S2 E11: Failings of the Clandestine

Episode 11

About this Episode:

Betrayal is thick in the air but is an ex-lover back to save the day?
This episode was produced by Kenzie Tartaglione and Ashley Westover. Editing by Kenzie Tartaglione. Theme music by Lorna Ryan.


Episode Transcript:

Tatiana Gefter:

Hello, everyone, my name is Tatiana Gefter. I use she/they pronouns and I am playing Alma of the Vale with The Gravedigger playbook.

Michi Zaya:

Hi, my name is Michi Zaya. I use any pronouns and I am playing Fletcher, The Witch.

Jenine Florence Jacinto:

My name is Jenine Florence Jacinto. I use they/them pronouns and I play Hoku Bayana.

Octa Delgado:

Hello, my name is Octa. I go by they/them pronouns. And I will play Neu Threestrings from The Weaver playbook.

Harper Sage Pettit:

Hi, my name is Harper Sage Pettit. I use they or she pronouns and I will be your guide for this season of queeRPG, Of Kith and Pen.

Kenzie Tartaglione:

The content warning for this episode includes mind control and complex and complicated relationships.

Michi (Fletcher):

Hi Loren, I don't know if this letter is gonna reach you I wanted to let you know that I'm I've been traveling around. I'm now in a place called Middledwell and it's really, really, really different from The Lastings. Everything here is super big and they use stuff that humans used to use. I don't know if you know what those are but I remember hearing about them in stories when we were little. And I've been coming into a lot of situations where they seem to be more and more relevant. Anyway Middledwell doesn't have a serval which was really, really strange. But they do have a really big cloud that apparently makes people see things but I don't really see that much in it. I, you know, just look like normal me with all my friends, I’m really sleepy. That's normal, I think. I went to a tavern or tea-vern with all of my friends and we had tea and I read their tea leaves. I think you should know about my friend Kalix. My friend Kalix likes me and I don’t really know what’s going on with you but I’d love to hear back to you. But thing are happening her and I thought you should know. Also, I’ve been running into machines a lot which are strange and big and I’m not really sure how they work. But there’s a company here called Terrara that uses machines and wants to bring them into the town. It's really strange. Out of all the places I've been so far this is the least crazy but right now there is a huge machine and there's a bunch of people in uniforms. And everyone was mad at the machine and then suddenly they were throwing green leaves at the crowd and everyone started chanting about how the future is Middledwell. It was really weird. I’m not sure what's going on but I hope you're okay. I hope you're safe. Anyway hope to hear from you!

Harper (Guide):

We jump back into the town center of Middledwell where the group is just sitting there taking in the scene of the folks from Terrara sort of just like drumming up this impassioned crowd now that's kind of chanting, “The future is Middledwell. The future is machines. The future is Middledwell. The future is machines.” And you can see that the kith on the back of this machine are like saying things but the crowd is so loud that you can't really hear them. But they're definitely getting riled up.


So Neu - I think they all are now seeing this sudden change and probably not feeling the same the same approach. Feeling the eeriness of it, Neu will turn around to friends and see if any of them are feeling this this change in the intensity of the crowd.

Octa (Neu):

Hey everyone, is this feeling okay to you?

Tatiana (Alma):

No, this is so weird. Weren’t they  like protesting like five seconds ago.

Octa (Neu):

I don't think this is right.

Tatiana (Alma):

What do you mean? Like magic?


Neu will turn to Fletcher.

Octa (Neu):

Is there is there any magic that can do something like this? Naybe something in the air.

Michi (Fletcher):



Can I roll to see if Fletcher senses any magic?

Harper (Guide):

Give me a wild check.


With my modifiers five.

Harper (Guide):

You are not sure if magic is being used but whatever is going on here, it is really strange.


Something that Hoku can always do - I’m looking at my little box that I have - is tune out the world to inspect something more closely. Could I like go through the crowd and just kind of like check in and just like look at the eyes? I'm not a magic boy. Hoku is not a magic boy. But he does like to observe very closely and see like what that sudden change was. Wants to do a vibe check, that’s what he's kind of doing.

Harper (Guide):

So yeah you push up into the crowd, get closer to the machine and give me a heart roll.


That is a three.

Harper (Guide):

Hoku, you actually get like kind of caught up in the crowd and you start to feel like you need to like start chanting, “Middledwell is the future! Machines are the future!


Yeah Hoku, gets right into it. He's so excited. He's like,

Jenine (Hoku):

Oh this is - this is - this is what it is! This is the moment! I get it!I get what's happening!


And is in it. Is like right  in front of the machine. Super excited.

Harper (Guide):

And the fox that's on the machine, that's sort of like the leader, looks out at you and out at the crowd, but you feel like they're looking right at you. And just feeling like intoxicated.

Harper (Fox-kith):

Everyone, this is wonderful. Keep this up. Go gather your friends, gather your loved ones. Let us march towards the council chambers and demand machines be used.

Michi (Fletcher):

Neu I don’t know if it’s magic, but Hoku’s acting really weird.


Hoku sprints back to their friends.

Jenine (Hoku):

Kith, kith, kith. So, we gotta help them! We gotta help them! This is a great idea! Machines are the future.

Octa (Neu):

Idon't think that's - I don't think that's what you mean.

Jenine (Hoku):

What do you mean? This is - this is perfect! Maybe, maybe, oh maybe if we get machines together we can also bring it up to the Starkeeper and tell the Starkeeper about how amazing machines are and maybe that can help us get more information about the stars.


While Hoku is doing this, Alma is going to reach into her bag because she's gonna grab like a water bottle and she's gonna dump some of the water into her hands and she's gonna like flick it at Hoku’s face.

Harper (Guide):

Hoku, let's see if you break out of this. Give me another heart roll.


I’m so scared. A nine!

Harper (Guide):

Yeah so you kind of like feel that like water flick in your face and also like a little tug on your apron and Chandler's like,

Harper (Chandler):

Hey, champ, are you okay?

Jenine (Hoku):

I'm  good.


Do I remember being enthralled or is that just…?

Harper (Guide):

I would say that you definitely feel like maybe like you're coming off of like a  significant high. Not like a drug high, amped up like you're coming back down.

Jenine (Hoku):

Oh, uh, yeah I'm cool. That protest over there - well not protest but the thing that they're doing with part of the crowd is very interesting. I’m a little tired now.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah you participated.

Jenine (Hoku):

I participated?

Harper (Chandler):

Straight up.

Octa (Neu):

You wanted more machines.

Jenine (Hoku):

That's weird.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah it is, isn’t it!?

Octa (Neu):

It was very weird especially because now - do you think everyone is being like whatever happened to you? I think that's dangerous. They're trying to get everyone to go to the council and they're gonna regret this tomorrow. I know a bunch of things about regretting things on the next day and I don't think all of these people should be there.

Michi (Fletcher):

Alma do you have more of that potion you just used an Hoku?

Tatiana (Alma):

Water? Mm-hmm. I have a water bottle’s worth, I guess.

Jenine (Hoku):

Is that why I'm wet?

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, I kinda had to flick it on your face because you were like trying to proselytize the way the machine to us.

Jenine (Hoku):

Got it, got it, got it, got it, got it, got it.

Octa (Neu):

So, was it the finger movement then that made it rather than the water itself?

Tatiana (Alma):

I don’t know. It kind of just felt right but I feel like it was the water. But here, Fletcher, if you need it.

Harper (Guide):

As y'all are trying to kind of figure out what to do you hear Kalix clear his throat calmly and kinda like points.

Harper (Kalix):

They're getting really riled up right no.  I think we must do something quickly.

Michi (Fletcher):

Alma, can you throw more water potion at the people.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yes, I don't know if it all the help.


Is there anywhere like a high vantage point I can get to.

Harper (Guide):

Yeah, there's buildings around.

Octa (Neu):

Maybe Fletcher you could spray it if Kalix throws you again. You could spray it from the skies.

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah, okay. Is there enough water.

Tatiana (Alma):

Here’s the water bottle.

Michi (Fletcher):

Okay, thank you.

Tatiana (Alma):

You’ll get a good chunk of them, I would say.

Harper (Guide):

There is a fountain there just  to remind you.


As a test run, Fletcher turns to Kalix and he’s like,

Michi (Fletcher):

Do you want to throw me again?

Harper (Guide):

And you look back and like his hands are already ready.

Harper (Kalix):

I thought you would never ask.

Michi (Fletcher):

You’re really good at throwing.

Harper (Kalix):

I do lift sometimes. All right, are we ready for this?

Michi (Fletcher):

I'm ready!

Harper (Guide):

So Kalix grabs you again and,

Harper (Kalix):

One, two, three!

Harper (Guide):

Tosses you up in the air. Go ahead and give me a swift roll to see how well you fly.



Harper (Guide):

It's not your best flight. You fly over just like, let's say like a quarter of the crowd like they're kind of at the back edge and you're able to like sprinkle water on them. Are you saying anything as you fly by or what does this look like for you?


Because Fletcher watched Alma do like the finger like spray motion, he's trying to do that like with his body and feet while spraying water. So it's kind of like a flying dance of sprinkling water.

Harper (Guide):

Yeah you eventually land over on a canopy of a shop and you turn back and you see the kith looking around and then kind of just like breaking away from the crowd and scooting back some. But they don't seem to be affected by whatever is going on here anymore.


Have I landed close to friends or am I far away now?

Harper (Guide):

You're like across the town center now and I will say this, like as you land part of the crowd breaks away and the rest of the crowd starts to break out. You see like this main mob kind of like coming down like the main street towards the council chambers. And a couple like break off going other directions. And then the machine kind of like powers on and starts to follow the main crowd.


Neu is pretty swift, pretty quick and will try to get onto that machine and try to get to the fox. If it's even remotely close enough for that.

Harper (Guide):

Go ahead and give me a swift roll.


That's a seven plus to. That's a nine.

Harper (Guide):

I don't think I really described what this machine looks like. So it's pretty big, about as tall as a two-story building. It almost looks like one of the giant like caterpillars that they would use in the fields. But it is made of metal and different bits and pieces. So it has like these legs, mechanical legs that kind of like flick out and just drive it forward. It's not moving very fast because it is trying to like stay in pace with the crowd and not run them over.


First kind of like dig through their clothing, like try and strap in a few bits but they are a little bit more loose and so trying to take in the outfit to a bit of a tighter fit. And then zigzagging across the crowd, getting to the base of one of those mechanical legs. Then just like grabbing onto it and then with small climbing movements, try to get onto the back and then onto the top slash head slash cabin bit. And then just try to, from there, try to make a little jump next to the fox, whoever is on top. That will be the intention. And that's how Neu envisions this situation.

Harper (Guide):

The fox is definitely still up in the top, now strapped into this platform overlooking but all the other folks went back inside. And the fox looks at you and says,

Harper (Fox-kith):

Woah, what are you're doing? Who are you?

Octa (Neu):

I don't think I thought this through to the very end. Hi, I’m Neu. Do you know exactly what's happening to the people below?


Neu has seen enough manipulative assholes in their life and will try to look as innocent as they can, while walking around and trying to see if they see anything else around this fox that could be a bit of a source for this magic or whatever that is happening to people.

Harper (Guide):

Go ahead and give me a heart.


Seven total.

Harper (Guide):

You have been around lots of manipulative folks. I guess Alphonse really comes to mind and Alphonse wasn't magical but he did have this aura that could cast a spell over you. And this fox has a very similar aura that is also magically infused. And you can see them sizing you up. They say,

Harper (Fox-kith):

I can tell you’re on to me. You said your name was Neu, right?

Octa (Neu):

Yes, Neu Threestrings. I come from The Lastings. Where did you come from? You don't look from here.

Harper (Guide):

And he just puts up his hand,

Harper (Fox-kith):

Wait one moment.

Harper (Guide):

And he unclips from the platform and starts to walk over.

Harper (Fox-kith):

Neu’s not an incredibly common name and I want to check with somebody to see – just to see something.

Harper (Guide):

And they walk over to like this hatch, open it up.

Harper (Fox-kith):

Filigree! Filigree come here!

Harper (Guide):

And you hear like a kind of rummaging around and somebody like coming up the ladder. You see, in front of you, dressed in the same garb as Terrara, a fox significantly younger than Horace,

Harper (Horace):

Cousin, this person's name is Neu. Do you know them?

Harper (Guide):

And standing in front of you, is your old friend, Foster Filigree. And they look you up and down and they say,

Harper (Foster Filligree):

Cousin, I'm afraid I don't.

Harper (Guide):

And they shove you off.

Octa (Neu):



Neu swallows a scream as they fall and don't even try to grab onto anything out of pure, absolute shock.

Harper (Guide):

Neu is kind of like falling, slow motion, backwards off of this machine as Fletcher, you're trying to like catch up as the group is starting to follow the machine out of town. But I imagine Alma, Hoku, Kalix and Chandler are probably all close by.


I rolled real bad earlier though I'm scared.


Counting on you.


Can Fletcher try and cast magic to try and cushion Neu?

Harper (Guide):



These are all good ideas.

Harper (Guide):

Yeah maybe like a combination between Fletcher and Hoku, So, Fletcher, you go first to see how good of a roll Hoku’s going to have to do.


I’m rolling for wild, right?

Harper (Guide):




Harper (Guide):

Fletcher, what does this magic look like? You jumped off of the canopy and are trying to like soar through the sky back towards the group.


When Fletcher sees this happening he'll outstretch his little arms, there's kind of like a magic aura from his little plams. Instantly creates this gooey, aura-ey little cloud around Neu and it’s sort of like a giant bean bag. And the texture of it is like a memory foam mattress. And so as Neu is falling it’s kind of hugging Neu, like really creamy slime hugs like an object as its falling.

Harper (Guide):

All right, Hoku, you see this like slime envelope Neu, but they’re still falling pretty fast. Give me a brute roll.


That is an eight.

Harper (Guide):

You're able to catch Neu and break the fall the rest of the way. I mean honestly it doesn't even feel like much because the kind of like gummy, slimey, stuff around them,  you're able to ensure that Neu  is safe.


When Neu is in hand I immediately cover their ears and like have them cradled so like if any other noises come in, just so they don't hear anything.


So would you say that like on the street there's like kind of rope dividers between the street and the sidewalk?

Harper (Guide):

There could be for a token.


I'll spend a token to be able to do this trick that I want to do. Alma’a gonna take rope from this side of the road and I'm gonna pull up half and go around the legs of the machine to knock it over.

Harper (Guide):

I would say that like Chandler and Kalix see this and they pick up some as well and they start going around. At first like nothing starts to happen but then you hear like a weird like screeching sound,

Harper (Horace):

No, stop it! Stop it, you fools!

Harper (Guide):

The whole machine starts like smoke and slowly like falls over. The fox, Horace, kind of is strapped in, unstraps the hatch on top of the machines cockpit area opens up and like several of the other individuals come out. One of them being a large ox, a raven, a hellbender, which is kind of a mean looking lizard, a magpie, an elephant, and then another fox. They all pull out like these different rods (rods lighting up sound) and then of Horace says,

Harper (Horace):

You all have messed up. This was a great mistake.

Harper (Guide):

And then you hear as something like flies through the air and smacks up against the side of the machine. And all of a sudden the group is kind of engulfed in like purple smoke. And you're hear coughing from inside it. And then a mysterious, slender figure in like a black robe kind of like zips over to you as Fletcher’s coming over. They say behind a mask,

Harper (Mysterious Figure):

We need to get out of here. Now.

Harper (Guide):

And Fletcher, give me a heart roll.


That’s a ten.

Harper (Guide):

You are totally lost in your emotions as you recognize the form, tthe smell, the voice of Loren. This figure that the rest of you probably don't recognize starts to lead down an alleyway. Do you follow them?


Neu’s coming with me. Neu is still in my arms. I'm taking them with me and we're going.


Fletcher slowly follows.


Alma still kind of looks round like she's ready to go. Like she is ready to tussle, man.

Harper (Guide):

Kalix see that and like,

Harper (Kalix):

There are times for fighting and there are times for fleeing. Let’s gather our strength and meet these folks another time.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, yeah, yeah, let’s go.

Harper (Guide):

And Chandler was kind of assuming like the same fighting thing and Kalix  just picks Chandler, throws him over his shoulder and like takes off down the alleyway. They lead you through a series of like different alleyways and then down below the city through like the sewers. And after running for about like ten minutes things sort of calm down and you get to this junction. They stop and pull up their hood, pull down their mask.

Harper (Loren):


Harper (Guide):

And now you all recognize this as Loren.


Hoku growls.


Alma’s just looking between Fletcher, Loren, and Kali.


Fletcher’s just like deeply staring at Loren, and like blinking and processing being like you - you're really here right now.

Harper (Guide):

He kind of like opens up his arms for like a hug and like walks a step forward,

Harper (Loren):

A hug I guess?


Hoku’s going to stand in between that. Tt's not even intercepting the hug, it’s stanindg guard with a little fennec fox in my arms, like baby carrying.

Harper (Guide):

Yeah Loren is probably about the same height as Fletcher.


You know the disappointing mom loo? That’s what happened doing right now  at Loren.

Harper (Loren):

Well, I can see that this - this was not what you all were expecting and probably not what you're wanting but I guess it's time to get you to the rest of the group and maybe start explaining some things. Maybe that'll help.

Tatiana (Alma):

That’d be nice. There's more of you?

Harper (Loren):

Yeah there's a whole group of us.

Tatiana (Alma):



I turn to Fletcher.

Jenine (Hoku):

Do you want me to move? Do you want me to stand in – I could be the shield between the two of you if necessary?


Not caring that Loren can hear that information.


These words go through Fletcher and Fletcher’s just gonna kind of peek over to make eye contact with Loren. Fletcher is our silly guy and this is like one of the rare, rare times where we've seen him look dead serious. And so Fletcher just looks at Loren and goes,

Michi (Fletcher):

Why are you doing this?

Harper (Loren):

It would be much easier to explain if you just got to meet everyone. I think it will make a lot more sense.

Michi (Fletcher):

So you're saying you have time to explain now?

Harper (Loren):

Not right now, but if you trust me and follow me, I can take you to the rest of the group and we can try to make this make little more sense.

Harper (Guide):

And he reaches around Hoku with a hand open.

Harper (Loren):

Do you trust me Fletcher?


Fletcher doesn't take his hand but moves around Hoku and just goes,

Michi (Fletcher):

Lead the way then.

Harper (Guide):

Tthe whole time this is going on like Kalix is just like standing there like looking back and forth. Chandler is like literally banging on his back lik,

Harper (Chandler):

Let me go, goddammit! Let me go!

Harper (Guide):

Eventually like Kalix is like,

Harper (Kalix):

Oh sorry, I just was a little distracted. Here.

Harper (Guide):

And takes him and puts him down like a toddler.

Harper (Kalix):

Just stay close.

Harper (Chandler):

I'm not a fucking child. Let me do what I want to do.

Harper (Guide):

Shoulders him off and starts to walk down following Loren and Fletcher. Kalix kind of like takes the rear.


Hoku just turns to Alma.

Jenine (Hoku):

Do we - do we - do we do something? I don't know how to handle this situation. You're more of a kith-kith kind of a kith I'm not really a kith kind of a kth. I'm more of like a books kind of a kith.

Tatiana (Alma):

Apparently  it's a very complicated situation. I mean the last thing we heard about Loren wasn't great. It was a little concerning, just a little bit. So I can't even imagine what's going on in Fletcher's head right now. I'm surprised they're even like cognizant. I thought they would have passed out or something.

Jenine (Hoku):

How about our friend here currently. Neu, are you okay?

Octa (Neu):

No. I think –


And you feel Neu’s little arms just kind of like grab tighter and a bit of a kind of like a whimpery movement,

Octa (Neu):

Foster said he doesn't remember me and I saw him looking into my eyes and then the other fox - I think he was smiling or that's what my eyes were saying, and he just pushed me, and I fell. And then everything was creamy and slimy and you caught me. Why are we running away? I need to go see Foster!

Jenine (Hoku):

I believe Loren, the ex, is guiding us for help to fix whatever is happening with the machine. That is – ex -  I don't really know-  I'm not really t- his isn't really…


And then I just keep huggin.

Jenine (Hoku):

This is not a - this is - I can't say there's no sun here, there's not really a distraction I can do. So I'm just gonna hold you. We're just gonna go.


And just continues to like hug Neu for the whole whole walk over.


Neu’s voice kind of breaks and they just give up on speaking, just keep whimpering and hugging Hoku.


Alma is trying to process the two things that have just happened and she’s like oh no, my friends are so upset. I'm so glad Hoku doesn't know about Hoku’s thing because then Hoku would also be upset so this is like a horrible situation for me. I’m having a bad time! I'm just gonna keep everybody together and calm and it will  all be fine. Everything's fine. I'm just gonna follow after them.

Harper (Guide):

Chandler kind of catches up with Alma.

Harper (Chandler):

Hey I'm kind of pissed right now and I can tell you are too. Do you wanna bitch about kalix?

Tatiana (Alma):

What did Kalix do?

Harper (Chandler):

He fucking threw me over his shoulder. Like I’m a little child or something.

Tatiana (Alma):

I don't think he saw it that way. I mean I could definitely - I would be upset if someone picked me up and threw me over their shoulder but it was like we were running away and  you weren't doing the running away, so I see both sides here.

Harper (Chandler):

I'm sorry I just can't help to see my friends being hurt and not do anything about it.

Tatiana (Alma):

No and you know what? You're so real for that. You're so real for that Chandler. I'm also very upset about how our friends are feeling right now. I don't really know what I can do about it. All we can do is you know support them I guess? Like we caught Neu, now we have to catch - we have to catch them emotionally too. It's just going to be I think a little harder than the physical catching.

Harper (Guide):

With you talking to Chandler, he finally calms down a little bit. I would say the group kind of just like travels in silence the rest of the away as Loren leads you all through the sewers. Eventually you see light at the end of the tunnel, not in the bad way, a good way. Signifying that something is about to be revealed. And you eventually make it out of the mouth of the tunnel and you're kind of in this little bit of a forest area on the outside of the city. Nestled amongst a lot of these trees and bushes is an airship! Not quite unlike the Flying Dutch-kith, but it is painted solid black. And the balloon is solid black as well. Loren leads you up the ramp on the ship. There are a few individuals. Another raven named Riften, a mouse named Force, a little bear named Mist, and all four of them are dressed in like these same kind of like leathery, black set of armor. After Loren does all the introductions kind of turns and yells,

Harper (Loren):

Hey captain, there's someone I think you should see. People - different -  just get up here! Y’all are gonna love this.

Harper (Guide):

You hear kind of like the footsteps of somebody coming up the stairs. You see the smiling face of an old friend.

Harper (Professor Peppers):

Well, I was not expecting to see this.

Harper (Guide):

And you see kind of dressed in the same garb as everyone else but they're kind of like fiery flamboyant shell kind of on their back, Professor Peppers is there.

Tatiana (Alma):


Harper (Professor Peppers):

Yes, Alma it's been quite a while. Was not expecting to see you, any of you for that matter.

Tatiana (Alma):

Weren’t expecting to see us? What are - what are you doing here?  

Harper (Professor Peppers):

I think we need to go below deck and maybe have a little tea.

Tatiana (Alma):

I think we're gonna need something a little stronger than tea.

Harper (Professor Peppers):

I think we can arrange that.

Tatiana (Alma):


Harper (Guide):

She sort of stands by and motions for everybody to kind of like go downstairs and she'd actually see Hoku holding Neu, as Neuy is kind of clutching Hoku.

Harper (Professor Peppers):

Oh dear Neu, whatever is the matter? Can I hold you? It's been so long.

Octa (Neu):

Yes, Professor, what's happening here? Why did why did Loren throw that smoke at Foster and the rest? Is Foster in danger?

Harper (Professor Peppers):

It's probably best if we just all meet and talk about this down below. Come on now. I'll get you some tea and we'll make sure everybody else has whatever they need.

Harper (Guide):

You are led down below down. Honestly looks pretty similar to your ship and your led into like a dining area where tea is put on, different drinks that could be a little stiffer are set out as well. And everyone sort of sits around this giant ass table. Some snacks are brought out and Professor Peppers sits at the head of the table, now holding Neu, and says,

Harper (Professor Peppers):

Well I'm sure you all have a lot of questions so I guess we'll probably just take it from the top and if you have any questions left then we can kind of go with those as we get to them. But essentially we are a group called The Preservation. We sensed a disturbance in the presence of the gods and The Lastings and we decided to take it upon ourselves to try to figure out what's going on. And that's really it. We've just been traveling around and gathering information. What about you all? What are you up to? Why are you here?

Tatiana (Alma):

Never gonna believe it. So Falon, you know Falon.

Harper (Professor Peppers):

Yes sweet, sweet kith.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah so Falon reached out to all of us and was like, hey guys something's wrong with the gods, so you guys should go out to the world and figure out what's wrong. So that's what we're doing.

Harper (Guide):

Loren would have tried to sit next to Fletcher.


No they've didn’t. No they didn't. Hoku took that spot very quickly.


And I think Kalix took the other seat.

Harper (Guide):

And so I guess Loren sees that and as he walks past Fletcher, just kind of leans in and says,

Harper (Loren):

Couple of these somehow didn't make the other one. Here. They might explain a few things.

Harper (Guide):

And hands an envelope to Fletcher. And goes and sits somewhere else.


Hoku growls.

Harper (Professor Peppers):

Well, seems like we're kind of similar in our mission.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, yeah! I mean we're not running around in like dark cloaks and throwing purple smoke and stealing books, but we're definitely on the same trajectory.

Harper (Guide):

One of the others, Riften, speaks up.

Harper (Riften):

We wear the cloaks for secrecy. We steal out of necessity.

Tatiana (Alma):

What are you being secret from?

Harper (Riften):

From whoever came before we don't want them to know we're on to them.

Tatiana (Alma):

Does he always talk like this? Like this is so unhelpful.

Harper (Loren):

What he's trying to say is, I'm sure you've seen the memories of the human.

Jenine (Hoku):

In the purple orbs?

Harper (Loren):

Yes we're trying to make sure that we stay out of there sight and just out of any other person's sight because we just don't like extra eyes on what we're doing. Makes things difficult if people are asking too many questions.

Tatiana (Alma):

Sure. For sure. I mean we've found it very helpful to you know ask the people who are being affected by the gods being gone, what's going on. Um, sorry I'm just - I'm a little confused here. If you guys are trying to figure out what's happening with the gods, why aren't you telling people that something's wrong?

Harper (Guide):

Force, the, mouse speaks up.

Harper (Force):

The thing is about a secret organization is if you tell everyone that you exist then you're no longer secret.

Tatiana (Alma):

I'll give you that. I'll give you that for sure. That is true. But if you're secret, there's no one to hold you accountable for failing in your task.

Harper (Professor Peppers):

Well the thing is, if we fail there won't be anyone left to hold us accountable.


Hoku raises a paw.

Jenine (Hoku):

So was it just - you all came together and made your own little organization? Is this like you have to apply? Is it like in the middle of the night do you put bags over each other’s heads and then you say, hey welcome to the group?

Harper (Professor Peppers):

The preservation is an ancient order that goes back to the time of the humans and we essentially are here to do whatever is possible to ensure that kith-kind stays existing.

Octa (Neu):

Why wouldn't we stop existing? It felt like maybe things will get more difficult or more wet or less colorful but it felt like it was more the gods that would cease to exist. I know that that's gonna be a problem for us but it doesn't it doesn't feel like we should stop existing.

Harper (Professor Peppers):

Mist, can you explain. Mist is our seer. They can see visions of the future.

Harper (Mist):

Yes I've seen terrible things in the future and if we continue on this path, kith-kind will be completely wiped out.

Tatiana (Alma):

Isn't that all the more reason to get more people involved?

Harper (Professor Peppers):

You do have a point I see, but this is the way our organizations run and probably continue to be run.

Tatiana (Alma):

Okay, sure, what have you found out?

Harper (Professor Peppers):

We can share what we found if you are willing to share what you found.

Tatiana (Alma):

Sure! I just want to know how much of that is actually different. You know , ompare methodologies a little bit. Of course we have the disadvantage of information and resources being stolen, but no matter, what did you guys find out?

Harper (Professor Peppers):

In our search with found that basically whatever magic it is that came from the Great Uprising, the downfall from the Great Uprising - oh this would be so much easier to explain if you could read the old human language.

Harper (Guide):

And she pulls out in ancient book that seems to be very, very, very, very, very, very well worn.

Harper (Professor Peppers):

This was written by the last human simply known by the old kith as Lavendar. We've been unable to piece it together completely but essentially whatever magic it was that came after the Great Uprising, leading to the downfall of all humanity, that that magic works in a very mysterious way that once something is believed in, it's given power. That's how all our gods exist. That's how we are no longer walking on all fours speaking the old tongue. Lavender believed in us. Lavender gave us power and now there's someone out there taking power away from the gods and giving it back to whatever came before.

Octa (Neu):

What we keep asking people and I think we should know from you, what does the color purple mean to you?

Harper (Professor Peppers):

To me - and I know what you're referring to - the color purple represents what should stay in the past. We should dwell on what's in the present and focus on building a brighter future. The past should stay dead.

Octa (Neu):

Lavender sure sounds like someone that was kind. Maybe not all of the past should stay dead. I can't - I think in colors, okay? You say Lavender - and I'm sure Fletcher can immediately smell that flower - but I can see the lilac purple tone. The figure we saw in the thoughtsmore was purple.


Neu will try to think whether that was more of like a purple-purple or more like a lilac-lavender purple. Trying to see if they can connect two unrelated things as a weaver can do.

Harper (Guide):

The purple of what came before is a dark, tumultuous purple where Lavender is definitely more of a lighter, ephemeral sort of like passing on signifier.

Octa (Neu):

And then I guess I only have one more question which is, does Falon know you exist?

Harper (Guide):

Zey know that I am a kith and that I live and breathe but as far as The Preservation goes, no.

Octa (Neu):

That sounds sketchy.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah what they said. So the gods…

Harper (Professor Peppers):

Yes, so the gods. I was about to ask what you knew but I guess we can answer more questions before seeing what you know.

Tatiana (Alma):

I mean we have the broadstrokes.

Jenine (Hoku):

Can we do just like a quick little sidebar? Just like a quick – can just do like a team meeting real quick just to make sure that we have all of our points together to pass on to you. ‘Cause I love the past as someone that notices the stars, so I'm a little frazzled and I want to make sure that I have all my points together. And oh my god, look over there!


And then Hoku walks outside.


Fletcher also goes straight outside.

Tatiana (Alma):

We'll be right back.

Harper (Professor Peppers):

Take all the time you need.

Tatiana (Alma):

What the fuck guys?

Jenine (Hoku):

Are we gonna tell them about the little –


And does the shape of the orb. Could they see the bag? They could - we have it with us.


Yeah Neu tries to always take it everywhere if possible.

Octa (Neu):

I think we should show them but –


Neu looks at Fletcher.

Michi (Fletcher):

I don't trust them.

Jenine (Hoku):

Yeah, okay great, I also don’t.

Tatiana (Alma):

This like so it's such a weird - this is our professor we're talking about! We looked up and like they took care of us and like we only have a club because… ehhh..

Jenine (Hoku):

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Octa (Neu):

When Professor Pepper held me, it was kind and I do wanna - I want to trust them. I want to know that we're not the only ones doing this. I don't think we can do this alone.

Jenine (Hoku):

Okay so we still need to go see someone while we're here. We got a mission.

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah we do have mishmin.

Jenine (Hoku):

Yeah to go to figure out all the gods in every place here.

Octa (Neu):

There was someone on that machine. There was someone I knew in there. Someone from The Lastings. I've told you about Foster. You remember in the letter I sent you Fletcher?

Michi (Fletcher):


Octa (Neu):

Well Foster is here. Foster seems to be Horace’s cousin. And I don't understand because that means Horace is also from The Lastings and I thought no one left The Lastings and now there's at least two people, now six more. There’s at least ten of us out of The Lastings and no one left The Lastings. I don't understand.

Harper (Guide):

When we say no one leaves The Lastings, it doesn't mean like nobody leaves The Lastings because Alma used to like leave The Lastings like all the time. But it's just like not super common. It was usually just like difficult for folks and then also kind of, in a lot of ways, not really necessary because like everything was there.

Tatiana (Alma):

Still all these people at the same time is the like the big – and  also like how are we all here in Middledwell of all places! This is the weirdest place for all of us to meet up. Okay, they might still have that information so I don't think we can just run but I think we should keep our cards close to our chest a little bit. We know quiet a bit of what they talked about more or less. We’ve got the broadstrokes, we just can't read he-man so that also puts us at a disadvantage a little bit.

Jenine (Hoku):

What are we sharing? Am I sharing – no the starkeepr but what I found out - I didn't tell you!

Tatiana (Alma):

Tell me what?

Jenine (Hoku):

So when we were on our way to Portsmore, I was on the deck looking at the stars. Carda Minor was not - changed positions.

Tatiana (Alma):

You know like in my letter I told you that like you know how when we get farther away sometimes the stars like –

Jenine (Hoku):

Yes but not - it was, it was a very kind of drastic situation. It kind of reminded me of a time when - this happened again a long time ago with another constellation and it goes something with time travel. I think that's a pin that we don't - necessary - but that's something that I know about. We can just ignore that. You know what –

Tatiana (Alma):

Don't tell them. Don't tell them.

Jenine (Hoku):

Okay great, great. Great, great, great, great, great, great, great.

Tatiana (Alma):

That our little thing. That's our secret. Also don't mention the bag. Lke if they've seen the bag –

Jenine (Hoku):

What bag?

Tatiana (Alma):

No bag, no bag. If they if they don't mention the bag, we don't mention the bag. The bag is ours also.

Octa (Neu):

If they ask it's just a balloon we’re carrying.

Tatiana (Alma):

We can talk about the memories that we saw because it looks like they've also seen the same stuff.

Jenine (Hoku):

Should we mention just the first memory?

Tatiana (Alma):



Can Fletcher open the envelope that Loren gave to him?

Harper (Guide):

The three of you - and like Kalix and Chandler are three - taking it in as well but you notice that Fletcher is of to the side, not really paying attention, and they have this envelope open. It's a few sheets of paper, same size as the letters and the kind of like mad ramblings that Loren gave you with a fresh sheet of paper that says, “Sorry I don't know how these didn't make it into the pack but hopefully it explains a little bit better.” And the very next one is a sheet that says, “A Descent into Badness” by Loren Greyfeathers, a novel. And then the actual story starts.


I also have a question! Has Fletcher received any dreams from Puck?

Harper (Guide):

Last night after the ride over from the carnival you would have gotten a dream. And I guess now it makes sense but it was sort of like a very ambiguous dream about Fletcher being reunited with I guess someone from their past and just couldn't really figure out what that meant, who that was. And it was Loren.


Interesting. Fletcher will go back and join the group. He's just a little furious right now because he was convinced that his boyfriend had joined some cult this entire time.

Tatiana (Alma):

Are you okay Fletcher?

Michi (Fletcher):

I guess Loren wrote me a novel, or wrote a novel and left it to me.

Tatiana (Alma):

Is that what the big stack of papers was?

Michi (Fletcher):

Yeah, it seems like it. Anyway a lot of things feel really different right now but I'm really confused. I don't understand why Professor Peppers would steal to go on this whole mission.n I mean, everybody loves Professor Peppers, they could just ask for books.

Tatiana (Alma):

It just feels very out of character.

Octa (Neu):

It just feels strange and honestly I don't know if you've seen there the clothes but they are reinforced. They are ready for - it feels like they are ready to be into a fight. That scares me because we don't – kith don't do that.

Tatiana (Alma):

These are unprecedented times my friend.


Did they have on site anywhere or anywhere in the boat aside from their armors, anything that could be classed as a weapon? Because onto our whole journey, aside from very specific guards, no one really is packing.

Harper (Guide):

Yes somebody give me a heart roll.




I have a nine.

Harper (Guide):

Neu, since you were just so distraught and not really paying a ton of attention to the surroundings like you don't pick up on anything besides that Professor Peppers is still that calming presence that you know from back in school. Fletcher, you do see like ceremonial or decorative weapons kind of like on the wall in different places but you don't see anything like on anyone. But Alma, you do see, I guess when it was - when Loren handed the packet to Fletcher, you saw up there sleeve, there was a little shimmer of what could be a blade.

Tatiana (Alma):

I think we should just be careful.


Yes Hoku does raise a paw whenever they want to speak.

Jenine (Hoku):

So I don’t really know what I looked like when I was under whatever the fox did earlier, do we think that they're also under that effect in like a different way? Should we accidentally go poof –


Like motions to splash water.

Jenine (Hoku):

- onto their face. Do we want to like try that?

Tatiana (Alma):

I don't know. I think they're just like this I think. So they're probably getting suspicious about the amount of time that we're spending out here having our team meeting. So just to summarize, only tell them about things that you think they already know about. Don't talk about the stars. Sorry Hoku. And don't talk about the bag.

Jenine (Hoku):

So you're doing the talking?

Tatiana (Alma):

I'm doing the talking.

Octa (Neu):

And I think we can get them to help us to some degree.

Tatiana (Alma):

It would be nice if we could see all the stuff they stole.

Octa (Neu):

And they could probably show us - we can probably get them to show it to us. I was thinking maybe they can help us take back Foster. I am pretty sure Foster isn't there because that's what they want. I think Foster is there - I think something has happened to Foster.


Alma is going to put a hand on Neu’s shoulder.

Tatiana (Alma):

We are behind you all the way so if you wanna get Foster, we'll get Foster.

Octa (Neu):

Thank you.

Tatiana (Alma):

I think I made them a little mad when I knocked over their machine but it's fine. We will get them back.

Octa (Neu):

That feels good to hear.


And Neu gives out kind of like a long exhale.

Tatiana (Alma):

Do we want to put our hands in the center of the circle and do a little –

Octa (Neu):

Yeah, yeah.

Michi (Fletcher):



Fletcher’s hands are sticky.

Tatiana (Alma):

On three, yeah, let's go –

Harper (Chandler):

Chandler. Let's go Chandler.

Tatiana (Alma):

You can say that part. Okay, on  three. One, two, three. Let's go!


Let’s go!

Harper (Chandler):

Let’s go Chandler!

Octa (Neu):

So these guys are called The Preservation?

Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah, that's what they said.

Octa (Neu):

We should get us a name.

Tatiana (Alma):

We should get a name.

Octa (Neu):

We are the Letter Writing Club.

Harper (Chandler):

But I don't write letters.

Tatiana (Alma):

Well, you could start.

Octa (Neu):

I think that's a you problem.

Harper (Chandler):

Who would I write them to?

Tatiana (Alma):

Whoever you want! That’s like the whole point.

Harper (Chandler):


Tatiana (Alma):

You can even write letters to people who are in the group or back home. Whatever you want to do.

Octa (Neu):

Yeah you could write the letter and then just put it under the door.

Harper (Chandler):

Hey, Hoku, you can I borrow some of your paper?

Jenine (Hoku):



And then they ruffle through their packets and they grab like a notebook and they tear out a page and then they hand it to them.

Harper (Chandler):

Oh, I was like the stationary. The nicer one that you use ometimes.

Jenine (Hoku):

Oh, that's on the ship.

Harper (Chandler):


Tatiana (Alma):

Yeah we don't - we're not doing this like now now. Right now we have to go back inside the cabin and bullshit our way into getting more information before we run.


Can I also look to history - another thing that Hoku can – things Hoku can always do. Does Hoku know anything about something called The Preservation. Anything? Possibly?

Harper (Guide):

Honestly I would not think so.


No, okay, great. I don't know maybe there's a starkeeper in there. I don't know.

Harper (Guide):

You go back inside and Professor Peppers says,

Harper (Professor Peppers):

Ah, well I hope your conversation was productive.

Tatiana (Alma):

It absolutely was. You know what? We're feeling a whole lot better about this whole thing. Sorry about how kind of, you know, hostile we were at first. We’ve just had a long journey and a lot is going on back home. So sorry about that, we just needed to take a moment and reflect a little bit.

Harper (Professor Peppers):

What is it that you know?

Tatiana (Alma):

We do have a lot of same information. We ran into some of those, or at least we ran into a memory orb back in Portsmore. Which was, let me tell you, deluging, okay? That place wet - never been this wet before. We saw a memory of the gods the local gods of Porstmore being taken away by a he-man, you know, horrible, horrible stuff going on. The color is not existent in Portsmore right now. There's no color. It's been removed. Everything's kind of just like monochrome, black and white type stuff. So we knew about the he-man's, you know, taking the gods and such and such. But it's kind of the same thing is happening everywhere that's happening back home. The gods are gone, magic isn't working quite right. The he-mans are taking the gods. We don't know where they're taking the gods or anything like that. We've just mostly been trying to help out for people to solve the problems that have been happening as a result of the gods being gone. This is probably the most normal place we've been to.

Harper (Professor Peppers):

And this is all you know?

Tatiana (Alma):

I mean yeah it's just - our focus has been mostly on just trying to figure out where they went. We haven't really had much luck on that front.

Harper (Guide):

Give me a heart to see how well you can lie.


That is a thirteen.

Harper (Guide):

They all kind of look back and forth at each other. Professor Peppers says,

Harper (Professor Peppers):

Well I guess now that you’re all here, it seems like we might as well team up to make things work a little bit better.

Tatiana (Alma):

I mean that would be great. Exchange of information you know it's - you know, Professor, that's like the whole part - like the whole purpose of The Letter Writing Club.

Harper (Professor Peppers):

You can just call me Loretta. You don't have to call me Professor.

Tatiana (Alma):

That feels so wrong but I'll do it if that's what you want me to do.

Harper (Professor Peppers):


Harper (Guide):

She looks kind of very seriously down the table at all of you.

Harper (Professor Peppers):

Seems like we've got some work to do.


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Meet your hosts:

Harper Sage Pettit

S2 Guide

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