And then you also wanted to get some potion supplies as well?


I don’t think Zelle would lend me anything at this point so I would probably go over to Herbert who would probably live nearby since the apothecary would be his biggest customer.

Harper (Guide):



And I’d like to see what’s behind the counter on the way out.

Harper (Guide):

Go ahead and either give me a swift check to try to be sneaky about it or a heart check just to see what you can see with a glance.


Okay, so that’s nine.

Harper (Guide):

You don’t see a lot. You definitely see the place under the counter that’s empty. You do see a footmark, or a clawmark. Seems very much of avian nature.



Harper (Guide):

There like on the counter. It looks like, whoever this was, jumped on the counter, accidentally left a little clawmark from their foot but then got out pretty quickly.


But there’s no feather or anything else?

Harper (Guide):

No. All you see is the very faint markings of an avian-kith claw.


Could I try to very sneakily get a tracing of it with the paper and something?

Harper (Guide):

You’ll need to either create a distraction or just be really stealthy somehow.


Is my swamp water potion still somewhere?

Harper (Guide):

Yeah, you were supposed to come back to clean it up.


I’m fully gonna knock it over and then I’ll scream,

Michi (Fletcher):

Oh, no, Zelle! The potion! IT’s everywhere!

Harper (Guide):

So with that, everybody rushes in, attempting to the keep the potion from spreading, especially over the crime scene, so you would have a few moments to make the etching real quick.


I get my little etching and that goes in my special box of papers.

Harper (Guide):

And then you head out.


I think it’s a familiar shape!

Harper (Guide):

Do you want to check it or check it later?


I think I’ll check it later, in the privacy of being able to investigate things. Right now I need to get some herbs.

Harper (Guide):

Let’s hop over to Hoku. You went out, did your grocery shopping, and made it to your house. Or were you going to stop by your dad’s work?


I think I’ll probably have all the little bags and go to my dad’s work and walk with him home.

Harper (Guide):

You walk in your dad’s tea shop and he sees you come in. It’s a very sleepy shop, very cozy. He just saunters over to you, gives you a big hug and says,

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

How did your meeting go?

Jenine (Hoku):

It went really well. We’re going on a mission!

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

Oh, more Starkeeper stuff, I see.

Jenine (Hoku):

No. Well, let’s back up. Okay. So my friends and I have been tasked by Falon, to leave The Lastings.

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

The Falon?

Jenine (Hoku):


Harper (Hoku’s Father):

That’s amazing!

Jenine (Hoku):

Yeah! So we’re tasked to go leave The Lastings and find – wait don’t freak out. There might be something missing in The Lastings that we have to go find outside of it and it might be a big thing!

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

Like the Starkeeper?

Jenine (Hoku):

Well, no.

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

Is Falon interested in The Starkeeper?

Jenine (Hoku):

You know, I didn’t really ask if ze was interested in The Starkeeper – well, more along the lines of the gods, but that’s later. Anyways! So, we’re going on a mission to go find the gods.

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

Like the gods?

Jenine (Hoku):

They might be missing. Wow! I’ve got groceries, were going to go cook now. Do you need help closing the store? Oh, look at the sun! Nope, it’s not the sun anymore…

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

Yes, it’s kind of slow. We can go ahead and start closing up. Do you want to sweep and mop?

Jenine (Hoku):

I can, yes, I can do that.

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

Or there’s dishes.

Jenine (Hoku):

I want to sweet and mop.

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

Very good. I’ll get on the dishes and the new can talk about the gods on the way home, I guess.

Jenine (Hoku):

Yeah! If you have anything that could help find the gods that would be – or not! That’s perfectly fine. If you have anyting about the outside world, outside of The Lastings, that would kind of be cool too. I don’t know if you would. I don’t – you know –


And then grabs a broom and starts sweeping.

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

We can look at some of the books to see what there is. Did you tell your mother yet?

Jenine (Hoku):


Harper (Hoku’s Father):

She’ll probably find you something from the library.

Jenine (Hoku):



And then goes back to sweeping.

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

That is her job.

Harper (Guide):

So, y’all close down and then you’re able to both split up the groceries so you don’t have to carry all of them. And on the way home, he’s like,

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

You’re really doing this?

Jenine (Hoku):

Yeah, I am.

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

It’s really important?

Jenine (Hoku):

I mean Falon asked us to do it so I think it is pretty important. And I’m doing it with a group of people that I kind of miss a lot. And kind of traveling alone – I mean, I was able to hang out with like family in all The Lastings but I don’t know, hanging out with people I grew up with, out there, would be an interesting experience.

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

You are going to be safe, right?

Jenine (Hoku):

Of course! When am I not safe?

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

Sometimes, we know you kind of get in your head and end up in places you weren’t planning on being in.

Jenine (Hoku):


Harper (Hoku’s Father):

Do I need to remind you of the alleyway incident?

Jenine (Hoku):

I don’t know what you’re talking about. Look at the sunset!

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

That doesn’t work on us anymore. But just please be careful.

Jenine (Hoku):

I will.

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

I won’t –

Harper (Guide):

His voice starts to break a little.

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

I just don’t know if I could manage it if anything happened to you.

Jenine (Hoku):

I want to come back safe. That’s the goal. And what’s the nice is, I feel like I’ve been most put together with these three. They keep me in line.

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

You do seem a little more collected lately.

Jenine (Hoku):

Oh, wow, thanks!

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

Yes. So, when do you leave?

Jenine (Hoku):

First thing in the morning.

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

That’s not a lot of time. I guess we better get to dinner.

Jenine (Hoku):


Harper (Guide):

You all make it back to the house.


It’s just this like nice, one story, like building but the roof of the house is this outdoor section. They don’t have a backyard but their backyard is their roof.

Harper (Guide):

Is there like a kitchen on the roof too? Like an outdoor kitchen kind of thing or –


Yeah, they would have an outdoor kitchen.

Harper (Guide):

Maybe one of your earliest core memories would have been from being up there, eating dinner, hanging out with your family, but just like looking up at the stars and I think probably one of your parents was telling you about the different constellations and that’ where it probably sunk in. The two of you get back before your mom but she joins. Y’all already have dinner going. The sun begins to set, and you set the plates out and start dishing it out. And you just talk and talk and catch up on the things you’ve been working on. And it’s almost like you’re not leaving tomorrow as you look up into the sky and just like, again, kind of find that bond again. And your dad grabs your hand and says,

Harper (Hoku’s Father):

I know the stars change a lot but I’ll be here every night looking up at them.­­

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Meet your hosts:

Harper Sage Pettit

S2 Guide

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