S1 E16: From Another Perspective

Episode 16

About this Episode:

Farrow unfortunately finds out just why Obsidian sent them to Wildmoore.

This episode was produced by Kenzie Tartaglione and Ashley Westover. Editing by Kenzie Tartaglione. Theme music by Lorna Ryan.

Episode Transcript:

Kenzie Tartaglione:

The content warning for this episode includes underage drinking, drug use, death, blood, drinking blood, and graphic descriptions of gore.

Kenzie (MC):

You didn’t have many expectations going into this. You were informed of the job that needed to be done, what was expected of you, but everything else had kinda been left up in the air for you to figure out as you went. A minivan drives you from the city that you call home to the small town of Wildmoore, through the streets to a small house and a small yard, with a small yapping dog. It is a far cry from the noise and hecticness that you are used to. Wildmoore wasn’t unknown for more reasons that one: your biological father, the main point of inquiry here. But it was never a place that called out to you outside of that. It was on the periphery, boring, unassuming, with nothing that would ever entice you until now. You find yourself living, going to live in the small town.

The front door of the small house opens as the minivan drives down the street and you see Elias, who you have met. Who came to the headquarters of Obsidian, the faction of the FBI that you learned to deal with the supernatural or unnatural happenings that are a secret to most people. He was professional, business-like, yet kind when you met him and you were informed that you were to play the role of a family member. He was to take up the visage of an uncle to you.

As if on display, in a performance, he opens his arms wide and says,

Kenzie (Elias Mashburn):

Farrow! So glad you finally made it!

Ashley Westover:

Is there anyone around that would see this?

Kenzie (MC):

There are houses around – this is like a small neighborhood – and there are people lounging in their yards or doing yardwork, not a lot, but just casually.


Farrow just sort of like trots up and gives him like one of those awkward half-hugs and says,

Ashley (Farrow Smith):

What’s up, uncle?

Kenzie (MC):

He pats your back and says,

Kenzie (Elias):

Come in. Come in!

Kenzie (MC):

And shuts the door behind you and inside, alone, takes a step away from you.

Kenzie (Elias):

Sorry for the sudden display but appearances are appearances.

Ashley (Farrow):

Hey, no worries.


And Farrow’s looking around this very tiny house like,

Ashley (Farrow):

I do get my own room though, right?

Kenzie (Elias):

Yes, come here. I’ll show you.

Kenzie (MC):

His little shih tzu of a dog is jumping around your feet and Elias bends down, picks him up and says,

Kenzie (Elias):

Enough Oscar! Enough! He’ll get used to you, just give it some time.

Ashley (Farrow):

It might not be me that he’s barking at.


Farrow’s wearing this like oversized gray hoodie and like from the hoodie part that’s down, a little tiny nose and some whiskers peak out over their shoulder and a white and brown rat kinda sticks its head and looks with its little beady eyes over at Oscar. And then promptly like hides back in the hoodie.

Kenzie (MC):

Leads you down a hallway. You see a kitchen and a small living room. You see a doorway to a bathroom and you see a doorway at the end of the hall that looks to have a bed in it. And then he opens a closed door to the left. The room is small and mostly empty, there is a bed and a dresser and not much else.

Kenzie (Elias):

I know it’s not much but we can set it up however you like. I ddidn’t want to take any initiatives without you here. This is the place that you’re going to be living and it should suit you. It’ll all be paid for so no worries about that.

Ashley (Farrow):

And there’s no roaches so moving on up in the world, I guess.

Kenzie (Elias):

Was that an issue in your apartment?

Ashley (Farrow):

Mainly in like the kitchen ‘cause things just don’t get closed all the time.

Ashley (Farrow):

They like scrunch up a little bit like there’s just no order.

Ashley (Farrow):

My mom just leaves cereal boxes open and then wonders why we have pests. Yeah! Thanks! I don’t really need much just – I might – is there like a pet shop I could like a rat house for Beauregard? Like do you guys have stores here?

Kenzie (Elias):

Yes, there are stores in Wildmoore. I know it’s smaller than you’re used to.

Ashley (Farrow):

I just didn’t see any driving in. It was just a bunch of sad houses.

Kenzie (Elias):

Ostracizing the place that you have to embody is probably not the best start to have.

Ashley (Farrow):


Kenzie (Elias):

I can take you to get things that you need, later today.

Ashley (Farrow):

Speaking of, do we get like spy gear? Like bugs or like infrared goggles. Drones, maybe? A drone would be cool. That’d be sick actually if we could get a drone.

Kenzie (Elias):

You have not been authorized with the clearance to work any technology that we do have.

Ashley (Farrow):

So, we do have them.

Kenzie (Elias):

As an organization, they are available. But you do

Ashley (Farrow):

And there’s some here for sure. Okay, cool.

Kenzie (Elias):

I wouldn’t start snooping.

Ashley (Farrow):

Okay! I won’t snoop.


Farrow’s just poker facing.

Kenzie (Elias):

I don’t trust that and we need to be able to trust each other. If there comes a time where you need something, I can get it for you. But you gotta prove yourself before that happens.


Farrow raises their hand.

Ashley (Farrow):

Can I have a drone?

Kenzie (Elias):

There is absolutely no need for you to have a drone.

Ashley (Farrow):

I’ll find one.

Kenzie (Elias):

You are on surveillance and information gathering as you are well aware. We need you to keep eyes on the Duncans, the Hooks, and the Moores. Easiest way to do that is to get in with the kids. Ivy Duncan, Caleb Moore, Sawyer Hook. But, in this town, they’re slightly untouchable.

Ashley (Farrow):

How so? Is it like they’re hermits or something?

Kenzie (Elias):

No, no, they are very much in the public eye. But these families, these last names began this town, have lived in this town from the start, and hold a lot of sway. We have information on these families that I believe you have been briefed on, of their not so human in nature origins and the fact that something in recent years has led Wildmoore to start disintegrating from within. And we know they have information and we know that the things that are being drawn to this town, the things that are happening and will continue to happen, need to stop. It is drawing too much attention and we need to find out what is causing it.

Ashley (Farrow):

Aye aye, captain?

Kenzie (Elias):

So, you will assume the visage of a sophomore at Wildmoore High. You will be in classes wit them, you will attend social events, you will put yourself in as many places that they are as you possibly can. For instance, tonight, after we go out and get your rat a cage – or a house, whatever you want to call it – there is a bonfire up at the Moore property for the all the kids in town. Go, find a way in. Get to know the right people, even before school starts.


During this whole spiel when he was talking about their not quite human – Farrow had been briefed on all of this before – but in their brain they’re just like, “This is some bullshit. Like…” They think this is actually like a sting for a crime syndicate, or terrorist or something. They’re still very skeptical ad they honestly don’t care one way or the other. They’re just trying to do as much as they can to get to the Hooks.

Kenzie (Elias):

When we are out and about, we are family. We know each other well enough and when we are in here, you are free to be on your own. I’m your supervisor and that is how we will live in here.

Ashley (Farrow):

In regards to the research and things you guys have done: are there local records either at like this city hall or library that maybe you guys didn’t have access to. You know things like in vaults and stuff.

Kenzie (Elias):

Yes and no. So, the city hall records go back to a certain point and anything before that, we believe to be housed in either the Hook residence, on the Moore property on one of the many houses up there, or in Blackthorn Manor. And we do not have access, without outing ourselves as agents of the government, to enter those premises and do what’s necessary there. So, another inclination for you to get in with these kids. Infiltrate their homes, get the info we don’t already have.

Ashley (Farrow):

Did up some old family dirt.

Kenzie (Elias):

I’m sure there is plenty of it.

Ashley (Farrow):

Do you know if any of my main three targets are going to be at that bonfire tonight?

Kenzie (Elias):

I know that the brother of Caleb Moore, Adam Moore, will be there. He is the one throwing it. I assume his – I think at this point ex-girlfriend – Ivy will be there. Sawyer usually follows Ivy everywhere so I’m sure he’ll be tagging along as well. Caleb is the only one I’m not sure if you will actively see.

Ashley (Farrow):

From the files that I got, Ivy, she’s on the cheer squad. Caleb, he’s new back to this school too so he doesn’t have a lot of people close to him right?

Kenzie (Elias):

He has a friend that he has had for a few years from camps that he’s gone to but he is returning new and does not have many ties.

Ashley (Farrow):

He might be easier to talk to if he’s looking for friends. When it comes to Sawyer…

Kenzie (Elias):

I need you to be careful. I know what you want out of this. It’s not hidden well.

Ashley (Farrow):

What do you mean? I’m here to do the government’s bidding.

Kenzie (Elias):

You have the freedom to find out more information about your biological family if you so wish, without skirting what we ask of you to do. And do not jeopardize it by making some rash move at that kid.

Ashley (Farrow):

Our goals right now are aligned so you don’t have to worry about me jeopardizing anything. They won’t see me half the time, I can guarantee you that. I’m just trying to be professional and find out who he talks to.

Kenzie (Elias):

And I’m just giving you the warnings I would give anybody under my command.

Kenzie (MC):

You’ve been in Wildmoore for a couple weeks now. It’s summer, the hot sun blazing down and baking the pavement beneath your feet. You spend a lot of your time trying to get to know this place, to familiarize yourself with the faces you see every day and to start reconnaissance on three individuals in specific. You have a push and pull relationship with getting closer to the Hooks and you haven’t quite made up your mind on how you want to approach that specific situation. For the time being, you’ve stayed away, hoping that with the coming school year, you would be forced into that type of role instead of having to choose it for yourself. But, of course, the world doesn’t work in your favor. And on this day, as you are walking about town, you spy from across the street, Ely Hook pushing a stroller with Annabelle Hook inside.


Farrow sees Ely and Annabelle from across the street and just has this weird moment of like, “That shoulda been me.” Basically is the feeling. I should’ve had the doting mom that had someone to support her and the family and could be this happy just existing with each other. A curiosity overcomes them pretty much. They’re like, “I probably shouldn’t say anything” but they start making their way around so they’re going opposite direction of Ely and Annabelle. Beauregard is sorta like in their hoodie pocket as per usual. And as they’re walking, Farrow gives him a quick command to do like a little circle kinda thing. Like a fun little trick that he does, right within the line of sight of Annabelle. Got like his little bat wing halter on – his little leash that he has whenever they go out in public and he jumps down and he does a little somersault and Farrow gives a feigned like,

Ashley (Farrow):

Oh, come on, little guy. We gotta keep going. We don’t have time to play right now.

Kenzie (Annabelle Hook):

Mommy, mommy, look! That person has a mouse.


Farrow looks up and goes,

Ashley (Farrow):

Uh, yeah, his name is Beauregard. He’s actually a rat. They’re like bigger mice.

Kenzie (Annabelle):

But mice are cute and clean and rats are gross.

Ashley (Farrow):

Well some people are gross and some people are clean, it just depends on if they’re taken care of. And I take very good care of Beauregard so he’s very clean.

Kenzie (Ely Hook):

I’m so sorry. Um, I – you don’t look very familiar and I thought I knew everybody in town. Are you new?


This is like simultaneously like so fucking – it’s like a weird combination of just like oh I hate these people so much and oh I’m so jealous of these people and ah, they’re actually nice, fuck you kinda thing. Farrow goes,

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, I actually just moved here and in with my uncle. He’s one of the teachers at the school. My name’s Farrow.

Kenzie (Ely):

Oh, yes, I remember that now!

Kenzie (MC):

She sticks her hand out to you.

Kenzie (Ely):

I’m Ely Hook. It’s really nice to meet you.

Ashley (Farrow):

It’s great to meet you Ely.

Kenzie (Ely):

Are you a sophomore by any chance? Because I think that you might have a class with my son at some point. His name is Sawyer.

Ashley (Farrow):

You know I’m still trying to put all the names to faces.

Kenzie (Ely):

Well, if you ever need any help, just reach out to him. He is a very sweet boy and I’m sure he’d love to help you if he could.

Ashley (Farrow):


Kenzie (Ely):

Are you just out and about by yourself today?

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, I was supposed to be running some errand but, even though this town is kinda small, I’ve gotten lost. Do you know where the –

Kenzie (Ely):

Maybe I could help.

Ashley (Farrow):

Well first I gotta go to the vet to make sure Beauregard is, you know, got all of his shots and stuff. But then I have to go to the supermarket to pick up some things from my uncle and it’s just so pretty out today I started wandering and got lost.

Kenzie (MC):

Annabelle interrupts whatever Mrs. Hook is going to say next, and says, with a little hand outstretched and fingers in a grabby motion,

Kenzie (Annabelle):

Can I pet Beauregard!?

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, sure. So, what you do is just put you hand down, with your palm out. You just hold very still and he’ll crawl up. Beauregard, go.


He kinda like crawls up the stroller and sits in her lap ‘cause he couldn’t get in her hands ‘cause they’re just so little. And then he kinda like starts sniffing around and his little whiskers probably tickle her arm a little bit.

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, you can pet him. Right there, on the back of his head. Just with one finger and be very gentle because he is still small.

Kenzie (MC):

She takes your advice very seriously and like barely touches him. But she puts her finger on the top of his head and does a little scritch and then pulls her hands back and looks at you. And then kinda reaches out and does it again.

Kenzie (Annabelle):

He’s so tiny! Sawyer has a lot of animals at home too but his aren’t furry like Beauregard. He’s got his favorite one and it’s a hard name. It’s like a axo –

Kenzie (Ely):

Axolotl, sweetheart.


Farrow definitely knows what a fucking axolotl is. Like at one point, it was kinda like a you go down two different paths. Either the reptile way or the small rodents, small mammal way and there was a moment in the library one day when Farrow was looking at two different books and they just picked up the one on rodents instead of the one on lizards and they have a moment like, “Are you fucking kidding me?” I don’t want to be anything like this fucking kid.

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah! You know I know a little bit about lizards and stuff but small rodents, uh, other like small mammals are really my thing. I only have Beauregard though. I don’t have enough room in my room to have more pets although I wish I did!

Kenzie (Ely):

Sawyer has always had a bad habit of bringing wild reptiles home so I can just imagine if you’re anything like him, that your mom and dad were not very happy with that.


They are hating this. They’re like this was a mistake, having this conversation. Ah fuck.

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah! So it was just my mom and me growing up but I do remember one time, I caught a door mouse and I brought it in and she got very upset about that so you’re… nail on the head about all of that. But guess Sawyer figured out how to convince y’all.

Kenzie (Annabelle):

One time he brought a snake home. A big snake. And dad was not happy. He couldn’t keep that one.

Ashley (Farrow):

That’s so cool! Sawyer sounds like a cool kid. I’ll have to maybe introduce myself at some point.

Kenzie (Ely):

Oh, you definitely should! It sounds like you guys would get along great! And you know, when you’re new in town, you always need a new friend to help you out. Sawyer would be great with that.

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, um, you know, well, if you guys ever need help with, um, anything. I can be pretty handy too. I don’t know if you’re looking for any sort of babysitters ever but like again, I’m new here, I’m trying to find odd jobs around so if you or anyone you know…

Kenzie (Ely):

Well, Sawyer usually babysits Annabelle when we need him too.

Ashley (Farrow):

Of course he does.

Kenzie (Ely):

But I know that sometimes he gets annoyed because he can’t do all the things with his friends that he would like to so it would honestly be great to have a backup.

Ashley (Farrow):

Oh yeah! Absolutely! Absolutely.


And Farrow pulls out their phone like, “This is a bad idea.” But this is also like an opportunity that they just found so they’re like, “Well, mmm” And they switch numbers and they say,

Ashley (Farrow):

Of course if you guys ever wanna, you know, come over to our place too. Elias, he’s kinda anti-social (laughs). He’s a bit of a nerd. But, you know, he’s my uncle so…

Kenzie (Ely):

Hmmmm. I very much appreciate the offer but I’m not quite so sure Sawyer would enjoy having his teacher at his house.

Ashley (Farrow):

It’s kinda weird having, like being related to one. It’s kinda hard to make friends when, you know, everyone –

Kenzie (Ely):

Well, we do have to be getting on with our day.

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, yeah, of course.

Kenzie (Ely):

But it was wonderful to meet you.

Ashley (Farrow):

It was great to meet you too.

Kenzie (Ely):

But I wanted to make sure you felt welcome in our little town.

Ashley (Farrow):

Thanks, I feel really welcome. I appreciate it.


And Farrow bends down to gather Beauregard up and kinda looks at Annabelle and says,

Ashley (Farrow):

You have a good day.


Their heart is breaking a little bit because Annabelle is just the opposite of what they were as a kid. And kinda just picks Beauregard up and waves as they continue on their way.

Kenzie (Annabelle):

Bye, Beauregard!

Kenzie (MC):

The entirety of the school has been invited to Adam Moore’s “Another Year, Another Cheer” party at the quarry.


After two weeks, Farrow and Elias have set check-in times every day. It probably doesn’t actually happen at the school thought ‘cause that’s too public so like they leave, meet back hoem, Farrow gives their notes about whatever. They at least check in like once a day. Going into it they did not like really take the supernatural thing seriously, but after seeing Ivy seeing Ivy walk up a fucking wall – especially in the middle of the night, things are creepy – I think at this point, they are very much so not knowing what exactly to expect so they’re a little bit more on guard that what they normally would have been.

Kenzie (MC):

You get home to Elias’. As soon as you open the door, the dog is all over you. Running through your legs trying to get some attention. I think there’s probably a little bit of a routine that has developed when you get home, maybe you give him a treat and it calms him down a little bit and then he gets fed by Elias later and then you guys have dinner. Like there is a rote, awkward still, routine of fake family.


Elias, because he has a car, depending on how much he has to do, like work-wise after school, it usually doesn’t take him too much longer to show up after Farrow, so they usually go in, feed Beauregard and put him up on their shoulder as they review their notes. They are struggling a bit with keeping of the rouse of an actual student. Like they are, but at the same time they’re not really caring about school. So they’ll look to see what – how much homework they can get away with not doing for tonight ‘cause they have a lot to plan for the quarry party.

Kenzie (MC):

Probably about half an hour later you can hear the car pull into the driveway, the door unlock, open, you hear the little yips of the dog again as Elias comes home. And you hear his footsteps walking toward your door and then you hear a small knock.

Ashley (Farrow):

Come on in!

Kenzie (MC):

And he stands in the doorway, not really wanting to enter into your space but also wanting to talk to you and he goes,

Kenzie (Elias):

Good day?

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, I uh, actually had a few things I wanted to touch base with you on.

Kenzie (Elias):

I did as well so we’re on the same page. Do you want me to come in or do you want to like sit in the living room or…?


Farrow just kinda loves when Elias feels awkward. They think it’s the most entertaining thing so they really kinda dig into that,

Ashley (Farrow):

Oh, I don’t know, you know, it’s whatever you want to do. Do you want to – or we could go…

Kenzie (MC):

There’s a game of him walking back and forth through the doorway and then is like,

Kenzie (Elias):

Um, let’s just – let’s just go in the living room. I think that would be best.

Kenzie (MC):

Elias sets himself down on the couch. It’s a little bit sunken in and so even though he’s not a tall man, his knees are kinda like up higher up his chest than they would be on a normal couch so he’s go his hands pressed against his knees and he looks extremely uncomfortable in this position.

Ashley (Farrow):

So just a brief rundown of today. Sawyer has been going to the stoner’s and interacting with them less and less. Not exactly sure why but I’ll give you an update if its anything petinent to our case. Caleb was seen speaking with a police officer with his friends Sam afterwards, something about his parents being missing. The officer seemed like he had called around a few places before going to the school so I’m not sure where his parents are.

Kenzie (Elias):

Just more interested in why he needed them than actually where they were.

Ashley (Farrow):

In regard to Ivy, she’s been fairly agitated today. I had a question.


And Farrow kinda, not nervous, just almost embarrassed that this is about to come out of their mouth.

Ashley (Farrow):

So, you know the quarry party that I’m going to today. So, there’s going to be like alcohol and drugs there and I – don’t’ get me wrong, I’m a baddie – but, I have no idea about any of that. So, didn’t know if maybe you had a hippie phase in the sixties and you could give me some advice on how to fake being inebriated because I’m not planning on taking anything.

Kenzie (Elias):

I would advise against it.

Ashley (Farrow):

I have a job. I understand. But I figured it’d be better to blend in if I could at least act like I was.

Kenzie (Elias):

Here’s the easiest advice for this situation. Do what everybody else is doing. Not actually drink, not actually do the drugs. If somebody asks you, say you just took a short or you just smoked a joint or something but action wise, do what everybody is doing.

Ashley (Farrow):

I would ask you how to dance but I have a feeling you don’t know that either.

Kenzie (Elias):

We have the same agenda this evening as we had at the bonfire. You simply scouting and getting data. I don’t want you to get physically involved in anything. I just want notes and observations. I do especially want you to keep an eye on Ivy this evening.

Ashley (Farrow):

Uh, one more question, do we have any spy gear I could use?

Kenzie (Elias):

You’ve asked this before.

Ashley (Farrow):

I’m going to keep asking.

Kenzie (Elias):

And I believe I’ve said no.

Ashley (Farrow):

Last time I asked for a drone specifically, this time like any sort of like surveillance – like if they have a little camera I can put on Beauregard. Imagine how cool that would be. A little rat cam scurrying around.

Kenzie (Elias):

You’re going to let your rat run free around a very crowded quarry that you don’t know your way around? I don’t think you’re going to do that.

Ashley (Farrow):

Okay, what about any sort of little camera?

Kenzie (Elias):

Hey, do you have this cool thing everybody has nowadays called a cellphone?

Ashley (Farrow):

Yes, I have phone but that’s not like –

Kenzie (Elias):

That would be the best way to blend in because everybody’s going to be using their phones.

Ashley (Farrow):

Just wanted to cool spy gear. Like night vision goggles. Do we have night vision goggles?

Kenzie (Elias):

Why would you need that?

Ashley (Farrow):

It might be dark.

Kenzie (Elias):

Pitch black in this quarry party.

Ashley (Farrow):


Kenzie (Elias):

You don’t think people are going to be like, “Why do you have those goggles on your head?”

Ashley (Farrow):

I’ll say it’s steampunk.

Kenzie (Elias):

I think people don’t like steampunk anymore.

Ashley (Farrow):

You’re not saying you don’t have night vision goggles, that’s what I’m hearing. What I’m hearing is that you do have some, you just won’t gie them to me.

Kenzie (Elias):

Maybe that’s the case. You have a phone, use it to your best advantage.

Ashley (Farrow):

(groans) Fine.

Kenzie (Elias):

Great. Now, are you still teaming up with Damian?

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah. He’s going to be helping me, quote unquote, keep an eye on the aliens.

Kenzie (Elias):

I like this team up. I just want to again voice the concern of you being careful simply because who his father is and the fact that he is not to know what is actually going on. And I know he’s got this alien thing, I’ve seen the videos.

Ashley (Farrow):

Trust me, the best cover I can have, the best way to make people not take me seriously is to hang around Damian.

Kenzie (Elias):

If you want food, there’s leftover pizza from last night in the fridge. It is yours. Call me if something crazy happens.

Ashley (Farrow):

Damian is coming by to pick me up around nine I think. We’re going to try to get there a little bit earlier than everyone else just to get a lay of the land.

Kenzie (Elias):

Sounds good. I’m going to go change. I think there’s ketchup on the back of my pants.

Ashley (Farrow):

Ugh, rough day.

Kenzie (Elias):

I know when you’re taking the piss.

Ashley (Farrow):

I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m trying to be empathetic. You should maybe the support when it’s offered to you. You don’t have to be afraid. It’s okay. I’m here for you.

Kenzie (Elias):

I don’t know if anybody else in this organization has actively lived with a teenager but I don’t think they have because I don’t think they would want to do this to anybody else.

Ashley (Farrow):

They never said the job was easy but it’s gotta be done and you volunteered. Wait did you volunteer? How did you get this job?

Kenzie (Elias):

No, I absolutely did not volunteer. We’re done now. I will await your check-in later when you’re at the party.

Ashley (Farrow):

If you don’t hear from me for two hours straight, I probably died but don’t worry about it.

Kenzie (Elias):

Thanks, Farrow.

Ashley (Farrow):


Kenzie (MC):

We are going to jump forward a few hours to a horn honking outside of your residence.


They just have like, um like this – it’s not a hoodie it’s more of one of those big jackets with a bunch of pockets and they’ve sown extra pockets on the inside so even though it looks just like a jacket, they have their notebook and like an extra charge and their phone and other things they might need throughout the night. Including a special pocket that runs from the sleeve up and towards the heart of the jacket that Beauregard likes to sleep in. And Beauregard also has a little harness and a leash and on the back of the harness there are bat wings to make it look like he’s a little dragon. Green jacket, black T-shirt, ripped jeans, knock off Doc Martens and head out to the car.

Kenzie (MC):

Damian has the window rolled down and he’s looking out and he yells,

Kenzie (Damian Evans):

You got your rat with ya?


I kinda like sneakily go up to the car window and I slowly open the inside of my jacket to be like,

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, I’ve got the goods.

Kenzie (Damian):

Private eye, Beauregard, welcome to the spy mobile.


I hop in and buckle up.

Ashley (Farrow):

So how wild do these quarry parties actually get? I’ve never been to many parties let alone quarry parties and everyone keeps making a big deal about it.

Kenzie (Damian):

It’s just because like it’s completely private from the rest of town so like it’s kinda anything goes. Even though when we have the parties at Wicker House it’s also anything goes because it’s on private property. And like when the parties are at the Duncan House, they don’t care about anything so it’s anything goes. But like this is anything goes without any adult presence.

Ashley (Farrow):

Oooooh. So, literally, anything goes.

Kenzie (Damian):

Yeah, like there is no one stopping anything if they wanted to.

Ashley (Farrow):

Have you ever been to one of these?

Kenzie (Damian):

There’s not a lot of quarry parties. They’re few and far between. Uh, the last one they had I was kinda too young to go to. Mostly it’s just high school kids and I was in middle school.

Kenzie (MC):

He’s been driving since you got in the car towards the party. His phone goes off a couple times but he ignores it as he’s driving.

Ashley (Farrow):

I know that like you were supposed to eat during drinking and stuff so if ever you get a little too wild, I got some snacks for ya. So, feel free to check in with me whenever you need something.

Kenzie (Damian):

I’m usually pretty chill. This is like a great place to talk to people who aren’t pretty chill though ‘cause they just spout shit.

Ashley (Farrow):

Oh, that’s gonna be fun.

Kenzie (MC):

It takes a little bit but you guys get up. He kinda is in a line of cars almost, pulling in. You see people riding bikes. You see people walking. You see people climbing the fence. You see a car at the gate, unlocking the gate, pulling it open, all the cars waiting behind as they pull around to different sides. Damian pulls up and he goes,

Kenzie (Damian):

I don’t know why nobody parks inside, it’s stupid. It’s right – there’s like a pull off at the top of the hill here.

Kenzie (MC):

And he gets out of the car, opens the gate, gets back in, pulls in, gets out, closes the gate. Pulls through, up this incline of the entrance of this quarry mine, of the strip mine, up around a couple buildings. There are like old machinery that have been left there and they’re weathered and beat down and kinda covered over with dirt know. Up around this hill and there’s this massive mound of dirt and kinda pulls over and parks the car behind that.


Farrow’s itching to just explore these abandoned buildings but they’re like, “I’ll come back another day.” Just as a little fun treat for me.

Kenzie (MC):

You guys can the bass and you crest over the top around the side of this building and a couple picnic tables and look down and see this strip mine spread out in front of you. And you see a crowd amassing. You use people coming down from all sides of the mine. It’s like a – kinda like a strange spiderweb. Like all these spiders coming up and over to the center as people gather. You see speakers, lights, looks like a full bar set-up. You see some people dancing, mingling, getting cups of some sort of drinks. You see somebody dragging a keg down the levels of the mine to the base. And Damian whips his hands out, turns back to the party so he’s facing you and says,

Kenzie (Damian):

Welcome to the famous, well the Wildmoore famous, quarry party!


They’re acting very extroverted and excited about this but in reality they’re like, “I’m going to get a headache as soon as I get close to one of those speakers, I just fucking know it. Good thing I brought some Excedrin ‘cause oh my god.” They like gong to abandoned places partly for the quiet and so this is like the opposite of the vibe they usually go for but they’re acting like this is great! I love this! It’s literally the dog on fire meme, like this is fine.

Kenzie (MC):

The first hour is actually pretty boring. You don’t see Ivy, Sawyer, Caleb, or Sam. You don’t see either of the girls that Ivy has been hanging around with, Natalie or Alina. You also don’t see Joe Baptista. But otherwise, you kinda see everyone there just mingling about. Vic is being extra dramatic like skipping from group to group of people saying high, introducing himself or reintroducing himself as he’s just being his boisterous personality. You see Katrina Griffiths, in the same outfit she was wearing that day looking out of sorts with the freedom that is being offered to her right now. But you’ve gathered that – Katrina is an odd outlier here because her family is rich and she should be just as popular, like an enigmatic as any of the other three houses, except for the fact that her family isn’t of old money. They’re new money and it doesn’t fly the same way. And so she does not stand in the same circle as them. But she does stand in a circle a bit above everybody else so her friend circle is almost nonexistent and people don’t know how to interact with her but she’s also not very personable, because she’s pretty uptight and anal about everything. The fact that she’s here in even a bit surprising but it might be to keep face or to try to strengthen relationships that she or her family wants to strengthen.

Ashley (Farrow):

So, uh, I think our first stop should be the bar to get something to drink, yeah?

Kenzie (Damian):

Oh, right in? Um, yeah. Maybe just like a beer though. Just something chill. You know, I don’t want to like go crazy.

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, yeah, you know, just something to sip on while we wait for everything.


Is Adam at the bar or is Adam nowhere to be seen?

Kenzie (MC):

Adam is currently around the bar.


Farrow leads the way towards the bar, in a very obvious – like they can only do so much. It’s very obvious like I’ve never had a drink before sorta.

Ashley (Farrow):

Hey, so what have we got on the tap tonight?

Kenzie (MC):

Adam looks up from where he’s tending bar and being host and says,

Kenzie (Adam Moore):

Ah! New kid. Evans I hope you didn’t tell your dad.

Kenzie (Damian):

What would I be doing here if I told my dad?

Kenzie (Adam):

Just making sure. Also, new kid, does this look like we have a tap? The kegs are there if you want beer. Otherwise it’s just shot o’clock here.


And I think Beauregard pokes his head out a little bit just ‘cause he’ll like occasionally poke up, look around and go back down. But he pokes his head out and Farrow grabs an empty shot glass and as they head towards the keg they say,

Ashley (Farrow):

Little one for the little guy.

Kenzie (Adam):

Is that a rat?

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah! His name is Beauregard.

Kenzie (Adam):

You brought a rat to a party?

Ashley (Farrow):

Thought it was a party with no rules, right?

Kenzie (Adam):

I’m not saying we had a no rat rule. I am simply curious as to who brings a rat to a party!

Ashley (Farrow):

Hi, I’m Farrow Smith. I’m the person who brings rats to parties.


And I kinda extend my hand out for a shake.

Kenzie (MC):

Adam puts his hand out, shakes. You feel his hand is cold and clammy and sweaty as he grasps and shakes.


Does he look okay?

Kenzie (MC):

He looks like he might already be a little drunk, a little high. But he’s got an exuberant attitude. Welcoming attitude. Isn’t necessarily giving you shit, just being curious and questioning.

Kenzie (Adam):

Uh, maybe like don’t let it loose though.

Ashley (Farrow):

Beauregard’s not going anywhere. He’s been to plenty of events before as well. He’s tame. No worries there.

Kenzie (Adam):

Don’t want him getting mixed up with any of the mine rates, you know? Never know what could come from that. Also I don’t want people screaming because they see a rat running around the part.

Ashley (Farrow):

Don’t worry. You won’t have an issue with either of those.

Kenzie (Adam):

Okay, I just needed to double check. You want a shot before you go?

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, I’ll take a shot. Thank you.

Kenzie (MC):

Pours vodka shots. Passes you one, passes Damian one and Damian goes,

Kenzie (Damian):

This is disgusting.

Kenzie (Adam):

You taking it or not? It’s free.

Kenzie (MC):

And Damian clinks it against yours and shoots it back.


As he shoots it back, I have my side faced towards Adam in way that when I shoot it back as well, super fast, you can’t really tell that I’m just tossing it behind me.

Kenzie (MC):

I think I’m going to have this be a roll to Shut Someone Down.


Eight minus one. Seven. I think I’ll take a string on Adam.

Kenzie (MC):

Because of the seven, I’ll narrate what happens but you also are going to get a condition. He throws his back and can see behind your head, the vodka shoot backward.

Kenzie (Adam):

Dude! Come on! Don’t waste the liquor! You can’t – that’s such bad luck, man. Come one! You bring a rat to my party, you throw my liquor out, you’re so weird dude.

Ashley (Farrow):

Sorry, I got nervous last second there. I appreciate the hospitality.

Kenzie (MC):

Mark down that you have the weird condition (laughs). Damian kinda nudges you away from the bar nad he’s like,

Kenzie (Damian):

Adam Moore just offered you a drink and you threw it out?

Ashley (Farrow):

I don’t know. I’ve never taken a shot before, just trying to act cool and then it kinda got away from me.

Kenzie (Damian):

Yeah! He’s kinda like – you know this, we’ve had this discussion. The Moores, the Hooks, the Duncans, they’re like royalty.

Ashley (Farrow):

That’s why I was trying to act cool but then I forgot I had to back up my words and then like, you know…

Kenzie (Damian):

Okay, well, next time don’t – don’t say yes to a shot and then throw it on the ground.

Ashley (Farrow):

Well, what was I supposed to do? Say no?

Kenzie (Damian):

Just been like, “I’m gonna get a beer instead.”

Ashley (Farrow):

You know what yeah that’s probably would’ve been better, huh?

Kenzie (Damian):

Oh my goodness, I have to teach you everything?

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, pretty much.

Kenzie (MC):

Damian mostly keeps to the outskirts of the party, just kinda watching everybody, keeping an eye out. You kinda stay with Damian, just at the end, just watching, observing. You see Naia, closer to ten o’clock, you see her just appear over the ridge of the far back of the quarry mine, not coming from the entrance really.


God she’s so cool.

Kenzie (MC):

You have had your full morning of classes. You saw some very interesting relationship dynamics with all these kids crammed into a room together that you had not previously been privy too. And Damian has accosted you before lunch and dragged you away from the cafeteria and up the stairs to the second floor and into the art room. Damian has taken it upon himself to be your tour guide through Wildmoore High and originally you thought his inclination to avoid the cafeteria and the Commons and the courtyard would make your job exponentially harder, but you couldn’t have imagined it being any easier than this because it was as if someone, or something was looking down on you and in waltzed Caleb Moore with his trusty sidekick.


Farrow is going to like obviously track him with their eyes but just going to play the part of the shy new kid who’s just trying to eat lunch in the art room with the first friend they made.

Kenzie (MC):

Damian is enveloping you in a story about this crazy thing that happened in the gym weight room last year and how Chris somehow ended up being pinned under a barbell and it seemed like he was threatened by a guy who was his friend, who then turned out to not want to be his friend anymore and it’s just a mess of not making any sense whatsoever. Naia is sitting on the other side of Damian, just rolling her eyes and seeming like she wants to be anywhere else but here but somehow she ended up here. And Caleb has scarfed down a chicken sandwich and is now playing a game and Sam is listening, enraptured by everything that comes out of Damian’s mouth.


Farrow is actually going to try to do that thing that won Damian over with them. They see Caleb scarf down this food and they look at him and they go,

Ashley (Farrow):

Hey, um, I have an extra Slim Jim if you want it.

Kenzie (MC):

Completely enraptured in this game that he’s playing, Sam goes,

Kenzie (Sam Marshall):

He’s probably fine. You have to like physically jostle him when he’s playing his games if you want to have any sort of attention.

Ashley (Farrow):

Oh, no that’s fine. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just – I just figured, you know.

Kenzie (Sam):

Oh, no, it’s fine. He’s just in his own little world.

Ashley (Farrow):

How long have you been here, been friends, stuff.

Kenzie (Sam):

I have been in this town, my whole life. I have been friends with Caleb for like four years.

Ashley (Farrow):

Oh, cool.

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah! He’s awesome. We met at this coding camp over the summer and then we found out that we both were really into video games so then we started – when it wasn’t summer, when we were away at our different schools – we would just like play every night for hours together.

Ashley (Farrow):

What kind of video games do you guys play?

Kenzie (Sam):

Oh we play a lot of different stuff. Caleb is usually the one who introduces me but my favorite one that he’s ever introduced me to is Crush and Egg. It’s like – have you ever played it?

Ashley (Farrow):

I haven’t but I’ve seen some articles that there’s a sequel coming out soon or something so I’ve been –

Kenzie (Sam):

Yeah, there is. It’s going to be so awesome! We’re so excited. We’re so excited!

Ashley (Farrow):

I haven’t played video games in forever but I’ve been wanting to get back into it. Maybe sometime if you guys – I’m not trying to impose – but like if you guys are wanting to hang out some more, um, I’d be down.

Kenzie (Sam):

Oh! Uh, uh, yeah, yeah.

Kenzie (MC):

And at that moment, Caleb slams his phone onto the table and Sam goes,

Kenzie (Sam):

Are you okay?

Kenzie (MC):

And Caleb is like visibly flustered and starts stuttering over words and Sam goes,

Kenzie (Sam):

Oh! Caleb, I totally forgot we had that thing – that thing we were going to do.

Kenzie (MC):

Quite obviously, there’s not hiding the fact that they’re just trying to escape from this room in this moment of time. And they both get up and exit the art room rather quickly.


Farrow just kind alike mental note, Caleb is easy to distract. I think they would chat a little bit more to see how well Naia knows anyone.

Kenzie (MC):

When you first ask this question, Damian interrupts and goes,

Kenzie (Damian):

Naia’s a loner.

Kenzie (MC):

Like imitating her in a way and she just gives him a side eye and says,

Kenzie (Naia Luna):

I’m hanging out with you, aren’t I? I don’t know, everyone here is just so superfluous and caught up in their own shit and there’s just so many more important things that I can spend my time doing than all this petty little drama that everyone is involved in. I don’t appreciate being used in Adam’s little fucking stupid ploy to try to win Ivy back, so…

Ashley (Farrow):

Is that what he’s trying to do? Sorry, I’m still trying to catch up on who is who.

Kenzie (Naia):

It’s fine! I truly don’t know. I truly couldn’t tell you. He’s such a fucking idiot and he is a piece of shit and she shouldn’t take him back. The way he’s acting? She shouldn’t take him back.

Ashley (Farrow):

But no, it’s funny, Damian and I had that same conversation about all this drama being bullshit and having much better things to do. What do you get up to? What’s your whole deal?

Kenzie (Naia):

I don’t know, I’m into music and art. That’s not why I eat here, that’s just a weird coincidence.

Ashley (Farrow):

There’s just less idiots here.

Kenzie (Naia):

Definitely less idiots here. I mean you’re new so you probably don’t get it but like, if you get to know this town actually, this place, it’s actually really cool and it’s got a lot of cool stuff going for it and like history and stuff and all these people are just background noise to what’s actually – what Wildmoore actually is.

Ashley (Farrow):

I would actually love to hear me. Since moving here, it’s hard to see, coming from an outsider, the place to be at, you know? That isn’t just the next drinking hole for some dumb kids. But you mentioned you like history and you like art. Is there some sort of like cool hub that I should know about that has a bunch of fun facts about the town or something? I’d like to get to know this place more.

Kenzie (Naia):

The library has an archive section you can go to for that. I don’t know how unbiased it is but the Duncan’s did create a museum at some point of town history so there’s that here. It’s fine. It could be better but it does the job.

Ashley (Farrow):

If ever you’re headed that way and you want company, just reach out to me. I’d like a tour guide, I guess.

Kenzie (Damian):

What am I? Chop liver?

Ashley (Farrow):

Damian! You are my tour guide to the underground, I need to know what everyone else sees.

Kenzie (MC):

Naia just listens to you say this right next to her.


And I kinda give Naia look like, “I gotta say something to keep him happy” kinda thing.

Kenzie (Naia):

Okay, I don’t know if you’ll find it interesting at all but people just – people make choices here that they shouldn’t make because they don’t know what came before them.

Ashley (Farrow):

Sorta like a history repeats itself kinda thing?

Kenzie (Naia):


Ashley (Farrow):

Is there anything I specifically should try to avoid doing to not fall into that?

Kenzie (Naia):

If you don’t care about the drama, you’ll be just fine.

Kenzie (MC):

And then you see, Sawyer like rushing down, immediately into the fray, finding Adam. You see Sam and Caleb stopped and sat at one of the picnic benches at the top and then just a few minutes later, you see Ivy walk up, exchange a couple words with them and then seem to take a moment to take everything in before she starts down into the party.


As Ivy comes down I think – ‘cause I was told to keep a closer eye on her – I’m going to like, be like just far enough away that I’m not obviously part of any group she’s talking to but like I’ll try to maneuver myself and Damian, if the two of us are sticking together, to be like around where she is. And then when it comes to Sawyer, they’re just going to take note of which people he spends longer with.

Kenzie (MC):

Sawyer is obviously selling. You hear Ivy shout a bunch after him of like, “Dude come dance!” And he’s like, “Ah, just in a minute! In a minute!” You hear those interactions. You see Caleb and Sam come down the slope eventually, looking very uncomfortable going up to the bar. Sam looking around with big eyes. You watch Ivy leave the center of the party and find Naia up on one of the levels. You hear the big ruckus of the football guys coming in. You see Naia and Ivy making out and then you are almost pushed over yourself as Terry, the morning announcement guy, gets shoved into the ground. And it happens so quickly that its so hard to believe, but you see Caleb and you see this, almost like a different person took over. Just hatred, anger on his face. You see the pounce as he tackles this guy to the ground and you hear the crack as he punches him in the throat and you see the tussle of guys being pulled off one another and the threats and Ivy coming down and these guys backing up and away from the three people who run this town. Damian, next to you is holding up a camera.

Kenzie (Damian):

Fucking got this.


Everyone in the town says, “Oh, these three families are a united front. They’re the ones that are in charge.” Everyone kinda knows that but Farrow hasn’t seen it first hand until now. And seeing the three of them just immediately drop everything and kinda taking themselves to the side, Farrow takes a note of that of course and then takes note of how they are interacting with each other.

Kenzie (MC):

Yeah, you watch as Ivy drags Caleb up out of the party, up to the building and shoves him into the wall. And there are words being exchanged and Sawyer’s standing next to them, not really knowing what to do. And then you see if switch and you see Caleb shove out of it and you watch Ivy and Sawyer go off by themselves. So, you see Sam sitting on one of the lower steps. They’ve kinda dumped out this bag full of booze and are searching through it. And you see them pick up a can, pop it open, and just chug the whole thing down in one go.


Farrow wants to stick with their task of keeping an eye on Ivy especially since Sawyer’s with Ivy right now. But they do see the opportunity with Sam.

Ashley (Farrow):

Hey let’s split up for a sec. You go see what you can get out of Sam, maybe with a little alcohol. I’m gonna go see where those two are going. Sound like a plan?


And I go for like a little fist bump.

Kenzie (MC):

Damian looks at it.

Kenzie (Damian):

We’ve never done that before.

Ashley (Farrow):

Well, there’s a first time for everything. I thought it’d be cool.

Kenzie (MC):

Puts his fist up.

Kenzie (Damian):

Weird but okay.


I’m gonna see if there’s another path or something that goes up to where they are. ‘Cause I don’t want to follow right behind them.

Kenzie (MC):

You can climb up any of these levels in any direction. You follow Sawyer and Ivy on their route and find a place to kinda hide yourself away as not to be seen. And as you do that, you see from your right, a figure. You turn and you look and you see Natalie arriving at the party, but you see her pause in confusion and as you look back at Ivy and Sawyer, you see possibly the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen. You see Ivy with two fangs shooting out of the top of her mouth and you hear Sawyer offer himself up to her and you see her take his hand and sink her teeth into the palm of his hand and latch on. And when she finally pulls away, her mouth and fangs dripping with blood. Sawyer’s kinda unsteady of his feet but you see them just cling to one another.


There is just cold, dread racing through Farrow’s veins. They are like ice right now. The skin on the back of their scalp has tightened. Seeing Caleb be a little weird, that coulda been a trick of the eyes or light or something. But like this is such a clear picture and it’s so vivid, like right in front of them, that they’re just too scared to move right now.

Kenzie (MC):

Natalie is not afraid. Natalie looks devastated.

Ashley (Farrow):

What the fuck? Do they all need therapy?


Does Natalie see Farrow at all?

Kenzie (MC):

No, she is like laser focused. You hear the sounds of “Careless Whisper” come faintly from where they’re standing and then Sawyer and Ivy just start dancing. And at this point, Natalie just turns and leaves.


Did I accidentally take hallucinogens or something? What the fuck? Why this song – I don’t understand… okay. They are going to quickly write down in as much detail as they can, what exactly they saw and like even sketch out a little bit of what Ivy’s face looked like on their page just so they don’t forget anything.

Kenzie (MC):

You get a text from Elias.

Kenzie (Elias):

Checking in.


I just take a photo of my notebook and I send that.

Ashley (Farrow):

Will send further updates.

Kenzie (MC):

You see an odd phenomenon begin in which the music shifts and because you’re not at the level of the rest of the party, it’s a very clear shift, that when the music changes and you hear the announcement of somebody DJing, the weather shifts. Clouds like starting to, not roll in, but as if they’re being pulled into this location. You see heat lightning streak sideways across the sky. You feel the humidity levels rise and weight down on this space as the DJ begins to DJ and people rush to the dance floor and start jumping up and down and dancing like maniacs.


I think I’ll record – once notice the weird stuff is happening – maybe for like five or so minutes before I head down.

Kenzie (MC):

Caleb has returned to Sam and you don’t see Damian anywhere anymore.


I’m gonna try to like avoid the siren song or whatever.

Kenzie (MC):

You don’t feel an urge to go into this.


Farrow’s going to assume it’s just because they don’t like crowds or dancing anyways.

Kenzie (MC):

All of a sudden, you see Sam get up from Caleb and rush into the dance floor with Ivy and Sawyer and start dancing with them. It’s kinda then that you spot Damian, already sweat, just like gyrating to the music.


I take a video of that just to make fun of him later.

Kenzie (MC):

I think what you can also see from this vantage point is the backs of Alina and Adam leaving the party. Not out the way everyone came in but into a farther distance.


So, people are just like dancing right now?

Kenzie (MC):

Not everybody. There is a clear like circle of people dancing. It’s like a perfect circle underneath this strange astrological event. People have scattered a bit too across the different platforms. The crowd is more spread out now too.


Farrow’s goal is to just sort of like see if they can overhear something between Adam and Alina, it’s not necessarily getting to close but they know that the two of them are close with their targets.

Kenzie (MC):

I’m gonna say it’s going to be really difficult to hear because they’re far from you and you’re just tracking them. And you can see there is a cave structure on the far side and they disappear around one side of the cave structure.


I think I’m just gonna stay towards the edge then, keeping an eye to see whenever they come back out but like Elias said, keep an eye on Ivy. And something really fucking weird just happened with Ivy so I’m not wanting to let her out of my sight right now.

Kenzie (MC):

Then you see another altercation from afar. Sawyer talking to this older guy. You’ve seen him around Sawyer a couple times before, Ivy back Sawyer up, this guy stalk off towards the entrance and Ivy kinda pulls Sawyer back into the crowd and you watch Caleb follow the guy up and out around the building until you can’t see him anymore.


I’m gonna follow Caleb.

Kenzie (MC):

As you get up to where the picnic tables are and that one building is you can hear voices. You hear a heated conversation releasing from its boil. And you hear Caleb make a deal with a guy named Quincy, but you didn’t hear what deal was made. And then you kinda have to pull back quickly behind the building as Caleb turns the corner and walks back.


A few seconds after Caleb walks by me, I’m just going to follow him back.

Kenzie (MC):

This night is just getting too weird because things are happening so swiftly and out of nowhere you see Caleb has returned, has gone up to Sawyer and Ivy. You see a couple words exchanged and then you see Sam dart through the crowd, up to the front, climb up onto the DJ booth and take a flying leap off, smashing into the ground.

Ashley (Farrow):

Oh fuck!

Kenzie (MC):

And you see Caleb rush after them and pick them up and you just see blood smeared across their face. You see Ivy grab Caleb and they start rushing out, right past you, out through the front.


As they rush past, I’m going to look back to the DJ.

Kenzie (MC):

You saw the DJ say something to same when they climbed up on the booth, watched this happen, looked shocked that it happened, kinda took off her headphones. Watched these kids pick up this kid and start leaving and watch them leave before uncertainly putting her headphones back on and returning her attention to the crow.


Does she see me staring right at her like, what the fuck?

Kenzie (MC):

Yeah, I mean, she sees you there. She’s a little bit more focused on the people rushing out bleeding though.


Like Caleb is looking weird right now. He’s bigger than I thought he was last time. So I’m going to slowly follow, already recording, like I missed too many things tonight.

Kenzie (MC):

Well you follow and you see Ivy break off from them and as they continue down, you blink and you almost miss it, ‘cause Ivy is so fast. Unnaturally fast as she streaks towards the side of the quarry towards the fence and disappears into the darkness.


I’m the weird one? Me? Farrow, really? The rat kid?

Kenzie (MC):

By the time you get down you see Caleb trying to set Sam down and open the gate. You see a car and you kinda can see Ivy in the front seat, but you see everybody pause for a minute, ‘cause there’s a bus – an almost empty bus parked outside – but then they go back to what they were doing, get Sam in the car and streak out of the quarry in this car, leaving you in the dust.


I go up to the gate. I notice that it’s still open. I’m not gonna touch it all, I’m just gonna slip through and look across at the bus. I remember Damian telling me that the buses don’t run over here because the quarry is not in use. What do I see?

Kenzie (MC):

From this angle you can see the lights are on in the bus and you see this chubby black man, probably in his thirties, in a navy blue uniform seating in the driver seat.


I’m just gonna take a couple photos of the bus and then sneak back to get the license plate as well.

Kenzie (MC):

As you come around the side you see a top of the head through the window.


I’ll like sort of peak in through the door then. I’m pretty confident I can outrun this man.

Kenzie (MC):

You see him take the lever and move it and go,

Kenzie (Bus Driver):

Hey, kid, you looking for a ride?

Ashley (Farrow):

Um… no thanks. I already have a ride.

Kenzie (Bus Driver):

Okay, ‘cause it’s the last one of the day.

Ashley (Farrow):

What’s the normal bus schedule? I didn’t know there was one that ran here.

Kenzie (Bus Driver):

Ah, I mean we stop anywhere you need us to.

Ashley (Farrow):

Like in town or is like a Greyhound type of deal?

Kenzie (Bus Driver):

We stop anywhere you need us to.

Kenzie (MC):

The person in the seat has stood up and is like looking to see who is at the door.


I’m gonna wave at them because I’ve used public transportation a bunch and I’ve never seen someone on the bus that interested in other people.

Kenzie (MC):

She waves back.

Ashley (Farrow):

Hey, uh, where’s this bus headed? Like where are you headed?

Kenzie (Girl on Bus):

Just passin’ through.

Ashley (Farrow):

Cryptic, I love it. Elias would love you. Are either of you guys from here?

Kenzie (MC):

The girl in the back says,

Kenzie (Girl on Bus):

I’m not from around here I don’t think. I’ve traveled a bit.

Kenzie (MC):

The bus driver says,

Kenzie (Bus Driver):

Well, I’ve had this job for a long while now.

Ashley (Farrow):



Alright so, Ashley the player is like getting weird vibes from these two. With everything Farrow has seen tonight –

Kenzie (MC):

This is fucking weird.


This is fucking weird!

Kenzie (MC):

I think the true vibe that Farrow is getting from this is maybe Damian isn’t actually crazy for his theories.


That thought alone disturbs Farrow on a deep level.

Kenzie (MC):

Maybe not the alien one but he’s got a lot of weird theories. Maybe this town is just weird as shit and anything could happen.


I look back at my phone at the photos I just took of the bus. And then I close those out and I say,

Ashley (Farrow):

Hey! I’m doing a school project on public transportation. Could I get a selfie with you guys real quick?

Kenzie (MC):

The girl goes,

Kenzie (Girl on Bus):

Um… what did you say? You want a what?

Kenzie (MC):

And the guy’s like,

Kenzie (Bus Driver):

I’ve never heard of it either!

Ashley (Farrow):

You know when you take your phone –


And Farrow’s going to demonstrate as they talk. They’re like

Ashley (Farrow):

-You take your phone, you open it up on like the photos –

Kenzie (Girl on Bus):

(laughs) I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Hold on, what did you call that thing?

Ashley (Farrow):

My phone.

Kenzie (Girl on Bus):

That’s not what a phone looks like.

Ashley (Farrow):

Okay, well it might be a little outdated. I don’t have money for like the brand new Apple or whatever the fuck.

Kenzie (Girl on Bus):

You don’t have money for an apple. You hungry? I think I have some change.


They just took a selfie with these two people in and it they go,

Ashley (Farrow):

No, I don’t need an apple. Okay, backing up. What’s the name of this town?

Kenzie (Girl on Bus):

I don’t actually know when I was coming in –

Kenzie (MC):

And the bus driver goes,

Kenzie (Bus Driver):

This here is Wildmoore! You should know where you are.

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, there’s a lot of things I feel like I should know that I just feel like I’m catching up on now. What was your name again sir?

Kenzie (Bus Driver):

Name’s Jerry.

Kenzie (MC):

Kinda reaches a hand out.


I am not getting on this fucking bus.

Kenzie (Bus Driver):

Alright, no worries, all good, understand. Well, you know, you have a fine night now.

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, you guys too.


And I look at the girl very pointedly and I say,

Ashley (Farrow):

Stay safe, okay?

Kenzie (Girl on Bus):

Always do.

Kenzie (MC):

Gives you a little salute and then he shuts the door, and she sits back down but the bus doesn’t move.


Two of my targets are gone. There’s a fucking bus just here. Adam and Alina have gone off somewhere, that’s enticing. But the thing that makes the most sense for Farrow to do is go to Swayer and they hate that ‘cause they’ve established they don’t like Sawyer centric missions. But they saw him take a lot of stuff and also had like half his blood drained so worst case scenario if they say something, he’s probably not going to remember it.

Kenzie (MC):

You head back to the party and you find Sawyer, passed out underneath the bar with a kid in front of him, drawing a dick on his forehead.


I get weirdly defensive. I’m like,

Ashley (Farrow):

Hey, asshole!

Kenzie (Dick Drawing Kid):


Ashley (Farrow):

There’s some shots behind the bar that have been drunk.

Kenzie (Dick Drawing Kid):

It’s just a joke.

Ashley (Farrow):

No, I know, I’m just letting you know that there are shots back there. And you don’t look near drunk enough for how late it is my guy.

Kenzie (Dick Drawing Kid):

Could say the same for you.

Ashley (Farrow):

That’s fair.

Kenzie (Dick Drawing Kid):

You look new.

Ashley (Farrow):

I am new. You’re very observant.

Kenzie (Dick Drawing Kid):

There’s not a lot of new people in Wildmoore.

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, it’s uh, it’s a quaint town. You guys have your traditions. It’s hard for people to move here.

Kenzie (Dick Drawing Kid):

It’s hard for people to move out too.

Ashley (Farrow):

What was your name again, sorry?

Kenzie (Dick Drawing Kid):

Not important. Just don’t get stuck.

Ashley (Farrow):

I’ll do my best.

Kenzie (MC):

And they stand up and go around the bar like you said and you see them grab a shot, kinda lifts it up to you and they walk off.


I’m going to go stand over Sawyer.

Kenzie (MC):

This is probably the closest you’ve gotten to Sawyer.


(strained) Yeah. It is.

Kenzie (MC):

Even from two seats away in homeroom, there’s enough distance where you don’t have to really focus on him. You don’t have to focus on the similarities and the differences that are so striking this close up. You don’t have to think actively about – not that you wanted to be passed out underneath the bar- but how that could have been you passed out under the bar in his shoes. How you could have had friends who came immediately to your defense, but you didn’t. How you could – whether you wanted it or not – have a town that weirdly regards you in almost a regal sense. He got all of this and you weren’t even asked if you wanted it.


Farrow is standing over him, looking at how just fucking peaceful he looks asleep on the ground. And his hair is just like theirs. They wish that they could see less of themselves in him. They wish that their dad was not as – his features weren’t as prominent in either of them because if either of them had taken after their mom a little bit more, this would’ve been probably a bit easier. But Farrow kneels down and does a quick look around to make sure no one’s looking before reaching into Sawyer’s pocket for his wallet. They’re not going to steal anything – they think about it. The thought enters their brain for sure but their mainly just looking for any personal affects. They’re trying very hard to stay as professional and focused on the mission as possible because otherwise, they’re not sure how they would react because he’s right here. The person who’s represented everything that they’ve ever wished they had and he’s just fucking wasting it by dealing to kid and getting into fights and being a fucking idiot. So they just look through his wallet and if they don’t find anything of interest there, they take his phone and share his location to Farrow’s phone. And then they put all of the stuff pack and he’s like lying on his back right now and Farrow begrudgingly turns him onto his side and kinda props him up against the bar so he won’t like choke or anything and they just sit there for a moment, wishing he was awake so they had like an excuse to smack him, just to get something out of their system. But he’s like asleep and that would be a shitty thing to do. And they’re going to look down at Beauregard and say,

Ashley (Farrow):

I know, bud, but we’ll get there one day.


And they need to get away from him before they start getting really emotional.

Kenzie (MC):

You hear the scream again and you see Jordan at the booth, pull her headphones back and scratch the music almost to a stop. There’s still a small sound going underneath everything but it’s a lot quieter. And the scream comes again. And you see Alina, harried, sprinting as fast as she can down the levels of this strip mine. Her hair is wild and out of place. It looks like lipstick is smeared across her mouth and her knuckles are clenched white around her shirt and she’s screaming and she’s like,

Kenzie (Alina Kim):

Oh my god!

Kenzie (MC):

And she’s obviously out of breath. And her face is streaked with mascara and terror.

Kenzie (Alina):

Someone – someone call – someone – there was a – I saw – there was so much blood and it was horrible and it – an animal must’ve –

Kenzie (MC):

And it’s really hard to hear here saying these words through her tears.

Kenzie (Alina):

There was just blood everywhere and I – and I think he’s dead.

Kenzie (MC):

After Alina points off in the general direction of a broken fence and a dead body, Damian takes off and you follow closely with him.


Damian didn’t even really have to pull them along too much because they’re legs just started pumping as soon as they heard this. Almost as hard as their heart is pounding right now because after all the weird shit they’ve seen tonight, they half expect to see either like Ivy or another creature like her sort of hunched over the body as they approach, so they’re running up but they kinda look on the ground to see if there’s a large enough stick that they could grab maybe to smack something if it jumps out at them. They’re trying to go about this in a logical way, as logical as all this shit can be. So, they pick up a fairly sturdy branch, um, it’s probably the size of their forearm and duck through the fence that Damian’s holding up. And just like eyes peeled, scanning around, trying to find any sort of disturbance in this area.

Kenzie (Damian):

Okay so I know this is like a big thing but do you think Alina could’ve been just like a little bit mor specific because “through the broken fence” isn’t like a real direction and it’s fucking dark out here.


And Farrow pulls out their phone and turns the flashlight bit on and they say,

Ashley (Farrow):

Alright, you go left. I’ll go right. We’ll scan. Shout if you see something.

Kenzie (Damian):

Somebody was just killed and you want to split up.

Ashley (Farrow):

Ah, shit, that’s like number one rule in horror movies, huh? Is don’t split the party.


They’re sorta at the top of one of the many hills that are in this area and Farrow points over a s mall ridge and says,

Ashley (Farrow):

Let’s go this way and then we’ll circle around and get a full view of everything. All the while keeping an eye out for any other sort of movement in this area. I’ll have my flashlight up, you just start recording things.

Kenzie (MC):

Damian has his phone in his hand already and just says,

Kenzie (Damian):

Yeah, I got you. Already on it.


And then Farrow crouches low and starts stalking around. They’re fairly quiet when they want to be but Damian probably isn’t the best at being sneaky so they’re heart is pounding, they’re keeping their eyes peeled, they’re trying to smell, they’re using all of their senses. They have Beauregard tucked in a pocket, making sure that he can’t get out and run away.

Kenzie (MC):

Damian’s right, Alina’s directions were very, very vague and you both kinda without thinking, ran out after what she said. You walk for a bit of time and you don’t really see anything out of the ordinary in these woods behind the quarry. Everything seems fine. You just hear the sounds of night, chirping crickets, some owl hoots, but the party sounds have faded and are distant.

Kenzie (Damian):

Are we sure that Alina actually saw a dead body? I mean she was obviously freaked out but there’s – I don’t see anything around here. Let’s head back the other way to see if it’s towards the left, I guess?


Farrow’s also getting kinda nervous because like they’re trying to keep an eye out if there’s going to be cops coming around here soon.

Kenzie (MC):

You walk for a bit more, the nerves settling in your veins. But then the light from your flashlight glints off something on the ground. Something kinda shines.


Farrow kneels down to get a better look and moves any sort of like brush out of the way with their stick to get a better look at what this is.

Kenzie (MC):

It is a piece of cracked class.


Farrow, their crow-brain, they’re just like, “Ah, it’s just a piece of junk,” but they pick it up and put it in their pocket because again, little shiny things, they love it.

Ashley (Farrow):

Okay, let’s head this way.

Kenzie (MC):

As you continue on this path, your flashlight light glints off something else. Again shiny, but this time not glass. And it’s splattered across the ground and the nearby bark of trees and you look ahead of you a little bit, and it is a grisly, gory sight. The iron is thick in the air. There is sticky, wet blood everywhere: the mulch at your feet, the bark of the nearby trees, and you see a body covered in it as well. The clothes are a mess, wrinkled and ripped.


They kind of like swallow down the bile that’s rising up in their throat and clamp down on the part of them that reacts to anything horrific. When they were younger, they witnessed a motorcycle accident. And the person had driven underneath a semi and they have a little flashback to that and how they were able to just shut down fear response when it comes to this and just go into this mode of like, “Okay, let me analyze this.”

Ashley (Farrow):

Okay, Damian, let’s go.

Kenzie (MC):

Getting closer, you see it’s worse than you originally thought. The top of the skull is crushed, distorting the features of the face. The sinew and bone of the neck is visible. There are two puncture marks that look if something attached itself to the body and just ripped. Damian’s feet crunch on something on the ground and looking down, you see small pieces of glass, broken, as if shattered.

Kenzie (Damian):


Kenzie (MC):

He crouches down, peering up at you and points at the neck specifically.


Farrow leans down with the flashlight on their phone. They’re trying really hard not to step on anything. And they bend down to get a look and they’re like a city kid, so they’re not familiar with like animal bite marks and everything. They are familiar with human teeth marks. So, they’re trying to work off of their knowledge and seeing, just how deep it was ripped in, they say,

Ashley (Farrow):

You would think it would animal, right? It’s gotta be.

Kenzie (Damian):

What? You think this is human? No fucking way. This has absolutely gotta be an animal. Look how deep that is. Human teeth can’t do that.


They have flashbacks to Ivy sinking her teeth and are comparing how that would look if she had just (ripping noise). And they say,

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, Damian, this has gotta be animal. Um, do you guys have coyotes or wolves around here?

Kenzie (Damian):

Not wolves but coyotes aren’t like usually this aggressive, are they? They don’t go after things that are larger than them.


They’re also looking around the environment to see if they can maybe figure out if this person had been like crushed against a tree or hit on the head with another blunt object.

Kenzie (MC):

So, you don’t see anything in the immediate vicinity as you scan that could be used as like a weapon of sorts. But as you’re looking, there’s a rustling in the woods and a figure emerges from behind a tree. Adam Moore. Hair mussed, eyes wide, holding his arm stiffly by his sides. Blood covers his skin, on his arms and his face. He’s shaking and he says, very quietly, voice shaky too,

Kenzie (Adam):

I – I – I didn’t do this.


Farrow hold their hand out to Damian in a don’t move kinda thing. Because right now Farrow is locking eyes on Adam and hoping that Adam hasn’t noticed Damian. And they slowly stand up and they say,

Ashley (Farrow):

Adam? Right?

Kenzie (MC):

He’s just staring at the body. And you can kinda see his eyes shining with tears, and he says, again,

Kenzie (Adam):

I didn’t do this. You gotta believe.

Ashley (Farrow):

I believe you.


They don’t fucking believe him. Not at all.

Ashley (Farrow):

I believe you. My name’s Farrow. Kinda new here. Did you see who – or what did this, Adam?


And they have a vice grip on the fucking stick.

Kenzie (MC):

He swallows and you can see his throat bob and he shakes his head, jaw set. And he says,

Kenzie (Adam):

No, no I, uh, I just got here and I saw it. I don’t know what happened.


Farrow nods and says,

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, I just got here. I didn’t se anything either.


I glance down at his bloody arms involuntarily and I say,

Ashley (Farrow):

How about we head back to the quarry and we wait for the paramedics to arrive. You look like you might’ve also gotten hurt. Are you okay?

Kenzie (Adam):

What? I’m fine. I just got here. I don’t have anything to say to them. I didn’t see anything.

Kenzie (MC):

And he just, without saying another word, turns and disappears into the trees.

Kenzie (Damian):

Okay, so like, he definitely saw something and was maybe possibly involved in the whole thing. Yeah? That’s right?

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, no shit.

Kenzie (Damian):

Yeah, he couldn’t have been anymore sketchy.

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, definitely had something to do with it.

Kenzie (Damian):

Definitely didn’t want to be here once you said the police and paramedics might show up.

Ashley (Farrow):

The police are already going to be on their way, right?

Kenzie (Damian):

I mean everybody ran from the party I don’t think any of them called the police. Do you want me to call my dad?

Ashley (Farrow):

Fuck! Yeah, call your dad, shit. Call your dad but don’t say anything about Adam.

Kenzie (Damian):

Farrow… the dude was covered in blood. And my dad’s the Chief of Police. I’m supposed to just keep my mouth shut about that.

Ashley (Farrow):

I think this might need to be handled a bit more delicately.

Kenzie (MC):

I need you to roll to Manipulate an NPC.


Nine, plus one, ten.

Kenzie (Damian):

Alright, alright, I guess we don’t need to escalate it. They’ll do that on their own. Besides, he’s not even here anymore and we don’t know what happened so I shouldn’t just say shit when it comes to something like this. Even though I really, really think it, okay? Like really. He was right there.

Ashley (Farrow):

Exactly and with the weird shit in this town, I wouldn’t be surprised if –

Kenzie (Damian):

Wait a sec, you think this could be an alien?

Ashley (Farrow):

I think this is an animal of some kind. But not a normal one. And if we put a target on Adam, whether he was involved or not, that might put more people, either Adam, someone in the police force –


Kinda hinting at his dad.

Ashley (Farrow):

-It might put them in more danger than necessary. I just think we need more information before we bring Adam into it. And send that video to me.

Kenzie (Damian):

Just feeling like maybe we shouldn’t have like a path that they can trace so just gonna AirDrop that shit.

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, that works.

Kenzie (Damian):

Okay, so like I’ve got like a lot of practice lying around my dad and everything ‘cause ya know, but, uh, this is like kind a big thing so do you really want me to just call the cops right now? Like what am I even supposed to say?

Ashley (Farrow):

Just tell them there’s a fucking dead body and to get here.

Kenzie (Damian):

Dude that’s like the rule of the party, you don’t tell anyone there’s a party so I’m gonna have to tell them that there was a fucking party. That was a very illegal party. We broke in someplace. I can’t tell him that. We’re going to be in so much trouble!

Ashley (Farrow):

Just say you were hiking with your friend.

Kenzie (Damian):

Yeah, I’m not saying that. Hey, dad, yeah I know it’s late. Uh, bit of a situation. Somebody’s dead. Yeah, uh, mmm , let me finish, by the quarry. Yeah. Cool. Oh, yep cool, bye, see you soon.

Ashley (Farrow):

Did he give you an eta?

Kenzie (Damian):

No, just obviously that they were coming. I think that maybe we shouldn’t be by the dead body when they get here like maybe we should head back to the quarry and hang out and wait for them so we can say somebody just like told us that there was a dead body and not that we saw it.

Ashley (Farrow):

I think that’s what we should do.

Kenzie (Damian):

I mean, you could just leave. I didn’t say anything about you. He doesn’t know that you’re here. You’re free.

Ashley (Farrow):

He doesn’t know I’m here… Do you think I left any sort of trace? Like footprints and shit?

Kenzie (Damian):

I’m sur we did –

Ashley (Farrow):


Kenzie (Damian):

-But they’re not gonna know it was you, right? Like there was a whole party here tonight. They’re going to find that out easily. So, if you don’t want to get questioned by the cops, just fucking run now, man. I won’t tell ‘em you were here.

Ashley (Farrow):

It’s nothing new for me. I would rather them think I was just here with you then like find a hair or a footprint at the scene and then be like, “Why were you there Farrow?” and be not have an alibi.

Kenzie (Damian):

Yeah, that makes sense. That’s smart. Good choice.

Kenzie (MC):

Damian leads you back through the woods the way you came. Pulls open the broken fence and you guys squeeze back through. There’s really nothing to do but wait as you hear the distant sirens.


Farrow is going to - at an angle where he can’t see what they’re doing obviously – is going to text Elias and say,

Ashley (Farrow):

I have a lot of updates from tonight. I’ll probably be at the police station in thirty minutes. Don’t worry. I didn’t do it.

Kenzie (MC):

All you get back in response is,

Kenzie (Elias):

I’m coming.

Kenzie (Damian):

So, um, that was pretty bad. Could you tell who that was?

Ashley (Farrow):

I mean I have a hard time remember people’s faces, especially in the dark. But it looks like one of the hockey players… or one of the cheerleader guys? One of the – someone who’s involved with the sports and things, right?

Kenzie (Damian):

Wait… the glass that was all around. Oh my god. I bet that was Ryan Bishop. You know, the guys who goes around with his camera and documents anything. I bet that’s what the glass was. The broken lens or something.


Farrow reaches into their pocket to bring out the piece of glass that they snagged.

Kenzie (Damian):

You took a piece of evidence!?

Ashley (Farrow):

Well, I thought it was just trash. How long do we have until the cops get here?

Kenzie (Damian):

It’s gotta be minutes by the sound of those sirens.


Farrow’s just going to mentally mark the direction that this piece of glass was found for the original crime scene so whoever had the original, glass broken pieces was running into a direction, would that be like –

Kenzie (MC):

So, you can tell they were running away from the quarry and not necessarily back to town either, but specifically after that, you can’t be sure where they went. They’re just not like really much out that way, it’s just opposite of where Wildmoore stands and there’s not sort of any sort of town or known landmark that would give you into any insight onto why that’s the direction they went in.


Farrow’s going to like screenshot that area and do like the little doodle and circle over it in the red mark that you can do on the phones and send that to Elias and say,

Ashley (Farrow):

This area needs to be scoped out.

Kenzie (MC):

You hear the sirens getting louder now. They’re very close and Damian goes,

Kenzie (Damian):

Okay, so like, what exactly are we going to say. Like ha ha, guess what dad we had this party in this quarry and then just like found a dead body? I mean I think that we need to get our story straight so that we aren’t wavering because I don’t think that this really necessarily looks great. Like what do we tell him happened? We just happened upon the dead body of one of our classmates in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night?

Ashley (Farrow):

We heard that there was someone hurt so we went to go investigate and we found the dead body and it looks like an animal attack. Right, Damian?

Kenzie (Damian):

I mean it looks like that.

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, that’s what it is. That’s what happened.

Kenzie (Damian):

Okay so we just like found someone attacked by an animal.

Ashley (Farrow):

Technically Alina was the one who like –

Kenzie (Damian):

Isn’t that kinda like throwing her under the bus? ‘Cause she ran. She kinda, you know, took off out of here with everybody else.

Ashley (Farrow):

I don’t know if that’s actually a big deal or not.

Kenzie (Damian):

I think the cops are going to think that’s a pretty big deal because why would you run, if you didn’t have anything to do with it? Why wouldn’t you just call the cops, you know?

Ashley (Farrow):

Or you could say, I just heard someone yell it and everyone started running. It all happened so fast. A classic trauma response after these things.

Kenzie (Damian):

It’s messy, Farrow.

Kenzie (MC):

You can now here the sirens pulling up to the entrance of the quarry. And you can kinda see over the buildings and around the hill, the flashing blue and red lights in the night sky. After a few minutes, you see a bunch of cops swarming over the other side of he quarry near the entrance, opposite from where you are, looking around, seeing the discarded party and starting to file down into the quarry and up and around it.


Farrow puts this mask on. They make their lips start quivering a little bit and they widen their eyes and they hunch their shoulders over and hug themselves in a very much so, oh, this is such a scared little kid. And they know how to tug at heartstring and manipulate officers into looking the other way. They’ve done it plenty of times before. So they assume this position and sort of just huddle closer to Damian and watch with these big green eyes as the cops approach.

Kenzie (MC):

You can see Chief Evans come in, look around, and then see both Damian and you. And he kinda makes a beeline straight towards to where you guys are standing in the quarry. And as he gets there, he says,

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

Tell me what happened. Everything, Damian.

Kenzie (MC):

You are sitting in the lobby of the Wildmoore High Police Station. Elias is in the chair next to you. The police have been calling in all of the students from Wildmoore High, one by one, to ask them what they may have seen or not seen at the quarry party. One of the police officers is leading out a kid that is just in the room and Chief Evans is starting to stride toward you and Elias when the doors into the police station burst open and you can hear tires screeching outside as these black vans roll into the parking lot. Agent Drummond steps through the door in the station. She walks straight up to Chief Evans and says,

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

Agent Drummond, FBI. We’ll be taking this from here.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

Excuse me? What does the world does the FBI have to do with a local case?

Kenzie (MC):

Chief Evans says, disgruntled and upset that the case may be swept out from under him.

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

That’s classified. On a need to know basis. And right now all we need you to know is that our agents will be taking the lead on this from here on out. Any information you come across will be directly related to us and your officers will follow the lead of my agents when in the field.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

This is not how we do things here in Wildmoore, Miss –

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

Special Agent Drummond.

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

This seems all rather blown out of proportion. A kid was at a party and ended up dead. There’s a lot we have yet o figure out.

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

As I said, you don’t need to worry about that anymore. This case is ours from now on. Thank you for your time.

Kenzie (MC):

She dismisses him easily and then looks to you.

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

And this is?

Kenzie (Chief Evans):

We’ve been calling all of the kids from the party in for questioning.

Kenzie (MC):

She gestures at you Farrow.

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

I see. Come with me. I’d like to get a first hand account myself.


Farrow kinda gives one last puppy dog eye look back at the chief before following the spcial agent. And in their head they’re like, okay, this isn’t like the normal dumbass cops, I can like get sympathy from. I’m going to have to be more careful with her. But they’re being compliant and they’re still keeping up the whole like wide-eyed, “I just saw a dead body,” kind of look as they follow her.

Kenzie (MC):

Elias puts on this front of being a very, very concerned parental figure that the FBI would need to speak to you and starts a little bit of an argument with Special Agent Drummond as you are led across the parking lot towards one of these black vans.


Acting much friendlier than they normally do with him, like more comfortable, they run up and sort of like cling to his arm, trying to look as small as possible. Just trying to make sure they’re in a following thing so that it doesn’t seem like they know too much.

Kenzie (MC):

One of the agents with Drummond opens the door ot the back of one of these vans and pulls down and slides out a ramp so that you guys can walk up into the back and then as everyone enters, Agent Drummond kinda gesturing you both in first, the ramp is pulled back up in and in and the doors are shut behind you.


They drop Elias’ arm and they go,

Ashley (Farrow):

Oh fuck, you’re that lady!

Kenzie (MC):

She doesn’t speak for a second and then she says,

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

Yes, I’m that lady.

Ashley (Farrow):

Lookin’ good.


All of the tension from their act earlier gone. Now they’re just kinda like, “Alright, so what’s the actual real shit we’re going to get into now?”

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

Elias has been keeping the agency up to date on the information both of you have gleaned over the past while that you’ve been stationed her. We wish we had something more concrete going into this but obviously this seems to us, to be something more than what it looks like on the outside. But I do want to start off by saying that when we sent you here to do a recon mission, we didn’t anticipate you having to see the things that you had to see.


Farrow looks at them and says,

Ashley (Farrow):

This isn’t the first dead body I’ve seen.

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

Okay, well, with that out of the way then, tell us everything.


And they break down with like detailed efficiency exactly what they saw from Alina yelling there’s a dead body, on. They’re going to hold onto the rest of the stuff about Ivy and the weird storm and everything to speak with Elias because he’s like the professional about that. But for the FBI, they’re going to say this was the glass piece I found at this area. They’re going to talk about the blood. They’re going to say the teeth markings were puncture wounds. The setting wasn’t right quite for an animal. And then they’re going to say Adam Moore was there and relay what he said. But the police officers here don’t know about that so we’re wanting to keep that under wraps.

Ashley (Farrow):

But yeah so I think we need extra surveillance on the Moore family, specifically Adam. And then just checking out the area that the glass was leading to, to see if we can find any other evidence, or the lost camera I think would be very helpful.

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

We have groups of agents already scanning the area out there but we’ll direct them towards this place you found the glass. Can I look at that? Do you still have it?

Ashley (Farrow):

It looks like it’s from a camera lens maybe.

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

We’ll have to run some tests to make sure that hypothesis is correct.

Ashley (Farrow):

Yeah, that’s fair.

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

And you saw someone out there, you said. Can you tell anymore about that?

Ashley (Farrow):

The older brother.

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

The older brother from the Moore family? The one that is werewolf?

Ashley (Farrow):

He’s from that family, yeah. WE don’t know if it’s him or the brother or someone else that’s the actual – well, yeah, I’ll keep a closer look on that.

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

We can’t have a teenage werewolf running around killing people if that is what happened this evening.


And Farrow makes a mental note to really speak with Elias about what they saw of Caleb that night.

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

For the time being it would best if we keep our distance from one another in the public eye. We have to be quiet about our relationship and make sure that that stays under wraps.


Farrow does a comedic zip my lips, lock, throw away the key.

Ashley (Farrow):

(mumbles unintelligibly)

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

Did you gain any other sort of evidence tonight like you did with this piece of glass?

Ashley (Farrow):

This seems to be the main event unless a dead body isn’t good enough for y’all.

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

A dead body isn’t nothing. But it doesn’t provide us any answers for the reason we came here in the first place. We need to figure out if the families were indeed involved with this, and if so, which ones.

Ashley (Farrow):

I mean, I still don’t know what the deal with the Hook family is. They don’t seem to have any sort of special abilities.

Kenzie (MC):

Agent Drummond shares a look with Elias, one that you can’t really read, but that doesn’t sit with you well. And she crosses her arms over her chest and she says,

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

I know that you have a more invested interest in the Hooks. But I need you to make sure when you go deeper into that investigation, that it ends there. That there is no other reason that you are looking into them, except to provide us with the information we need. I know that I said this could offer you some closure and it can, but we have to be smart about how we go about that. You have to be incredibly smart. This is not without danger.

Ashley (Farrow):

Sounds good. Do you want me to directly interact with Adam wince he saw me there? Maybe use this as an in or…?

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

If the opportunity arises, go for it. Like you are going to do with any of the kids you come into contact with. But don’t push it. If this was indeed him, it means he’s volatile and we don’t know what he could do.

Ashley (Farrow):

Do you have like a phone I can text for questions and things? We could be friends on SnapChat or something.

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

We are not friends.

Kenzie (MC):

And she kinda starts ushering you out the door.

Ashley (Farrow):

You know, I’m gin got win you over one of these days, Agent Drummond. I’m gonna do it. It’s my new goal actually. It’s my fun little side project for me.

Kenzie (Agent Drummond):

Bye, Farrow. Have a good rest of your day.

Ashley (Farrow):

You too!

Kenzie (MC):

And the double doors in the back of the black van are shut with a bang behind you.


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Meet your hosts:

Kenzie Tartaglione


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